44 research outputs found

    Observed Changes in the Hydrography of the Arctic Ocean

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    Merten uusanalyysituotteista (ORA) saadaan tärkeää tietoa maailman merien tilasta. ORA:t eroavat toisistaan niiden erilaisten aineistolähteiden, merimallien, ilmastopakotteiden ja assimilaatiomenetelmien vuoksi. Näistä eroavaisuuksista huolimatta, parvi-menetelmää hyödyntämällä voidaan saavuttaa todenmukaisia merten keskitiloja. Voisiko merien uusanalyysituotteita hyödyntää myös muutosten tutkimisessa alueilla, joissa mittaukset ovat harvassa? Tässä tutkielmassa tulkitaankin muutoksia Pohjoisen Jäämeren hydrografiassa merten uusanalyysituotteiden avulla. Tutkielmaa varten valittiin yksitoista merten uusanalyysituotetta: TOPAZ4, C-GLORS025v5, ECDA3, GECCO2, GLORYS2v4, GloSea5-GO5, MOVE-G2i, ORAP5, SODA3.3.1, UR025.4 ja ORAS5. EDCA3:a lukuunottamatta niistä muodostettiin monimalli-parvi (MMM). Data jaettiin syvyyden perusteella kerroksiin joiden keskiarvoistettua lämpötilaa ja suolaisuutta hyödynnettiin altaiden keskiarvoistettujen poikkeama-aikasarjojen ja trendien laskennassa. Poikkeama-aikasarjoja ja trendejä käytettiin muutostulkintaan tutkimusaikajakson aikana. Trendit laskettiin myös jokaista hilaa kohden, jotta ajallisten muutoksien lisäksi myös paikallisia muutoksia voitiin tutkia. Tuloksia vertailtiin havaintotuotteen EN4.2.0.g10 kanssa ja tilastollisia menetelmiä hyödynnettiin MMM-tuotteen tulkitsemisessa, jotta alueellisia heikkouksia ja vahvuuksia voitiin tunnistaa. Euraasian altaan lämpötila ja suolaisuus kasvoi jokaisessa syvyyskerroksessa (maksimissaan 0.3◦C vuosikymmen −1 ), lukuunottamatta paikallista viilenemistä 0–100 m syvyyskerroksessa altaan länsipuolella, Framinsalmen kohdalla (-0.2 ◦ C vuosikymmen −1 ). Tämä johtunee pintakerroksen (0–100 m) lisääntyneestä lämpömäärästä sekä Atlantin veden suolaisuuden ja lämpömäärän kasvamisesta. Samanaikaisesti merijään ulosvirtaus Framinsalmen kautta on kiihtynyt. Ameraasian altaassa suolaisuus taas on kauttaaltaan vähentynyt keskittyen Beaufortin pyörteeseen johtuen antisyklonaalisista tuulipakotteesta ja kasvaneesta makean veden virtauksesta Beaufortinmerelle. Ameraasian allas myös lämpeni 300–700 m syvyyskerroksessa ja viileni 100–300 m syvyyskerroksessa Tŝuktŝimerestä hieman pohjoiseen. Yksittäisten uusanalyysituotteiden erot tasottuivat hyvin parvi-meneltelmän avulla, mutta osa kirjallisuudessa havaituista muutoksista jäi uupumaan MMM-tuotteesta suurista eroista johtuen. Mittauksia ja mallinnusta tulisi kehittää erityisesti Framinsalmella ja Beaufortinmerellä. Lisäksi syvien merien mallinnuksessa, assimilaatiomenetelmissä ja mittauksissa tarvitaan kehitystä, jotta syvien merien muutoksia voitaisiin tulkita. Näiden kehitysten myötä MMM-tuotteesta tulee erittäin potentiaalinen