23 research outputs found
Sociologia clĂnica e saĂșde mental
The project âRecovery and life projectâ has a double objective: i. propose to the employees and residents of Maison Saint-Dominique (MSD - MontrĂ©al/CanadĂĄ), an in-depth work on his âfamily history and social trajectoryâ, under the guidance of clinical sociology, ii. develop an action research to evaluate this experiment as an alternative perspective on mental health, to be disseminated and compared other practices in the field of mental health. The article presents, in the first moment, the approach, its theoretical and methodological foundations. In the second moment, it reports the way in which the participants carried out the proposal and the perceived effects from their testimonies. The approach illustrates the interest in developing a clinic of complexity within the domain of mental health.Le projet âRĂ©tablissement et projet de vieâ a un double objectif: i. proposer aux intervenants et aux rĂ©sidents de la Maison Saint-Dominique (MSD - MontrĂ©al/Canada), un travail approfondi sur leur âroman familial et trajectoire socialeâ, dans lâorientation de la sociologie clinique; ii. dĂ©velopper une recherche-action pour Ă©valuer cette expĂ©rimentation en tant quâapproche alternative en santĂ© mentale, la diffuser et la confronter Ă dâautres pratiques dans le domaine de la santĂ© mentale. Le texte qui suit prĂ©sente, dans un premier temps, la dĂ©marche, ses soubassements thĂ©oriques et mĂ©thodologiques. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, il rend compte de la façon dont les participants lâont mis en Ćuvre et les effets perceptibles Ă partir de leurs tĂ©moignages. La dĂ©marche illustre lâintĂ©rĂȘt de dĂ©velopper une clinique de la complexitĂ© dans le domaine de la santĂ© mentale.Le projet âRĂ©tablissement et projet de vieâ a un double objectif: i. proposer aux intervenants et aux rĂ©sidents de la Maison Saint-Dominique (MSD - MontrĂ©al/Canada), un travail approfondi sur leur âroman familial et trajectoire socialeâ, dans lâorientation de la sociologie clinique; ii. dĂ©velopper une recherche-action pour Ă©valuer cette expĂ©rimentation en tant quâapproche alternative en santĂ© mentale, la diffuser et la confronter Ă dâautres pratiques dans le domaine de la santĂ© mentale. Le texte qui suit prĂ©sente, dans un premier temps, la dĂ©marche, ses soubassements thĂ©oriques et mĂ©thodologiques. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, il rend compte de la façon dont les participants lâont mis en Ćuvre et les effets perceptibles Ă partir de leurs tĂ©moignages. La dĂ©marche illustre lâintĂ©rĂȘt de dĂ©velopper une clinique de la complexitĂ© dans le domaine de la santĂ© mentale
A Study of RO5217790 (HPV Targeted Immunotherapy) in Patients With High Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia Associated With High Risk HPV Infection
Comparative Medicine - OneHealth and Comparative Medicine Poster SessionThis is a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, parallel group multicenter study in women with biopsy confirmed Grade 2 or Grade 3 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Two hundred patients will be enrolled and randomized in a 2: 1 ratio of RO5217790: placebo. They will be stratified on the basis of their HPV genotyping with stratum 1 consisting of those women with HPV 16 single infection and stratum 2 consisting of those with single or multiple infections with other high risk genotypes. Three injections of RO5217790 (5 x 107pfu) will be administered subcutaneously, each one week apart. Interim colposcopy, cytology and HPV assessments will be performed at Month 3. All patients will undergo conization at Month 6. The primary endpoint is histologic response at Month 6 in HPV 16 single infected patients, as assessed by central pathology review. The secondary endpoints include histologic response in all CIN2/3 patients enrolled regardless of genotype, viral clearance, safety, and immune response (cellular and humoral). After the Month 6 conization, the study will be unblinded and patients will undergo follow-up for an additional 2 years for efficacy and safety. This includes visits at Months 12, 18, 24 and 30 to assess histologic relapse/recurrence and viral re-infection as well as reporting of any serious adverse events. An interim analysis will be conducted when a minimum of 80 patients (at least 20 of whom have single infection with HPV 16 and 20 of whom have infection with HPV 16 plus HPV 16 related genotypes) have undergone conization. NCT0102234
