35 research outputs found

    "It's Like the Pieces of a Puzzle That You Know": Research Interviews With People Who Inject Drugs Using the VidaviewTM Life Story Board

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    Bei dem Life Story Board (LSB) handelt es sich um ein visuelles Tool, das in therapeutischen Kontexten zum Einsatz kommt, um die Lebenswelt zu ko-konsturieren, die die persönlichen, relationalen und zeitlichen Aspekte individueller gelebter Erfahrung umfasst. In unserer Studie zu Drogennutzung und Schadensreduzierung interviewten wir Menschen, die Drogen injizieren unter Einsatz des LSB, um herauszufinden, ob sich hieraus Potenziale fĂŒr eine verbesserte qualitative Forschung ergeben könnten. In unserem Forschungsteam arbeiteten neben Akademiker*innen auch frĂŒhere oder aktuelle Drogenkonsument*innen mit. Interviews wurden von jeweils zwei Personen gefĂŒhrt: eine agierte als Interviewer*in, die andere war fĂŒr das LSB zustĂ€ndig.Entlang der Ergebnisse war nachvollziehbar, dass Interviewende und Interviewte in unterschiedlicher Weise mit dem LSB interagierten: WĂ€hrend die Interviewer*innen es nutzten, um sich im Leitfaden zu orientieren, half es den Befragten, die eigene Lebensgeschichte mittels einer Vielzahl an emotionalen und kognitiven Äußerungen zu validieren oder zu unterstreichen. Das LSB erlaubte, sich an spezifische Situationen oder VorfĂ€lle zu erinnern, Perspektiven hinzuzugewinnen und der eigenen Geschichte zusĂ€tzlichen Sinn zu verleihen. Insoweit arbeiteten Interviewte und Interviewende unter jeweils unterschiedlichen Vorzeichen mittels des LSB gemeinsam an einer (Re-)PrĂ€sentation der jeweiligen Lebensgeschichte.The Life Story Board (LSB) is a visual tool used in therapeutic circumstances to co-construct a lifescape that represents the personal, relational and temporal aspects of a person's lived experiences. We conducted a study of the drug use and harm reduction experiences of people who inject drugs through research interviews using the LSB to determine whether it has the potential to enhance qualitative research. Our team included community researchers who were current or former drug users and academic researchers. Interviews were conducted by two community researchers: an interviewer and a storyboarder who populated the LSB.Results showed that interviewers and participants interacted with the LSB in different ways. The board functioned to situate the interviewers in the interview schedule, whereas participants often used the board as a way to validate or reinforce their life story. Participants expressed a variety of emotional and cognitive responses to the board. Overall, the LSB helped participants focus on their life story to recall specific occasions or incidents and enabled them to gain perspective and make greater sense of their lives. Both participants and interviewers engaged with the LSB in nuanced ways that enabled them to work together to represent the participant's life story

    The Influence of Educational Determinants on Children’s Health: A Scoping Review of Reviews

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    Objectives: Education is one of the most important social determinants shaping the development and wellbeing of children. The purpose of this review of reviews is to inform policymakers, practitioners and public health stakeholder involved in developing child-friendly policies outside of the healthcare system.Methods: We carried out a scoping review of reviews. It included 32 reviews.Results: We identified four main categories of educational determinants in relation to children’s health: 1) the organization and structure of educational activities, 2) the interpersonal relations in the educational facilities and structures, 3) the spatial environment of educational facilities and structures, 4) social inequalities in the educational facilities and structures. This last category highlighted the capacity of education system to act on inequalities derived from the way social structures are organized.Conclusion: We suggest a conceptual framework for action which distinguishes structural determinant (gender, race, social class, etc.) and structuring determinant (public policy, systems of governance, organization of cultures/values consideration). Finally, we discuss on how these social structures and structuring determinants influence the intermediary educational determinants collated in the review

    Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape

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    Wildlife must adapt to human presence to survive in the Anthropocene, so it is critical to understand species responses to humans in different contexts. We used camera trapping as a lens to view mammal responses to changes in human activity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Across 163 species sampled in 102 projects around the world, changes in the amount and timing of animal activity varied widely. Under higher human activity, mammals were less active in undeveloped areas but unexpectedly more active in developed areas while exhibiting greater nocturnality. Carnivores were most sensitive, showing the strongest decreases in activity and greatest increases in nocturnality. Wildlife managers must consider how habituation and uneven sensitivity across species may cause fundamental differences in human–wildlife interactions along gradients of human influence.Peer reviewe

    Biological Earth observation with animal sensors

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    Space-based tracking technology using low-cost miniature tags is now delivering data on fine-scale animal movement at near-global scale. Linked with remotely sensed environmental data, this offers a biological lens on habitat integrity and connectivity for conservation and human health; a global network of animal sentinels of environmen-tal change

    Liens éphémÚres : Les ponts de glace au XIXe siÚcle

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    Le modÚle psychoéducatif : une avenue porteuse pour qualifier les services en réadaptation avec hébergement au CJM-IU

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    L’article porte sur l’implantation du modĂšle psychoĂ©ducatif dans tous les services de rĂ©adaptation destinĂ©s aux adolescent(e)s du CJM-IU, placĂ©s en vertu soit de la Loi sur la santĂ© et les services sociaux, soit de la Loi sur la protection de la Jeunesse, soit de la Loi sur le systĂšme de justice pĂ©nale pour les adolescents. Sont dĂ©crites d’abord les origines conceptuelles du projet puis la structure de travail mise en place pour favoriser la participation d’une cinquantaine d’équipes d’éducateurs oeuvrant auprĂšs d’adolescents hĂ©bergĂ©s en foyers de groupe ou en internat. Sont ensuite prĂ©sentĂ©es les Ă©tapes de la dĂ©marche d’implantation des opĂ©rations professionnelles inhĂ©rentes au modĂšle psychoĂ©ducatif appliquĂ©es aux groupes. Enfin sont Ă©voquĂ©s les principaux dĂ©fis que pose l’implantation complĂšte et durable de ce modĂšle en raison de la diversitĂ© des formations et de la mobilitĂ© du personnel Ă©ducatif.This paper provides a description of a process realized at “Centre Jeunesse de MontrĂ©al” to implement the psychoeducative model in all its readaptation settings for adolescent girls and boys, placed under any of the three youth services legislations. First, the conceptual sources leading to the project are presented and the frame of work conceived to implement the model in more than fifty group homes or residential units is described. Second, the steps of the process dedicated to set in place the use of the psychoeducative professsional operations applied to groups are summarized. At last, a brief description is done of the challenges faced by the MontrĂ©al Centre Jeunesse to achieve a full and lasting implementation among a clinical work force characterized by a diversity of initial formations and frequent leavings and new arrivals