16 research outputs found

    Gremlin Regulates Tubular Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition via VEGFR2: Potential Role in Renal Fibrosis

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is emerging as an important health problem due to the increase number of CKD patients and the absence of an effective curative treatment. Gremlin has been proposed as a novel therapeutic target for renal inflammatory diseases, acting via Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 (VEGFR2). Although many evidences suggest that Gremlin could regulate renal fibrosis, the receptor involved has not been yet clarified. Gremlin, as other TGF-β superfamily members, regulates tubular epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) and, therefore, could contribute to renal fibrosis. In cultured tubular epithelial cells Gremlin binding to VEGFR2 is linked to proinflammatory responses. Now, we have found out that in these cells VEGFR2 is also involved in the profibrotic actions of Gremlin. VEGFR2 blockade by a pharmacological kinase inhibitor or gene silencing diminished Gremlin-mediated gene upregulation of profibrotic factors and restored changes in EMT-related genes. Moreover, VEGFR2 inhibition blocked EMT phenotypic changes and dampened the rate of wound healing in response to Gremlin. The role of VEGFR2 in experimental fibrosis was evaluated in experimental unilateral ureteral obstruction. VEFGR2 inhibition diminished the upregulation of profibrotic genes and EMT changes, as well as the accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins, such as fibronectin and collagens in the obstructed kidneys. Notch pathway activation participates in renal damage progression by regulating cell growth/proliferation, regeneration and inflammation. In cultured tubular epithelial cells, Notch inhibition markedly downregulated Gremlin-induced EMT changes and wound healing speed. These results show that Gremlin regulates the EMT process via VEGFR2 and Notch pathway activation, suggesting that the Gremlin/VEGFR2 axis could be a potential therapeutic target for CKD

    CCN2 Activates RIPK3, NLRP3 Inflammasome, and NRF2/Oxidative Pathways Linked to Kidney Inflammation

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    Inflammation is a key characteristic of both acute and chronic kidney diseases. Preclinical data suggest the involvement of the NLRP3/Inflammasome, receptor-interacting protein kinase-3 (RIPK3), and NRF2/oxidative pathways in the regulation of kidney inflammation. Cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2, also called CTGF in the past) is an established fibrotic biomarker and a well-known mediator of kidney damage. CCN2 was shown to be involved in kidney damage through the regulation of proinflammatory and profibrotic responses. However, to date, the potential role of the NLRP3/RIPK3/NRF2 pathways in CCN2 actions has not been evaluated. In experimental acute kidney injury induced with folic acid in mice, CCN2 deficiency diminished renal inflammatory cell infiltration (monocytes/macrophages and T lymphocytes) as well as the upregulation of proinflammatory genes and the activation of NLRP3/Inflammasome-related components and specific cytokine products, such as IL-1β. Moreover, the NRF2/oxidative pathway was deregulated. Systemic administration of CCN2 to C57BL/6 mice induced kidney immune cell infiltration and activated the NLRP3 pathway. RIPK3 deficiency diminished the CCN2-induced renal upregulation of proinflammatory mediators and prevented NLRP3 modulation. These data suggest that CCN2 plays a fundamental role in sterile inflammation and acute kidney injury by modulating the RIKP3/NLRP3/NRF2 inflammatory pathways

    Acute Kidney Injury is Aggravated in Aged Mice by the Exacerbation of Proinflammatory Processes

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is more frequent in elderly patients. Mechanisms contributing to AKI (tubular cell death, inflammatory cell infiltration, impaired mitochondrial function, and prolonged cell-cycle arrest) have been linked to cellular senescence, a process implicated in regeneration failure and progression to fibrosis. However, the molecular and pathological basis of the age-related increase in AKI incidence is not completely understood. To explore these mechanisms, experimental AKI was induced by folic acid (FA) administration in young (3-months-old) and old (1-year-old) mice, and kidneys were evaluated in the early phase of AKI, at 48 h. Tubular damage score, KIM-1 expression, the recruitment of infiltrating immune cells (mainly neutrophils and macrophages) and proinflammatory gene expression were higher in AKI kidneys of old than of young mice. Tubular cell death in FA-AKI involves several pathways, such as regulated necrosis and apoptosis. Ferroptosis and necroptosis cell-death pathways were upregulated in old AKI kidneys. In contrast, caspase-3 activation was only found in young but not in old mice. Moreover, the antiapoptotic factor BCL-xL was significantly overexpressed in old, injured kidneys, suggesting an age-related apoptosis suppression. AKI kidneys displayed evidence of cellular senescence, such as increased levels of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors p16ink4a and p21cip1, and of the DNA damage response marker γH2AX. Furthermore, p21cip1 mRNA expression and nuclear staining for p21cip1 and γH2AX were higher in old than in young FA-AKI mice, as well as the expression of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) components (Il-6, Tgfb1, Ctgf, and Serpine1). Interestingly, some infiltrating immune cells were p21 or γH2AX positive, suggesting that molecular senescence in the immune cells (“immunosenescence”) are involved in the increased severity of AKI in old mice. In contrast, expression of renal protective factors was dramatically downregulated in old AKI mice, including the antiaging factor Klotho and the mitochondrial biogenesis driver PGC-1α. In conclusion, aging resulted in more severe AKI after the exposure to toxic compounds. This increased toxicity may be related to magnification of proinflammatory-related pathways in older mice, including a switch to a proinflammatory cell death (necroptosis) instead of apoptosis, and overactivation of cellular senescence of resident renal cells and infiltrating inflammatory cells

    Statins: Could an old friend help the fight against COVID-19?

