776 research outputs found

    Frontiers for Learner-Centered IS Education

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    The heterogeneous backgrounds and interests of prospective students has been an emerging challenge in Information Systems (IS) education. Pounding waves of technology carried students away from the shores of traditional IS training. Pragmatists avoided the traditional IS programs, many of which struggled among budget reduction, competing training options, and shrinking enrollment. Learner-centered instruction has shown promise in recapturing the interest for IS training, and it could be a powerful instructional tool for the Net Generation, and the technically literate generations following

    A pure-jump market-making model for high-frequency trading

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    We propose a new market-making model which incorporates a number of realistic features relevant for high-frequency trading. In particular, we model the dependency structure of prices and order arrivals with novel self- and cross-exciting point processes. Furthermore, instead of assuming the bid and ask prices can be adjusted continuously by the market maker, we formulate the market maker\u27s decisions as an optimal switching problem. Moreover, the risk of overtrading has been taken into consideration by allowing each order to have different size, and the market maker can make use of market orders, which are treated as impulse control, to get rid of excessive inventory. Because of the stochastic intensities of the cross-exciting point processes, the optimality condition cannot be formulated using classical Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman quasi-variational inequality (HJBQVI), so we extend the framework of constrained forward backward stochastic differential equation (CFBSDE) to solve our optimal control problem

    Model Predictive Control of a Nonlinear Aeroelastic System Using Volterra Series Representations

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential effectiveness of using a Volterra-based Model Predictive Control strategy to control a nonlinear aeroelastic system. Model Predictive Control (MPC), also known as Receding Horizon Control (RHC), entails computing optimal control inputs over a finite time horizon, applying a portion of the computed optimal control sequence, and then repeating the process over the next time horizon. The Volterra series provides input-output models of a dynamical system in terms of a series of integral operators of increasing order, where the first-order Volterra operator models the linear dynamics and the higher-order operators model the nonlinear dynamics. In this thesis, Volterra-based Model Predictive Control is applied to simulated linear and nonlinear pitch-plunge aeroelastic systems. A linear MPC controller based on a first-order Volterra model is used to control the linear aeroelastic system, and the results are compared to those obtained using a standard LQR controller and a LQR-based MPC strategy. The controller is implemented for regulator and tracking cases for a free-stream velocity of 6 m/s, a condition for which the open-loop linear system is stable, and a free-stream velocity of 12.5 m/s, which corresponds to an unstable flutter condition. Nonlinear MPC controllers, using second- and third-order Volterra models, are then used to control the nonlinear aeroelastic system for regulator and tracking cases at the stable flight condition. The stability and performance of the linear and nonlinear Volterra-based MPC strategies are discussed, and a detailed analysis of the effect of different parameters such as the optimization horizon, control horizon and control discretization, is provided. The results show that the linear MPC controller is able to successfully track a reference input for the stable condition and stabilizes the system at the unstable flutter condition. It is also shown that the incorporation of the second- and third-order Volterra kernels in the nonlinear MPC controller provides superior performance on the nonlinear aeroelastic system compared to the results obtained using only a linear model

    Translation students' use of dictionaries: a Hong Kong case study for Chinese to English translation

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    The use of the dictionary and translation are both common language experiences. The dictionary is an indispensable tool to translating. Yet dictionary skills are grossly neglected in translator training, which assumes that students have acquired all the necessary knowledge and skills before training. In order to reveal the situation in Hong Kong, this case study attempts to investigate the dictionary use pattern of 1 07 translation students from five local universities for Chinese to English translation, and the dictionary consultation process of four respondents. Triangulation methods were employed: questionnaire survey, interview, think-aloud protocol, and performance exercise. A coding system for think-aloud protocols has be~ adopted from Thumb (2004), with modifications for Chinese-English dictionary use for production. Results found that most of the respondents had not been trained to use the Chinese-English dictionary, and that they had difficulties in using it for Chinese to English translation. Curricular assessment discovered a gap between student needs in dictionary skills and the curriculum. Pedagogical recommendations are made, and the notion of Dictionary Use Competence is proposed for translation students, while dictionary skills should be treated as a ·Iearning strategy across the curriculum from the primary to university levels. The study contributes to the teaching and learning of dictionary skills, with special relevance to Chinese-English translation, and to the research on dictionary use for production in terms of the language combination of Chinese/English, and to the method of introspection

