167 research outputs found

    Post-aragonite phases of CaCO3_{3} at lower mantle pressures

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    The stability, structure and properties of carbonate minerals at lower mantle conditions has significant impact on our understanding of the global carbon cycle and the composition of the interior of the Earth. In recent years, there has been significant interest in the behavior of carbonates at lower mantle conditions, specifically in their carbon hybridization, which has relevance for the storage of carbon within the deep mantle. Using high-pressure synchrotron X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell coupled with direct laser heating of CaCO3_{3} using a CO2_{2} laser, we identify a crystalline phase of the material above 40 GPa - corresponding to a lower mantle depth of around 1,000 km - which has first been predicted by \textit{ab initio} structure predictions. The observed sp2sp^{2} carbon hybridized species at 40 GPa is monoclinic with P21/cP2_{1}/c symmetry and is stable up to 50 GPa, above which it transforms into a structure which cannot be indexed by existing known phases. A combination of \textit{ab initio} random structure search (AIRSS) and quasi-harmonic approximation (QHA) calculations are used to re-explore the relative phase stabilities of the rich phase diagram of CaCO3_{3}. Nudged elastic band (NEB) calculations are used to investigate the reaction mechanisms between relevant crystal phases of CaCO3_{3} and we postulate that the mineral is capable of undergoing sp2sp^{2}-sp3sp^{3} hybridization change purely in the P21/cP2_{1}/c structure - forgoing the accepted post-aragonite PmmnPmmn structure.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    An efficient basis set representation for calculating electrons in molecules

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    The method of McCurdy, Baertschy, and Rescigno, J. Phys. B, 37, R137 (2004) is generalized to obtain a straightforward, surprisingly accurate, and scalable numerical representation for calculating the electronic wave functions of molecules. It uses a basis set of product sinc functions arrayed on a Cartesian grid, and yields 1 kcal/mol precision for valence transition energies with a grid resolution of approximately 0.1 bohr. The Coulomb matrix elements are replaced with matrix elements obtained from the kinetic energy operator. A resolution-of-the-identity approximation renders the primitive one- and two-electron matrix elements diagonal; in other words, the Coulomb operator is local with respect to the grid indices. The calculation of contracted two-electron matrix elements among orbitals requires only O(N log(N)) multiplication operations, not O(N^4), where N is the number of basis functions; N = n^3 on cubic grids. The representation not only is numerically expedient, but also produces energies and properties superior to those calculated variationally. Absolute energies, absorption cross sections, transition energies, and ionization potentials are reported for one- (He^+, H_2^+ ), two- (H_2, He), ten- (CH_4) and 56-electron (C_8H_8) systems.Comment: Submitted to JC

    High Precision In-Situ Raman Spectroscopy on a Novel Room-Temperature Superconductor, Carbonaceous Sulfur Hydride, Under Pressure and Cryogenic Temperatures

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    Superconductivity is an incredible quantum phenomenon that historically only occurred at low temperatures. Recently, room-temperature superconductivity was discovered and will have various benefits and advantages in application, such as revolutionizing the energy grid, making medical imaging more accessible, and solving problems in related sciences. We have experimentally investigated carbonaceous sulfur hydride (CSH), a novel room-temperature superconductor, at varying cryogenic temperatures and pressures through high precision Raman spectroscopy. The current understanding of the material lacks information about the chemical structure and stoichiometry. Investigating the temperature and pressure space of its Raman spectra will give insight on important details about its structure, chemical composition, and phase diagram while other investigative methods are not suitable. CSH was synthesized in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) and taken to 12 GPa at ambient temperature. Raman scattering data for CSH’s vibrational spectra was collected on warm up from 10K to 293K at a pressure of 28 GPa. Various thermal broadenings, a temperature induced phase transition in the lattice mode region of the spectra, and present C-H modes at low temperatures are observed.https://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/durep_podium/1028/thumbnail.jp

    Prevalence of Pretransition Disordering in the Rutile-to-Cacl2 Phase Transition of Geo2

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    The ability to tailor a material\u27s electronic properties using density driven disordering has emerged as a powerful route to materials design. The observation of anomalous structural and electronic behavior in the rutile to CaCl2 phase transition in SnO2 led to the prediction that such behavior is inherent to all oxides experiencing such a phase transition sequence [Smith et al., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 5351 (2019)1948-718510.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01633]. Here, the ultrawide band gap semiconductor GeO2 is confirmed to exhibit anomalous behavior during the rutile to CaCl2 phase transition. A phase pure rutile GeO2 sample synthesized under high-pressure, high-temperature conditions is probed using synchrotron diffraction and x-ray and optical spectroscopy under high pressure conditions. Density functional theory calculations show that the enthalpic barrier to displacing an oxygen along the B1g librational mode decreases with pressure leading up to the rutile to CaCl2 phase transition. The band structure of the distorted state shows that such oxygen displacements form small polarons

