239 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini meneliti dampak social media marketing terhadap brand awareness merek Kahf, dengan fokus khusus pada Generasi Z Indonesia. Industri kosmetik, termasuk Kahf, telah mengalami pertumbuhan yang signifikan karena faktor seperti peningkatan valuasi pasar. Meskipun Kahf telah mendapatkan pengakuan dan penghargaan, penjualan melalui platform e-commerce masih tertinggal dibandingkan pesaing yang sudah lebih dahulu muncul seperti Nivea dan Garnier. Oleh karena itu, brand awareness menjadi faktor penting dalam membedakan produk di pasar yang ramai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh social media marketing terhadap brand awareness di kalangan konsumen Generasi Z. Metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan pada penelitian ini, dan data dikumpulkan melalui purposive sampling dengan kriteria responden berkelahiran 1997 – 2012 dan aktif menggunakan social media. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa mayoritas target audiens Kahf adalah laki-laki, terdiri dari mahasiswa, karyawan swasta, dan pengusaha. Selain itu, penelitian ini menyoroti bahwa responden menghabiskan banyak waktu di internet dan platform media sosial, terutama TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, dan Facebook. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan pengaruh positif dan signifikan dari social media marketing terhadap brand awareness, dengan upaya social media marketing berkontribusi sebesar 78,5% pada variasi brand awareness. Dengan nilai saat ini untuk Brand Awareness sebesar 3,128 & setiap kenaikan satuan Social Media Marketing akan meningkatkan Brand Awareness sebesar 0,712. This research paper explores the impact of social media marketing on Kahf brand awareness, specifically focusing on Indonesian Gen-Z. The cosmetics industry, including Kahf, has witnessed significant growth due to factors such as the Korean Wave and increased market valuations. Although Kahf has gained recognition and accolades, its sales through e-commerce platforms still lag behind well-established competitors like Nivea and Garnier. Therefore, brand awareness becomes a crucial factor in distinguishing products in a crowded market. The study aims to determine the influence of social media marketing on brand awareness among Gen Z consumers. A descriptive research method with a quantitative approach was employed, and data was collected through purposive sampling. The study reveals that the majority of Kahf's target audience is male, consisting of students, private employees, and entrepreneurs. Additionally, the research highlights that respondents spend a significant amount of time on the internet and social media platforms, particularly TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. The findings indicate a positive and significant influence of social media marketing on brand awareness, with social media marketing efforts contributing to 78.5% of the variance in brand awareness. With the current Brand Awareness produce value at 3.128 & every unit of Social Media Marketing increase will elevate the Brand Awareness by 0.712

    Despedida discriminatória: um embate social

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    Ao nos debruçamos sobre o tema discriminação, observa-se se que, de certa forma, em nossa sociedade, sempre tivemos dificuldades em contingenciar demandas entre o Capital e o Emprego. Sociedade esta, tão incipiente e ainda imatura em sua intelectualidade. Em se efetuando um corte no âmbito do Contrato de Trabalho, constatamos traços de desrespeito e preconceito frente ao trabalhador. Utilizou-se de pesquisa à doutrinária e Jurisprudência dos Tribunais para estabelecer marcas onde se observam desigualdade e desrespeito ao homem trabalhador, situação estas que não raramente causam sofrimento e dor; fatos marcantes de nosso desenvolvimento. Quanto aos resultados, podemos dizer que espelham, nada mais do que, um momento, triste, ainda frágil e delicado nas relações de Trabalho. Asseverada por uma instabilidade política sem precedentes que não abranda em nada, pelo contrário, ainda demanda; sem muito debate; contra direitos sociais já consagrados em décadas de discussões sociais; tanto que são cláusulas pétreas em no constituição art. 7º. Através do estudo de casos buscou-se demonstrar o posicionamento adotado pelo Poder Judiciário, nos casos que lhe são apresentados. Quais foram os danos sofridos ao indivíduo e suas implicações ao agente judiciário

    GZMKhigh CD8+ T effector memory cells are associated with CD15high neutrophil abundance in non-metastatic colorectal tumors and predict poor clinical outcome.

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    CD8(+) T cells are a major prognostic determinant in solid tumors, including colorectal cancer (CRC). However, understanding how the interplay between different immune cells impacts on clinical outcome is still in its infancy. Here, we describe that the interaction of tumor infiltrating neutrophils expressing high levels of CD15 with CD8(+) T effector memory cells (T(EM)) correlates with tumor progression. Mechanistically, stromal cell-derived factor-1 (CXCL12/SDF-1) promotes the retention of neutrophils within tumors, increasing the crosstalk with CD8(+) T cells. As a consequence of the contact-mediated interaction with neutrophils, CD8(+) T cells are skewed to produce high levels of GZMK, which in turn decreases E-cadherin on the intestinal epithelium and favors tumor progression. Overall, our results highlight the emergence of GZMK(high) CD8(+) T(EM) in non-metastatic CRC tumors as a hallmark driven by the interaction with neutrophils, which could implement current patient stratification and be targeted by novel therapeutics

