21 research outputs found

    Modelling paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) accumulation in Crassostrea gigas by using Dynamic Energy Budgets (DEB)

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    As other filter-feeders, Crassostrea gigas can concentrate paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) by consuming dinoflagellate phytoplankton species like Alexandrium minutum. Intake of PST in oyster tissues mainly results from feeding processes, i.e. clearance rate, pre-ingestive sorting and ingestion that are directly influenced by environmental conditions (trophic sources, temperature). This study aimed to develop a mechanistic model coupling the kinetics of PST accumulation and bioenergetics in C. gigas based on Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) theory. For the first time, the Synthesizing Units (SU) concept was applied to formalize the feeding preference of oysters between non-toxic and toxic microalgae. Toxin intake and accumulation were both dependent on the physiological status of oysters. The accumulation was modelled through the dynamics of two toxin compartments: (1) a compartment of ingested but non-assimilated toxins, with labile toxins within the digestive gland eliminated via faeces production; (2) a compartment of assimilated toxins with a rapid detoxification rate (within a few days). Firstly, the DEB-PST model was calibrated using data from two laboratory experiments where oysters have been exposed to A. minutum. Secondly, it was validated using data from another laboratory experiment and from three field surveys carried out in the Bay of Brest (France) from 2012 to 2014. To account for the variability in PST content of A. minutum cells, the saxitoxin (STX) amount per energy units in a toxic algae (ρPST) was adjusted for each dataset. Additionally, the effects of PST on the oyster bioenergetics were calibrated during the first laboratory experiment. However, these effects were shown to depend on the strain of A. minutum. Results of this study could be of great importance for monitoring agencies and decision makers to identify risky conditions (e.g. production areas, seawater temperature), to properly assess detoxification step (e.g. duration, modalities) before any commercialization or to improve predictions regarding closing of shellfish areas

    Combined effects of toxic dinoflagellates of Alexandrium genus and pathogens on bivalve physiology Abstract

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    Les populations de bivalves exploitĂ©s subissent rĂ©guliĂšrement des Ă©pizooties qui affaiblissent voire dĂ©ciment les stocks, et qui peuvent avoir des consĂ©quences majeures pour l’aquaculture. Ces maladies, dues Ă  des virus, bactĂ©ries, ou parasites, se dĂ©veloppent particuliĂšrement au printemps et en Ă©tĂ©. Ces pĂ©riodes de l’annĂ©e offrent Ă©galement des conditions propices aux efflorescences de micro-algues toxiques, dont des dinoflagellĂ©s du genre Alexandrium. Ainsi, le risque de co-occurrence d’efflorescences d’Alexandrium sp. et de maladies infectieuses chez les bivalves est Ă©levĂ©. Or, ces micro-algues synthĂ©tisent et excrĂštent des neurotoxines et des composĂ©s cytotoxiques responsables d’altĂ©rations physiologiques chez les bivalves. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est d’évaluer les effets combinĂ©s d’une exposition Ă  Alexandrium sp. et d’une infection par des agents pathogĂšnes sur la physiologie des bivalves, Ă  travers l’étude de diffĂ©rentes interactions tripartites bivalve – pathogĂšne – Alexandrium sp. Les rĂ©sultats de ce travail indiquent que diffĂ©rents profils de rĂ©ponse existent en fonction des espĂšces impliquĂ©es dans ces interactions. Ainsi, une exposition Ă  Alexandrium sp. peut augmenter le taux d’infection par des agents pathogĂšnes chez des bivalves ou au contraire le diminuer. Les rĂ©ponses hĂ©mocytaires associĂ©es peuvent traduire l’implication des dĂ©fenses immunitaires dans ces modulations hĂŽte-pathogĂšne. De plus, l’exposition Ă  des agents pathogĂšnes peut interfĂ©rer avec le processus d’accumulation de toxines algales dans les tissus des bivalves, illustrant la complexitĂ© de ces interactions. Ces rĂ©sultats, associĂ©s Ă  l’observation de lĂ©sions tissulaires chez les bivalves peuvent traduire l’altĂ©ration des activitĂ©s de nutrition (filtration, digestion
). Ce travail de thĂšse apporte une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’implication des efflorescences toxiques dans le dĂ©veloppement des maladies touchant les bivalves d’intĂ©rĂȘt commercial, mais Ă©galement de l’implication de l’environnement biotique des bivalves sur l’accumulation de phycotoxines rĂ©glementĂ©es.Bivalve populations undergo regular epidemics that weaken or decimate exploited stocks and thus limit aquaculture. These diseases are caused mainly by viruses, bacteria or parasites, and occur primarily during spring and summer. This period of the year also provides favorable conditions for toxic dinoflagellate blooms, including species of the genus Alexandrium. Thus, the risk of Alexandrium sp. blooms and infectious diseases co-occurring in bivalves is high. However, these micro-algae synthesize and excrete toxins and cytotoxic compounds responsible for physiological changes in bivalves and could lead to an immuno-compromised status.The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the combined effects on bivalve physiology of exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium sp., and infection by pathogens, through the study of different bivalve - pathogen - Alexandrium sp. tripartite interactions. The results of this work highlight the species-specific nature of these impacts.Thus, exposure to Alexandrium catenella reduces the herpesviruses infection in oyster Crassostrea gigas, whereas the dinoflagellate A. fundyense increases the susceptibility of C. virginica oyster to the parasite Perkinsus marinus, probably via immuno-suppression, as suggested by the partial inhibition of hemocyte responses. Additionally, the effect of a toxic algal bloom on oyster susceptibility to opportunistic diseases when exposed to a new microbial environment (simulating a transfer) was evaluated. Hemocyte responses to a changing microbial environment were suppressed by exposure to A. catenella, although no new bacterial infection was detected.Finally, exposure to pathogens or to a new microbial environment interferes with the processes by which oysters exposed to A. catenella accumulate algal toxins, illustrating the complexity of these interactions. These results provide a better understanding of the involvement of toxic algal blooms in the development of diseases affecting commercial bivalve species, but also of the involvement of the bivalve biotic environment in the accumulation of regulated toxins

