357 research outputs found

    Exercise therapy for prevention of falls in people with Parkinson's disease: A protocol for a randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>People with Parkinson's disease are twice as likely to be recurrent fallers compared to other older people. As these falls have devastating consequences, there is an urgent need to identify and test innovative interventions with the potential to reduce falls in people with Parkinson's disease. The main objective of this randomised controlled trial is to determine whether fall rates can be reduced in people with Parkinson's disease using exercise targeting three potentially remediable risk factors for falls (reduced balance, reduced leg muscle strength and freezing of gait). In addition we will establish the cost effectiveness of the exercise program from the health provider's perspective.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>230 community-dwelling participants with idiopathic Parkinson's disease will be recruited. Eligible participants will also have a history of falls or be identified as being at risk of falls on assessment. Participants will be randomly allocated to a usual-care control group or an intervention group which will undertake weight-bearing balance and strengthening exercises and use cueing strategies to address freezing of gait. The intervention group will choose between the home-based or support group-based mode of the program. Participants in both groups will receive standardized falls prevention advice. The primary outcome measure will be fall rates. Participants will record falls and medical interventions in a diary for the duration of the 6-month intervention period. Secondary measures include the Parkinson's Disease Falls Risk Score, maximal leg muscle strength, standing balance, the Short Physical Performance Battery, freezing of gait, health and well being, habitual physical activity and positive and negative affect schedule.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>No adequately powered studies have investigated exercise interventions aimed at reducing falls in people with Parkinson's disease. This trial will determine the effectiveness of the exercise intervention in reducing falls and its cost effectiveness. This pragmatic program, if found to be effective, has the potential to be implemented within existing community services.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The protocol for this study is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12608000303347).</p

    Histone acetylation controls the inactive X chromosome replication dynamics

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    In mammals, dosage compensation between male and female cells is achieved by inactivating one female X chromosome (Xi). Late replication of Xi was proposed to be involved in the maintenance of its silenced state. Here, we show a highly synchronous replication of the Xi within 1 to 2 h during early-mid S-phase by following DNA replication in living mammalian cells with green fluorescent protein-tagged replication proteins. The Xi was replicated before or concomitant with perinuclear or perinucleolar facultative heterochromatin and before constitutive heterochromatin. Ectopic expression of the X-inactive-specific transcript (Xist) gene from an autosome imposed the same synchronous replication pattern. We used mutations and chemical inhibition affecting different epigenetic marks as well as inducible Xist expression and we demonstrate that histone hypoacetylation has a key role in controlling Xi replication. The epigenetically controlled, highly coordinated replication of the Xi is reminiscent of embryonic genome replication in flies and frogs before genome activation and might be a common feature of transcriptionally silent chromatin

    Numerical study of wetting transitions on biomimetic surfaces using a lattice Boltzmann approach with large density ratio

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    The hydrophobicity of natural surfaces have drawn much attention of scientific communities in recent years. By mimicking natural surfaces, the manufactured biomimetic hydrophobic surfaces have been widely applied to green technologies such as self-cleaning surfaces. Although the theories for wetting and hydrophobicity have been developed, the mechanism of wetting transitions between heterogeneous wetting state and homogeneous wetting state is still not fully clarified. As understanding of wetting transitions is crucial for manufacturing a biomimetic superhydrophobic surface, more fundamental discussions in this area should be carried out. In the present work the wetting transitions are numerically studied using a phase field lattice Boltzmann approach with large density ratio, which should be helpful in understanding the mechanism of wetting transitions. The dynamic wetting transition processes between Cassie-Baxter state and Wenzel state are presented, and the energy barrier and the gravity effect on transition are discussed. It is found that the two wetting transition processes are irreversible for specific inherent contact angles and have different transition routes, the energy barrier exists on an ideally patterned surface and the gravity can be crucial to overcome the energy barrier and trigger the transition


