1,231 research outputs found


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    Chip-to-chip (CTC) connections often involve serializing parallel data. This serialized data is transmitted at a higher frequency than parallel data and is usually subject to a high bit error rate, compared to the error rate associated with normal flop-to-flop data movement within a single die. Error-Correcting Code (ECC) and Forward Error Correction (FEC) are often used as a detection and correction methods. However, each has limitations and neither error correction method allows for correction of a 100% bad link, due to a manufacturing defect (stuck at) or other defect. Techniques presented herein provide for interleaving multiple ECC payload and checksums across lanes of a 2.5D parallel CTC application, which allows for correction of any number of errors on a bad link, up to correcting all of the data on a completely bad link. Techniques presented herein may allow for a more robust communication channel that can potentially increase the yield of Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) manufacturing processes, thus reducing cost

    Using productivity and susceptibility indices to assess the vulnerability of United States fish stocks to overfishing

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    Assessing the vulnerability of stocks to fishing practices in U.S. federal waters was recently highlighted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as an important factor to consider when 1) identifying stocks that should be managed and protected under a fishery management plan; 2) grouping data-poor stocks into relevant management complexes; and 3) developing precautionary harvest control rules. To assist the regional fishery management councils in determining vulnerability, NMFS elected to use a modified version of a productivity and susceptibility analysis (PSA) because it can be based on qualitative data, has a history of use in other fisheries, and is recommended by several organizations as a reasonable approach for evaluating risk. A number of productivity and susceptibility attributes for a stock are used in a PSA and from these attributes, index scores and measures of uncertainty are computed and graphically displayed. To demonstrate the utility of the resulting vulnerability evaluation, we evaluated six U.S. fisheries targeting 162 stocks that exhibited varying degrees of productivity and susceptibility, and for which data quality varied. Overall, the PSA was capable of differentiating the vulnerability of stocks along the gradient of susceptibility and productivity indices, although fixed thresholds separating low-, moderate-, and highly vulnerable species were not observed. The PSA can be used as a flexible tool that can incorporate regional-specific information on fishery and management activity

    Canadian and U.S. Antitrust Law--Areas of Overlap between Anitrust and Import Relief Laws

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    Competition and Dispute Resolution in the North American Context and antitrust and free trade zone

    An Appreciation of the Scientific Researches of Dr Peter H. Dawson

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    Upon the death of Peter H. Dawson in 2015, mass spectrometry lost a major figure. Within the area of radiofrequency quadrupole electric fields applied to mass spectrometry, Dawson stands alongside its pioneers Wolfgang Paul, Nobelist and inventor of the technology, and Wilson Brubaker, who identified and overcame the deleterious effects of fringing electric fields on quadrupole mass filter performance. Seventyā€one of Dawson's 97 scientific publications are concerned with quadrupole mass analyzers, ion traps and monopole mass spectrometers. Of especial note are his book and review articles in which he disseminated information on the theoretical fundamentals and practicalities of these systems to a wider audience, thereby having a major impact on the development of this important field of endeavour. The scientific researches of Dr Dawson and his advice and counsel, influenced to a major degree, and to the better, the research careers, teachings and the lives of the authors of this piece. Their combined researches quadrupole devices led to the commercialization of the ion trap as a mass spectrometer by which mass spectral information became available at greatly reduced cost. Thus, the advent of commercial ion trapping instruments permitted a greater use of mass spectrometry in both technically advanced countries and those less well advanced. The greatest impact in health services was mass spectrometric analysis of environmental problems, well and stream water, food free of pesticides, etc., and forensic sciences. Our combined indebtedness to Dr Dawson is manifested by this appreciation of his scientific work, the highlighting of his main contributions, and creation of a substantive reference source to his work that can be used by other scientists. A comprehensive list of Dr Dawson's publications, including abstracts or summaries, has been arranged in chronological order of date of submission

    Intracranial application of IMRT based radiosurgery to treat multiple or large irregular lesions and verification of infra-red frameless localization system

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    We have employed a frameless localization system for intracranial radiosurgery, utilizing a custom biteblock with fiducial markers and an infra-red camera for set-up and monitoring patient position. For multiple brain metastases or large irregular lesions, we use a single-isocenter intensity-modulated approach. We report our quality assurance measurements and our experience using Intensity Modulated Radiosurgery (IMRS) to treat such intracranial lesions. A phantom with integrated targets and fiducial markers was utilized to test the positional accuracy of the system. The frameless localization system was used for patient setup and target localization as well as for motion monitoring during treatment. Inverse optimization planning gave satisfactory dose coverage and critical organ sparing. Patient setup was guided by the infrared camera through fine adjustment in three translational and three rotational degrees for isocenter localization and verified by orthogonal kilovoltage (kV) images, taken before treatment to ensure the accuracy of treatment. The relative localization of the camera based system was verified to be highly accurate along three translational directions of couch motion and couch rotation. After verification, we began treating patients with this technique. About 8ā€“12 properly selected fixed beams with a single isocenter were sufficient to achieve good dose coverage and organ sparing. Portal dosimetry with an Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) and kV images provided excellent quality assurance for the IMRS plan and patient setup. The treatment time was less than 60Ā min to deliver doses of 16ā€“20Ā Gy in a single fraction. The camera-based system was verified for positional accuracy and was deemed sufficiently accurate for stereotactic treatments. Single isocenter IMRS treatment of multiple brain metastases or large irregular lesions can be done within an acceptable treatment time and gives the benefits of dose-conformity and organ-sparing, easy plan QA, and patient setup verification