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: "Statins: Could an old friend help the fight against COVID-19?" . British Journal of Pharmacology (2020): 19 June, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1111/bph.15166. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versionshe COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has overwhelmed healthcare systems requiring the rapid development of treatments, at least, to reduce COVID-19 severity. Drug repurposing offers a fast track. Here, we discuss the potential beneficial effects of statins in COVID-19 patients based on evidence that they may target virus receptors, replication, degradation, and downstream responses in infected cells, addressing both basic research and epidemiological information. Briefly, statins could modulate virus entry, acting on the SARS-CoV-2 receptors, ACE2 and CD147, and/or lipid rafts engagement. Statins, by inducing autophagy activation, could regulate virus replication or degradation, exerting protective effects. The well-known anti-inflammatory properties of statins, by blocking several molecular mechanisms, including NF-κB and NLRP3 inflammasomes, could limit the "cytokine storm" in severe COVID-19 patients which is linked to fatal outcome. Finally, statin moderation of coagulation response activation may also contribute to improving COVID-19 outcomesThis work and data discussed here were supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) and Fondos FEDER European Union (PI17/00119 and Red de Investigación Renal (REDINREN): RD16/0009, to M.R-O, PI17/01495 to J.E, PI18/01133 to AMR, PI19/00815 to A.O); Comunidad de Madrid (“NOVELREN” B2017/BMD3751 to M.R-O, B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM to A.O); Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MINECO (DTS17/00203, DTS19/00093) to J,E; “Convocatoria Dinamización Europa Investigación 2019” MINECO (EIN2019-103294 to M.R-O and SR-M); ERA-PerMed-JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071) and DTS18/00032 to A.O; The “Sara Borrell” postdoctoral training program of the ISCIII supported the salary of SR-M (CD19/00021), IMPROVE-PD project (“Identification and Management of Patients at Risk–Outcome and Vascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis”) funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 812699 to M.R.O

    Acute Kidney Injury is Aggravated in Aged Mice by the Exacerbation of Proinflammatory Processes

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is more frequent in elderly patients. Mechanisms contributing to AKI (tubular cell death, inflammatory cell infiltration, impaired mitochondrial function, and prolonged cell-cycle arrest) have been linked to cellular senescence, a process implicated in regeneration failure and progression to fibrosis. However, the molecular and pathological basis of the age-related increase in AKI incidence is not completely understood. To explore these mechanisms, experimental AKI was induced by folic acid (FA) administration in young (3-months-old) and old (1-year-old) mice, and kidneys were evaluated in the early phase of AKI, at 48 h. Tubular damage score, KIM-1 expression, the recruitment of infiltrating immune cells (mainly neutrophils and macrophages) and proinflammatory gene expression were higher in AKI kidneys of old than of young mice. Tubular cell death in FA-AKI involves several pathways, such as regulated necrosis and apoptosis. Ferroptosis and necroptosis cell-death pathways were upregulated in old AKI kidneys. In contrast, caspase-3 activation was only found in young but not in old mice. Moreover, the antiapoptotic factor BCL-xL was significantly overexpressed in old, injured kidneys, suggesting an age-related apoptosis suppression. AKI kidneys displayed evidence of cellular senescence, such as increased levels of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors p16ink4a and p21cip1, and of the DNA damage response marker γH2AX. Furthermore, p21cip1 mRNA expression and nuclear staining for p21cip1 and γH2AX were higher in old than in young FA-AKI mice, as well as the expression of senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) components (Il-6, Tgfb1, Ctgf, and Serpine1). Interestingly, some infiltrating immune cells were p21 or γH2AX positive, suggesting that molecular senescence in the immune cells (“immunosenescence”) are involved in the increased severity of AKI in old mice. In contrast, expression of renal protective factors was dramatically downregulated in old AKI mice, including the antiaging factor Klotho and the mitochondrial biogenesis driver PGC-1α. In conclusion, aging resulted in more severe AKI after the exposure to toxic compounds. This increased toxicity may be related to magnification of proinflammatory-related pathways in older mice, including a switch to a proinflammatory cell death (necroptosis) instead of apoptosis, and overactivation of cellular senescence of resident renal cells and infiltrating inflammatory cells

    CCN2 Activates RIPK3, NLRP3 Inflammasome, and NRF2/Oxidative Pathways Linked to Kidney Inflammation

