246 research outputs found

    Investigations of genetic plasticity in Campylobacter jejuni strains of serovar O:2

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    Titelblatt, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Abkürzungen, Danksagung A. Einleitung B. Schrifttum C. Material und Methoden D. Ergebnisse E. Diskussion F. Zusammenfassung F. Summary G. Anhang H. Referenzen SelbständigkeitserklärungIn dieser experimentellen Arbeit wurden 13 C. jejuni-Stämme der Serovaren O:2 (12) und O:6 (1) durch Makrorestriktionsanalyse (PFGE), Bestimmung der Lokalisation virulenz-assoziierter Gene auf den Restriktionsfragmenten und Fla-PCR-RFLP-Typisierung auf ihre genetische Verwandtschaft hin untersucht und in diesem Zusammenhang die Genomorganisation des Erregers beleuchtet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Analysen zeigen, dass bestimmte C. jejuni-Genotypen der Serovar O:2, die aus unterschiedlichen Wirten und unterschiedlichen geographischen Regionen in Deutschland isoliert wurden, über Jahre hinweg genetisch stabil geblieben sind, i.d.F. für mindestens 15 Jahre. Die Tatsache, dass auch der erstmals 1978 in Worcester/UK isolierte Referenzstamm NCTC11168 ein zu diesen Stämmen ebenfalls identisches bzw. sehr ähnliches genotypisches Profil aufweist, spricht außerdem dafür, dass solche stabilen Genotypen über beachtliche geographische Distanzen hinweg existieren können. Die dem C. jejuni-Genom zugesprochene, außerordentliche hohe Diversität besitzt also nicht ausschließlich Bedeutung bei der Wirtsadaptation und dem Überleben des Erregers. Es kann vielmehr vermutet werden, dass dieser Spezies insgesamt ein klonales Rückgrat zugrunde liegt, während die variablen, an genetischem Austausch teilnehmenden DNS-Bereiche in den einzelnen Populationen variieren und von unterschiedlichen Faktoren abhängig sind. Um genotypische Variationen in diesen Stämmen auf Ebene der Nukleotidabfolge näher zu untersuchen, wurde für die C. jejuni-Isolate NCTC11828 (O:6), 1187-I (O:2) und K14 (O:2) eine Repräsentative Differenzanalyse (RDA) durchgeführt mit dem Ziel, sowohl serovar- als auch stammspezifische DNS-Bereiche detektieren zu können. Dabei wurden insgesamt 28 unterschiedliche RDA-Fragmente generiert, von denen 15 eine hohe (>70%), sechs eine nur geringe (<70%) und weitere sieben keine Übereinstimmung zum Referenzstamm NCTC11168 aufwiesen. Sechs der in NCTC11828 und K14 identifizierten Fragmente zeigten Ähnlichkeiten zu den an der Synthese und Modifikation von Oberflächenstrukturen beteiligten Genen von NCTC11168. Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen generell die hohe Variabilität in den LOS-, KPS- und FM-Genlozi und zeigen, dass diese nicht nur in Stämmen unterschiedlicher sondern auch innerhalb der Serovaren angetroffen werden kann. Für alle drei untersuchten Stämme konnten außerdem mit ABC-Transportsystemen assoziierte Sequenzbereiche identifiziert werden, die entweder keine oder lediglich geringe Übereinstimmung innerhalb des NCTC11168-Genoms aufzeigten. Dies weist auf eine möglicherweise serovar- oder stammspezifische Verteilung dieser am Transport unterschiedlichster Substrate beteiligten Systeme hin. Von den als ohne Übereinstimmung zur NCTC11168-Genomsequenz identifizierten RDA-Fragmenten wiesen 11828-E7, 11828-G8, 1187-I-A11, K14-B12 sowie K14-F6 eine Ähnlichkeit zu verschiedenen hypothetischen Proteinen unterschiedlicher Spezies auf, deren Funktion derzeit nicht näher benannt werden kann. Mit dem RDA-Fragment 1187-I-A6 liegt außerdem ein Hinweis auf in das C. jejuni-Genom integrierte Phagen-DNS vor. Diese mobilen genetischen Elemente sind erst kürzlich auch in einem anderen C. jejuni-Isolat identifiziert worden und spielen bei der Generierung genetischer Diversität möglicherweise eine größere Rolle als bisher angenommen.In the present experimental work the genomic diversity of 13 epidemiologically unrelated strains of C. jejuni belonging to serovars O:2 (12) and O:6 (1) was investigated by using the highly discriminatory PFGE technique in combination with mapping of virulence-associated markers to the obtained restriction fragments as well as Fla-PCR-RFLP typing. According to the results of these analyses it can be assumed that the genotypes of certain C. jejuni strains derived from different hosts and different geographic regions in Germany remained stable over many years, in this case for a time period of at least fifteen years. Moreover, reference strain NCTC11168 (isolated in Worcester/UK in 1978) showed a highly similar or even identical genotypic profile indicating the existence of such stable genotypes over considerable geographic distances. While stable clones of C. jejuni are often correlated with serotypes such as O:19, O:41 and O:55, only limited knowledge exists for clonal complexes in O:2 or other serotypes. As shown by this study, stable clonal lineages are also found in this serotype and one might suggest that genomic plasticity is not as essentiell for C. jejuni adaptation and survival as previously thought. The recent finding that other serotypes like O:6 also contain such stable genotypes makes it rather likely, that clonal lineages exist in all serotypes and that this species in principle has a clonal framework with different subgroups that are again more panmictic within the subgroup. In order to investigate genotypic variation in these strains at the nucleotide level, a representational difference analysis (RDA) for strains NCTC11828 (O:6), BgVV1766 (O:2) and 1187-I (O:2) was performed, giving the possibility to detect serotype- as well as strain-specific DNA sequences. For these strains a total of 28 different RDA fragments was generated from which 15 of them showed high (>70%), six only low (<70%) and a further seven showed no similarity compared to the NCTC11168 genome sequence. Six of the fragments isolated from strains NCTC11828 and K14 revealed similarity to genes involved in synthesis and modification of surface structures in NCTC11168. These data generally confirm considerable levels of genetic variability in the LOS, KPS and FM gene loci not only in strains displaying different but also in strains of the same serotype. Furthermore DNA sequences associated with ABC transport systems showing no or only low similarity to those found in NCTC11168 have been identified in all three strains tested. These findings point towards a possibly serotype- or strain-specific distribution of these systems which are involved in the transport of a variety of substrates. RDA fragments 11828-E7, 11828-G8, 1187-I-A11, K14-B12, and K14-F6 with no homology to the NCTC11168 genome sequence revealed similarity to various hypothetical proteins from different bacterial species. Currently the function of these proteins is far away from being well defined and their possible role in C. jejuni pathogenicity needs further investigation. The identification of a HP1-related sequence in RDA fragment 1187-I-A6 provides rare evidence for integration of phage DNA into the C. jejuni chromsome. Possibly, contribution of these mobile genetic elements to the agents genetic diversity is more relevant than previously thought