meneltelmä Pohjoisen Jäämeren tutkimuksissa.Ocean reanalysis products (ORAs) can provide information on the state of the ocean. Although the different data sources, model configurations, forcing choices and assimilation methods cause the ORAs to deviate from each other, the ensemble approach has been previously found to produce realistic mean states. This raises the question if ORAs could be used for studying temporal and spatial changes in the Arctic Ocean, where measurements are generally sparse. Such study has not been previously published. In this thesis, the changes in the hydrography of the Arctic Ocean are examined over the previous decades based on selected ORAs. Eleven ORAs, TOPAZ4, C-GLORS025v5, ECDA3, GECCO2, GLORYS2v4, GloSea5-GO5, MOVE-G2i, ORAP5, SODA3.3.1, UR025.4 and ORAS5, were chosen for this study due to their overlap over 1993–2010 and the multimodel ensemble (MMM) was formulated based on the products, excluding ECDA3. The data were divided into depth layers and layer-average salinities and temperatures were used to calculate basin-average anomaly time series and trends to study the observed temporal changes. Per-grid trends were also produced to study both spatial and temporal changes in more detail. To assess their reliability, trends from the MMM and individual ORAs were compared to an observational product, EN4.2.0.g10 and the variability in the products and the MMM was assessed using statistical measures. The Eurasian Basin was found to be warming across all layers (up to 0.3 ◦ C decade −1 ) accompanied by salinification, except for localised cooling in the top 100 meters in the western basin, near the Fram Strait (-0.2 ◦ C decade −1 ). This indicates additional heat uptake by the surface 0–100 meters and also increasing heat and salinity content of the AW inflow, while the transport of sea ice out of the AO has increased. The Amerasian Basin, on the other hand, showed a strong freshening trend culminating at the Beaufort Gyre. This is most likely due to the anticyclonic wind forcing and increasing freshwater inflow to the Beaufort Sea. The Amerasian Basin also showed a warming trend in the 300–700 m layers but a cooling trend in the 100–300 m layer north of the Chukchi Sea. The ensemble approach worked well in dampening the extremities of singular ORAs, but some trends observed in the literature were missed due to disagreements between ORAs, especially in the Fram Strait and Beaufort Sea, which suggest that further improvements in both models and measurements are needed in those areas. Furthermore, improvements in deep ocean observations, how models handle the deeper ocean and assimilation methods are needed in order to study trends in the deeper depths in the AO. All in all, as the improvements come, the ORA MMM shows great potential for studies in the AO

