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6 research outputs found
Genetic analysis reveals promiscuity among female cheetahs
Bertschinger H.J
Clutton-Brock T.H
+7Â more
Laurenson M.K
Navidi W
Parker G.A
Seager S.W
Shuster S.M
Sinclair A.R
Trivers R.L
Publication venue
'The Royal Society'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Controlling panel flutter using adaptive materials
Buehler W.J.
+13Â more
Dowell E.H.
Ehlers S.M.
Jaffe B.
Laurenson R.L.
Lemley C.E.
Librescu L.
Meirovitch L.
Miles J.W.
Rogers C.A.
Rogers C.A.
Spangler R.L. Jr.
Sun C.T.
Weisshaar T.A.
Publication venue
'American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Lynx (Lynx lynx) killing red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in boreal Sweden ? frequency and population effects
Bjarvall A.
Buskirk S.W.
+19Â more
Christiansen E.
Crabtree R.L.
Dunker H.
Haglund B.
Helldin J.O.
Jobin A.
Laurenson M.K.
Liberg O.
Lindstrom E.
Lindstrom E.R.
Linnell J.D.C.
Linnell J.D.C.
Molinari-Jobin A.
Mulder J.L.
Niewold F.J.J.
Peterson R.O.
Stephenson R.O.
Sunde P.
Trent T.T.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Does interference competition with wolves limit the distribution and abundance of coyotes?
Arjo W.M.
Atwood T.C.
+29Â more
Barreto H.
Berger K.M.
Burnham K.P.
Carbyn L.N.
Caro T.M.
Connolly G.E.
Crabtree R.L.
Dekker D.
Gese E.M.
Gese E.M.
Gese E.M.
Gier H.T.
Knowlton F.F.
Krefting L.W.
Kruuk H.
Laurenson M.K.
O’Gara B.W.
Peterson R.O.
R Development Core Team
Rasa J.P.
Ricklefs R.E.
Seber G.A.F.
Smith D.W.
Smith D.W.
Smith G.J.
Switalski T.A.
Thurber J.M.
White G.C.
White G.C.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Prey preferences of the spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) and degree of dietary overlap with the lion (Panthera leo)
Bearder S.K.
Bertram B.C.B.
+43Â more
Cooper S.M.
Cronje H.P.
Dean N.N.
Elliott J.P.
Eloff F.C.
Estes R.D.
Frank L.G.
Gasaway W.C.
Geist V.
Hayward M.W.
Hayward M.W.
Hayward M.W.
Henschel J.R.
Henschel J.R.
Hirst S.M.
Hiscocks K.
Holekamp K.E.
Hyaena Specialist Group
Krebs C.J.
Kruuk H.
Kruuk H.
Laurenson M.K.
Leuthold W.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Palomares F.
Pienaar U.d.V.
Prins H.H.T.
Schaller G.B.
Sillero-Zubiri C.
Sillero-Zubiri C.
Skinner J.D.
Smuts G.L.
Stuart C.T.
Sunquist M.E.
Tilson R.L.
Viljoen P.C.
Whateley A.
Zar J.H.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Prey preferences of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) (Felidae: Carnivora): morphological limitations or the need to capture rapidly consumable prey before kleptoparasites arrive?
Berry H.H.
Bertram B.C.B.
+63Â more
Bissett C.
Broomhall L.S.
Caro T.M.
Caro T.M.
Cat Specialist Group 2002
Creel S.
Creel S.
Cronje H.P.
Dehn M.M.
Dowsett R.J.
Eaton R.L.
Eaton R.L.
Elliott J.P.
Estes R.D.
Fitzgibbon C.D.
Foster J.B.
Frame G.
Geist V.
Graham A.
Hayward M.W.
Hayward M.W.
Hayward M.W.
Hirst S.M.
Hofmeyr M.
Hofmeyr M.
Houston D.C.
Hunter L.T.B.
Krebs J.R.
Krebs J.R.
Kruger J.E.
Kruuk H.
Kruuk H.
Laurenson M.K.
Leuthold W.
Marker L.
Marker L.L.
McLaughlin R.
McVittie R.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mills M.G.L.
Mitchell B.L.
Nowell K.
Palomares F.
Pienaar U.d.V.
Pierce G.J.
Prins H.H.T.
Purchase G.K.
Schaller G.B.
Schaller G.B.
Sharp N.C.C.
Skead C.J.
Stander P.E.
Stuart C.T.
van Dyk G.
van Valkenburgh B.
Whateley A.
Wilson V.J.
Wright B.S.
Zar J.H.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text