11 research outputs found

    Atmometer – based irrigation scheduling system for drip – irrigated onion (Allium cepa L.)

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    This study was conducted to develop an atmometer-based irrigation scheduling system for drip-irrigated onion production. The study was conducted at San Agustin, San Jose City Nueva Ecija from November 2016 – March 2017. Three treatments composing of three replicates were considered in the research. Treatments 1 and 2 were based on the recorded atmometer readings with an irrigation interval of two days and five days respectively. Treatment 3 is a soil moisture-based irrigation scheduling with a management allowed deficit of 50 %. Calibration curved was obtained by comparing the atmometer readings with the estimated evapotranspiration using Modified Penman-Monteith equation. It was used in computing the crop water requirement for Treatments 1 and 2. The important parameters that used to answer the objective of the study such as plant height, crop yield, bulb weight, bulb diameter, water use and water productivity, were acquired during and after crop production. The statistical analysis used in the study was Analysis of Variance for Complete Randomized Design and paired T-test. Based on the result, Treatment 1 was highly useful in increasing water productivity without sacrificing the crop qualities

    Atmometer – based irrigation scheduling system for drip – irrigated onion (

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    This study was conducted to develop an atmometer-based irrigation scheduling system for drip-irrigated onion production. The study was conducted at San Agustin, San Jose City Nueva Ecija from November 2016 – March 2017. Three treatments composing of three replicates were considered in the research. Treatments 1 and 2 were based on the recorded atmometer readings with an irrigation interval of two days and five days respectively. Treatment 3 is a soil moisture-based irrigation scheduling with a management allowed deficit of 50 %. Calibration curved was obtained by comparing the atmometer readings with the estimated evapotranspiration using Modified Penman-Monteith equation. It was used in computing the crop water requirement for Treatments 1 and 2. The important parameters that used to answer the objective of the study such as plant height, crop yield, bulb weight, bulb diameter, water use and water productivity, were acquired during and after crop production. The statistical analysis used in the study was Analysis of Variance for Complete Randomized Design and paired T-test. Based on the result, Treatment 1 was highly useful in increasing water productivity without sacrificing the crop qualities

    Development of a seedling tray seeder for lettuce (

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    Conventional method of sowing lettuce is laborious and time consuming. Thus, this study was conducted to develop a seedling tray seeder for lettuce. Specifically, it aimed to design a seeder, fabricate the design, evaluate the field performance parameters, and analyze the cost of operation of using the machine. The machine was fabricated based on the design plan which was comprised of the dibbler unit, seed metering unit, soil covering unit, power transmission system, automation unit and frame assembly. Performance evaluation of the device was undertaken both in the laboratory and in the field. The cost of using the machine was analyzed considering the best operating parameters. Machine parameters such a vacuum pressure at 1.35 – 2.03 kPa, 2.04 – 2.70 kPa, and 2.71 – 3.39 kPa were evaluated to determine the optimum capacity and seeder efficiency. Results revealed the machine has a capacity of 26 trays per hour at 2.04 – 2.70 kPa vacuum pressure with a seeder efficiency of 93.75%. The overall cost of fabricating the device was Php83,476.00. The cost analysis revealed that the break-even point is at 7,547 trays per year and an income of Php119,059.00 per annum can be realized with a payback period at 0.7 years

    Design and evaluation of a rabbitry structure at different environments and feeding requirements

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    This study, focused on a designed cage structure, had a main objective on evaluating the growth performance of caged rabbits at three (3) stocking/spacing reared at three (3) growing conditions. Thirty-six (36) samples of 35-days old Californian White x Local (CWxL) rabbits were reared under three (3) blockings (air-conditioned room, open rabbitry housing and under the trees’ shade). Moreover, spacing (A treatment) and feed plan (B treatment) was organized in a 3 x 4 Factorial RCBD. A 2nd factor (feed plan) was used in order to determine the interaction effect of spacing on the rabbits fed with varying levels of nutrition. Results indicated that the treatments and blockings (growing conditions) had significant effects on the Body Weight Gains (BWGs) of rabbits. Similarly, the BWGs were significantly affected by the feed plan but was not affected by spacing and the interaction of these two (2) factors. While no significant effects on BWGs were found out on rabbits placed in small (ai), medium (a2) and large (a3) cages, as highest BWGs were seen in the rabbits in medium cages, this cage structure (381 mm x 508 mm x 406 mm per rabbit) seemed enough to properly house the rabbits