    Ventilator-derived dynamic respiratory system compliance : Comparison with static compliance in children

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    Measurement of dynamic lung compliance during breathing requires measurement of esophageal pressure, whereas static respiratory system compliance (Crs) method requires several airway occlusions. Despite their precision these compliance methods are cumbersome and not suitable for evaluation of pulmonary system in intensive care. The current ventilators display dynamic Crs, which, however, is seldom utilized in clinical practice. We studied the feasibility of ventilator-derived dynamic Crs measurement in pulmonary evaluation after congenital cardiac surgery in children. In 50 children static Crs was measured by double-occlusion technique, and compared with simultaneous ventilator-derived dynamic Crs values. The early postoperative dynamic and static Crs showed a correlation (r = 0.57, p <0.0001), but static Crs was 48% higher than dynamic (p <0.0001). Dynamic Crs measurement showed no correlation with radiographic lung edema findings, whereas the static Crs showed a negative correlation with radiographic lung edema scoring (r = -0.50, p = 0.0002). Thus ventilator-derived dynamic Crs seems less reliable in postoperative pulmonary evaluation than static Crs.Peer reviewe

    Lung Injury After Neonatal Congenital Cardiac Surgery Is Mild and Modifiable by Corticosteroids

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    Objectives: The present study was performed to determine whether lung injury manifests as lung edema in neonates after congenital cardiac surgery and whether a stress-dose corticosteroid (SDC) regimen attenuates postoperative lung injury in neonates after congenital cardiac surgery. Design: A supplementary report of a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Setting: A pediatric tertiary university hospital. Participants: Forty neonates (age Measurements and Main Results: The chest radiography lung edema score was lower in the SDC than in the placebo group on the first postoperative day (POD one) (p = 0.03) and on PODs two and three (p = 0.03). Furthermore, a modest increase in the edema score of 0.9 was noted in the placebo group, whereas the edema score remained at the preoperative level in the SDC group. Postoperative dynamic respiratory system compliance was higher in the SDC group until POD three (p < 0.01). However, postoperative oxygenation; length of mechanical ventilation; and tracheal aspirate biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress, namely interleukin-6, interleukin-8, resistin, and 8-isoprostane, showed no differences between the groups. Conclusions: The SDC regimen reduced the development of mild and likely clinically insignificant radiographic lung edema and improved postoperative dynamic respiratory system compliance without adverse events, but it failed to improve postoperative oxygenation and length of mechanical ventilation. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe

    The expression and prognostic relevance of CDH3 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Scandinavian Societies for Medical Microbiology and Pathology.P-cadherin (CDH3) is a cell-to-cell adhesion molecule that regulates several cellular homeostatic processes in normal tissues. Lack of CDH3 expression is associated with aggressive behavior in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Previous studies have shown that CDH3 is downregulated in high-grade OSCC and its reduced expression is predictive for poorer survival. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression and prognostic relevance of CDH3 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC). A retrospective series of 211 TSCC and 50 lymph node samples were stained immunohistochemically with polyclonal antibody (anti-CDH3). CDH3 expression was assessed semi-quantitatively with light microscopy. Fisher’s exact test was used to compare patient and tumor characteristics, and the correlations were tested by Spearman correlation. Survival curves were drawn by the Kaplan–Meier method and analyzed by the log-rank test. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression was used to estimate the association between CDH3 expression and survival. CDH3 expression did not affect TSCC patient’s disease-specific survival or overall survival. Strong CDH3 expression in the primary tumor predicted poor disease-specific and overall survival in patients with recurrent disease. CDH3 expression in lymph nodes without metastasis was negative in all cases. CDH3 expression was positive in all lymph node metastases with extranodal extension. In contrast to previous report about the prognostic value of CDH3 in OSCC, we were not able to validate the result in TSCC.Peer reviewe

    The expression and prognostic relevance of CDH3 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Scandinavian Societies for Medical Microbiology and Pathology.P-cadherin (CDH3) is a cell-to-cell adhesion molecule that regulates several cellular homeostatic processes in normal tissues. Lack of CDH3 expression is associated with aggressive behavior in oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). Previous studies have shown that CDH3 is downregulated in high-grade OSCC and its reduced expression is predictive for poorer survival. The aim of this study was to evaluate the expression and prognostic relevance of CDH3 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma (TSCC). A retrospective series of 211 TSCC and 50 lymph node samples were stained immunohistochemically with polyclonal antibody (anti-CDH3). CDH3 expression was assessed semi-quantitatively with light microscopy. Fisher’s exact test was used to compare patient and tumor characteristics, and the correlations were tested by Spearman correlation. Survival curves were drawn by the Kaplan–Meier method and analyzed by the log-rank test. Univariate and multivariate Cox regression was used to estimate the association between CDH3 expression and survival. CDH3 expression did not affect TSCC patient’s disease-specific survival or overall survival. Strong CDH3 expression in the primary tumor predicted poor disease-specific and overall survival in patients with recurrent disease. CDH3 expression in lymph nodes without metastasis was negative in all cases. CDH3 expression was positive in all lymph node metastases with extranodal extension. In contrast to previous report about the prognostic value of CDH3 in OSCC, we were not able to validate the result in TSCC.Peer reviewe

    ”Peruskehikko on olemassa, mutta sitä ei seurattu” – asiantuntijanäkemykset kansanterveysjärjestelmän toiminnasta ja ketterästä hallinnasta COVID-19-pandemiassa vuosina 2020–2021