    Conflicted Analysts and Initial Coin Offerings

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    This paper studies the contribution of analysts to the functioning and failure of the market for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). The assessments of freelancing analysts exhibit biases due to reciprocal interactions of analysts with ICO team members. Even favorably rated ICOs tend to fail raising some capital when a greater portion of their ratings reciprocate prior ratings. 90 days after listing on an exchange the market capitalization relative to the initial funds raised is smaller for tokens with more reciprocal ratings. These findings suggest that conflicts of interest help explain the failure of ICOs

    Sulphonated aromatic pollutants: Limits of microbial degradability and potential of phytoremediation

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    Many synthetic sulphonated aromatic compounds are used as starting material to produce dyes and pigments, or are released as by-products in the effluents of the textile and dye industry. A large number of these chemicals are poorly biodegradable and cannot be eliminated by classical wastewater treatment plants. To limit the impact of these pollutants on the environment, new processes, based on the use of higher plants (constructed wetlands or hydroponic systems), are under development. Detergents and surfactants are essential for both industrial and domestic applications, the most important family being the alkylbenzene sulphonates. Originally, the alkyl side chains were branched and thus recalcitrant to biodegradation. Therefore, they have been replaced by linear alkylbenzene sulphonates. Although more acceptable, present formulations still have adverse environmental and toxic effects. In this context, phytoremediation appears to be a promising approach to remove these compounds from contaminated soils and water

    Organic waste products in agriculture ‐ monitoring the waste constituents phthalate esters in soil‐crop system by gas chromatography and ion trap tandem mass spectrometry