    Effets combinés des dinoflagellés toxiques du genre Alexandrium et d'agents pathogÚnes sur la physiologie des bivalves

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    Bivalve populations undergo regular epidemics that weaken or decimate exploited stocks and thus limit aquaculture. These diseases are caused mainly by viruses, bacteria or parasites, and occur primarily during spring and summer. This period of the year also provides favorable conditions for toxic dinoflagellate blooms, including species of the genus Alexandrium. Thus, the risk of Alexandrium sp. blooms and infectious diseases co-occurring in bivalves is high. However, these micro-algae synthesize and excrete toxins and cytotoxic compounds responsible for physiological changes in bivalves and could lead to an immuno-compromised status.The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the combined effects on bivalve physiology of exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium sp., and infection by pathogens, through the study of different bivalve - pathogen - Alexandrium sp. tripartite interactions. The results of this work highlight the species-specific nature of these impacts.Thus, exposure to Alexandrium catenella reduces the herpesviruses infection in oyster Crassostrea gigas, whereas the dinoflagellate A. fundyense increases the susceptibility of C. virginica oyster to the parasite Perkinsus marinus, probably via immuno-suppression, as suggested by the partial inhibition of hemocyte responses. Additionally, the effect of a toxic algal bloom on oyster susceptibility to opportunistic diseases when exposed to a new microbial environment (simulating a transfer) was evaluated. Hemocyte responses to a changing microbial environment were suppressed by exposure to A. catenella, although no new bacterial infection was detected.Finally, exposure to pathogens or to a new microbial environment interferes with the processes by which oysters exposed to A. catenella accumulate algal toxins, illustrating the complexity of these interactions. These results provide a better understanding of the involvement of toxic algal blooms in the development of diseases affecting commercial bivalve species, but also of the involvement of the bivalve biotic environment in the accumulation of regulated toxins.Les populations de bivalves exploitĂ©s subissent rĂ©guliĂšrement des Ă©pizooties qui affaiblissent voire dĂ©ciment les stocks, et qui peuvent avoir des consĂ©quences majeures pour l’aquaculture. Ces maladies, dues Ă  des virus, bactĂ©ries, ou parasites, se dĂ©veloppent particuliĂšrement au printemps et en Ă©tĂ©. Ces pĂ©riodes de l’annĂ©e offrent Ă©galement des conditions propices aux efflorescences de micro-algues toxiques, dont des dinoflagellĂ©s du genre Alexandrium. Ainsi, le risque de co-occurrence d’efflorescences d’Alexandrium sp. et de maladies infectieuses chez les bivalves est Ă©levĂ©. Or, ces micro-algues synthĂ©tisent et excrĂštent des neurotoxines et des composĂ©s cytotoxiques responsables d’altĂ©rations physiologiques chez les bivalves. L’objectif de cette thĂšse est d’évaluer les effets combinĂ©s d’une exposition Ă  Alexandrium sp. et d’une infection par des agents pathogĂšnes sur la physiologie des bivalves, Ă  travers l’étude de diffĂ©rentes interactions tripartites bivalve – pathogĂšne – Alexandrium sp. Les rĂ©sultats de ce travail indiquent que diffĂ©rents profils de rĂ©ponse existent en fonction des espĂšces impliquĂ©es dans ces interactions. Ainsi, une exposition Ă  Alexandrium sp. peut augmenter le taux d’infection par des agents pathogĂšnes chez des bivalves ou au contraire le diminuer. Les rĂ©ponses hĂ©mocytaires associĂ©es peuvent traduire l’implication des dĂ©fenses immunitaires dans ces modulations hĂŽte-pathogĂšne. De plus, l’exposition Ă  des agents pathogĂšnes peut interfĂ©rer avec le processus d’accumulation de toxines algales dans les tissus des bivalves, illustrant la complexitĂ© de ces interactions. Ces rĂ©sultats, associĂ©s Ă  l’observation de lĂ©sions tissulaires chez les bivalves peuvent traduire l’altĂ©ration des activitĂ©s de nutrition (filtration, digestion
). Ce travail de thĂšse apporte une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’implication des efflorescences toxiques dans le dĂ©veloppement des maladies touchant les bivalves d’intĂ©rĂȘt commercial, mais Ă©galement de l’implication de l’environnement biotique des bivalves sur l’accumulation de phycotoxines rĂ©glementĂ©es

