271 research outputs found

    Spatial configuration of gross regional product of Russian regions: estimation and forecast

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    The relation between Russia’s macroeconomic growth and its regional components for the period of 1990–2013 is considered in the paper. The goal is to estimate this ratio depending on the phase (stage) of development. The hypothesis is that the increase in regional disparities within the post-Soviet period, picked up by standard measures and noted by many authors, is not connected with the systemic removal of regional indicators from each other. The Russian regional space is considered to have specific forms of convergence-divergence, required to be identified. The dynamics of regional space configuration in Russia is considered from a new point of view—as a distribution of mass (volume) of the gross regional product (GRP) over the growth rates. The estimation and forecast of the structural characteristics of GRP mass distribution are made on the basis of the “distribution dynamics” approach. Using this approach, the forecast of the GRP dynamics and structure until 2025 is made. The average annual growth rate is expected to be around 104,5 % by 2025, while differentiation of growth rates significantly increases. The phase of macroeconomic growth over the last 15 years is reflected on its regional components: GRP growth in Russia in general, both before and after the crisis of 2009, creates a denser distribution than in 2009. The general trend of the 2000s and subsequent years is characterized by a certain decline in the differentiation of GRP per capita relating to the main regional space of Russia (74 regions). The results of this research may be useful for regional regulation policy purposes. A significant part of the Russian regions in 2009–2013, in spite of the dominant trend, provides dynamics not worse than that of the number of countries with a developed market. It seems that there is an urgent need to create a special scientific and practical project to study this phenomenon

    Wie Open Data im Sozialwesen funktionieren kann

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    Im Zuge der Digitalisierung sozialer Einrichtungen zeigt sich ein Spannungsverhältnis zwischen zwei Themen, die zunehmend an Aufmerksamkeit gewinnen: die Veröffentlichung von Daten und der individuelle Datenschutz. Daten zugänglich zu machen, bringt zwar verschiedene Vorteile, aber auch Risiken. Diese Abwägungen werden am zweitägigen Hack4SocialGood diskutiert, der Soziale Organisationen bei Anliegen zur Digitalisierung unterstützen möchte

    Serum Bilirubin and Ferritin Levels Link Heme Oxygenase-1 Gene Promoter Polymorphism and Susceptibility to Coronary Artery Disease in Diabetic Patients

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    OBJECTIVE—Heme oxygenase (HO) leads to the generation of free iron, carbon monoxide, and bilirubin. A length polymorphism of GT repeats in the promoter of human HO-1 gene has been shown to modulate gene transcription. The aim of this study was to assess the association of the length of (GT)n repeats in the HO-1 gene promoter with serum bilirubin, markers of iron status, and the development of coronary artery disease (CAD)

    Discovery and SAR exploration of N-aryl-N-(3-aryl-1,2,4-oxadiazol-5-yl)amines as potential therapeutic agents for prostate cancer

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    A new chemical series of antiproliferative compounds was identified via high-throughput screening on DU-145 human prostate carcinoma cell line (hit compound potency - 5.7 μM). Exploration of the two peripheral diversity vectors of the hit molecule in a hit-targeted library and testing of the resulting compounds led to SAR generalizations and identification of the 'best' pharmacophoric moieties. The latter were merged in a single compound that exhibited a 200-fold better potency than the original hit compound. Specific cancer cell cytotoxicity was confirmed for the most potent compounds

