93 research outputs found

    Development of a virtual reality ophthalmoscope prototype

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    El examen visual es un procedimiento importante que proporciona información acerca de la condición del fondo de ojo, permitiendo la observación e identificación de anomalías, como ceguera, diabetes, hipertensión, sangrados resultado de traumas, entre otros. Un apropiado examen permite identificar condiciones que pueden comprometer la visión, sin embargo, éste es desafiante porque requiere de una práctica extensiva para desarrollar las habilidades para una adecuada interpretación que permiten la identificación exitosa de anomalías en el fondo de ojo con un oftalmoscopio. Para ayudar a los practicantes a desarrollar sus habilidades para la examinación ocular, los dispositivos de simulación médica están ofreciendo oportunidades de entrenamiento para explorar numerosos casos del ojo en escenarios simulados, controlados y monitoreados. Sin embargo, los avances en la simulación del ojo han llevado a costosos simuladores con acceso limitado ya que la práctica se mantiene con interacciones para un aprendiz y en algunos casos, ofreciendo al entrenador la visión para la interacción del practicante. Gracias a los costos asociados a la simulación médica, hay varias alternativas reportadas en la revisión de la literatura, presentando aproximaciones efectividad-costo y nivel de consumo para maximizar la efectividad del entrenamiento para el examen de ojo. En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de una aplicación con realidad aumentada inmersiva y no-inmersiva, para dispositivos móviles Android con interacciones a través de un controlador impreso en 3D con componentes electrónicos embebidos que imitan a un oftalmoscopio real. La aplicación presenta a los usuarios un paciente virtual visitando al doctor para un examen ocular, y requiere que el aprendiz ejecute el examen de fondo de ojo haciendo diagnosticando sus hallazgos. La versión inmersiva de la aplicación requiere del uso de un casco de realidad virtual, además del prototipo 3D de oftalmoscopio, mientras que la no inmersiva, requiere únicamente del marcador dentro del campo de visión del dispositivo móvil.The eye examination is an important procedure that provides information about the condition of the eye by observing its fundus, thus allowing the observation and identification of abnormalities, such as blindness, diabetes, hypertension, and bleeding resulting from traumas among others. A proper eye fundus examination allows identifying conditions that may compromise the sight; however, the eye examination is challenging because it requires extensive practice to develop adequate interpretation skills that allows successfully identifying abnormalities at the back of the eye seen through an ophthalmoscope. To assist trainees in developing the eye examination skills, medical simulation devices are providing training opportunities to explore numerous eye cases in simulated, controlled, and monitored scenarios. However, advances in eye simulation have led to expensive simulators with limited access as practice remain conducted on a one trainee basis in some cases offering the instructor a view of the trainee interactions. Because of the costs associated with medical simulation, there various alternatives reported in the literature review presenting cost-effective and consumerlevel approaches to maximize the effectiveness of the eye examination training. In this work, we present the development an immersive and non-immersive augmented reality application for Android mobile devices with interactions through a 3D printed controller with embedded electronic components that mimics a real ophthalmoscope. The application presents users with a virtual patient visiting the doctor for an eye examination, and requires the trainees to perform the eye fundus examination and diagnose their findings. The immersive version of the application requires the trainees to wear a mobile VR headset and hold the 3D printed ophthalmoscope, while the non-immersive version requires them to hold the marker within the field of view of the mobile device.Pregrad

    Hybrid FEA/SEA Assessment for an Orthogrid Cylindrical Panel Section and Periodic Subsystem Modeling Evaluation

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    In the lower frequency range, where particular boundary conditions can make a significant difference to panel response characteristics Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) has never been the analytical tool of choice. In addition to boundary condition effects, SEA is not well suited in frequency bands where no modes or less than a few modes exist. The advent of the Hybrid Module has enabled integration of Finite Element Analysis to expand and enhance the capability for response calculations within VA One into the lower frequency range. Exploration of several additional modeling approaches was completed for the cylindrical orthogrid panel test article that was examined in Reference 1. Comparison of the new analytical response predictions with the measured response data from ground test and the pure SEA results from the reference will be presented. One approach that is considered promising is the periodic subsystem capability. Initially, a detailed FEM of just one region of the test article is defined. After evaluating this small region using symmetric boundary conditions, the FEM may be expanded to determine the properties of the entire system using similar connected regions that map over the entire test article. Another approach is the direct use of a very detailed finite element model of the entire panel, explicitly modeling pocket and rib details of the structure. A third approach is to approximate localized structure geometry details with a smeared property generalization using a PCOMP (NASTRAN card used to define layered composite structures) to define skin layer and ribbed layer for the orthogrid panel. The authors expect to demonstrate that the integrated Hybrid/FEM approach increases confidence in response prediction in the lower frequency range (for example from 20-300 Hz for the test article under consideration). In addition the strength and weakness of each additional approach will be highlighted and compared to those reported with those reported in an earlier pape