    Recent Development on the Extraction Process of Plants Essential Oil and its Effect on Chemical Composition: A Review

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    This study presents a thorough review on different innovative extraction techniques of different plant essential oil derived from its peel, leaves, seeds and shrubs. The review also entails the different pre-treatment processes that affects the quality and recovery of the plant essential oil. Also, discussed the recently developed green extraction method such as Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation (MAHD), Solvent Free Microwave Extraction (SFME), Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE), Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and Ohmic Heated Assisted Hydrodistillation (OHAD). The impact of these extraction process on the important chemical composition of essential oil is further analyzed in this review. The important parameters in extraction is also studied such as the water to material ratio, extraction temperature, power input and extraction time. Based on the different articles reviewed, it signifies that the innovative extraction method improves the quality and quantity of the essential oil yield. It also improved the number of component that can be extracted in the plant essential oil and its biological activities such as antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Thus this review aims to emphasize the potential of the newly developed essential oil extraction techniques that would help to boon the pharmaceuticals, food and agriculture industry

    Recent Development on the Extraction Process of Plants Essential Oil and its Effect on Chemical Composition: A Review

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    This study presents a thorough review on different innovative extraction techniques of different plant essential oil derived from its peel, leaves, seeds and shrubs. The review also entails the different pre-treatment processes that affects the quality and recovery of the plant essential oil. Also, discussed the recently developed green extraction method such as Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation (MAHD), Solvent Free Microwave Extraction (SFME), Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE), Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and Ohmic Heated Assisted Hydrodistillation (OHAD). The impact of these extraction process on the important chemical composition of essential oil is further analyzed in this review. The important parameters in extraction is also studied such as the water to material ratio, extraction temperature, power input and extraction time. Based on the different articles reviewed, it signifies that the innovative extraction method improves the quality and quantity of the essential oil yield. It also improved the number of component that can be extracted in the plant essential oil and its biological activities such as antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Thus this review aims to emphasize the potential of the newly developed essential oil extraction techniques that would help to boon the pharmaceuticals, food and agriculture industry

    Recent Development on the Extraction Process of Plants Essential Oil and its Effect on Chemical Composition: A Review

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    This study presents a thorough review on different innovative extraction techniques of different plant essential oil derived from its peel, leaves, seeds and shrubs. The review also entails the different pre-treatment processes that affects the quality and recovery of the plant essential oil. Also, discussed the recently developed green extraction method such as Microwave Assisted Hydrodistillation (MAHD), Solvent Free Microwave Extraction (SFME), Ultrasound Assisted Extraction (UAE), Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and Ohmic Heated Assisted Hydrodistillation (OHAD). The impact of these extraction process on the important chemical composition of essential oil is further analyzed in this review. The important parameters in extraction is also studied such as the water to material ratio, extraction temperature, power input and extraction time. Based on the different articles reviewed, it signifies that the innovative extraction method improves the quality and quantity of the essential oil yield. It also improved the number of component that can be extracted in the plant essential oil and its biological activities such as antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Thus this review aims to emphasize the potential of the newly developed essential oil extraction techniques that would help to boon the pharmaceuticals, food and agriculture industry

    Investigation of the performance of a cylindrical hopper and metering device of a carrot seeder

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    Abstract A carrot seeder that utilizes a cylindrical component serving as both hopper/metering device to deposit seeds precisely into planting beds/hills at a uniform interval along a straight row over a plant bed was developed in this study. The seeder was evaluated at different operating speeds (89, 70, 61, 51, 48, 38, and 34 cm s−1) relative to mean number of seeds planted in each hill, hill center, scattering distance ratio, hill spacing and missed hills. The seeder was able to deposit seeds in each hill ranging from 2.8 to 4.0 at all speeds. The mean hill center and missed hills suggested that the seeder is best operated at speed under 70 cm s−1 with the respective values ranging from 0.9 to 1.6 cm and 0–5.5%. This indicates that number of the seeds dropped per hill was very uniform, which is a good indicator of the seeding performance. The hill center and missed hills at 89 cm s−1 were 3.08 cm and 16.67% respectively were significantly higher than at lower speeds. Other operating performances such as the mean number of seeds deposited in each hill and the distance between hills did not appear to vary with the planting speed. The scattering distance ratios of operating speeds from 34 to 61 cm s−1 were less than 30% and therefore acceptable for hill dropping of carrot seeds