627 research outputs found

    Trace-metaldynamics in response of increase CO<sub>2</sub> and iron availability in a coastal mesocosm experiment

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    A mesocosm experiment was performed in the Raunefjord (Norway) to study changes in dissolved Cu (dCu) and Fe (dFe), and in the elemental composition of particles during an Emiliania huxleyi dominated bloom. The CO2 treatments consisted of present (LC; 390 ppmV) and predicted levels (HC; 900 ppmV) and iron conditions were created with the addition of the siderophore desferoxamine B (DFB). Our results showed the DFB addition enhanced the solubility of Fe in this fjord environment. Initially, dFe was comparable among treatments but after the addition, the HC and/or +DFB treatments presented higher levels and finally, the only ones maintaining high dFe were the +DFB treatments. Unlike dCu presented indistinguishable levels in all mesocosms over time. Particulate metals were normalised to P and Al to evaluate the relative influence of biotic and abiotic sources. The Fe:P ratios decreased with time and compared to published phytoplankton ratios suggest Fe storage. On the other hand, Fe:Al ratios were relatively closer to the crustal ratios suggesting that the abiotic source was more important for this metal. Trends for other metals will be discussed.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Projeto zorzal: um site para o ensio da história latino-americana

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    O Projeto Zorzal visa enriquecer o ensino e a pesquisa sobre os passados epresentes compartilhados pela Argentina, o Brasil, o Paraguai e o Uruguai assimcomo do resto dos países do Cone Sul. Trata-se de uma iniciativa de pesquisadoresde história e ensino da história de diversas universidades de América latina que tem a intenção de incidir na formação inicial e contínua dos professores de história bem como na prática docente.Fil: Bohoslavsky, Ernesto Lazaro. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto del Desarrollo Humano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Maria Paula. Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento. Instituto del Desarrollo Humano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    The Autism Related Protein Contactin-Associated Protein-Like 2 (CNTNAP2) Stabilizes New Spines: An In Vivo Mouse Study.

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    The establishment and maintenance of neuronal circuits depends on tight regulation of synaptic contacts. We hypothesized that CNTNAP2, a protein associated with autism, would play a key role in this process. Indeed, we found that new dendritic spines in mice lacking CNTNAP2 were formed at normal rates, but failed to stabilize. Notably, rates of spine elimination were unaltered, suggesting a specific role for CNTNAP2 in stabilizing new synaptic circuitry

    COACHES Cooperative Autonomous Robots in Complex and Human Populated Environments

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    Public spaces in large cities are increasingly becoming complex and unwelcoming environments. Public spaces progressively become more hostile and unpleasant to use because of the overcrowding and complex information in signboards. It is in the interest of cities to make their public spaces easier to use, friendlier to visitors and safer to increasing elderly population and to citizens with disabilities. Meanwhile, we observe, in the last decade a tremendous progress in the development of robots in dynamic, complex and uncertain environments. The new challenge for the near future is to deploy a network of robots in public spaces to accomplish services that can help humans. Inspired by the aforementioned challenges, COACHES project addresses fundamental issues related to the design of a robust system of self-directed autonomous robots with high-level skills of environment modelling and scene understanding, distributed autonomous decision-making, short-term interacting with humans and robust and safe navigation in overcrowding spaces. To this end, COACHES will provide an integrated solution to new challenges on: (1) a knowledge-based representation of the environment, (2) human activities and needs estimation using Markov and Bayesian techniques, (3) distributed decision-making under uncertainty to collectively plan activities of assistance, guidance and delivery tasks using Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes with efficient algorithms to improve their scalability and (4) a multi-modal and short-term human-robot interaction to exchange information and requests. COACHES project will provide a modular architecture to be integrated in real robots. We deploy COACHES at Caen city in a mall called “Rive de l’orne”. COACHES is a cooperative system consisting of ?xed cameras and the mobile robots. The ?xed cameras can do object detection, tracking and abnormal events detection (objects or behaviour). The robots combine these information with the ones perceived via their own sensor, to provide information through its multi-modal interface, guide people to their destinations, show tramway stations and transport goods for elderly people, etc.... The COACHES robots will use different modalities (speech and displayed information) to interact with the mall visitors, shopkeepers and mall managers. The project has enlisted an important an end-user (Caen la mer) providing the scenarios where the COACHES robots and systems will be deployed, and gather together universities with complementary competences from cognitive systems (SU), robust image/video processing (VUB, UNICAEN), and semantic scene analysis and understanding (VUB), Collective decision-making using decentralized partially observable Markov Decision Processes and multi-agent planning (UNICAEN, Sapienza), multi-modal and short-term human-robot interaction (Sapienza, UNICAEN


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    Hierbas, arbustos o árboles pequeños, raro lianas. Hojas generalmente alternas, simples o compuestas, 3-5-7-folioladas, con estípulas espinescentes, herbáceas o sin ellas. Inflorescencias racimosas terminales o axilares, raro flores solitarias. Flores perfectas, a veces imperfectas por aborto, actinomorfas o cigomorfas. Sépalos 4, libres o raro unidos en la base. Pétalos 4, libres, aplanados, cóncavos o unguiculados. Estambres (1-4-) 6, raro reducidos a estaminodios, filamentos libres y largos, anteras bitécicas de dehiscencia longitudinal. Ovario bicarpelar, unilocular, súpero sobre un ginóforo largo o corto, hasta casi sésil, placentación parietal. Ovulos campilótropos, pocos a numerosos. Fruto seco capsular o carnoso abayado sésil o sobre un carpóforo proveniente del ginóforo. Semillas reniformes, lisas o rugosas, exalbuminadas o con endosperma escaso, embrión arqueado