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    “A basic framework for pandemic governance existed, but was not followed” – expert views of agile governance and performance of the Finnish public health system during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020–2021 The aim is to examine how public health authorities acted, what kind of roles they adopted, and how the expected roles and actions appeared in relation to the legislative framework and national preparedness plans during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is theoretically grounded in the concepts of agile and adaptive governance. Our empirical data consists of 53 qualitative interviews with public health actors at national, regional and local level collected from March 2021–February 2022. We analyzed interviews using directed content analysis. Major issues regarding the response of public health authorities included ambiguity, lack of knowledge in decision-making, and a mismatch between the locations of public health competence and public health authority

    Porojen talviruokinta ja sen vaikutukset porojen käyttäytymiseen, poronhoitokäytäntöihin ja ympäristöön

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    This report is based on the results from a Nordic network project funded by The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ) during the years 2021-2022. This network was created to encourage further cross-border discussions about the prospects of winter feeding of reindeer. In reindeer husbandry winter feeding has increased during the last decades due to competing land use activities and climate change. Herders in Norway, Sweden and Finland have previously raised concerns about the benefits and risks associated to the increasing need of winter feeding of reindeer in all three countries. The report, published in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi, and covers the main findings from a series of preparatory workshops within each country and a main workshop in Arvidsjaur 8-9 June 2022. During the network activities, reindeer herders, researchers and managers discussed the effects of feeding on reindeer behaviour, herding practices and the environment. The two main topics discussed at the preparatory workshops were 1) the short- and long-term effects of winter feeding on reindeer behaviour, and 2) local to large scale effects of feeding on the environment and the natural pastures. During the main workshop, discussions were held about reasons for feeding of reindeer, the preconditions of feeding in the three countries, how winter feeding is usually performed, and best practices in relation to reindeer behaviour and the environment. The work aimed at promoting knowledge exchange on winter feeding of reindeer among all participants to help find solutions and mitigation actions to avoid changes in reindeer behaviour and negative effects of feeding on reindeer, reindeer herding and the environment. The report is aimed at herders, managers, as well as other land users, authorities and policymakers to give information on what was discussed and a summary of the challenges related to winter feeding and effects on reindeer behaviour and reindeer husbandry, and the environment. Rangifer Report No 19 is the Finnish version of the report. The Swedish version has been published (Rangifer Report No 18) and reports in Norwegian and North Sámi are published as following numbers of Rangifer Report

    Vinterutfodring av renar - effekter på renarnas beteende, renskötseln och miljön

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    This report is based on the results from a Nordic network project funded by The Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ) during the years 2021-2022. This network was created to encourage further cross-border discussions about the prospects of winter feeding of reindeer. In reindeer husbandry winter feeding has increased during the last decades due to competing land use activities and climate change. Herders in Norway, Sweden and Finland have previously raised concerns about the benefits and risks associated to the increasing need of winter feeding of reindeer in all three countries. The report, published in Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi, and covers the main findings from a series of preparatory workshops within each country and a main workshop in Arvidsjaur 8-9 June 2022. During the network activities, reindeer herders, researchers and managers discussed the effects of feeding on reindeer behaviour, herding practices and the environment. The two main topics discussed at the preparatory workshops were 1) the short- and long-term effects of winter feeding on reindeer behaviour, and 2) local to large scale effects of feeding on the environment and the natural pastures. During the main workshop, discussions were held about reasons for feeding of reindeer, the preconditions of feeding in the three countries, how winter feeding is usually performed, and best practices in relation to reindeer behaviour and the environment. The work aimed at promoting knowledge exchange on winter feeding of reindeer among all participants to help find solutions and mitigation actions to avoid changes in reindeer behaviour and negative effects of feeding on reindeer, reindeer herding and the environment. The report is aimed at herders, managers, as well as other land users, authorities and policymakers to give information on what was discussed and a summary of the challenges related to winter feeding and effects on reindeer behaviour and reindeer husbandry, and the environment. Rangifer Report No 18 is the Swedish version of the report. Reports in Norwegian, Finnish and North Sámi are published as following numbers of Rangifer Report