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    A method is described for monitoring phthalate esters in organic waste products, agricultural soil and crops. Solvent extraction, Ultra Turrax homogenisation and sonification were used to isolate the compounds from the sample matrices. Solid phase extraction was applied for purification, and gas chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry – for identification. With the method, six phthalate esters were determined in different matrices. The detection limits were in the range of 1 to 10 μg kg–1 wet weight, except for DEHP, which had a detection limit approaching 100 μg kg–1 wet weight. Repeatabilities were from 5 to 20 % relative standard deviation. Recoveries were from 6 to 100 %, depending on the compound analysed. However, except for the polar phthalates DMP and DEP, the recoveries were above 70 %. The method feasibility was demonstrated in an investigation of the occurrence of phthalate esters in barley, rape, carrots, agricultural soil, aerobic and anaerobic sludge, household compost and pig manure. Organinių atliekų produktai žemės ūkyje – atliekų sudedamosios dalies phthale esterių sistemoje dirvožemis–pasėliai monitoringas chromatografijos ir jonų porų išdėstytos masės spektrometrijos būdu Santrauka Aprašytas metodas yra skirtas phthalate esterių monitoringui organinių atliekų produktuose, žemės ūkio dirvožemyje ir pasėliuose. Junginiams nuo bandinio terpės atskirti buvo taikyta tirpiklio ekstrakcija, Ultra Turrax homogenizacija ir sonifikacija. Kietosios fazės ekstrakcija buvo taikyta valymui, o identifikacijai – dujų chromatografija su išdėstytos masės spektrometru. Šiuo metodu šešių rūšių phthalate esteriai buvo nustatyti įvairiose terpėse. Identifikacijos ribos buvo 1–10 µg kg–1 šlapiosios masės, išskyrus DEHP atveju, kurio nustatymo riba artima 100 µg kg–1 šlapiosios masės. Pakartojimai skyrėsi nuo reliatyvaus standartinio 5–20 %. Atkūrimas buvo 6–100 %, atsižvelgiant į junginių suskaidymą. Tačiau, išskyrus polinių phthalate DMP ir DEP atvejus, atkūrimas buvo 70 %. Metodo pagrįstumas buvo pademonstruotas, atliekant phthalate tyrinėjimus miežiuose, rapsuose, morkose, žemės ūkio dirvožemyje, aerobiniame ir anaerobiniame dumble, namų ūkio komposte ir kiaulių mėšle. Reikšminiai žodžiai: phthalate esteriai, nutekamųjų vandenų dumblas, išdėstytos masės spektrometras, jonų poros, žemės ūkis. Продукты органических отходов в сельском хозяйстве. Мониторинг составной части отходов – эфира phthalate в системе почва–посевы способом хроматографии и спектрометрии разложенной массы пор ионов Резюме Описанный метод предназначен для мониторинга эфира Phthalate в органических отходах продуктов сельского хозяйства, почве и посевах. Для отделения соединений от опытной среды была применена экстракция растворителя, гомогенизация и сонификация Ultra Turrax. Экстракция твердой фазы была применена для очистки, а для идентификации – газовая хроматография со спектрометром разложенной массы. С помощью этого метода эфир Phthalate шести сортов был обнаружен в разных средах. Граница идентификации составляла 1–10 µг кг–1 мокрого веса, кроме случая DEHP, граница которого близка к 100 µг кг–1 мокрого веса. Повторы отклонялись от релятивного стандарта на 5–20 %. Восстановление составило 6–100 % с учетом дробления соединений. Однако, кроме случаев полярных Phthalate DMP и DEP, восстановление составляло 70 %. Обоснованность метода была продемонстрирована исследованием эфира Phthalate в ячмене, рапсе, моркови, сельскохозяйственной почве, аэробинамическом и анаэробинамическом иле, компосте из бытовых отходов и свином навозе. Ключевые слова: эфир Phthalate, ил сточных вод, спектрометр разложенной массы, поры ионов, сельское хозяйство. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Совершенствование методики финансового планирования на предприятии

