295 research outputs found

    What is really going on? Narratives and ethical as-sessments in recent Anglophone debates over peace and war

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    Der Aufsatz prĂ€sentiert eine Reihe von zeitgenössischen Ansichten ĂŒber die Theorie des gerechten Krieges, Gewaltfreiheit und nukleare Abschreckung, um daran zu veranschaulichen, wie moralische Urteile von der empirischen Bewertung darĂŒber abhĂ€ngen, was in der Welt vor sich geht. Angesichts der KomplexitĂ€t der modernen Gewalt erkennen BefĂŒrworter des Pazifismus und der Theorie des gerechten Krieges an, dass es unmöglich ist, eine moralische Haltung zu finden, die jede Komplizenschaft mit Gewalt vermeidet. Aber gewaltfreie AnsĂ€tze können, wenn sie ethisch genutzt werden, Hoffnung auf authentischere christliche – und auch effektivere – Wege zur Friedenssicherung mit Gerechtigkeit bieten.This paper presents a range of contemporary views about just war theory, nonviolence, and nuclear deterrence, to illustrate how moral judgments depend upon empirical assessments of what is going on in the world. Given the complexity of modern violence, advocates of both pacifism and just war theory acknowledge that it is impossible to find a moral stance that avoids all complicity with violence. Yet nonviolent approaches, if used ethically, can offer hope for more authentically Christian – and also more effective – ways of pursuing peace with justice

    Ambivalent Solidarity

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    Agrarstruktur in Ghandruk und Umgebung : Schwerpunkt Ackerbau und HausgÀrten

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    Immunity to human influenza A virus (IAV) infection is only partially understood. Broadly non-neutralizing antibodies may assist in reducing disease but have not been well characterized.We measured internalization of opsonized, influenza protein-coated fluorescent beads and live IAV into a monocytic cell line to study antibody-dependent phagocytosis (ADP) against multiple influenza hemagglutinin (HA) subtypes. We analyzed influenza HA-specific ADP in healthy human donors, in preparations of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and following IAV infection of humans and macaques.We found that both sera from healthy adults and IVIG preparations had broad ADP to multiple seasonal HA proteins and weak cross-reactive ADP to non-circulating HA proteins. The ADP in experimentally influenza-infected macaque plasma and naturally influenza-infected human sera mediated phagocytosis of both homologous and heterologous IAVs. Further, the IAV phagocytosed in an antibody-mediated manner had reduced infectivity in vitro.We conclude that IAV infections in humans and macaques leads to the development of influenza-specific ADP that can clear IAV infection in vitro. Repeated exposure of humans to multiple IAV infections likely leads to the development of ADP that is cross-reactive to strains not previously encountered. Further analyses of the protective capacity of broadly reactive influenza-specific ADP is warranted

    Assessing relative resilience potential of coral reefs to inform management

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    International audienceEcological resilience assessments are an important part of resilience-based management (RBM) and can help prioritize and target management actions. Use of such assessments has been limited due to a lack of clear guidance on the assessment process. This study builds on the latest scientific advances in RBM to provide that guidance from a resilience assessment undertaken in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). We assessed spatial variation in ecological resilience potential at 78 forereef sites near the populated islands of the CNMI: Saipan, Tinian/Aguijan, and Rota. The assessments are based on measuring indicators of resilience processes and are combined with information on anthropogenic stress and larval connectivity. We find great spatial variation in relative resilience potential with many high resilience sites near Saipan (5 of 7) and low resilience sites near Rota (7 of 9). Criteria were developed to identify priority sites for six types of management actions (e.g., conservation, land-based sources of pollution reduction, and fishery management and enforcement) and 51 of the 78 sites met at least one of the sets of criteria. The connectivity simulations developed indicate that Tinian and Aguijan are each roughly 10 × the larvae source that Rota is and twice as frequent a destination. These results may explain the lower relative resilience potential of Rota reefs and indicates that actions in Saipan and Tinian/Aguijan will be important to maintaining supply of larvae. The process we describe for undertaking resilience assessments can be tailored for use in coral reef areas globally and applied to other ecosystems

    The effect of initiation of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors on haemoglobin: A national cohort study

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    Aims: To determine whether initiation of treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers (ACEI/ARBs) is associated with a subsequent reduction in haemoglobin in the general population. Methods : We undertook a national cohort study over a 13‐year period (2004–2016), using routine primary healthcare data from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink. We compared ACEI/ARB initiation with calcium channel blocker (CCB) initiation, to minimise confounding by indication. We included all first ACEI/ARB or CCB prescriptions in adults with at least 1 haemoglobin result in the 12 months before and 6 months after drug initiation. Our primary outcome was a ≄1 g/dL haemoglobin reduction in the 6 months after drug initiation. Results: We examined 146 610 drug initiation events in 136 655 patients. Haemoglobin fell by ≄1 g/dL after drug initiation in 19.5% (16 936/86 652) of ACEI/ARB initiators and 15.9% (9521/59 958) of CCB initiators. The adjusted odds ratio of a ≄1 g/dL haemoglobin reduction in ACEI/ARB initiators vs CCB initiators was 1.15 (95% confidence interval 1.12–1.19). Conclusion: ACEI/ARBs are associated with a modest increase in the risk of a haemoglobin reduction. For every 100 patients in our study that initiated a CCB, 16 experienced a ≄1 g/dL haemoglobin decline. If the effect is causal, 3 additional patients would have experienced this outcome if they had received an ACEI/ARB. This may have implications for drug choice and monitoring for many patients in primary care. Further research could identify patients at higher risk of this outcome, who may benefit from closer monitoring