    Planteamiento del proceso creativo publicitario para la creación de un juego serio sobre desarrollo de campañas publicitarias

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    El presente artículo es el resultado de una investigación-creación, da cuenta de un estudio que tuvo por objetivo plantear el proceso creativo publicitario por medio de un juego serio, cuyo propósito es recrear el desarrollo de campañas publicitarias a partir de los principales roles creativos, de los cuales harán parte los jugadores. La creación es una propuesta basada en el análisis de información recolectada desde los perfiles del ejercicio creativo dentro de una agencia de publicidad, junto con la experiencia y postura de representantes vinculados a la academia, la agencia publicitaria, el negocio de la creatividad, la innovación y el diseño de juegos serios. La creación de esta investigación orientará el desarrollo creativo publicitario en la industria, la academia, departamentos de comunicaciones y en general donde se ejerza la elaboración de campañas, permitiendo seguir siendo complementado según el contexto y los requerimientos que surjan del campo de la publicidad.Requerimientos de sistema: Adobe Acrobat ReaderThis article is the result of a research-creation of a study that aimed to generate the advertising creative process through a serious game, whose purpose is to recreate the development of advertising campaigns from the main creative roles, of which the players will take part. The creation is a proposal based on the analysis of information collected from the profiles of the creative exercise within an advertising agency, along with the experience and position of representatives linked to the academy, advertising agency, business of creativity, innovation and design of serious games. The creation of this research will guide creative advertising development in the industry, academy, communications departments and in general where the elaboration of campaigns are carried out, allowing to continue being supplemented according to the context and requirements arising from the field of advertising.Magister en Publicida

    Development and inclusion through the historical heritage. A proposal of intervention in youth correction and rehabilitation centers.

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    RESUMEN En el presente trabajo se pretende explorar determinadas perspectivas en renovación de los museos como instituciones con una mayor implicación en el ámbito de la acción comunitaria, así como de nuevas percepciones sociales y académicas que descubren un panorama de accesibilidad e inclusión más integrador. En relación con estos cambios, se ilustra cómo el patrimonio histórico, en todas sus tipologías, es cada vez más utilizado como un eje de cooperación y desarrollo, positivo para el individuo, la sociedad y la propia disciplina implicada. Por último, al tratarse de un informe profesional, se intenta trazar una línea de actuación institucional que comprenda y adecúe este nuevo panorama de inclusión e intervención, en beneficio de los internos que se reintegran en los centros de aplicación de medidas judiciales para menores.ABSTRACT The aim of this paper is to explore certain renewal perspectives, museums as institutions with greater involvement in the field of community action, as well as new social and academic perceptions that discover a more inclusive accessibility and inclusion outlook. In relation to these changes, it is illustrated how historical heritage, in all its typologies, is increasingly used as an axis of cooperation and development, positive for the individual, society and the discipline itself involved. Lastly, as it is a professional report, an attempt is made to draw a line of institutional action that understands and adapts this new panorama of inclusion and intervention, in interest of minors in youth correction and rehabilitation centers.Máster en Patrimonio Histórico y Territoria

    Un sistema de inteligencia torcido: el DAS como instrumento de un proyecto presidencialista autoritario

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    El espionaje y persecución realizados por altos funcionarios del Departamento Administrativo de Seguridad (DAS) en contra de magistrados, periodistas, dirigentes de oposición y defensores de derechos humanos, durante los dos gobiernos de Álvaro Uribe, pusieron en evidencia no sólo los crímenes ejecutados por agentes del Estado en beneficio del mandatario de turno sino también la escasa legislación en Colombia en materia de control y límites de las agencias de inteligencia (sólo hasta 2012 se expidió una ley) y la incapacidad del Congreso y de otras autoridades políticas y judiciales para vigilar las actuaciones del DAS. Esta investigación busca explicar cómo fue instrumentalizado el DAS para consolidar un proyecto político particular y en qué momento un organismo cuya función se sustentaba en salvaguardar la democracia terminó socavándola a través de todo el aparato legal.Abstract. The spying and harassment made by senior officials of the Department of Administrative Security (DAS) against judges, journalists, opposition leaders and human rights defenders during the two governments of Alvaro Uribe, have highlighted not only the crimes carried out by agents the State for the benefit of the agent on duty but also the poor legislation in Colombia in terms of control and limits of intelligence agencies (only until 2012 a law was issued) and the inability of Congress and other political and judicial authorities to monitor DAS performances. This article seeks to explain how he manipulated the DAS to consolidate a particular political project and when an organism whose function is to safeguard democracy ended up undermining it through entire legal apparatus.Maestrí

    Effect of Particle Damping on an Acoustically Excited Curved Vehicle Panel Structure with varied Equipment Assemblies