    Branding av en reality-tv-serie i Finland : Fallstudie Maajussille morsian

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    Mitt examensarbete handlar om reality-tv serien Maajussille morsian och dess framgång i Finland. Jag undersöker brandingens roll inom medievärlden och mer specifikt de brandingverktygen som används i lokalisering samt fenomenalisering av Maajussille morsian. Jag inleder mitt examensarbete med en teoridel som behandlar branding på en mer allmän nivå varefter jag går djupare in på brandkapitalets betydelse för succé. Förutom branding behandlar jag i teorin också fenomenet reality-tv. Som grund för teorin har jag använt mig av ämnesrelaterad facklitteratur. Teorin kompletterar jag med fallstudiet om Maajussille morsian där jag valt att tillämpa den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden och intervjuat nyckelpersoner inom produktionen av Maajussille morsian. Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att lyckas producera ny kunskap om branding av reality-tv och ytterligare lyfta fram etiska aspekter på genren reality-tv. Eftersom reality-tv och dejtingserier är ett så brett koncept har jag i mitt examensarbete valt att behandla enbart den finska anpassningen av formatet, Maajussille morisan. Resultaten av min undersökning visar att krävs en smula ärlighet och öppenhet för att ge åskådarna en push att investera i programmet. Dessutom framhävs de att ”castingen” har en central roll beträffande framgång.My thesis is a study about reality TV series Maajussille morsian and its success in Finland. I examine the role of branding within the media world, and more specifically the branding tools used in localization and phenomenalization of Maajussille morsian. I will begin my thesis with a theoretical part that deals with branding on a more general level after which I go into more details regarding brand equity and it’s importance for success. In addition to the branding part of the theory I will also examine reality TV as a phenomenon. I have used subject-related literature as the basis for my theory and I complete my thesis with a case study about Maajussille morsian where I have chosen to apply the qualitative research method and have interviewed the key people within the production of Maajussille morsian. The aim with my thesis is to produce new knowledge about branding of reality TV and further to highlight some ethical aspects of the genre. Since reality TV series and dating shows are such a broad concept I have chosen to examine only the Finnish adaptation of the format, called Maajussille morisan. The result of my study show that is requires a bit of honesty and candidness in order to give the viewers a push to invest in the show. The study also emphasizes the central role that casting has regarding the success of the show.Opinnäytetyöni käsittelee tosi-tv sarjaa Maajussille morsian ja sen menestystä Suomessa. Tutkin brändäämisen roolia median maailmassa, ja tarkemmin sanottuna niitä työkaluja joita käytetään Maajussille morsian sarjan lokalisointiin ja ilmiöitymiseen. Aloitan opinnäytetyöni teoriaosuudella, joka käsittelee brändäystä hieman yleisemmällä tasolla, jonka jälkeen käsittelen lähemmin brändipääomaa ja sen merkitystä sarjan menestykselle. Sen lisäksi käsittelen teoriaosuudessa myös ilmiötä tosi-tv. Perustana teorialle olen käyttänyt aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta. Teoriaa täydentää tapaustutkimukseni sarjasta Maajussille morsian, jossa olen soveltanut kvalitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää ja haastatellut tuotannon avainhenkilöitä. Tavoitteeni tällä opinnäytetyöllä on tuottaa uutta tietoa tosi-tv sarjan brändäämisestä ja samalla kiinnittää huomiota ja tuoda esille eräitä eettisiä näkökohtia genren puitteissa. Koska tosi-tv ja ns. ”deitti-sarjat” ovat genrenä hyvin laaja käsite, olen valinnut rajata opinnäytetyöni käsittelemään vain ja ainoastaan formaatin suomalaista adaptaatiota, Maajussille morsianta. Tutkimukseni tulokset osoittavat että sarja vaatii rehellisyyttä ja avoimuutta antaakseen katsojalle syyn sijoittaa ohjelmaan. Tutkimuksessa korostuu myös ”castingin” keskeinen asema sarjan menestyksen suhteen