21 research outputs found

    Iron mineralogy of a Hawaiian palagonitic soil with Mars-like spectral and magnetic properties

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    Visible and near-IR spectral data for some palagonitic soils from Mauna Kea, Hawaii, are similar to corresponding spectral data for Mars. It is important to understand the composition, distribution, and mineralogy of the ferric-bearing phases for the best spectral analogues because the correspondence in spectral properties implies that the nature of their ferric-bearing phases may be similar to those on Mars. In order to constrain interpretations of the Martian data, a variety of palagonitic soils should be studied in order to establish to what extent differences in their spectral data correspond to differences in the mineralogy of their ferric-bearing phases. Spectral (350-2100 nm), Mossbauer, magnetic, and some compositional data for one of a suite of Hawaiian palagonitic soils are presented. The soil (HWMK1) was collected below the biologically active zone from the sides of a gully cut at 9000 ft elevation on Mauna Kea. The soil was wet sieved with freon into seven size fractions less than 1 mm

    Composition and maturity of the 60013/14 core

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    The 60013/14 double drive tube (62 cm deep) is one of three regolith cores taken 35-40 m apart in a triangular array on the Cayley plains at station 10' (LM/ALSEP), Apollo 16. This trio, which includes double drive tube 60009/10 (59 cm deep) and deep drill core 60001-7 (220 cm), is the only such array of cores returned from the Moon. The top 45 cm of 60013/14 is mature, as is surface reference soil 60601 taken nearby. Maturity generally decreases with depth, with soil below 45 cm being submature. The zone of lowest maturity (34 is less than or equal to I(sub s)/FeO is less than 50) extends from 46 to 58 cm depth, and corresponds to the distinct region of light-colored soil observed during core processing. In the other two cores, most of the compositional variation results from mixing between fine-grained, mature soil with 10-11 micro-g/g Sc and coarse-grained ferroan anorthosite consisting of greater than 99% plagioclase with less than 0.5 micro-g/g Sc. This is most evident in 60009/10 which contains a high abundance of plagioclase at about 54 cm depth (minimum Sc: 3-4 micro-g/g); a similar zone occurs in 60001-7 at 17-22 cm (MPU-C), although it is not as rich in plagioclase (minimum Sc: 6-7 micro-g/g). Compositional variations are less in 60013/14 than in the other two cores (range: 7.9-10.0 micro-g/g Sc), but are generally consistent with the 'plagioclase dilution' effect seen in 60009/10, i.e., most 60013/14 samples plot along the mixing line of 60009/10. However, a plagioclase component is not the cause of the lower maturity and lighter color of the unit at 46-58 cm depth in 60013/14. Many of the samples in this zone have distinctly lower Sm/Sc ratios than typical LM-area soils and plot off the mixing trend defined by 60009/10. This requires a component with moderately high Sc, but low-Sm/Sc, such as feldspathic fragmental breccia (FFB) or granulitic breccia. A component of Descartes regolith, such as occurs at North Ray Crater (NRC) and which is rich in FFB, could account for the composition of these soils (i.e., a 3:1 mixture of 60601 and NRC soil). It seems unlikely that NRC ejecta would occur half a meter deep at the LM station, thus this low-Sm/Sc component may result from an older, local crater that penetrated the Cayley surface layer and excavated underlying Descartes material, as did North Ray Crater. There is no evidence for such a unit or component in the other two cores. Soil below the light-colored unit (58-62) cm has 'typical' Sm/Sc ratios, but the lowest absolute Sc concentrations, i.e., it is compositionally equivalent to a mixture of surface soil and plagioclase such as that in ferroan anorthosite. This is the only soil that might be related to the plagioclase-rich units in the other two cores. Except for the mature soil at the top of each core and, perhaps, the plagioclase-rich layers, there is little compositional evidence for any common unit among the three cores. Soil corresponding to the mare-glass-bearing unit (MPU-B) and regolith-breccia-bearing unit (MPU-A) of 60001-7 do not occur in 60013/14 or 60009/10

    Thermal and Evolved Gas Analysis of "Nanophase" Carbonates: Implications for Thermal and Evolved Gas Analysis on Mars Missions

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    Data collected by the Mars Phoenix Lander's Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA) suggested the presence of calcium-rich carbonates as indicated by a high temperature CO2 release while a low temperature (approx.400-680 C) CO2 release suggested possible Mg- and/or Fe-carbonates [1,2]. Interpretations of the data collected by Mars remote instruments is done by comparing the mission data to a database on the thermal properties of well-characterized Martian analog materials collected under reduced and Earth ambient pressures [3,4]. We are proposing that "nano-phase" carbonates may also be contributing to the low temperature CO2 release. The objectives of this paper is to (1) characterize the thermal and evolved gas proper-ties of carbonates of varying particle size, (2) evaluate the CO2 releases from CO2 treated CaO samples and (3) examine the secondary CO2 release from reheated calcite of varying particle size

