14 research outputs found

    Sizes of induration and nutritional status in children with positive Mantoux test

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    Background: The immune status of children is always affected by nutrition. Sometime severe malnutrition is associated with falsenegative Mantoux test. There is a need to study to observe the effect of nutritional status on the size of indurations in Mantoux positivechildren. Study Design: Observational analytical cross-sectional study. Methods: The study population consisted of 310 patients,belonging to both sexes and age of 1-14 years, attending the outpatient department of UP Rural Institute of Medical Sciences andResearch, Saifai, Etawah. Only Mantoux positive cases were included in the study. Their sizes of indurations of skin reaction weremeasured and recorded in mm. The nutritional status was calculated as the weight for age and height for age standard (Z-score), usingthe NCHS charts of for males and females. Results: Out of 800 children screened for tuberculosis, 310 children had positive Mantouxtest and were recruited in the study. Mean induration (20 mm) was similar in all the groups. However, the size of indurations rangedfrom 10-40 mm, 11-33 mm, and 12-24 among normal weight, underweight, and overweight Z-score groups. Mean induration was same(20 mm) in two Z-score height for age groups (normal height, stunting), while it was 20.6 mm in the over-height group. Although, therange of Mantoux positivity ranges from 10-35 mm, 11-40 mm, and 18-22 mm among normal height, stunting, and over height Z-scoregroups. Conclusion: Although, nutritional status can affect the positivity of Mantoux test; in Mantoux positive children, the size ofindurations does not depend on their nutritional status

    Documentation of traditional alcoholic beverages and their indigenous utilization pattern by Kinnaura tribes of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya

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    Traditional alcoholic beverages are part and parcel of indigenous communities worldwide since ancient ages. These beverages are very common and popular among the indigenous communities residing in rural and tribal areas of India. In view of this, The present study has been conducted to document the traditional alcoholic beverages and their indigenous uses by Kinnaura tribes of Himachal Pradesh. Kinnaura, the tribal communities of Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh are famous for their own unique traditions, culture, history and lifestyle. The usage of local alcoholic beverages especially Angoori, Moori, Rashi, Brandi, Shudang, Chhang and Zanashang are quite common among Kinnaura tribes. These are important part of their customary rituals, festivals, diet and health since time immemorial and prepared by the tribal communities in every village across the Kinnauar district for their own use by following indigenous methods using fruits, grains and bulbs of 15 locally available species. The information on collection time, processing and production was gathered through interviews. Production of these traditional beverages are limited to household level and the methods involved for their preparation are almost similar all across the Kinnaur district. These indigenous practices are also being followed by the present generations through the knowledge gained from their elders. Legal permission for mass production, branding and popularization of traditional beverages and adoption as livelihood option has been suggested

    Evaluation of DNA damage in agricultural workers exposed to pesticides using single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay

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    Background : Pesticides are used in agriculture to protect crops, but they pose a potential risk to farmers and environment. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relation between the occupational exposure to various pesticides and the presence of DNA damage. Materials and Methods : Blood samples of 210 exposed workers (after a day of intense spraying) and 50 control subjects belonging to various districts of Punjab (India) were evaluated using Comet assay. Sixty workers who showed DNA damage were selected for follow up at 5-6 months after the first sampling during a low or null spraying period. Results : Significant differences were found in DNA damage between freshly exposed workers and controls and freshly exposed and followed up cases. There was significant increase in the comet parameters viz. mean comet tail length and frequency of cells showing migration in exposed workers as compared to controls (72.22 \ub1 20.76 vs. 46.92 \ub1 8.17, P<0.001; 31.79 vs. 5.77, P<0.001). In the second samples, followed up cases showed significant decrease in frequency of damaged cells as compared to freshly exposed workers of first sampling (P<0.05). The confounding factors such as variable duration of pesticide exposure, age, smoking, drinking and dietary habits etc which were expected to modulate the damage, were instead found to have no significant effect on DNA fragmentation. Conclusion : The evidence of a genetic hazard related to exposure resulting from the intensive use of pesticides stresses the need for educational programs for agricultural workers to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture

    Evaluation of DNA damage in agricultural workers exposed to pesticides using single cell gel electrophoresis (comet) assay

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    Background : Pesticides are used in agriculture to protect crops, but they pose a potential risk to farmers and environment. The aim of the present study is to investigate the relation between the occupational exposure to various pesticides and the presence of DNA damage. Materials and Methods : Blood samples of 210 exposed workers (after a day of intense spraying) and 50 control subjects belonging to various districts of Punjab (India) were evaluated using Comet assay. Sixty workers who showed DNA damage were selected for follow up at 5-6 months after the first sampling during a low or null spraying period. Results : Significant differences were found in DNA damage between freshly exposed workers and controls and freshly exposed and followed up cases. There was significant increase in the comet parameters viz. mean comet tail length and frequency of cells showing migration in exposed workers as compared to controls (72.22 ± 20.76 vs. 46.92 ± 8.17, P<0.001; 31.79 vs. 5.77, P<0.001). In the second samples, followed up cases showed significant decrease in frequency of damaged cells as compared to freshly exposed workers of first sampling (P<0.05). The confounding factors such as variable duration of pesticide exposure, age, smoking, drinking and dietary habits etc which were expected to modulate the damage, were instead found to have no significant effect on DNA fragmentation. Conclusion : The evidence of a genetic hazard related to exposure resulting from the intensive use of pesticides stresses the need for educational programs for agricultural workers to reduce the use of chemicals in agriculture