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    Объектом исследования является система финансового планирования на предприятии "СОФИТ". Цель работы разработка усовершенствованной методики финансового планирования для предприятия. В процессе исследования проводился анализ системы финансового планирования коммерческого предприятия дополнительного профессионального образования "СОФИТ". Проведён анализ показателей финансовой деятельности и особенностей финансового учёта предприятия. В результате исследования предложена усовершенствованная методика финансового планирования для предприятия ООО "СОФИТ". Рекомендации и выводы, приведённые в исследовании приняты на рассмотрение руководством компании. Область применения методологии затрагивает коммерческие и бюджетные организации, специализирующиеся на реализации услуг по обучению.The object of the study is the financial planning system at SOFIT. The aim of the work is to develop an improved methodology of financial planning for the enterprise. In the course of the study the analysis of the financial planning system of the commercial enterprise of additional vocational training "SOFIT" was carried out. The analysis of financial performance indicators and features of financial accounting in the enterprise was carried out. As a result of the study the improved methodology of financial planning for the enterprise "SOFIT" LLC was proposed. Recommendations and conclusions of the study are accepted by the management of the company. The scope of the methodology involves commercial and budgetary organizations specializing in the implementation of training services

    C-Met-Expression bei kutanen Lymphomen

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    Einleitung C-Met ist ein membranständiger Tyrosinkinase-Rezeptor. Er kommt physiologisch, z.B. während der Organogenese und Wundheilung, aber auch bei malignen Neoplasien vor. Bei Tumorenführt eine c-Met-Aktivierung unter anderem zu einem unkontrollierten Zellwachstum, Angiogenese sowie zu verbesserten Metastasierungsbedingungen. Über eine c-Met Blockade lassen sich potentiell c-Met positive Tumoren in ihrem Wachstum hemmen. Bislang ist – soweit der Autorin bekannt - weder die Analyse einer c-Met-Expression noch ein Therapieansatz über eine c-Met-Blockade bei primär kutanen Lymphomen beschrieben. In der vorgestellten Studie wird die Häufigkeit einer vermehrten c-Met-Expression bei primär kutanen Lymphomen sowie dessen Assoziation zu klinischen Merkmalen untersucht. Material und Methode Es wurden 48 Patienten mit CTCL und 26 mit CBCL aus dem Kollektiv der Hautklinik des Helios Klinikums Krefeld auf eine c-Met-Überexpression untersucht. Hierfür wurde an den formalinfixierten Tumorpräparaten die c-Met-Expression immunhistochemisch dargestellt. In bivariaten Analysen wurde der Zusammenhang der c-Met-Überexpression mit Patienten-charakteristika (Alter, Geschlecht), klinischen Merkmalen (Tumorentität und –stadium), sowie dem Therapieverlauf (Mortalität) untersucht. Ergebnisse Der Anteil mit einer vermehrten c-Met-Expression betrug bei Patienten mit CBCL 50% (13/26). Die c-Met-Überexpression war in dieser Patientengruppe mit höherem Alter und Tumorstadium sowie der aggressiven Subentität des diffus großzelligen CBCL vom Beintyp assoziiert (p=0,006, p=0,018 und p=0,015). Bei den Patienten mit CTCL gab es in 79,2% (38/48) aller Fälle eine vermehrte c-Met-Expression, wobei vor allem die Entitäten Sézary-Syndrom (SS), subkutan pannikulitsartiges CTCL (SPTL) und hämatodermische Neoplasie (BPDCN) mit jeweils 100% (6/6, 3/3, 4/4) und die größte Subgruppe mit Mycosis fungoides mit 74,1% (20/27) betroffen waren. Zudem gab es in der CTCL-Gesamtgruppe einen signifikanten Zusammenhang der c-Met-Positivität mit dem weiblichen Geschlecht (p=0,009). Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt, dass c-Met bei kutanen Lymphomen insbesondere bei den aggressiveren Varianten, wie z.B. dem PCBLT oder der BPDCN, signifikant überexprimiert ist. Weitere Studien sollten daher die medikamentöse c-Met Inhibition als potentiell therapeutischen Ansatz bei diesen seltenen und schwer zu behandelnden Entitäten prüfen.Background C-Met is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that is expressed physiologically during organogenesis and wound healing but also in many neoplasias. Activation of c-Met has been linked to tumor cell progression, angiogenesis and dissemination. Blockade of c-Met positive neoplasm can inhibit tumor growth. To our knowledge, until now there are no published data about c-Met expression in cutaneous lymphoma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of c-Met positivity in cutaneous lymphomas and its relationship to clinical characteristics. Material and Methods We analyzed c-Met-expression in 74 paraffin embedded tissue samples taken from patients with cutaneous T- or B-cell lymphomas (CBCL, n=26; CTCL, n=48) using immunohistochemistry. We performed evaluation of c-Met expression and correlated these findings with patient and tumor characteristics retrospectively by bivariate statistical tests. Results Strong c-Met expression was found in 50% (13 of 26) of patients with CBCL. There was a significant association with higher age, T-staging and the aggressive primary cutaneous large B-cell lymphoma, leg type (p=0,006, p=0,018 and p=0,015) respectively. Patients with CTCL showed strong c-Met expression in 79,2% (38 of 48), whereupon especially the entities Sézary Syndrome (SS, n=6), subcutaneous panniculitislike CTCL (SPTL, n=3) and hematodermic Neoplasia (BPDCN, n=4) had a c-Met positive rate of 100%. The biggest subgroup with Mycosis fungoides (MF, n=27) were in 74,1% c-Met positive. Moreover we found in the CTCL-group a significant association of c-Met positivity with female gender (p=0,009). Conclusion This study provides evidence that strong c-Met expression is present in most cases of cutaneous lymphoma. The aggressive subtypes in particular were highly associated with c-Met expression. Further studies are needed to determine the role of c-Met inhibitors as a potential therapeutic option in these cases

