1,006 research outputs found

    Quenched noise and over-active sites in sandpile dynamics

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    The dynamics of sandpile models are mapped to discrete interface equations. We study in detail the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld model, a stochastic model with random thresholds, and the Manna model. These are, respectively, discretizations of the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson equation with columnar, point-like and correlated noise, with the constraint that the interface velocity is either zero or exactly one. The constraint, embedded in the sandpile rules, gives rise to another noise component. This term has for the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld model long-range on-site correlations and reveals that with open boundary conditions there is no spatial translational invariance.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Onset of criticality and transport in a driven diffusive system

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    We study transport properties in a slowly driven diffusive system where the transport is externally controlled by a parameter pp. Three types of behavior are found: For p<pp<p' the system is not conducting at all. For intermediate pp a finite fraction of the external excitations propagate through the system. Third, in the regime p>pcp>p_c the system becomes completely conducting. For all p>pp>p' the system exhibits self-organized critical behavior. In the middle of this regime, at pcp_c, the system undergoes a continuous phase transition described by critical exponents.Comment: 4 latex/revtex pages; 4 figure

    Sow body condition at weaning and reproduction performance in organic piglet production

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    The objective was to investigate the variation in backfat at weaning and its relations to reproduction results in organic sow herds in Denmark. The study included eight herds and 573 sows. The average backfat at weaning mean�13 mm; SD�4.2 mm) ranging from 10.5 to 17.3 mm among herds shows that it is possible to avoid poor body condition at weaning even with a lactation length of seven weeks or more. No main effect of backfat at weaning on reproduction performance was found, but the probability of a successful reproduction after weaning tended to decrease with decreasing backfat for first parity sows, whereas the opposite was the case for multiparous sows

    Universality classes for rice-pile models

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    We investigate sandpile models where the updating of unstable columns is done according to a stochastic rule. We examine the effect of introducing nonlocal relaxation mechanisms. We find that the models self-organize into critical states that belong to three different universality classes. The models with local relaxation rules belong to a known universality class that is characterized by an avalanche exponent τ1.55\tau \approx 1.55, whereas the models with nonlocal relaxation rules belong to new universality classes characterized by exponents τ1.35\tau \approx 1.35 and τ1.63\tau \approx 1.63. We discuss the values of the exponents in terms of scaling relations and a mapping of the sandpile models to interface models.Comment: 4 pages, including 3 figure

    Universality classes in directed sandpile models

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    We perform large scale numerical simulations of a directed version of the two-state stochastic sandpile model. Numerical results show that this stochastic model defines a new universality class with respect to the Abelian directed sandpile. The physical origin of the different critical behavior has to be ascribed to the presence of multiple topplings in the stochastic model. These results provide new insights onto the long debated question of universality in abelian and stochastic sandpiles.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, includes 9 EPS figures. Minor english corrections. One reference adde

    Surface Critical Behavior in Systems with Non-Equilibrium Phase Transitions

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    We study the surface critical behavior of branching-annihilating random walks with an even number of offspring (BARW) and directed percolation (DP) using a variety of theoretical techniques. Above the upper critical dimensions d_c, with d_c=4 (DP) and d_c=2 (BARW), we use mean field theory to analyze the surface phase diagrams using the standard classification into ordinary, special, surface, and extraordinary transitions. For the case of BARW, at or below the upper critical dimension, we use field theoretic methods to study the effects of fluctuations. As in the bulk, the field theory suffers from technical difficulties associated with the presence of a second critical dimension. However, we are still able to analyze the phase diagrams for BARW in d=1,2, which turn out to be very different from their mean field analog. Furthermore, for the case of BARW only (and not for DP), we find two independent surface beta_1 exponents in d=1, arising from two distinct definitions of the order parameter. Using an exact duality transformation on a lattice BARW model in d=1, we uncover a relationship between these two surface beta_1 exponents at the ordinary and special transitions. Many of our predictions are supported using Monte-Carlo simulations of two different models belonging to the BARW universality class.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, minor additions, 1 reference adde

    Scaling in self-organized criticality from interface depinning?

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    The avalanche properties of models that exhibit 'self-organized criticality' (SOC) are still mostly awaiting theoretical explanations. A recent mapping (Europhys. Lett.~53, 569) of many sandpile models to interface depinning is presented first, to understand how to reach the SOC ensemble and the differences of this ensemble with the usual depinning scenario. In order to derive the SOC avalanche exponents from those of the depinning critical point, a geometric description is discussed, of the quenched landscape in which the 'interface' measuring the integrated activity moves. It turns out that there are two main alternatives concerning the scaling properties of the SOC ensemble. These are outlined in one dimension in the light of scaling arguments and numerical simulations of a sandpile model which is in the quenched Edwards-Wilkinson universality class.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Statphys satellite meeting in Merida, July 200

    Self-organized criticality in a rice-pile model

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    We present a new model for relaxations in piles of granular material. The relaxations are determined by a stochastic rule which models the effect of friction between the grains. We find power-law distributions for avalanche sizes and lifetimes characterized by the exponents τ=1.53±0.05\tau = 1.53 \pm 0.05 and y=1.84±0.05y = 1.84 \pm 0.05, respectively. For the discharge events, we find a characteristic size that scales with the system size as LμL^\mu, with μ=1.20±0.05\mu = 1.20 \pm 0.05. We also find that the frequency of the discharge events decrease with the system size as LμL^{-\mu'} with μ=1.20±0.05\mu' = 1.20 \pm 0.05.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, multicol, epsf, rotate (sty files provided). To appear Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communication (Nov or Dec 96