    Thermoanalytical studies on the non-isothermal dehydration and decomposition of <i>dl</i>-lactates of a series of transition metals

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    2982-2987The non-isothermal decomposition of a series of dl-lactates hydrates of chromium(III), manganese(II), iron(II),cobalt(II), nickel (II), copper(II) and zinc(II) has been studied with dry air as the purge gas and heating rate programmed at 10 Kmin-1. The α-T plots obtained from the TG data of none of the purely dehydration steps and the decomposition steps of cobalt(II) and zinc(II) compounds show any induction period, indicating no physical desorption, nucleation or branching while the α-T plots of the other decomposition phenomena show a period of induction indicating that physical desorption and nucleation are taking place. The TG data of the dehydration steps have also been analyzed using various differential, difference-differential, and integral methods, viz., Freeman-Carroll, Horowitz-Metzger, Coats- Redfern, Zsako, Fuoss-Salyer-Wilson and Karkhanavala-Dharwadkar methods. Values of activation entropy, Arrhenius factor, and order of reaction have been approximated and compared. The values of activation energy (E) for the dehydration steps are less than 60 kJmol-1 as expected for removal of weakly bound water of crystallization from such compounds. The entropy of activation (ΔS#) values have high magnitude in each case (˂ -150 JK-1mol-l) indicating an appreciable degree of rearrangement

    Documentation of traditional alcoholic beverages and their indigenous utilization pattern by Kinnaura tribes of Himachal Pradesh, North Western Himalaya

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    1002-1013Traditional alcoholic beverages are part and parcel of indigenous communities worldwide since ancient ages. These beverages are very common and popular among the indigenous communities residing in rural and tribal areas of India. In view of this, The present study has been conducted to document the traditional alcoholic beverages and their indigenous uses by Kinnaura tribes of Himachal Pradesh. Kinnaura, the tribal communities of Kinnaur district, Himachal Pradesh are famous for their own unique traditions, culture, history and lifestyle. The usage of local alcoholic beverages especially Angoori, Moori, Rashi, Brandi, Shudang, Chhang and Zanashang are quite common among Kinnaura tribes. These are important part of their customary rituals, festivals, diet and health since time immemorial and prepared by the tribal communities in every village across the Kinnauar district for their own use by following indigenous methods using fruits, grains and bulbs of 15 locally available species. The information on collection time, processing and production was gathered through interviews. Production of these traditional beverages are limited to household level and the methods involved for their preparation are almost similar all across the Kinnaur district. These indigenous practices are also being followed by the present generations through the knowledge gained from their elders. Legal permission for mass production, branding and popularization of traditional beverages and adoption as livelihood option has been suggested


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    to study the impact of integrated nutrient management practices on the vegetative growth parameters of strawberry cv. Chandler. The runners of strawberry cv. Chandler were planted in the first week of November with a spacing of 15 x 30cm. The investigation was laid out in RBD with twelve treatment combinations replicated thrice. The data regarding the different growth parameters observed at different days after planting (30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105) clearly indicate that the application of integrated sources of nutrients significantly affect the vegetative growth of the plant. The maximum growth in terms of height of the plant (5.83cm, 8.31 cm, 12.61 cm, 14.83 cm, 17.44 and 19.25cm), number of leaves per plant (5. 81, 10.27, 13.66, 16.86, 18.04 and 18.80cm), length of leaves (6.34cm, 6.96cm, 7.32cm, 8.00cm 8.32cm and 8.80cm) and width of leaves (5.16cm, 6.58cm, 7.86cm, 8.93cm, 10.20cm and 10.94cm) were recorded in the treatment T 12 -Azotobactor (50%) + Azospirillum (50%) + NPK (50%) + FYM at 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 DAP respectively in each respectively parameters which was statistically significant over control (T 1 ) where recommended doze of fertilizer was applied

    Evolutionary and in silico guided development of novel peptide analogues for antibacterial activity against ESKAPE pathogens

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    According to WHO, to combat the resistant strains, new effective anti-microbial agents are needed on an urgent basis and global researchers should focus their efforts and discovery programs on developing them against antibiotic-resistant pathogens or priority pathogens like ESKAPE. In this context, Cationic antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are being explored extensively as promising next-generation antimicrobials due to their broad range, fast kinetics and multifunctional role. Despite recent advances, it is still a daunting challenge to identify and design a potent AMP with no cytotoxicity, but with broad specific antimicrobial activity, stability and efficacy under in vivo conditions in a cost-effective and robust manner. In this work, as a proof of concept, we designed novel potent AMPs using artificial intelligence based in silico programs. Shortlisted peptide sequences were synthesized using the fmoc chemistry approach, assessed their antimicrobial activity, cell selectivity, mode of action and in vivo efficacy using a series of experiments. The synthesized peptide analogues demonstrated their antimicrobial activity (MIC in the range of 2.5–80 μM) against bacteria. The identified potential lead molecules showed antibacterial activity in physiological conditions with no signs of cytotoxicity. We further tested the antimicrobial activity of peptide analogues for treating wounds infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the mice burn wound model. In drug-development programs, the identification of lead antimicrobial agents is always challenging and involves screening a large number of molecules which is time-consuming and expensive. This work demonstrates the utility of artificial intelligence based in silico analysis programs in discovering novel antimicrobial agents in an economical, robust way