    Process for Making Single-Domain Magnetite Crystals

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    A process for making chemically pure, single-domain magnetite crystals substantially free of structural defects has been invented as a byproduct of research into the origin of globules in a meteorite found in Antarctica and believed to have originated on Mars. The globules in the meteorite comprise layers of mixed (Mg, Fe, and Ca) carbonates, magnetite, and iron sulfides. Since the discovery of the meteorite was announced in August 1996, scientists have debated whether the globules are of biological origin or were formed from inorganic materials by processes that could have taken place on Mars. While the research that led to the present invention has not provided a definitive conclusion concerning the origin of the globules, it has shown that globules of a different but related chemically layered structure can be grown from inorganic ingredients in a multistep precipitation process. As described in more detail below, the present invention comprises the multistep precipitation process plus a subsequent heat treatment. The multistep precipitation process was demonstrated in a laboratory experiment on the growth of submicron ankerite crystals, overgrown by submicron siderite and pyrite crystals, overgrown by submicron magnesite crystals, overgrown by submicron siderite and pyrite. In each step, chloride salts of appropriate cations (Ca, Fe, and Mg) were dissolved in deoxygenated, CO2- saturated water. NaHCO3 was added as a pH buffer while CO2 was passed continuously through the solution. A 15-mL aliquot of the resulting solution was transferred into each of several 20 mL, poly(tetrafluoroethylene)-lined hydrothermal pressure vessels. The vessels were closed in a CO2 atmosphere, then transferred into an oven at a temperature of 150 C. After a predetermined time, the hydrothermal vessels were removed from the oven and quenched in a freezer. Supernatant solutions were decanted, and carbonate precipitates were washed free of soluble salts by repeated decantations with deionized water

    Laser Subdivision of the Genesis Concentrator Target Sample 60000

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    The Genesis Allocation Committee received a request for ~ 1 square centimeter of the diamond-like-carbon (DLC) concentrator target for the analysis of solar wind nitrogen isotopes. The target consists of a single crystal float zone (FZ) silicon substrate having a thickness on the order of 550 micrometers with a 1.5-3.0 micrometer-thick coating of DLC on the exposed surface. The solar wind is implanted shallowly in the front side DLC. The original target was a circular quadrant with a radius of 3.1 cm; however, the piece did not survive intact when the spacecraft suffered an anomalous landing upon returning to Earth on September 8, 2004. An estimated 75% of the DLC target was recovered in at least 18 fragments. The largest fragment, Genesis sample 60000, has been designated for this allocation and is the first sample to be subdivided using our laser scribing system Laser subdivision has associated risks including thermal diffusion of the implant if heating occurs and unintended breakage during cleavage. A careful detailed study and considerable subdividing practice using non-flight FZ diamond on silicon, DOS, wafers has considerably reduced the risk of unplanned breakage during the cleaving process. In addition, backside scribing reduces the risk of possible thermal excursions affecting the implanted solar wind, implanted shallowly in the front side DLC

    Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger

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    On 2017 August 17 a binary neutron star coalescence candidate (later designated GW170817) with merger time 12:41:04 UTC was observed through gravitational waves by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor independently detected a gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) with a time delay of ~1.7 s with respect to the merger time. From the gravitational-wave signal, the source was initially localized to a sky region of 31 deg2 at a luminosity distance of 40+8-8 Mpc and with component masses consistent with neutron stars. The component masses were later measured to be in the range 0.86 to 2.26 Mo. An extensive observing campaign was launched across the electromagnetic spectrum leading to the discovery of a bright optical transient (SSS17a, now with the IAU identification of AT 2017gfo) in NGC 4993 (at ~40 Mpc) less than 11 hours after the merger by the One- Meter, Two Hemisphere (1M2H) team using the 1 m Swope Telescope. The optical transient was independently detected by multiple teams within an hour. Subsequent observations targeted the object and its environment. Early ultraviolet observations revealed a blue transient that faded within 48 hours. Optical and infrared observations showed a redward evolution over ~10 days. Following early non-detections, X-ray and radio emission were discovered at the transient’s position ~9 and ~16 days, respectively, after the merger. Both the X-ray and radio emission likely arise from a physical process that is distinct from the one that generates the UV/optical/near-infrared emission. No ultra-high-energy gamma-rays and no neutrino candidates consistent with the source were found in follow-up searches. These observations support the hypothesis that GW170817 was produced by the merger of two neutron stars in NGC4993 followed by a short gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) and a kilonova/macronova powered by the radioactive decay of r-process nuclei synthesized in the ejecta