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    Objective: to analyze the results of endovascular stent-graftingin dissections and atherosclerotic aneurysms of descending part of thoracic aorta.Material and method: in this analysis includes 28 patients with dissections and atherosclerotic aneurysms of descending part of thoracic aorta. Acute aortic dissection type 3 was occurred in 10 patients and two of them were complicated with rupture into the left pleural cavity. 10 patients with chronic aortic dissection type bunderwent operations and one of them was complicated with rupture into the left pleural cavity. Among 8 operated patients due to chronic aneurysms of descending part of thoracic aorta, 4 patients were manifested with symptoms of hemothorax. In 3 patients with aortic dissection type 1 in long-term period, endovascular stent-grafting was performed concerning with the dilatation of descending thoracic aorta and patent false lumen. During in-hospital and long-term periods immediate clinical results, serious clinical complications and long-term survival were compared.Results: technical success of endovascular stent-grafting was achieved in 100 % of cases. In-hospital mortality was 4 (14,2 %) and 30-day mortality was 3 (10,7 %). Events of paraplegia, TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack), prosthetic infection were not found in our research. Two clinical occurrences of vascular approach site complication were found; one case of endoleak type 1 and stent-graft dislocation which required repeated endovascular stent-grafting and one case of endoleak type 2 which was performed subclaviancarotid bypass and ligation of left subclavian artery. Prolong intubation was needed in 5 patients (18,5 %).conclusion: Endovascular stent-grafting in dissections and atherosclerotic aneurysms of descending part of thoracic aorta contributes good immediate clinical results associating with less quantity of serious complications.ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: анализ результатов эндопротезирования (ЭП) при расслоениях и атеросклеротических аневризмах нисходящего отдела грудной аорты.МАТЕРИАЛЫ И МЕТОДЫ: в анализ были включены 28 пациентов с расслоениями и атеросклеротическими аневризмами нисходящего отдела грудной аорты. Острое расслоение 3 типа было у 10 пациентов, из них у 2 пациентов имелось осложнение в виде прорыва в левую плевральную полость. С хроническим расслоением В типа прооперировано 10 пациентов, из них у 1 – прорыв в левую плевральную полость. Из 8 пациентов, оперированных по поводу хронической атеросклеротической аневризмы нисходящего отдела грудной аорты, у 4 симптомы манифестировали в виде гемоторакса. У 3 пациентов с расслоением аорты 1 типа в отдаленном периоде выполнялось эндопротезирование в связи с дилатацией нисходящей рудной аорты и функционирующим ложным просветом. В госпитальном и отдаленном периодах сравнивались непосредственные клинические результаты, серьезные клинические осложнения и отдаленная выживаемость.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ. Технический успех ЭП был достигнут в 100 % случаев. Госпитальная летальность составила 4 (14,2 %), 30-дневная летальность – 3 (10,7 %). Случаев параплегии, ОНМК, инфекции эндографта в нашем исследовании не было. Наблюдалось два клинических случая развития осложнений в месте сосудистого доступа; один случай эндолика 1 типа и дислокация стент-графта, требующего повторного эндопротезирования, и один эндолик 2 типа, проведено подключично-сонное шунтирование, перевязка левой подключичной артерии. Продленная интубация потребовалась у 5 пациентов (18,5 %).ВЫВОДЫ: эндопротезирование при расслоениях и атеросклеротических аневризмах нисходящего отдела грудной аорты дает хороший непосредственный клинический результат, сопровождается меньшим количеством серьезных осложнений

    Assessment of fall-related self-efficacy and activity avoidance in people with Parkinson's disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Fear of falling (FOF) is common in Parkinson's disease (PD), and it is considered a vital aspect of comprehensive balance assessment in PD. FOF can be conceptualized differently. The Falls-Efficacy Scale (FES) assesses fall-related self-efficacy, whereas the Survey of Activities and Fear of Falling in the Elderly (SAFFE) assesses activity avoidance due to the risk of falling. This study aimed at investigating the validity and reliability of FES and SAFFE in people with PD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Seventy-nine people with PD (mean age; 64 years, SD 7.2) completed the Swedish version of FES(S), SAFFE and the physical functioning (PF) scale of the 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). FES(S) and SAFFE were administered twice, with an 8.8 (SD 2.3) days interval. Assumptions for summing item scores into total scores were examined and score reliability (Cronbach's alpha and test-retest reliability) were calculated. Construct validity was assessed by examining the pattern of Spearman correlations (r<sub>s</sub>) between the FES(S)/SAFFE and other variables, and by examining differences in FES(S)/SAFFE scores between fallers and non-fallers, genders, and between those reporting FOF and unsteadiness while turning.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For both scales, item mean scores (and standard deviations) were roughly similar and corrected item-total correlations exceeded 0.4. Reliabilities were ≥0.87. FES(S)-scores correlated strongest (r<sub>s</sub>, -0.74, p < 0.001) with SAFFE-scores, whereas SAFFE-scores correlated strongest with PF-scores (r<sub>s</sub>, -0.76, p < 0.001). Both scales correlated weakest with age (r<sub>s </sub>≤ 0.08). Experiencing falls, unsteadiness while turning, and FOF was associated with lower fall-related self-efficacy and higher activity avoidance.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study provides initial support for the score reliability and validity of the FES(S) and SAFFE in people with PD.</p

    Provider Attitudes and Practice Patterns for Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy for Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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    Background & Aims: Direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) are effective against hepatitis C virus and sustained virologic response is associated with reduced incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, there is controversy over the use of DAAs in patients with active or treated HCC and uncertainty about optimal management of these patients. We aimed to characterize attitudes and practice patterns of hepatology practitioners in the United States regarding the use of DAAs in patients with HCC. Methods: We conducted a survey of hepatology providers at 47 tertiary care centers in 25 states. Surveys were sent to 476 providers and we received 279 responses (58.6%). Results: Provider beliefs about risk of HCC recurrence after DAA therapy varied: 48% responded that DAAs reduce risk, 36% responded that DAAs do not change risk, and 16% responded that DAAs increase risk of HCC recurrence. However, most providers believed DAAs to be beneficial to and reduce mortality of patients with complete response to HCC treatment. Accordingly, nearly all providers (94.9%) reported recommending DAA therapy to patients with early-stage HCC who received curative treatment. However, fewer providers recommended DAA therapy for patients with intermediate (72.9%) or advanced (57.5%) HCC undergoing palliative therapies. Timing of DAA initiation varied among providers based on HCC treatment modality: 49.1% of providers reported they would initiate DAA therapy within 3 months of surgical resection whereas 45.9% and 5.0% would delay DAA initiation for 3–12 months and >1 year post-surgery, respectively. For patients undergoing transarterial chemoembolization (TACE), 42.0% of providers would provide DAAs within 3 months of the procedure, 46.7% would delay DAAs until 3–12 months afterward, and 11.3% would delay DAAs more than 1 year after TACE. Conclusions: Based on a survey sent to hepatology providers, there is variation in provider attitudes and practice patterns regarding use and timing of DAAs for patients with HCC. Further studies are needed to characterize the risks and benefits of DAA therapy in this patient population