10 research outputs found

    Vertical resonant microcativites based on pillars analyzed by beam profile ellipsometry and reflectometry

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    A biosensor design is presented by a combination of ellipsometry, reflectometry and spectrometry based techniques is presented. It consists of a lattice of columns forming resonant microcavities. Calculations for reflectivity profiles are shown, and estimations for detection limit in refractive index units are obtained

    The Ixodes ricinus salivary gland proteome during feeding and B. Afzelii infection: New avenues for an anti-tick vaccine

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    Introduction Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, the causative agents of Lyme borreliosis, are transmitted by Ixodes ticks. Tick saliva proteins are instrumental for survival of both the vector and spirochete and have been investigated as targets for vaccine targeting the vector. In Europe, the main vector for Lyme borreliosis is Ixodes ricinus, which predominantly transmits Borrelia afzelii. We here investigated the differential production of I. ricinus tick saliva proteins in response to feeding and B. afzelii infection. Method Label-free Quantitative Proteomics and Progenesis QI software was used to identify, compare, and select tick salivary gland proteins differentially produced during tick feeding and in response to B. afzelii infection. Tick saliva proteins were selected for validation, recombinantly expressed and used in both mouse and guinea pig vaccination and tick-challenge studies. Results We identified 870 I. ricinus proteins from which 68 were overrepresented upon 24-hours of feeding and B. afzelii infection. Selected tick proteins were successfully validated by confirming their expression at the RNA and native protein level in independent tick pools. When used in a recombinant vaccine formulation, these tick proteins significantly reduced the post-engorgement weights of I. ricinus nymphs in two experimental animal models. Despite the reduced ability of ticks to feed on vaccinated animals, we observed efficient transmission of B. afzelii to the murine host. Conclusion Using quantitative proteomics, we identified differential protein production in I. ricinus salivary glands in response to B. afzelii infection and different feeding conditions. These results provide novel insights into the process of I. ricinus feeding and B. afzelii transmission and revealed novel candidates for an anti-tick vaccine

    S-adenosylmethionine Levels Regulate the Schwann Cell DNA Methylome

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    SummaryAxonal myelination is essential for rapid saltatory impulse conduction in the nervous system, and malformation or destruction of myelin sheaths leads to motor and sensory disabilities. DNA methylation is an essential epigenetic modification during mammalian development, yet its role in myelination remains obscure. Here, using high-resolution methylome maps, we show that DNA methylation could play a key gene regulatory role in peripheral nerve myelination and that S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), the principal methyl donor in cytosine methylation, regulates the methylome dynamics during this process. Our studies also point to a possible role of SAMe in establishing the aberrant DNA methylation patterns in a mouse model of diabetic neuropathy, implicating SAMe in the pathogenesis of this disease. These critical observations establish a link between SAMe and DNA methylation status in a defined biological system, providing a mechanism that could direct methylation changes during cellular differentiation and in diverse pathological situations

    . 18 Tomo I (1922) Cuarta Época (1922-1933). Anales del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnografía

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    Publicación que recopila y difunde cien años de trabajo de la antropología en México (1877-1977), integrada por documentos y manuscritos arqueológicos, antropológicos, históricos, geológicos, botánicos y lingüísticos.- Las publicaciones del Museo por Luis Castillo Ledón. - Mis memorias por Francisco I. Madero. - Los animales domésticos europeos y su influencia en la cultura aborigen de México por Manuel Gamio. - La fiesta de Xilonen por Ramón Mena. - ¿Quién era la "Fernandita"? por Manuel Puga y Acal. - Ligero estudio sobre unos tubos de barro con jeroglíficos encontrados en el estado de Oaxaca por Constantino G. Rickard. - Organización social actual de los zapotecos por Elfego Adán. - Estudio sobre fonetismo en las lenguas nahuatlanas y en sus principales dialectos por Urbano Lavin. - Los corregidores de México por Manuel Romero de Terreros. - Algunas observaciones sobre la distribución geográfica de los opatas, de los tarahumaras y de los pimas traducidas por F. Martínez Calleja por E. T. Hamey. - La antropología física y la antropometría en México, notas históricas por Nicolás León. - Los cuicatecos actuales por Elfego Adán. - Galería iconográfica del Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Historia y Etnografía. El doctor Juan José de Eguiara y Eguren por Jesús Galindo y Villa. - Bosquejo de la geografía arqueológica del estado de Colima por Manuel Gamio. – Hueyaltépetl por Enrique Juan Palacios. – Morelos por Genaro García. - Orígenes de la novela en México por Luis Castillo Ledón. - Un colaborador de Hidalgo por José G. Montes de Oca. - La cronología náhuatl.-Significación astronómica del número 13 por Miguel Othón de Mendizábal. - El Desierto de los Leones por Federico Gómez de Orozco. - El movimiento de la tierra conocido por los nahoas.- Los cuatros ciclos astronómico-cronológicos por Miguel Othón de Mendizábal. - La máscara preciosa del Museo y un nuevo libro del arqueólogo Saville por Enrique Juan Palacios. - Don Francisco del Paso y Troncoso.- Su vida y sus obras por Jesús Galindo y Villa. - Don Francisco del Paso y Troncoso.- Su magna labor de arqueología e historia de México por Enrique Juan Palacios

    Archived - General Information (DO NOT USE)

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    DO NOT USE - The goal of this component was to document the data collection process of the Silent Cities Dataset. This component is just left for archive

    Containment measures

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    OBSOLETE (project finished) - Description of containment measures during COVID'19 lockdown, in the context of SIlent Cities project. Please request access to Silent Cities if neede