    Effects of a three-week hamstrings stretch program on muscle extensibility and stretch tolerance in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain

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    Background: Physical deconditioning is often associated with chronic pain and is believed to be a result of gradual movement inhibition and reduction of physical activities. It is common for chronic pain sufferers to present with limited muscle extensibility and poor tolerance to physical movement. Exercises are therefore prescribed to assist in regaining muscle extensibility, strength, fitness and endurance. Of particular interest is stretch, a type of exercise aimed at increasing muscle extensibility. Stretch is commonly prescribed as part of physical rehabilitation in pain management programs, yet little is known of its effectiveness in the chronic pain population. Aim: The aim of this randomised controlled trial was to investigate the effects of a three-week stretch program on muscle extensibility and stretch tolerance in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Methods: Thirty adults with pain persisting for at least three months and limited hamstring muscle extensibility were recruited from patients enrolled in a multidisciplinary pain management program at a Sydney Hospital. A within-subject design was used, with one leg of each participant randomly allocated to an experimental (stretch) condition and the other to a control (no stretch) condition. The hamstring muscles of the experimental leg were stretched for one minute a day over a three-week period, whilst the hamstring muscles of the control leg were not stretched during this time. This intervention was embedded within a pain management program and supervised by physiotherapists. Primary outcome measures were muscle extensibility and stretch tolerance, reflected by passive hip flexion angles produced with standardised and non-standardised torques, respectively. Initial measures were taken prior to the first stretch on day one and final measures were taken one to two days after the last stretch. A blinded assessor was used for all testing. Results: After three weeks of intervention, stretch did not increase muscle extensibility (mean between-group difference in hip flexion was 1 degree; 95% CI -2 to 4 degrees) but did improve stretch tolerance (mean between-group difference in hip flexion was 8 degrees; 95% CI 5 to 10 degrees). Conclusion: Three weeks of stretch increases tolerance to the discomfort associated with stretch but does not change muscle extensibility in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain. This study provides support for the ongoing incorporation of stretch in pain management programs, where stretch may be conceptualised as a graded exposure to movement and assisting in the restoration of normal activity and function

    Gender, Popular Music, and Music Learning in China’s Shanghai

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    This study focused on the collective music experiences and practices of students’ involvement with Western and non-Western popular music in Shanghai. Data were gathered through a survey questionnaire given to 1,739 Shanghai students (802 females and 937 males attending Grades 7 through 12), supplemented by semi-structured interview data from a subset (50 females and 10 males attending Grades 7 through 12) of these participants. Statistical and qualitative analyses indicated that gender and preferences for popular music can impact some aspects of individual experiences and attitudes toward learning popular music in school. The implicit premise of this study was what classroom pedagogy and cultural change might reveal from the participation of music education in the continued production and reproduction of gendered music practices in the contemporary music classroom. Though further research may be necessary, the immediate implications of the present study are important for understanding the impact of cultural and racial identity formation of gender and music practices in the contemporary world