    Effects of marine harmful algal blooms on bivalve cellular immunity and infectious diseases: A review

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    Bivalves were long thought to be “symptomless carriers” of marine microalgal toxins to human seafood consumers. In the past three decades, science has come to recognize that harmful algae and their toxins can be harmful to grazers, including bivalves. Indeed, studies have shown conclusively that some microalgal toxins function as active grazing deterrents. When responding to marine Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) events, bivalves can reject toxic cells to minimize toxin and bioactive extracellular compound (BEC) exposure, or ingest and digest cells, incorporating nutritional components and toxins. Several studies have reported modulation of bivalve hemocyte variables in response to HAB exposure. Hemocytes are specialized cells involved in many functions in bivalves, particularly in immunological defense mechanisms. Hemocytes protect tissues by engulfing or encapsulating living pathogens and repair tissue damage caused by injury, poisoning, and infections through inflammatory processes. The effects of HAB exposure observed on bivalve cellular immune variables have raised the question of possible effects on susceptibility to infectious disease. As science has described a previously unrecognized diversity in microalgal bioactive substances, and also found a growing list of infectious diseases in bivalves, episodic reports of interactions between harmful algae and disease in bivalves have been published. Only recently, studies directed to understand the metabolic basis of these interactions have been undertaken. This review compiles evidence from studies of harmful algal effects upon bivalve shellfish that establishes a framework for recent efforts to understand how harmful algae can alter infectious disease, and particularly the fundamental role of cellular immunity, in modulating these interactions. Experimental studies reviewed here indicate that HABs can modulate bivalve-pathogen interactions in various ways, either by increasing bivalve susceptibility to disease or conversely by lessening infection proliferation or transmission. Alteration of immune defense and global physiological distress caused by HAB exposure have been the most frequent reasons identified for these effects on disease. Only few studies, however, have addressed these effects so far and a general pattern cannot be established. Other mechanisms are likely involved but are under-studied thus far and will need more attention in the future. In particular, the inhibition of bivalve filtration by HABs and direct interaction between HABs and infectious agents in the seawater likely interfere with pathogen transmission. The study of these interactions in the field and at the population level also are needed to establish the ecological and economical significance of the effects of HABs upon bivalve diseases. A more thorough understanding of these interactions will assist in development of more effective management of bivalve shellfisheries and aquaculture in oceans subjected to increasing HAB and disease pressures

    Comparative study of domoic acid accumulation, isomer content and associated digestive subcellular processes in five marine invertebrate species

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    Despite the deleterious effects of the phycotoxin domoic acid (DA) on human health, and the permanent threat of blooms of the toxic Pseudo-nitzschia sp. over commercially important fishery-resources, knowledge regarding the physiological mechanisms behind the profound differences in accumulation and depuration of this toxin in contaminated invertebrates remain very scarce. In this work, a comparative analysis of accumulation, isomer content, and subcellular localization of DA in different invertebrate species was performed. Samples of scallops Pecten maximus and Aequipecten opercularis, clams Donax trunculus, slippersnails Crepidula fornicata, and seasquirts Asterocarpa sp. were collected after blooms of the same concentration of toxic Pseudo-nitzschia australis. Differences (P <0.05) in DA accumulation were found, wherein P. maximus showed up to 20-fold more DA in the digestive gland than the other species. Similar profiles of DA isomers were found between P. maximus and A. opercularis, whereas C. fornicata was the species with the highest biotransformation rate (∌10%) and D. trunculus the lowest (∌4%). DA localization by immunohistochemical analysis revealed differences (P <0.05) between species: in P. maximus, DA was detected mainly within autophagosome-like vesicles in the cytoplasm of digestive cells, while in A. opercularis and C. fornicata significant DA immunoreactivity was found in post-autophagy residual bodies. A slight DA staining was found free within the cytoplasm of the digestive cells of D. trunculus and Asterocarpa sp. The Principal Component Analysis revealed similarities between pectinids, and a clear distinction of the rest of the species based on their capacities to accumulate, biotransform, and distribute the toxin within their tissues. These findings contribute to improve the understanding of the inter-specific differences concerning the contamination-decontamination kinetics and the fate of DA in invertebrate species