    Sustainable risk management of emerging contaminants in municipal wastewaters

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    This article is available open access through the publisher’s website at the link below. Copyright @ 2009 The Royal Society.The presence of emerging contaminants in municipal wastewaters, particularly endocrine-disrupting compounds such as oestrogenic substances, has been the focus of much public concern and scientific attention in recent years. Due to the scientific uncertainty still surrounding their effects, the Precautionary Principle could be invoked for the interim management of potential risks. Therefore, precautionary prevention risk-management measures could be employed to reduce human exposure to the compounds of concern. Steroid oestrogens are generally recognized as the most significant oestrogenically active substances in domestic sewage effluent. As a result, the UK Environment Agency has championed a ‘Demonstration Programme’ to investigate the potential for removal of steroid oestrogens and alkylphenol ethoxylates during sewage treatment. Ecological and human health risks are interdependent, and ecological injuries may result in increased human exposures to contaminants or other stressors. In this context of limiting exposure to potential contaminants, examining the relative contribution of various compounds and pathways should be taken into account when identifying effective risk-management measures. In addition, the explicit use of ecological objectives within the scope of the implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive poses new challenges and necessitates the development of ecosystem-based decision tools. This paper addresses some of these issues and proposes a species sensitivity distribution approach to support the decision-making process related to the need and implications of sewage treatment work upgrade as risk-management measures to the presence of oestrogenic compounds in sewage effluent

    Suppression subtractive hybridization identifies an autotransporter adhesin gene of E. coli IMT5155 specifically associated with avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Extraintestinal pathogenic <it>E. coli </it>(ExPEC) represent a phylogenetically diverse group of bacteria which are implicated in a large range of infections in humans and animals. Although subgroups of different ExPEC pathotypes, including uropathogenic, newborn meningitis causing, and avian pathogenic <it>E. coli </it>(APEC) share a number of virulence features, there still might be factors specifically contributing to the pathogenesis of a certain subset of strains or a distinct pathotype. Thus, we made use of suppression subtractive hybridization and compared APEC strain IMT5155 (O2:K1:H5; sequence type complex 95) with human uropathogenic <it>E. coli </it>strain CFT073 (O6:K2:H5; sequence type complex 73) to identify factors which may complete the currently existing model of APEC pathogenicity and further elucidate the position of this avian pathoype within the whole ExPEC group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-eight different genomic loci were identified, which are present in IMT5155 but not in CFT073. One of these loci contained a gene encoding a putative autotransporter adhesin. The open reading frame of the gene spans a 3,498 bp region leading to a putative 124-kDa adhesive protein. A specific antibody was raised against this protein and expression of the adhesin was shown under laboratory conditions. Adherence and adherence inhibition assays demonstrated a role for the corresponding protein in adhesion to DF-1 chicken fibroblasts. Sequence analyses revealed that the flanking regions of the chromosomally located gene contained sequences of mobile genetic elements, indicating a probable spread among different strains by horizontal gene transfer. In accordance with this hypothesis, the adhesin was found to be present not only in different phylogenetic groups of extraintestinal pathogenic but also of commensal <it>E. coli </it>strains, yielding a significant association with strains of avian origin.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We identified a chromosomally located autotransporter gene in a highly virulent APEC strain which confers increased adherence of a non-fimbriated <it>E. coli </it>K-12 strain to a chicken fibroblast cell line. Even though flanked by mobile genetic elements and three different genetic regions upstream of the gene, most probably indicating horizontal gene transfer events, the adhesin gene was significantly linked with strains of avian origin. Due to the nucleotide sequence similarity of 98% to a recently published adhesin-related gene, located on plasmid pAPEC-O1-ColBM, the name <it>aatA </it>(APEC autotransporter adhesin A) was adopted from that study.</p> <p>Our data substantiate that AatA might not only be of relevance in APEC pathogenicity but also in facilitating their reservoir life style in the chicken intestine, which might pave the way for future intestinal preventive strategies.</p

