134 research outputs found

    Millennial Disengagement in the Workplace

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    This research analysis looks to examine the data available regarding the perceived disengagement and entitlement present in the Millennial generation amongst the workforce. Additionally, data will be presented that this behavior is part of a predictable cycle that Millennials get stuck into. While each and every individual has an opportunity to become any type of person they desire, external influences from family, peers, and world situations can have a powerful effect, sometimes without the subject even realizing it. Having a better understanding of how and why Millennials have developed their character traits can aid modern managers in finding the best practices to grow and develop the potential of these young minds. Further research will indicate that Millennials are every bit as capable as previous generations, but they just require a different managerial approach

    Analysis of the minutes of the school board of the Cascade Montana public school to determine school board policies and procedures

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    Resilient and Real-time Control for the Optimum Management of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems with Distributed Dynamic Demands

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    A continuous increase in demands from the utility grid and traction applications have steered public attention toward the integration of energy storage (ES) and hybrid ES (HESS) solutions. Modern technologies are no longer limited to batteries, but can include supercapacitors (SC) and flywheel electromechanical ES well. However, insufficient control and algorithms to monitor these devices can result in a wide range of operational issues. A modern day control platform must have a deep understanding of the source. In this dissertation, specialized modular Energy Storage Management Controllers (ESMC) were developed to interface with a variety of ES devices. The EMSC provides the capability to individually monitor and control a wide range of different ES, enabling the extraction of an ES module within a series array to charge or conduct maintenance, while remaining storage can still function to serve a demand. Enhancements and testing of the ESMC are explored in not only interfacing of multiple ES and HESS, but also as a platform to improve management algorithms. There is an imperative need to provide a bridge between the depth of the electrochemical physics of the battery and the power engineering sector, a feat which was accomplished over the course of this work. First, the ESMC was tested on a lead acid battery array to verify its capabilities. Next, physics-based models of lead acid and lithium ion batteries lead to the improvement of both online battery management and established multiple metrics to assess their lifetime, or state of health. Three unique HESS were then tested and evaluated for different applications and purposes. First, a hybrid battery and SC HESS was designed and tested for shipboard power systems. Next, a lithium ion battery and SC HESS was utilized for an electric vehicle application, with the goal to reduce cycling on the battery. Finally, a lead acid battery and flywheel ES HESS was analyzed for how the inclusion of a battery can provide a dramatic improvement in the power quality versus flywheel ES alone


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    This Article addresses the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 2021 decision in Van Buren v. United States on what constitutes“ authorization” to access a computer under the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)—a law that imposes both criminal and private civil liability for violations—and concludes that, so far, the Van Buren decision has not rendered the CFAA toothless. The Introduction briefly explains the history of the CFAA, a summary of why it was enacted, how organizations have relied upon it as an important tool to protect themselves from computer hackers and increased cybersecurity risks, and a Circuit of Appeals split about what it means to “exceed authorization.” The Article then, in a section titled “Exceeding Authorized Access: All That Is Not Permitted Is Forbidden,” tells the sordid tale of what happened to Van Buren and how the U.S. Supreme Court resolved his case, ultimately by reversing the Court of Appeals’s ruling affirming his CFAA conviction in an attempt to resolve the circuit split. It concludes in “Protecting Systems with a Sign on the Doorposts” by examining the two cases that, through December 2021, considered the authorization issue and what they indicate about the future of the post-Van Buren CFAA


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    7 p.A microfiche copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: DOC-US/MF ED 1.310/2:44046

    Creating A Learning Organization

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    Ide-ide untuk mengembangkan sekolah kadangkala hanya berumur pendek. Gagasan yang menarik bisa jadi hanya bagus di angan-angan. Oleh karena itu, muncul wacana sebuah ‘learning organization.’ Learning organization adalah sekelompok orang yang menempuh tujuan bersama, dengan komitmen kolektif untuk secara teratur menimbang nilai tujuan-tujuan tadi, mengubahnya jika perlu, dan terus-menerus mengembangkan cara yang lebih efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi sekolah untuk menjadi learning organization adalah masih sempitnya pergaulan guru, kurangnya waktu, dan kompleksitas pengajaran. Namun dengan problem-solving (pemecahan masalah) secara sistematis, kolaboratif, dan terus-menerus mengem­bangkan dan menerapkan ide-ide baru, sekolah bisa memajukan dan mentransformasikan dirinya. Lsi

    Rethinking the Principalship

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    6 p.A microfiche copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: DOC-US/MF ED 1.310/2:46273

    Liderazgo Visionario

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    5 p

    Preparing School Leaders

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    6 p.A microfiche copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: DOC-US/MF ED 1.310/2:44046

    The State of Standards

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    7 p.A microfiche copy of this title is available through the UO Libraries under the call number: DOC-US/MF ED 1.310/2:45357
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