    The Purported Square Ice in Bilayer Graphene in a Nanoscale, Monolayer Object

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    The phase diagram of water is complex, and interfacial effects can stabilize unusual structures at the nanoscale. Here, we employ bond order accelerated molecular dynamics simulations to show that upon encapsulation within bilayer graphene, water can spontaneously adopt a two-dimensional (monomolecular) layer of “square ice” at ambient conditions, instead of an encapsulated water droplet. Free energy calculations show that this motif is thermodynamically stable up to diameters of approximately 15 nm due to enhanced hydrogen bonding and favorable binding to the graphene sheets. Entropic losses due to solidification and reduced graphene–graphene binding enthalpy are opposing thermodynamic forces that conspire to limit the maximum size, but modification of any of these thermodynamic factors should change the range of stability. Simulated core-level spectroscopy reveals unambiguous orientation dependent signatures of square ice that should be discernable in experiments

    Decoupling lattice and magnetic instabilities in frustrated CuMnO2

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    Funding: This research used resources at the Spallation Neutron Source, a DOE Office of Science User Facility operated by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Batelle, LLC, for the DOE under contract DE-AC05-1008 00OR22725. This research was sponsored in part by the National Nuclear Security Administration under the Stewardship Science Academic Alliances program through DOE Co-operative Agreement DE-NA0001982. Ce travail a été soutenu par le programme “Investissements d’Avenir”, projet ISITE-BFC (contrat ANR-15-IDEX-0003).The AMnO2 delafossites (A = Na, Cu) are model frustrated antiferromagnets, with triangular layers of Mn3+ spins. At low temperatures (TN = 65 K), a C2/m → P1̅ transition is found in CuMnO2, which breaks frustration and establishes magnetic order. In contrast to this clean transition, A = Na only shows short-range distortions at TN . Here, we report a systematic crystallographic, spectroscopic, and theoretical investigation of CuMnO2. We show that, even in stoichiometric samples, nonzero anisotropic Cu displacements coexist with magnetic order. Using X-ray/neutron diffraction and Raman scattering, we show that high pressures act to decouple these degrees of freedom. This manifests as an isostuctural phase transition at ∼10 GPa, with a reversible collapse of the c-axis. This is shown to be the high-pressure analogue of the c-axis negative thermal expansion seen at ambient pressure. Density functional theory (DFT) simulations confirm that dynamical instabilities of the Cu+ cations and edge-shared MnO6 layers are intertwined at ambient pressure. However, high pressure selectively activates the former, before an eventual predicted reemergence of magnetism at the highest pressures. Our results show that the lattice dynamics and local structure of CuMnO2 are quantitatively different from nonmagnetic Cu delafossites and raise questions about the role of intrinsic inhomogeneity in frustrated antiferromagnets.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Coexistence of Metamagnetism and Slow Relaxation of Magnetization in Ammonium Hexafluoridorhenate

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021. The (NH4)2[ReF6] (1) salt was studied by X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, theoretical calculations, and magnetic measurements.1crystallizes in the trigonal space groupP3̄m1 (Re-F = 1.958(5) Å). In the Raman spectrum of1, splitting of the observed peaks was observed and correlated to the valence frequencies of vibration of the [ReF6]2−anion. The study of the magnetic properties of1, through DC and AC magnetic susceptibility measurements, reveals the coexistence of metamagnetism and slow relaxation of magnetization at low temperature, which is unusual in the molecular systems based on the paramagnetic 5d metal ions reported so far

    Ultra-fast yttrium hydride chemistry at high pressures via non-equilibrium states induced by x-ray free electron laser

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    Controlling the formation and stoichiometric content of desired phases of materials has become a central interest for the study of a variety of fields, notably high temperature superconductivity under extreme pressures. The further possibility of accessing metastable states by initiating reactions by x-ray triggered mechanisms over ultra-short timescales is enabled with the development of x-ray free electron lasers (XFEL). Utilizing the exceptionally high brilliance x-ray pulses from the EuXFEL, we report the synthesis of a previously unobserved yttrium hydride under high pressure, along with non-stoichiometric changes in hydrogen content as probed at a repetition rate of 4.5\,MHz using time-resolved x-ray diffraction. Exploiting non-equilibrium pathways we synthesize and characterize a hydride with yttrium cations in an \textit{A}15 structure type at 125\,GPa, predicted using crystal structure searches, with a hydrogen content between 4.0--5.75 hydrogens per cation, that is enthalpically metastable on the convex hull. We demonstrate a tailored approach to changing hydrogen content using changes in x-ray fluence that is not accessible using conventional synthesis methods, and reveals a new paradigm in metastable chemical physics

    Advanced Preparation Makes Research in Emergencies and Isolation Care Possible: The Case of Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

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    The optimal time to initiate research on emergencies is before they occur. However, timely initiation of high-quality research may launch during an emergency under the right conditions. These include an appropriate context, clarity in scientific aims, preexisting resources, strong operational and research structures that are facile, and good governance. Here, Nebraskan rapid research efforts early during the 2020 coronavirus disease pandemic, while participating in the first use of U.S. federal quarantine in 50 years, are described from these aspects, as the global experience with this severe emerging infection grew apace. The experience has lessons in purpose, structure, function, and performance of research in any emergency, when facing any threat