    Musıc educatıon and musıcal experıences ın Hong Kong

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     Abstract: In the last two decades, educational and curricular reforms in Hong Kong have been designed to prepare students for the challenges following the return of Hong Kong’s sovereignty from the United Kingdom to the People’s Republic of China in 1997. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government has repeatedly emphasized the importance of the development of national identity and patriotism in school education, and has at the same time introduced Chinese cultural values into the school curriculum. This article explores how the dynamics and complexity of the relationships between the state and cultural identity in Hong Kong are re-shaping music education and music experiences in response to contemporary sociopolitical changes. The first problem for the HKSAR is how to incorporate Chinese music into a Western-orientated music curriculum; and the second is how to cultivate national identity and social harmony through school music education. Questions of how to integrate such musical experiences in school music education will remain a challenge for the future.Keywords: Music education. Musical experiences. National identity. Chinese music. Western music. Hong KongEducação musical e experiências musicais em Hong KongResumo: Nas duas últimas décadas, reformas educacionais e curriculares em Hong Kong tem sido elaboradas para preparar os discentes para os desafios decorrentes da devolução de Hong Kong para a República Popular da China pelo Reino Unido em 1997.  O Governo da Administração Regional de Hong Kong tem repetidamente enfatizado a importância do desenvolvimento da identidade nacional e do patriotismo na educação escolar, e ao mesmo tempo introduzido valores culturais chineses no currículo escolar.  Este artigo explora como a dinâmica e complexidade da relação entre o estado e a identidade cultural estão reformulando a educação musical e experiências musicais em resposta às mudanças sócio-políticas contemporâneas.  O primeiro problema para o governo é como incorporar a música chinesa num currículo de música com orientação ocidental; e o segundo é como cultivar a identidade nacional e a harmonia social através da educação musical.  Questões de como integrar tais experiências musicais na educação musical nas escolas será um desafio para o futuro.Palavras-chave: Educação musical. Experiências musicais. Identidade nacional. Música chinesa. Música ocidental. Hong Kong   Educación musical y experiencias musicales en Hong KongResumen: En las últimas dos décadas, han sido elaboradas en Hong Kong reformas educacionales y curriculares para preparar a los estudiantes ante los retos derivados de la decolución de Hong Kong a China por el Reino Unido en 1997. El Gobierno de la Administración Regional de Hong Kong ha destacado reiteradamente la importancia del desarrollo de la identidad nacional y del patriotismo en la educación escolar, y al mismo tiempo introducido valores culturales chinos en el currículo escolar. Este artículo explora cómo la dinámica y la complejidad de la relación entre el estado y la identidad cultural están transformando la educación musical y las experiencias musicales en respuesta a los cambios socio-políticos contemporáneos. La primera problemática para el gobierno es cómo incorporar la música china en un plan de estudios de música con una tendencia occidental; y la segunda es cómo cultivar la identidad nacional y la armonía social a través de la educación musical. Cuestiones sobre cómo integrar estas experiencias musicales en la educación musical en las escuelas serán un desafío para el futuro.Palabras clave: Educación musical. Experiencias musicales. Identidad nacional. Música china. Música occidental. Hong Kon

    Hong Kong Association of Banks alternative means of payments of funds under payment arrangements for property transactions (PAPT): possible concerns from banks and clients.

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    Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB), the DTC Association (DTCA) and the Hong Kong S.A.R. Licensed Money Lenders Association have been working on the provision of an alternative means of payments of funds under Payment Arrangements for Property Transactions (PAPT), which aimed to enhance customer protection by allowing homeowners to refinance their mortgages without the assistance of law firms, by asking their current banks to directly transfer their approved mortgages loans. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) fully endorses and supports the initiative. It is argued that the newly proposed arrangement deliberately eliminated the role of law firms as an agent in the transfer of residential mortgage payments. The following article argues that, although the measure streamlines the process, it might be risky to forego solicitors when payment is involved, for various technical and legal reasons

    Sovereign wealth funds and national security: three purposes of regulations and beyond.

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    In light of the fact that the international investments made by state investors have tremendously expanded since the 19th century, there is a heated debate concerning the regulatory issues and challenges raised by sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). This paper seeks to identify the obscure purposes regulating SWFs. It provides an alternative perspective of national security through its impact of autonomy, disclosure requirement and continuous development of International Law from the investor-state made to the host-state. It is illustrated through comparative studies of the SWF-related rules of the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union, where most of these SWFs from around the world are established. This paper hopes to raise these three questions for further research and provide a new angle; to understand national security not just in the ordinary sense of physical harm, but beyond this how its citizens' property is being protected and could not be deprived. This deprivation is different in the sense that the control is taken over through the operation of contracts and treaties, which are totally legitimate but could not be regarded as an integrity channel, because of the potential political influence behind it - its ability to be used for political purposes and to interfere in investment decisions if it contradicts with government interest. Even if this is not the intention, to invest through SWFs could impose an invisible hand that creates fear, providing a channel for economic retaliation or other forms of support that endanger national security. We believe the international legal community should expand existing rules and regulations to protect country autonomy, to confine the scope for disclosure and to reduce public worries over national security, through promoting financial and economic national security
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