49 research outputs found

    Los estudios de usuarios en los planes de estudio de Biblioteconomía y documentación

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    User studies, acknowledged as an effective tool for acquiring an understanding of user characteristics in organizations’ information an evaluation processes, have evolved considerably in both theory and methodology. Their use is uneven in the professional, research and academic domains, however, and the subject is included in very few Spanish university curricula. The present article addresses some of the education objectives of the discipline and proposes the basic subject matter to achieve them, against the backdrop of the specific competencies associated with this diploma in the White Paper on the adaptation of Library and Information Science studies to European Higher Education Area criteria

    Produtividade e dispersão da atividade científica na Arquivologia: um estudo dos textos indexados pela Web of Science

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    O presente trabalho tem como objeto de estudo os artigos relacionados à Arquivologia, indexados pela Web of Science na categoria Information Science Library Science, até janeiro de 2014; e visa analisar seus indicadores de produção (idioma, país, área temática e taxa de crescimento), e de circulação (em termos de dispersão das publicações). No que se refere aos aspectos metodológicos, a busca reuniu termos relacionados à disciplina, ao sujeito e ao objeto de estudo, e resultou em um conjunto de 648 artigos. A dispersão dos artigos foi analisada de acordo com os preceitos da Ley de Bradford. Constatou-se que a maioria dos artigos estão escritos em inglês (92%) e provém dos Estados Unidos da América (44,8%). Além da categoria Information Science Library Science, que delimitou a coleta dos dados, a principal área de indexação é History (38,9%). Verificou-se que os artigos apresentam taxas de crescimento positivas, com exceção da década de 2001 a 2010 e o período de 2011 a 2014. Considerando-se a formação de uma literatura constituída por artigos, conclui-se que a atividade científica em Arquivologia é recente, remontando à década de 1950. Constatou-se a concentração de 242 artigos no núcleo constituído pela revista American Archivist, seguido por 2 zonas de dispersão: a primeira, formada por 18 revistas e 208 artigos; a segunda por 71 revistas e 198 artigos. Frente a estes resultados, o presente estudo proporciona subsídios que podem auxiliar a compreensão do processo de construção de conhecimento na área, bem como de facilitar o planejamento dos serviços de informação para pesquisadores e estudantes da área

    Knowledge Organization in Spain: a bibliometric analysis of ISKO-Spanish Chapter conferences

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    [Resumen] El objetivo del presente trabajo es caracterizar el recorrido de la Organización del Conocimiento en España a partir del análisis de los congresos del Capítulo Español de ISKO. La serie de reuniones de esta sociedad científica en nuestro país ya cuenta con una trayectoria suficientemente consolidada y constituye un valioso objeto de análisis para pulsar la evolución de las principales tendencias de investigación en esta área de conocimiento. Se ha realizado un estudio bibliométrico de las comunicaciones presentadas en los nueve congresos celebrados (1993-2009), aplicando indicadores unidimensionales y multidimensionales relativos a distintos datos (autoría, afiliación institucional y temática). Se señalan los frentes de investigación más representativos y su evolución en el tiempo. Asimismo, se muestran gráficamente las relaciones entre estos bloques temáticos y las instituciones más productivas, no habiéndose detectado perfiles de especialización definidos entre éstas, sino una tendencia general a abordar distintas áreas.[Abstract] This paper examines the development of Knowledge Organization in Spain on the basis of the analysis of conferences held by the ISKO-Spanish Chapter. The meetings of this scientific society in our country have already achieved a consolidated path and they represent a meaningful resource to assess and study the evolution of the main research trends in this area. It has been carried out a bibliometric study of papers presented in these nine conferences held between 1993 and 2009, applying one-dimensional and multidimensional indicators related to different dates (authorship, institutional affiliation and subject). The most relevant subject fields - and their evolution through those years ? have been identified. Finally, results also show relationships between subject areas and the most productive institutions, where there was no evidence of specialization profiles but a generic trend to deal with various fields

    Scientometric Analysis of Research in Energy Efficiency and Citizen Science through Projects and Publications

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    Energy efficiency is part of the commitment to environmental sustainability made by the organizations that promote and finance research and by the researchers that make this field their subject of study. Although there is growing interest in the subject, it is worth asking whether the research has been approached considering citizens’ needs or citizens’ participation. The main objective of this study is to analyse whether energy efficiency research has adopted a citizen science perspective. Using scientometric methods, the SCOPUS and CORDIS databases were consulted and a document search strategy was developed to gather information on publications and projects. The analysis revealed that, out of 265 projects under the Seventh Framework Programme on Energy Efficiency, only seven (3%) were related to citizen science. Although there is a large volume of publications on energy efficiency (over 200,000) and a considerable number of publications on citizen science (>30,000 articles), only 336 documents were identified that deal with both topics. The number of projects and publications on these topics has increased in recent years, with universities being the institutions that have published the most. Content analysis found that the most frequent topics are public perception of the use of renewable energies; citizen participation in measures to address climate change and global warming; and the involvement of different stakeholders in the use and responsible consumption of energy. Finally, information was collected on the impact of these publications on social media and altmetric tools. It was revealed that 33% of the 336 papers have had a presence in different sources, especially Twitter. This is a high figure compared with the dissemination achieved by papers from other disciplines.This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant 741657, SciShops.e