    Effect of irradiance on the emission of short-lived halocarbons from three common tropical marine microalgae

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    Marine algae have been reported as important sources of biogenic volatile halocarbons that are emitted into the atmosphere. These compounds are linked to destruction of the ozone layer, thus contributing to climate change. There may be mutual interactions between the halocarbon emission and the environment. In this study, the effect of irradiance on the emission of halocarbons from selected microalgae was investigated. Using controlled laboratory experiments, three tropical marine microalgae cultures, Synechococcus sp. UMACC 371 (cyanophyte), Parachlorella sp. UMACC 245 (chlorophyte) and Amphora sp. UMACC 370 (diatom) were exposed to irradiance of 0, 40 and 120 µmol photons m−2s−1. Stress in the microalgal cultures was indicated by the photosynthetic performance (Fv/Fm, maximum quantum yield). An increase in halocarbon emissions was observed at 120 µmol photons m−2s−1, together with a decrease in Fv/Fm. This was most evident in the release of CH3I by Amphora sp. Synechococcus sp. was observed to be the most affected by irradiance as shown by the increase in emissions of most halocarbons except for CHBr3 and CHBr2Cl. High positive correlation between Fv/Fm and halocarbon emission rates was observed in Synechococcus sp. for CH2Br2. No clear trends in correlation could be observed for the other halocarbons in the other two microalgal species. This suggests that other mechanisms like mitochondria respiration may contribute to halocarbon production, in addition to photosynthetic performance

    Natural formation and degradation of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil: challenges to understanding

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    Goal, Scope and Background. The anthropogenic environmental emissions of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines have been under scrutiny in recent years because the two compound groups are suspected to contribute to forest dieback and stratospheric ozone destruction, respectively. The two organochlorine groups are linked because the atmospheric photochemical oxidation of some volatile organochlorine compounds is one source of phytotoxic chloroacetic acids in the environment. Moreover, both groups are produced in higher amounts by natural chlorination of organic matter, e.g. by soil microorganisms, marine macroalgae and salt lake bacteria, and show similar metabolism pathways. Elucidating the origin and fate of these organohalogens is necessary to implement actions to counteract environmental problems caused by these compounds. Main Features. While the anthropogenic sources of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines are relatively well-known and within human control, knowledge of relevant natural processes is scarce and fragmented. This article reviews current knowledge on natural formation and degradation processes of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soils, with particular emphasis on processes in the rhizosphere, and discusses future studies necessary to understand the role of forest soils in the formation and degradation of these compounds. Results and Discussion. Reviewing the present knowledge of the natural formation and degradation processes of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil has revealed gaps in knowledge regarding the actual mechanisms behind these processes. In particular, there remains insufficient quantification of reliable budgets and rates of formation and degradation of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil (both biotic and abiotic processes) to evaluate the strength of forest ecosystems regarding the emission and uptake of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines, both on a regional scale and on a global scale. Conclusion. It is concluded that the overall role of forest soil as a source and/or sink for chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines is still unclear; the available laboratory and field data reveal only bits of the puzzle. Detailed knowledge of the natural degradation and formation processes in forest soil is important to evaluate the strength of forest ecosystems for the emission and uptake of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines, both on a regional scale and on a global scale. Recommendation and Perspective. As the natural formation and degradation processes of chloroacetic acids and volatile organochlorines in forest soil can be influenced by human activities, evaluation of the extent of this influence will help to identify what future actions are needed to reduce human influences and thus prevent further damage to the environment and to human health caused by these compounds