    Poaceae - Tribu Pappophoreae

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    Plantas anuales o perennes. Láminas planas o convolutas. Panoja laxa o contraída, a veces subespiciforme. Espiguillas 3-plurifloras, basítonas. Raquilla articulada por encima de las glumas. Glumas 2, 1-plurinervias. Antecios rígidos cayendo en un cuerpo. Lemma 7-9-13-nervia, con el ápice terminado en aristas simples o ramificadas, iguales o no, formando un penacho. Flores perfectas casmógamas y cleistógamas. Estambres 3. Cariopse libre entre las glumelas, hilo oval-punctiforme. Embrión de tipo panicoide. Cromosomas x=9, 10. Anatomía foliar tipo cloridoide, con disposición Kranz. Esta Tribu comprende 5 géneros, de los cuales 3 viven en América. Está representada en nuestro país por los géneros Pappophorum Schreb., Cottea Kunth‚ y Enneapogon Desv. Son géneros estivales de zonas semiáridas, presentes en Salta y el valle de Lerma

    Board Independence and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: The Mediating Role of the Presence of Family Ownership

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    This paper examines the impact of board independence on corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure and analyses the moderating effect of the presence of family ownership. Using an international sample from 29 countries from 2006 to 2014, our panel Tobit estimation shows that board independence is negatively associated with CSR disclosure practices and they present opposition to CSR disclosure practices. However, family ownership moderates the relationship and enforces the positive orientation of independent directors towards CSR disclosure. This shows that the presence of family ownership reduces independent director concern of reputation risks associated with receiving misleading information and family firms decrease the asymmetries of information between the independent director and management. The study also finds that independent directors encourage CSR disclosure in family firms more in civil law countries where investor protection is low compared to common law countries where investor protection is high.We would like to thank European Union for providing Erasmus Plus International Credit Mobility Scholarship to Mr. Shashank Bansal. This research is performed during his stay at University of Granada, Spain, as a part of scholarship

    A racionalidade substantiva das práticas de autogestão: uma análise sobre as dinâmicas organizativas de mulheres na economia solidária sob a perspectiva da história oral

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    Purpose  – The research aims to discuss substantive rationality in the context of Solidarity Economy (SE) and women's self-management practices in the Solidarity and Feminist Economy Network [SFEN], based on the voices of women themselves.Design/methodology/approach – The research uses an exploratory and qualitative, from the perspective of thematic oral history. It is a search for representativeness of other forms of organization through otherness and a post-colonial view of the Administration.Findings - The productive groups of women of the SFEN are configured as substantive organizations. Under the self-management paradigm, reveal an alternative way of producing and commercialization, bringing together the dimensions of work and life in order to allow the construction of an inclusive economy, which could be alignment with the enclave “isonomy” of Guerreiro Ramos.Research limitations/implications – As an exploratory study, it was not possible in this article go deepen the gender issue in the daily practice of women in the productive group.Practical implications – The use of the self-management paradigm in an inclusive economy situation presents these production groups with a real alternative to understanding themselves as active participants in the economy.Social implications - The study brings the reflection of the participants of the productive groups about their active position in society, generates a self-assessment of their activities, serving the analysis also as an opening for reassessments and reapplications of the self-knowledge process of such groups.Originality/value – There is a gap in management research discussing solidarity economy, self-management, feminist organizations and substantive organizations by Guerreiro Ramos.Objetivo - A pesquisa tem o objetivo de discutir a racionalidade substantiva no contexto da Economia Solidária (ES), e  das práticas de autogestão de mulheres da Rede Economia Solidária e Feminista [RESF], a partir das vozes das próprias mulheres.Design/metodologia/abordagem - A pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, a partir da perspectiva da história oral temática, em uma busca por representatividade de outras formas de organização por meio da alteridade e de uma visão pós-colonial da Administração.Achados - Os grupos produtivos de mulheres da RESF configuram-se como organizações substantivas. Suas dinâmicas organizativas, sob o paradigma da autogestão, permitem a construção de uma economia inclusiva, que se baseia em valores, pratica a democracia, compartilha os processos de tomada de decisão, e, por conseguinte, os processos de aprendizagem, seguindo o enclave “Isonomia” de Guerreiro Ramos.Limitações da pesquisa– como um estudo exploratório não foi possível neste artigo aprofundar a questão gênero na pratica cotidiana das mulheres no grupo produtivo.Implicações práticas– O uso do paradigma da autogestão em uma situação de economia inclusiva expõe a esses grupos produtivos uma alternativa real de se compreenderam como participantes ativos da economia.Implicações sociais – O estudo traz a reflexão das participantes dos grupos produtivos sobre sua posição ativa na sociedade gera uma auto valoração de suas atividades, servindo a análise também como uma abertura para reavaliações e reaplicações do processo de autoconhecimento de tais grupos.Originalidade  – Há uma lacuna de pesquisas em administração discutindo economia solidária, autogestão, organizações feministas  e organizações substantivas de Guerreiro Ramo