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    Inflammation is a key characteristic of both acute and chronic kidney diseases. Preclinical data suggest the involvement of the NLRP3/Inflammasome, receptor-interacting protein kinase-3 (RIPK3), and NRF2/oxidative pathways in the regulation of kidney inflammation. Cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2, also called CTGF in the past) is an established fibrotic biomarker and a well-known mediator of kidney damage. CCN2 was shown to be involved in kidney damage through the regulation of proinflammatory and profibrotic responses. However, to date, the potential role of the NLRP3/RIPK3/NRF2 pathways in CCN2 actions has not been evaluated. In experimental acute kidney injury induced with folic acid in mice, CCN2 deficiency diminished renal inflammatory cell infiltration (monocytes/macrophages and T lymphocytes) as well as the upregulation of proinflammatory genes and the activation of NLRP3/Inflammasome-related components and specific cytokine products, such as IL-1β. Moreover, the NRF2/oxidative pathway was deregulated. Systemic administration of CCN2 to C57BL/6 mice induced kidney immune cell infiltration and activated the NLRP3 pathway. RIPK3 deficiency diminished the CCN2-induced renal upregulation of proinflammatory mediators and prevented NLRP3 modulation. These data suggest that CCN2 plays a fundamental role in sterile inflammation and acute kidney injury by modulating the RIKP3/NLRP3/NRF2 inflammatory pathways

    CCN2 Increases TGF-β Receptor Type II Expression in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells: Essential Role of CCN2 in the TGF-β Pathway Regulation

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    The cellular communication network factor 2 (CCN2/CTGF) has been traditionally described as a mediator of the fibrotic responses induced by other factors including the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β). However, several studies have defined a direct role of CCN2 acting as a growth factor inducing oxidative and proinflammatory responses. The presence of CCN2 and TGF-β together in the cellular context has been described as a requisite to induce a persistent fibrotic response, but the precise mechanisms implicated in this relation are not described yet. Considering the main role of TGF-β receptors (TβR) in the TGF-β pathway activation, our aim was to investigate the effects of CCN2 in the regulation of TβRI and TβRII levels in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). While no differences were observed in TβRI levels, an increase in TβRII expression at both gene and protein level were found 48 h after stimulation with the C-terminal fragment of CCN2 (CCN2(IV)). Cell pretreatment with a TβRI inhibitor did not modify TβRII increment induced by CCN2(VI), demonstrating a TGF-β-independent response. Secondly, CCN2(IV) rapidly activated the SMAD pathway in VSMCs, this being crucial in the upregulation of TβRII since the preincubation with an SMAD3 inhibitor prevented it. Similarly, pretreatment with the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor erlotinib abolished TβRII upregulation, indicating the participation of this receptor in the observed responses. Our findings suggest a direct role of CCN2 maintaining the TGF-β pathway activation by increasing TβRII expression in an EGFR-SMAD dependent manner activation

    Análisis de la vía Notch como una posible diana terapéutica en la patología renal

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    Resumen: La vía de Notch regula procesos importantes en el riñón implicados en el desarrollo embrionario y en situaciones de agresión tisular. Así, en una gran variedad de nefropatías crónicas humanas se ha descrito una activación local de este sistema, sugiriendo que algunos de sus componentes podrían ser biomarcadores de daño renal. Los estudios realizados en modelos experimentales, modulando genéticamente componentes de la vía Notch o mediante su bloqueo farmacológico con inhibidores de la γ-secretasa, han demostrado la participación de esta vía en la regeneración renal, en la apoptosis de podocitos, en la proliferación y activación de fibroblastos y en la transición epitelio-mesenquimal de las células tubuloepiteliales. Estudios recientes sugieren una interacción entre las vías Notch y NF-κB, la cual podría jugar un papel relevante en el proceso inflamatorio renal. Por otra parte, en los últimos años se han descrito miRNA que son capaces de regular componentes de la vía Notch y modular sus respuestas. Todos estos datos indican que el bloqueo de la vía de señalización Notch podría representar una nueva opción terapéutica para la enfermedad renal. Abstract: Notch pathway regulates key processes in the kidney, involved in embryonic development and tissue damage. In many human chronic renal diseases a local activation of Notch pathway has been described, suggesting that several components of Notch pathway could be considered as biomarkers of renal damage. Experimental studies by genetic modulation of Notch components or pharmacological approaches by γ-secretase inhibitors have demonstrated the role of this pathway in renal regeneration renal, podocyte apoptosis, proliferation and fibroblasts activation, and induction of epithelial to mesenchymal transition of tubular epithelial cells. Recent studies suggest an interaction between Notch and NF-κB pathway involved in the regulation of renal inflammatory process. On the other hand, there are some miRNAs that could regulate Notch components and down-stream responses. All these data suggest that Notch blockade could be a novel therapeutic option for renal diseases. Palabras clave: Notch, Daño renal, Mecanismos, Fibrosis, Inflamación, Keywords: Notch, Renal damage, Mechanisms, Fibrosis, Inflammatio