    Trade-Offs in Childrenā€™s Time Allocation: Mixed Support for Embodied Capital Models of the Demographic Transition in Tanzania

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    Embodied capital theory (ECT) argues that socioeconomic ā€œmodernizationā€ leads to high-cost, high-return parental investments in education, in turn incentivizing demographic transitions to low fertility. However, few studies have directly investigated the proposed opportunity costs of schooling in contemporary developing populations undergoing socioeconomic change. We present a study of childrenā€™s time use in two communities in Mwanza, Tanzania, representing either end of a local rural-urban gradient. Consistent with ECT, town residence compared with village residence was associated with increased schooling at the expense of time allocation to childrenā€™s work. However, these patterns apply primarily to boys, for whom herding work is relatively incompatible with schooling. Girls more readily combine domestic chores with school attendance, a pattern that may account for unexpectedly high female school enrollment in this population. Furthermore, the strongest time allocation trade-offs were not between school and work but between school and leisure time, suggesting overall low opportunity costs to education. Mixed support for ECT may partially explain why fertility decline has stalled in many low-income countries despite education uptake. Finally, we advocate that international development programs consider the well-being implications of reduced leisure time accompanying education uptake, particularly for girls maintaining a ā€œdouble shiftā€ of school and domestic work

    Earning their keep? Fostering, children's education, and work in north-western Tanzania

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    BACKGROUND Fostering, raising children that are not one's biological children, is common in many societies worldwide. Despite predicted lower investment in nonbiological offspring, numerous studies report no obvious well-being penalty for fostered children. Building on prior research, we suggest that fostering is incentivised by close relatedness between foster child and caregivers and that children's work contributions can offset their costs to fostering households. METHOD We used multilevel logistic and fractional multinomial regression analyses to investigate the association between fostering, educational investment, and time allocation in a sample of 1,273 Sukuma children (aged 7-19) from northwestern Tanzania, where fostering is traditionally common. RESULTS Twenty-six per cent of children are fostered, with most having at least one living parent. Children fostered by close kin have similar educational outcomes to those living with both biological parents, though their grade for age is lower, perhaps reflecting differences in timing rather than overall level of investment. Those fostered by distant kin are less likely to be enrolled or to progress to secondary school. Overall, fostered children are more likely to do farm work; however on weekdays when work conflicts with school, differences in time allocation to work activities are not pronounced. We further find that orphans are generally not particularly disadvantaged compared to other fostered children. CONCLUSION Being fostered by close kin does not appear to disadvantage children, and buffers orphans from parental death. Fostered children may offset some of their costs through increased farm work. CONTRIBUTION We extend previous work in this area through analysis of detailed time allocation data, providing insights into associations between fostering and children's workload

    Synthesis and NMR Characterization of a New Series of Thiazole-2-Carboxaldehyde Thiosemicarbozone Compounds

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    This work will be the synthesis of a series of thiazole-carboxaldehyde-thiosemicarbazone ligands. After the synthesis and purification of these ligands, the new compounds went through analysis using the NMR spectrometer and obtaining data on +H NMR, 13C NMR, HSQC (heteronuclear single quantum coherence) 1H-13C NMR and HSQC 1H-15N NMR, to obtain evidence for our predicted structures. After the analysis was complete, we reacted the new ligands with palladium to form their metal complexes

    Sharing the Load: How Do Coresident Children Influence the Allocation of Work and Schooling in Northwestern Tanzania?

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    Economic and evolutionary models of parental investment often predict education biases toward earlier-born children, resulting from either household resource dilution or parental preference. Previous research, however, has not always found these predicted biases-perhaps because in societies where children work, older children are more efficient at household tasks and substitute for younger children, whose time can then be allocated to school. The role of labor substitution in determining children's schooling remains uncertain, however, because few studies have simultaneously considered intrahousehold variation in both children's education and work. Here, we investigate the influence of coresident children on education, work, and leisure in northwestern Tanzania, using detailed time use data collected from multiple children per household (n = 1,273). We find that age order (relative age, compared with coresident children) within the household is associated with children's time allocation, but these patterns differ by gender. Relatively young girls do less work, have more leisure time, and have greater odds of school enrollment than older girls. We suggest that this results from labor substitution: older girls are more efficient workers, freeing younger girls' time for education and leisure. Conversely, relatively older boys have the highest odds of school enrollment among coresident boys, possibly reflecting traditional norms regarding household work allocation and age hierarchies. Gender is also important in household work allocation: boys who coreside with more girls do fewer household chores. We conclude that considering children as both producers and consumers is critical to understanding intrahousehold variation in children's schooling and work
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