    Comparative study of domoic acid accumulation, isomer content and associated digestive subcellular processes in five marine invertebrate species

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    Despite the deleterious effects of the phycotoxin domoic acid (DA) on human health, and the permanent threat of blooms of the toxic Pseudo-nitzschia sp. over commercially important fishery-resources, knowledge regarding the physiological mechanisms behind the profound differences in accumulation and depuration of this toxin in contaminated invertebrates remain very scarce. In this work, a comparative analysis of accumulation, isomer content, and subcellular localization of DA in different invertebrate species was performed. Samples of scallops Pecten maximus and Aequipecten opercularis, clams Donax trunculus, slippersnails Crepidula fornicata, and seasquirts Asterocarpa sp. were collected after blooms of the same concentration of toxic Pseudo-nitzschia australis. Differences (P <0.05) in DA accumulation were found, wherein P. maximus showed up to 20-fold more DA in the digestive gland than the other species. Similar profiles of DA isomers were found between P. maximus and A. opercularis, whereas C. fornicata was the species with the highest biotransformation rate (~10%) and D. trunculus the lowest (~4%). DA localization by immunohistochemical analysis revealed differences (P <0.05) between species: in P. maximus, DA was detected mainly within autophagosome-like vesicles in the cytoplasm of digestive cells, while in A. opercularis and C. fornicata significant DA immunoreactivity was found in post-autophagy residual bodies. A slight DA staining was found free within the cytoplasm of the digestive cells of D. trunculus and Asterocarpa sp. The Principal Component Analysis revealed similarities between pectinids, and a clear distinction of the rest of the species based on their capacities to accumulate, biotransform, and distribute the toxin within their tissues. These findings contribute to improve the understanding of the inter-specific differences concerning the contamination-decontamination kinetics and the fate of DA in invertebrate species

    Results of mating experiments between all pair-wise combinations of <i>Pseudo-nitzschia</i> strains available.

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    <p>Results of mating experiments between all pair-wise combinations of <i>Pseudo-nitzschia</i> strains available.</p

    Map of the East Australian Current (EAC) as shown travelling south along the south-eastern Australian coastline and indicated by the warm sea-surface temperature.

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    <p>Station CTD44 (- 32.465°N, 153.705°S) is shown by black star. Sea surface data was compiled using the average highest available quality sea surface temperatures data from 12 to 17 September 2016 (NOAA-19 MOS—SRS Satellite—SST L3S - 06 day composite—day and night time composite) and eastward geostrophic current velocity data of 17 September 2016 (IMOS–Ocean Current—Gridded sea level anomaly—Near real time) (IMOS, 2016a and b).</p

    Location, date, time and physico-chemical characteristics of the seawater sampled at the surface (3-5m depth) and at the deepest sampling point (20–20.5m) on board the <i>RV Investigator</i>.

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    <p>Location, date, time and physico-chemical characteristics of the seawater sampled at the surface (3-5m depth) and at the deepest sampling point (20–20.5m) on board the <i>RV Investigator</i>.</p

    First report of the potentially toxic marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia simulans (Bacillariophyceae) from the East Australian Current

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    Certain species of the marine diatom genus Pseudo‐nitzschia are responsible for the production of the domoic acid (DA), a neurotoxin that can bioaccumulate in the food chain and cause amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) in animals and humans. This study extends our knowledge by reporting on the first observation of the potentially toxic species Pseudo‐nitzschia simulans from this region. One clonal strain of P. simulans was isolated from the East Australian Current and characterized using light and transmission electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analyses based on regions of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and the D1–D3 region of the large subunit (LSU) of the nuclear‐encoded ribosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA), as well as examined for DA production as measured by liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry. Although this strain was non‐toxic under the defined growth conditions, the results unambiguously confirmed that this isolate is the potentially toxic species P. simulans – the first report of this species from the Southern Hemisphere