8 research outputs found

    Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Rain from Satellite Sensors

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    The 183-WSL Fast Rain Rate Retrieval Algorithm. Part II: Validation Using Ground Radar Measurements

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    The Water vapour Strong Lines at 183 GHz (183-WSL) algorithm is a method for the retrieval of rain rates and precipitation type classification (convectivestratiform), that makes use of the water vapor absorption lines centered at 183.31 GHz of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit module B (AMSU-B) and of the Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) flying on NOAA-15-18 and NOAA-19Metop-A satellite series, respectively. The characteristics of this algorithm were described in Part I of this paper together with comparisons against analogous precipitation products. The focus of Part II is the analysis of the performance of the 183-WSL technique based on surface radar measurements. The ground truth dataset consists of 2.5 years of rainfall intensity fields from the NIMROD European radar network which covers North-Western Europe. The investigation of the 183-WSL retrieval performance is based on a twofold approach: 1) the dichotomous statistic is used to evaluate the capabilities of the method to identify rain and no-rain clouds; 2) the accuracy statistic is applied to quantify the errors in the estimation of rain rates.The results reveal that the 183-WSL technique shows good skills in the detection of rainno-rain areas and in the quantification of rain rate intensities. The categorical analysis shows annual values of the POD, FAR and HK indices varying in the range 0.80-0.82, 0.330.36 and 0.39-0.46, respectively. The RMSE value is 2.8 millimeters per hour for the whole period despite an overestimation in the retrieved rain rates. Of note is the distribution of the 183-WSL monthly mean rain rate with respect to radar: the seasonal fluctuations of the average rainfalls measured by radar are reproduced by the 183-WSL. However, the retrieval method appears to suffer for the winter seasonal conditions especially when the soil is partially frozen and the surface emissivity drastically changes. This fact is verified observing the discrepancy distribution diagrams where2the 183-WSL performs better during the warm months, while during the winter time the discrepancies with radar measurements tends to maximum values. A stable behavior of the 183-WSL algorithm is demonstrated over the whole study period with an overall overestimation for rain rates intensities lower than 1 millimeter per hour. This threshold is crucial especially in wintertime where the low precipitation regime is difficult to be classified

    Detection and Measurement of Snowfall from Space

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    Snowfall detection and measurement represent highly difficult problems in modern hydrometeorology. Ground measurements are complicated due to detection technology limitations, snow drift and accumulation issues, and error definition. The snowfall detection from space is in turn affected by all detection limitations that characterize the measurement of rainfall with the addition of several complications, such as the indirect character of remote sensing precipitation estimation, the presence of frozen or snow-covered terrain, and the unknown vertical distribution of hydrometeors in the cloud column. Several methods for the retrieval of snowfall intensity from satellite have been proposed in recent times using passive and active sensors. No satisfactory answer to the general problem of quantitative snowfall intensity determination has been found to date, but several studies contribute to delineate a working framework for the future operational retrieval algorithms

    Hail Climatology in the Mediterranean Basin Using the GPM Constellation (1999–2021)

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    The impacts of hailstorms on human beings and structures and the associated high economic costs have raised significant interest in studying storm mechanisms and climatology, thus producing a substantial amount of literature in the field. To contribute to this effort, we have explored the hail frequency in the Mediterranean basin during the last two decades (1999–2021) on the basis of hail occurrences derived from the observations of the microwave radiometers on board satellites of the Global Precipitation Measurement Constellation (GPM-C) from 2014 (date of GPM Core Observatory launch) onwards and merging multiple other satellite platforms prior to 2014. According to the MWCC-H method, two hail event categories (hail and super hail) are identified, and their spatiotemporal distributions are evaluated to identify the hail development areas in the Mediterranean and the corresponding monthly climatology of hail occurrences. Our results show that the northern sectors of the domain (France, Alpine Region, Po Valley, and Central-Eastern Europe) tend to be hit by hailstorms from June to August, while the central sectors (from Spain to Turkey) are more affected as autumn approaches. The trend analysis shows that the mean number of hail events over the entire domain tends to substantially increase, showing a higher increment during 2010–2021 than during 1999–2010. This behavior was particularly enhanced over Southern Italy and the Balkans. Our findings point to the existence of “sub-hotspots”, i.e., Mediterranean regions most susceptible to hail events and thus possibly more vulnerable to climate change effects

    Extreme precipitation on the Island of Madeira on 20 February 2010 as seen by satellite passive microwave sounders

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    Extreme rainfall on the Island of Madeira on 20 February 2010 triggered flash floods and mudslides with 45 casualties, 8 missing people, and 100 injured. The NE-moving frontal system originating from a low-pressure center in the Madeira Archipelago is not unusual for the area, but its consequences on the island were rather extreme. The study dwells on passive microwave sounders from polar orbiters for the retrieval of rainfall intensity and cloud classification. Heavy rainfall was generated by severe local convection and enhanced over the central mountain chain. Physical cloud classification identifies the shallow convective precipitation type lasting for a few hours around noon and the observations confirm the numerical model results

    Measuring reward with the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm: update of the last decade

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