6 research outputs found

    Criterion A of the AMPD in HiTOP

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    The categorical model of personality disorder classification in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed. [DSM-5]; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) is highly and fundamentally problematic. Proposed for DSM-5 and provided within Section III (for Emerging Measures and Models) was the Alternative Model of Personality Disorder (AMPD) classification, consisting of Criterion A (self-interpersonal deficits) and Criterion B (maladaptive personality traits). A proposed alternative to the DSM-5 more generally is an empirically based dimensional organization of psychopathology identified as the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP; Kotov etal., 2017). HiTOP currently includes, at the highest level, a general factor of psychopathology. Further down are the five domains of detachment, antagonistic externalizing, disinhibited externalizing, thought disorder, and internalizing (along with a provisional sixth somatoform dimension) that align with Criterion B. The purpose of this article is to discuss the potential inclusion and placement of the self-interpersonal deficits of the DSM-5 Section III Criterion A within HiTOP

    A Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology Can Transform Mental Health Research

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    For more than a century, research on psychopathology has focused on categorical diagnoses. Although this work has produced major discoveries, growing evidence points to the superiority of a dimensional approach to the science of mental illness. Here we outline one such dimensional system—the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP)—that is based on empirical patterns of co-occurrence among psychological symptoms. We highlight key ways in which this framework can advance mental-health research, and we provide some heuristics for using HiTOP to test theories of psychopathology. We then review emerging evidence that supports the value of a hierarchical, dimensional model of mental illness across diverse research areas in psychological science. These new data suggest that the HiTOP system has the potential to accelerate and improve research on mental-health problems as well as efforts to more effectively assess, prevent, and treat mental illness.FSW – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    An integrative model of emotion regulation and associations with positive and negative affectivity across four Arabic speaking countries and the USA

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    The associations between emotion regulation (ER) and positive and negative affectivity have been well investigated. However, previous studies have examined these associations using a variety of individual ER scales with little integration across measurement approaches. The current study thus aimed to explore a joint ER structural model across three widely-used ER scales (the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, the Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire) using 1852 participants from four Middle Eastern Arabic speaking countries (Egypt, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Qatar) and a Western country (USA). The results showed cross-culture differences with regard to mean-level differences and patterns of correlations among positive and negative affectivity and the individual subscales of the three ER scales. In addition, a two-factor integrative model that was robust across all five countries emerged across scales which included a more adaptive strategies factor and a less adaptive strategies factor. Further, the more adaptive strategies factor, but not the less adaptive strategies factor, yielded highly consistent associations with positive and negative affectivity across all countries. Accordingly, culture may play a more important role in shaping the less adaptive ER strategies and their associations with negative and positive affectivity, but less so for more positive strategies. ? 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.Scopu

    Progress in Achieving Quantitative Classification of Psychopathology

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    Shortcomings of approaches to classifying psychopathology based on expert consensus have given rise to contemporary efforts to classify psychopathology quantitatively. In this paper, we review progress in achieving a quantitative and empirical classification of psychopathology. A substantial empirical literature indicates that psychopathology is generally more dimensional than categorical. When the discreteness versus continuity of psychopathology is treated as a research question, as opposed to being decided as a matter of tradition, the evidence clearly supports the hypothesis of continuity. In addition, a related body of literature shows how psychopathology dimensions can be arranged in a hierarchy, ranging from very broad “spectrum level” dimensions, to specific and narrow clusters of symptoms. In this way, a quantitative approach solves the “problem of comorbidity” by explicitly modeling patterns of co‐occurrence among signs and symptoms within a detailed and variegated hierarchy of dimensional concepts with direct clinical utility. Indeed, extensive evidence pertaining to the dimensional and hierarchical structure of psychopathology has led to the formation of the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology (HiTOP) Consortium. This is a group of 70 investigators working together to study empirical classification of psychopathology. In this paper, we describe the aims and current foci of the HiTOP Consortium. These aims pertain to continued research on the empirical organization of psychopathology; the connection between personality and psychopathology; the utility of empirically based psychopathology constructs in both research and the clinic; and the development of novel and comprehensive models and corresponding assessment instruments for psychopathology constructs derived from an empirical approach