    The Origin of Phenotypic Heterogeneity in a Clonal Cell Population In Vitro

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    BACKGROUND: The spontaneous emergence of phenotypic heterogeneity in clonal populations of mammalian cells in vitro is a rule rather than an exception. We consider two simple, mutually non-exclusive models that explain the generation of diverse cell types in a homogeneous population. In the first model, the phenotypic switch is the consequence of extrinsic factors. Initially identical cells may become different because they encounter different local environments that induce adaptive responses. According to the second model, the phenotypic switch is intrinsic to the cells that may occur even in homogeneous environments. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have investigated the “extrinsic” and the “intrinsic” mechanisms using computer simulations and experimentation. First, we simulated in silico the emergence of two cell types in a clonal cell population using a multiagent model. Both mechanisms produced stable phenotypic heterogeneity, but the distribution of the cell types was different. The “intrinsic” model predicted an even distribution of the rare phenotype cells, while in the “extrinsic” model these cells formed small clusters. The key predictions of the two models were confronted with the results obtained experimentally using a myogenic cell line. CONCLUSIONS: The observations emphasize the importance of the “ecological” context and suggest that, consistently with the “extrinsic” model, local stochastic interactions between phenotypically identical cells play a key role in the initiation of phenotypic switch. Nevertheless, the “intrinsic” model also shows some other aspects of reality: The phenotypic switch is not triggered exclusively by the local environmental variations, but also depends to some extent on the phenotypic intrinsic robustness of the cells


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    Determination of the degree of radical removal of glial tumors, given the infiltrative growth and the absence of a clear boundary with intact brain tissue, is a very difficult diagnostic challenge. In the arsenal of modern techniques doctors intra and postoperative diagnosis are still in many cases are not able to definitely answer this question. The importance of a correct evaluation of the scope of existing remnants of tumor tissue is difficult to overestimate, as this information affects the further determine the effectiveness of adjuvant therapies, and hence the choice of the optimal tactics. The purpose of this publication was to compare the information content of different methods of evaluation of radical removal of glial tumors (opinion of the surgeon, intraoperative ultrasound navigation, postoperative MRI, evaluated visually or by semi-automatic segmentation). This article describes the results of the application of these methods with the index integral severity of patients, while it is determined that the evaluation of MR images by semi-automatic image segmentation, provides the most objective judgment on the amount of tumor tissue removed and the presence of residual tumor.Определение степени радикальности удаления глиальных опухолей, учитывая инфильтративный характер их роста и отсутствие четкой границы с неизмененной мозговой тканью, является сложной диагностической задачей. Имеющиеся в арсенале врачей современные методики интра- и послеоперационной диагностики до сих пор в ряде случаев не в состоянии определенно ответить на этот вопрос. Важность правильной оценки объема имеющихся остатков опухолевой ткани трудно переоценить, поскольку эта информация влияет на дальнейшее определение эффективности адъювантных методов лечения, а следовательно и на выбор оптимальной тактики. Целью данной публикации явилось сравнение информативности различных методов оценки радикальности удаления глиальных опухолей (мнение хирурга, интраоперационная ультразвуковая навигация, послеоперационная МРТ, оцененная визуально или методом полуавтоматической сегментации). В статье описаны результаты применения этих методов с учетом показателя интегральной тяжести состояния больных, при этом определено, что оценка Мр-изображений путем полуавтоматической сегментации изображений позволяет наиболее объективно судить об объеме удаленной опухолевой ткани и наличии остатков опухоли

    Exhaled carbon monoxide in asthmatics: a meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The non-invasive assessment of airway inflammation is potentially advantageous in asthma management. Exhaled carbon monoxide (eCO) measurement is cheap and has been proposed to reflect airway inflammation and oxidative stress but current data are conflicting. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to determine whether eCO is elevated in asthmatics, is regulated by steroid treatment and reflects disease severity and control.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic search for English language articles published between 1997 and 2009 was performed using Medline, Embase and Cochrane databases. Observational studies comparing eCO in non-smoking asthmatics and healthy subjects or asthmatics before and after steroid treatment were included. Data were independently extracted by two investigators and analyzed to generate weighted mean differences using either a fixed or random effects meta-analysis depending upon the degree of heterogeneity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>18 studies were included in the meta-analysis. The eCO level was significantly higher in asthmatics as compared to healthy subjects and in intermittent asthma as compared to persistent asthma. However, eCO could not distinguish between steroid-treated asthmatics and steroid-free patients nor separate controlled and partly-controlled asthma from uncontrolled asthma in cross-sectional studies. In contrast, eCO was significantly reduced following a course of corticosteroid treatment.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>eCO is elevated in asthmatics but levels only partially reflect disease severity and control. eCO might be a potentially useful non-invasive biomarker of airway inflammation and oxidative stress in nonsmoking asthmatics.</p