369 research outputs found
Recuerdos del siglo XX
Este ensayo hace una revisión de conceptos clave en la educación de la mujer en Hispanoamérica, en la primera mitad del siglo XX, y el debate sobre la educación superior de la mujer. También analiza las ideas de Gabriela Mistral para la educación femenina en su Lectura para mujeres, y las compara con las de la escritora mexicana Rosario Castellanos. Finalmente, hace un llamado por nuevos modelos educativos para la mujer de siglo XXI
Unlike Sor Juana?. The Model Nun in the Religious Literature of Colonial Mexico
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, towering figure of viceregal culture in New Spain, is remembered as a poet, as a woman, and as a nun. While she has been subjected to careful scrutiny and evaluation as a poet and as a woman, her role as a nun has received much less attention. This, despite the fact that she lived most of her life as a nun, and that, in her own words, her profession gave her the freedom she wished to devote herself totally to writing
Posredovanje znanja v regionalnih digitalnih ekosistemih
The knowledge-based networked business ecosystem represents a geographical (or virtual) area where specific regional policy initiatives could foster growth and improve innovation, productivity and social aspects through the optimal use of local assets empowered by information and communication systems (ICT). Effective human interaction with ICT within such a regional digital ecosystem depends on access methods, suitability and form of content and knowledge sharing. A network of digital ecosystems, as public common resource, offers to regions and to less-developed areas opportunities to participate in the global economy. Key words: digital ecosystem, regional business digital ecosystem, integrated business information, electronic content management, document management system, knowledge sharing and management;Na znanju temelječ in mrežno povezan poslovni ekosistem predstavlja geografsko (ali virtualno) področje, kjer bi lahko specifič ne regionalne politične pobude spodbujale rast in izboljšale inoviranje, produktivnost ter družbene vidike s pomočjo optimalne uporabe lokalnih virov, ki so okrepljeni z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi. Učinkovita človeška interakcija z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi, kot je na primer regionalni digitalni ekosistem, je odvisna od pristopnih metod, ustreznosti in oblike vsebine ter posredovanja znanja. Mreža digitalnih ekosistemov kot skupni javni vir ponuja regijam in manj razvitim področjem priložnost, da sodelujejo v globalnem gospodarstvu. Ključne besede: digitalni ekosistem, regionalni poslovni digitalni ekosistem, integrirano poslovno informiranje, upravljanje elektronskih vsebin, upravljanje s sistemom dokumentov, posredovanje znanja in upravljanje
In raw materials EU sector a new vision is emerging, founded on leveraging informatization, digitalization, and visualization to utilize process data inside corporate management. The digital factory concept on the raw materials heat treatment offers an integrated approach to enhance products and production processes. The focus and key factor is the integration of the various planning and simulation processes. It’s a kind of visual manufacturing that removes the barriers to effective collaboration and efficiency by delivering visual and real process data to all involved throughout the value chain. Business processes are naturally streamlined, and islands of automation are integrated into efficient drivers of customer value. Digital Factory efficiently drives bottom line business growth in areas like material flow management, material request orders, training, marketing, maintenance, logistics and all with measurable economical impact
Orodje za analizo potreb po učenju
The contribution is focused on four steps of training needs analysis - general template creation, construct file creation, electronic questionnaire creation and evaluation of questionnaire results. It explains and specifies terms general template and construct file and their assignment in questionnaire design. Further it describes development, design and implementation of software support named ”Query” for interactive creation of electronic questionnaires and their evaluation within the scope of some Leonardo da Vinci projects solution (in three phases). The software tool is based on utilization of PHP scripts, cascading style sheets and database system MySQL. Key words: template, questionnaire, questions types, evaluation, internet, PHP scriptPrispevek je osredotočen na štiri stopnje analize potreb učenja: izgradnja splošne predloge, izdelava datoteke, izdelava elektronskega vprašalnika in ovrednotenje rezultatov vprašalnika. V prispevku je razložena in specificirana splošna predloga ter datoteka in njun namen v načrtu vprašalnika. Nadalje je opisan razvoj, načrt in vgradnja podporne programske opreme "Query" za interaktivno izdelavo elektronskih vprašalnikov in njihovo ovrednotenje z ozirom na nekaj Leonardo da Vinci projektnih rešitev (v treh fazah). Orodje programske opreme temelji na uporabi PHP skriptov, stopničastih zaslonskih listov in podatkovnega sistema MySQL. Ključne besede: predloga, vprašalnik, vrste vprašanj, ovrednotenje, splet, PHP skrip
In raw materials EU sector a new vision is emerging, founded on leveraging informatization, digitalization, and visualization to utilize process data inside corporate management. The digital factory concept on the raw materials heat treatment offers an integrated approach to enhance products and production processes. The focus and key factor is the integration of the various planning and simulation processes. It’s a kind of visual manufacturing that removes the barriers to effective collaboration and efficiency by delivering visual and real process data to all involved throughout the value chain. Business processes are naturally streamlined, and islands of automation are integrated into efficient drivers of customer value. Digital Factory efficiently drives bottom line business growth in areas like material flow management, material request orders, training, marketing, maintenance, logistics and all with measurable economical impact
Santa Teresa en los conventos de monjas de Nueva España
The transfer of the spiritual message of Saint Teresa to the viceregal court of New Spain tested the ability of Teresa’s teachings to adapt to new societies within the Spanish empire. Although the Carmelites founded only seven convents in Mexico, the Order succeeded in following the key precepts of the Teresian charisma, although nuanced by a baroque style of observance that insisted on spiritual and corporal mortification, complete humility and obedience, visionary experiences, and the imitation of Christ to achieve God’s love. Despite their small numbers, Carmelite nuns earned the respect of colonial society for their dedication to an ascetic way of life, personal poverty and the centrality of prayer.El trasplante de la espiritualidad teresiana a Nueva España fue una experiencia que puso a prueba la capacidad de adaptar su mensaje reformista a las circunstancias de nuevas sociedades en formación en el imperio español. Con sólo siete conventos femeninos en el nuevo virreinato, la Orden logró seguir los preceptos esenciales de Santa Teresa aunque matizados por una religiosidad barroca que insistía en mortificaciones espirituales y corporales, completa humildad y obediencia, experiencias visionarias, e imitatio Christi para acceder al amor de Dios. A pesar de su corto número las Carmelitas ganaron el respeto de la sociedad colonial por su dedicación a la vida ascética, la pobreza personal y la centralidad de la práctica de la oración
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