    Measuring oxytocin and vasopressin:bioassays, immunoassays and random numbers

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    In this review, we consider the ways in which vasopressin and oxytocin have been measured since their first discovery. Two different ways of measuring oxytocin in widespread use currently give values in human plasma that differ by two orders of magnitude, and the values measured by these two methods in the same samples show no correlation. The notion that we should accept this seems absurd. Either one (or both) methods is not measuring oxytocin, or, by ‘oxytocin’, the scientists that use these different methods mean something very different. If these communities are to talk to each other, it is important to validate one method and invalidate the other, or else to establish exactly what each community understands by ‘oxytocin’. A similar issue concerns vasopressin: again, different ways of measuring vasopressin give values in human plasma that differ by two orders of magnitude, and it appears that the same explanation for discrepant oxytocin measurements applies to discrepant vasopressin measurements. The first assays for oxytocin and vasopressin measured biological activity directly. When immunoassays were introduced, they encountered problems: high molecular weight factors in raw plasma interfered with the binding of antibodies to the hormones, leading to high and erroneous readings. When these interfering factors were removed by extraction of plasma samples, immunoassays gave measurements consistent with bioassays, with measures of turnover and with the sensitivity of target tissues to exogenous hormone. However, many recent papers use an enzyme‐linked immunoassay to measure plasma levels without extracting the samples. Like the first radioimmunassays of unextracted plasma, this generates impossibly high and wholly erroneous measurements

    Despedida discriminatória: um embate social

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    Ao nos debruçamos sobre o tema discriminação, observa-se se que, de certa forma, em nossa sociedade, sempre tivemos dificuldades em contingenciar demandas entre o Capital e o Emprego. Sociedade esta, tão incipiente e ainda imatura em sua intelectualidade. Em se efetuando um corte no âmbito do Contrato de Trabalho, constatamos traços de desrespeito e preconceito frente ao trabalhador. Utilizou-se de pesquisa à doutrinária e Jurisprudência dos Tribunais para estabelecer marcas onde se observam desigualdade e desrespeito ao homem trabalhador, situação estas que não raramente causam sofrimento e dor; fatos marcantes de nosso desenvolvimento. Quanto aos resultados, podemos dizer que espelham, nada mais do que, um momento, triste, ainda frágil e delicado nas relações de Trabalho. Asseverada por uma instabilidade política sem precedentes que não abranda em nada, pelo contrário, ainda demanda; sem muito debate; contra direitos sociais já consagrados em décadas de discussões sociais; tanto que são cláusulas pétreas em no constituição art. 7º. Através do estudo de casos buscou-se demonstrar o posicionamento adotado pelo Poder Judiciário, nos casos que lhe são apresentados. Quais foram os danos sofridos ao indivíduo e suas implicações ao agente judiciário

    Jeff Wall catalogue raisonne 1978-2004

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    Capital Structure Choice - Does Ceo Experience Matter on Riskier Ventures?

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    It is stated by many that the primary driver of most debts is growth - firms borrow to grow and create shareholder value. The question is, how far should firms plunge into debt before they put too much at stake? Naturally, firms that operate in riskier ventures will not jeopardize themselves by leveraging too much. Yet on the other side of the argument, researches have pointed out that experienced CEOs are more capable of maximizing the benefits of debt. As of now, no research has pointed out what happens when CEOs worth their salt lead firms in risker ventures. Therefore, this research aims to find the causality between CEO’s experience and operational risk towards leverage ratio. Operational risk is measured using product uniqueness, a variable that is measured in previous researches as selling expenses per sales. CEO experience is defined by the length of service of a CEO in x company for y years, as long as the CEO holds any managerial role. Using time-series regression model and samples from 180 companies over 5 years, the findings explain almost 90% of the variability of leverage and firms’ risk averseness, which is derived from operational risk, is weakened with experienced CEO. &nbsp

    simulasi sistem parkir otomatis car boxing dengan dynamic programming

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    Salah satu solusi dari kebutuhan parkir yang semakin bertambah adalah penggunaan lahan parkir secara cerdas, contohnya sistem parkir otomatis. Gedung parkir otomatis sendiri sebetulnya sudah memiliki keunggulan-keunggulan yang signifikan jika dibandingkan gedung parkir konvensional. Skripsi berjudul “Simulasi Sistem Parkir Otomatis Car Boxing dengan Dynamic Programming” ini bertujuan untuk membangun aplikasi simulasi gedung parkir otomatis dengan konsep baru. Konsep baru tersebut, yakni car boxing akan meningkatkan keunggulan gedung parkir otomatis lebih lanjut, mengangkat sistem pemarkiran ke tingkat yang belum pernah tercapai sebelumnya