    La producción y colaboración científica por área temática de las Universidades públicas españolas

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    Due to the growing interest in the evaluation systems of scientific activity, especially in university rankings, by the scientific community and government organs responsible for science policy, it is necessary to have tools to show what the different dimensions involved in these evaluation processes, especially in the case of universities, which have different profiles. For this reason, compared to synthetic indicators, it is considered more appropriate to have a battery of indicators grouped by areas of knowledge, in order to avoid comparative grievances and get as fairly as possible among evaluation objects. We present some preliminary results, by subject area, in relation to scientific production and the degree of international collaboration of Spanish public universities. The data were collected from those contained in the observatory IUNE, showing the scientific activity of the Spanish Universities grouped into 6 major areas: Arts and Humanities (ART) Life Sciences (BIO) Experimental Science (EXP ), Architecture, Engineering and Computer Science (ENG); Medicine and Pharmacology (MED) and Social Sciences (SOC). The time period studied covered the years 2002-2011. These results show that the area of Experimental Sciences (EXP) has the highest scientific activity, representing approximately 40% of total public university system, ahead of ING and MED, with percentages representing about 25% each one. These documents are published in international collaboration in different proportions, with the area of EXP with 43% of this type of document, which stands over others, such as ING and MED whose average rates of international collaborative papers is about 30 %

    ¿Cómo responden los estudios de bibliotecología de las universidades españolas a las nuevas demandas sociales?

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    El estudio se ha llevado a cabo mediante técnicas estadísticas multivariables, de las materias que se imparten en los estudios de Bibliotecología de las distintas universidades españolas, así como de las ofertas de trabajo o de las características profesionales que se demandan sobre este tipo de profesionales. Para ello, la metodología que se ha utilizado ha sido el Análisis Multivariante, que engloba los métodos y técnicas estadísticas que permiten estudiar y tratar, en bloque, un conjunto de variables observadas en una colección de datos. La utilización de este tipo de indicadores ha permitido la realización de un studio pormenorizado de todas las materias ofertadas por las facultades españolas de Bibliotecología, y su vinculación a distintas áreas del conocimiento. A partir de ello, se ha podido realizar un análisis de la interdisciplinariedad existente en estos estudios, que resulta ser muy elevada y que no tiene correspondencia en cuanto a la presencia de los conocimientos de Bibliotecología en otras disciplinas. Otro de los resultados del estudio es la representación gráfica de las distintas universidades donde se observa su proximidad o lejanía respecto a la formación que ofrecen a los estudiantes frente a las demandas sociales existentes

    Tecnologias verdes para um mundo autossustentável: um olhar sobre Brasil e Espanha

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    The paper discusses about green technologies in the scope of the innovation process, based on the analysis of the green patents requested in a global level and, more specifically, on the study of the priority patents Brazil and Spain. Green patents, defined here, as patents that have focus in green technology, that is, adaptive and mitigation technologies of the climate change, which comprehends reduction of carbon emissions and pollution, efficient increase of energy and resources and reduction of the biodiversity loss and the ecosystems. From the methodological point of view, a search strategy was formulated based on the Green Technology Manual Codes tables. The established concept of the green technology by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change was used to build the corpus of the 224.673 patent registers extract from Derwent World Patents Index data bases, between 2004 and 2013. The results of the analysis demonstrate the extent of the efforts mobilization, sometimes set up under the aegis of the green economy, which aims to change the traditional production model, not only as an option but as an imperative trend of the world economyO texto discute sobre as tecnologias verdes no âmbito do processo de inovação, com base na análise das patentes verdes solicitadas em nível global e, mais particularmente, no estudo das patentes de prioridade Brasil e Espanha. Patentes verdes aqui entendidas como patentes com foco em tecnologias verdes, ou seja, tecnologias adaptativas e mitigadores das mudanças do clima, o que compreende redução da emissão de carbono e poluição, aumento da eficiência energética e de recursos e a redução da perda de biodiversidade e dos ecossistemas. Do ponto de vista metodológico, formulou-se uma estratégia de busca com base nas tabelas Green Technology Manual Codes. Para a constituição do corpus de 224.673 registros de patentes extraídas da base de dados Derwent World Patents Index – período de cobertura 2004-2013 – o foco foram as tecnologias verdes estabelecidas pela Convenção Marco das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança Climática. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram a amplitude da mobilização de esforços, ora sob a égide da economia verde, no propósito da mudança do modelo de produção tradicional, não como uma opção, mas como uma tendência imperativa da economia mundial

    How Did the 2008 Economic Crisis Affect Central Banks’ Research Topics? The Case of CEMLA Associates and Collaborating Members

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    Central banks play a fundamental role in a country’s monetary policy. This study has a twofold objective: a) to analyse the contribution to academic research made by the associates and collaborating members of the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA) and b) to analyse the evolution of research topics in the economic literature over the pre-crisis and crisis periods. Eighteen banks were subjected to bibliometric analysis covering the period 2000-2019. The results show that, although the number of publications is higher for the collaborating members, the growth rate over time is higher in the associates. Associates collaborate less with other institutions in the crisis period than collaborating members. The evolution of topics reveals important differences between the two groups