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    Particle dampers provide a mechanism for diverting energy away from resonant structural vibrations. This experimental study provides data from trials to determine how effective use of these dampers might be for equipment mounted to a curved orthogrid vehicle panel. Trends for damping are examined for variations in damper fill level, component mass, and excitation energy. A significant response reduction at the component level would suggest that comparatively small, thoughtfully placed, particle dampers might be advantageously used in vehicle design. The results of this test will be compared with baseline acoustic response tests and other follow-on testing involving a range of isolation and damping methods. Instrumentation consisting of accelerometers, microphones, and still photography data will be collected to correlate with the analytical results

    Teaching in rats Wistar under a paradigm of determined avoidance

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    Que los seres vivos aprenden es un hecho indiscutible. Al igual que cualquier otro proceso biológico, el aprendizaje es resultado de los mecanismos de la evolución. A esta temática se han dedicado muchas investigaciones. Sin embargo, hay otro hecho que aunque es simétrico con el de aprendizaje, posee características e implicaciones distintas; se trata de la enseñanza entre animales, fenómeno que se ha descuidado en los estudios de conducta animal, a pesar de su relevancia en un amplio rango de tópicos del comportamiento animal. Desde una perspectiva evolucionista, la enseñanza puede verse como un acto altruista o cooperativo que evolucionó por su aporte al éxito reproductivo, al promover el aprendizaje de otros, y aunque en los últimos diez años han aparecido diversas investigaciones relacionadas con el tema, tanto en mamíferos como en aves, aun son muchos los aspectos por delimitar, tales como los parámetros y las condiciones bajo los cuales el fenómeno ocurre. Se presenta una investigación realizada con el propósito de establecer si la enseñanza ocurre en ratas Wistar usando un procedimiento de evitación operante. Los datos indican que las madres le facilitan a sus crías su seguimiento, lo que podría ser considerado como una forma de enseñanza, en cuanto se coloca a las crías en un ambiente en el que las madres han sobrevividoTo say that the living beings learn is an incontrovertible fact, and in the same way that any other biological process, the learning process is the result of an evolutionary process; the most of investigations have been dedicated to the learning topic. However, there is another fact that although it is similar to the learning process, it has distinct characteristics and implications; it is the teaching between animals, this phenomenon has been neglected in the studies of the animal behavior, despite its relevance in an ample range of topics about the animal behavior. From an evolutionary perspective, the teaching can be seen as an altruistic act or a cooperative one, that promotes other people’s learning, and although in the last ten years have appeared diverse investigations related to the topic, in mammals and in birds, there are a lot of aspects to be delimited, such as the parameters and the conditions under which this phenomenon occurs. This investigation hopes to establish if the teaching occurs in Wistar rats using a procedure called operational avoidin

    Investigating Response from Turbulent Boundary Layer Excitations on a Real Launch Vehicle using SEA

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    Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) response has been fairly well anchored to test observations for Diffuse Acoustic Field (DAF) loading by others. Meanwhile, not many examples can be found in the literature anchoring the SEA vehicle panel response results to Turbulent Boundary Layer (TBL) fluctuating pressure excitations. This deficiency is especially true for supersonic trajectories such as those required by this nation s launch vehicles. Space Shuttle response and excitation data recorded from vehicle flight measurements during the development flights were used in a trial to assess the capability of the SEA tool to predict similar responses. Various known/measured inputs were used. These were supplemented with a range of assumed values in order to cover unknown parameters of the flight. This comparison is presented as "Part A" of the study. A secondary, but perhaps more important, objective is to provide more clarity concerning the accuracy and conservatism that can be expected from response estimates of TBL-excited vehicle models in SEA (Part B). What range of parameters must be included in such an analysis in order to land on the conservative side in response predictions? What is the sensitivity of changes in these input parameters on the results? The TBL fluid structure loading model used for this study is provided by the SEA module of the commercial code VA One

    Prevalencia de implantes en 10.000 radiografias panoramicas en pacientes adultos

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    La pérdida de dientes ha sido uno de los problemas más relevantes en la historia del hombre que no solo afecta la estética del mismo, sino que se relaciona con una serie de complicaciones tales como la alteración de la posición dentaria, reabsorción ósea, entre otros. La implantología dental es uno de los avances más significativos en los últimos 50 años que se ha enfocado en abordar este problema. Actualmente no hay reportes en la literatura que brinden estadísticas y datos relevantes sobre los hallazgos comunes encontrados en radiografías panorámicas asociados a implantes dentales, lo que recalca el déficit de información sobre estos hallazgos.Tooth loss has been one of the most important problems in human history, not only affects the aesthetics of it, but it is related to a number of complications such as altered tooth position, bone resorption, including other. Implant dentistry is one of the most significant advances. In the last 50 years has focused in this problem. Currently there are no reports in the literature that provide statistics and data about common findings on panoramic radiographs associated with dental implants, underlining the lack of information on these findings.Especialista en Cirugía MaxilofacialEspecializació