Association between childhood trauma and bipolar disorders : clinical and molecular correlates
Le trouble bipolaire (TB) est une pathologie frĂ©quente (1 Ă 3% de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale), chronique, rĂ©currente et handicapante. Les patients, mĂȘme sous traitement, prĂ©sentent en moyenne un Ă©pisode tous les 18 mois. Les traumatismes affectifs dans l'enfance (TE) sont frĂ©quents en population gĂ©nĂ©rale et peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©valuĂ©s par le CTQ (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire) qui recense et cote l'intensitĂ© de 5 sous-types : abus Ă©motionnel (EA), physique (PA), et sexuel (SA) ; et nĂ©gligences Ă©motionnelle (EN) et physique (PN). Les TE sont retrouvĂ©s plus frĂ©quemment chez les adultes avec TB, ce qui suggĂšre qu'ils participent au dĂ©veloppement du TB, et ils sont Ă©galement associĂ©s Ă des formes cliniques plus sĂ©vĂšres et complexes, et Ă un pronostic moins favorable. Les TE sont susceptibles de perturber de nombreux systĂšmes biologiques, dans leur fonctionnement et leur rĂ©gulation, avec notamment des altĂ©rations de leurs niveaux d'expression. Les systĂšmes potentiellement altĂ©rĂ©s sont principalement ceux de l'axe HPA (axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrĂ©nalien) de rĂ©ponse au stress, la voie des neurotrophines dont le BDNF, les gĂšnes circadiens impliquĂ©s dans l'horloge biologique, les systĂšmes de la neurotransmission et de l'immuno-inflammation. Ce travail a explorĂ© de maniĂšre prospective l'association entre les TE et la rechute thymique dans le TB au sein d'une cohorte de 2000 patients avec une durĂ©e mĂ©diane de suivi de 22.3 mois. Les analyses univariĂ©es montrent que les TE, notamment tous les sous-types d'abus (EA, PA et SA), Ă©taient significativement associĂ©s Ă une rechute plus prĂ©coce (tous les p<0.001). En incluant les potentiels facteurs confondants, l'association entre l'abus physique et le dĂ©lai avant la rechute restait significative (HR=1.05 [1.02-1.09] ; p=0.0045). Les facteurs confondants contribuant Ă©galement Ă une rechute thymique plus prĂ©coce Ă©taient le nombre d'Ă©pisodes thymiques antĂ©rieurs, les symptĂŽmes rĂ©siduels dĂ©pressifs ou hypomaniaques, un traitement actuel par antidĂ©presseurs ou antipsychotiques atypiques. Nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ© le lien entre comorbiditĂ©s psychiatriques et TE dans une cohorte de 3000 patients avec TB. Dans cette cohorte, les 6 comorbiditĂ©s les plus frĂ©quemment retrouvĂ©es Ă©taient les suivantes: tentative de suicide (39%), mĂ©susage d'alcool (25%), de cannabis (19%), troubles du comportement alimentaire (18%), trouble anxieux gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© (15%) et phobie sociale (14%). La plupart des 11 comorbiditĂ©s recensĂ©es (essentiellement anxieuses et addictives) Ă©taient plus frĂ©quentes et plus actives chez les patients prĂ©sentant un TE sĂ©vĂšre (quartile le plus Ă©levĂ© au CTQ). Sur le plan molĂ©culaire, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ©, grĂące Ă des analyses de rĂ©seau de co-expression, plusieurs gĂšnes candidats impliquĂ©s dans les processus biologiques dont le fonctionnement est suggĂ©rĂ© comme altĂ©rĂ© par les TE. Ces analyses ont montrĂ© que l'exposition aux TE modifie significativement l'expression relative des transcrits de 3 voies biologiques d'intĂ©rĂȘt : l'axe HPA (EA Ă©tant associĂ© Ă la diminution d'expression de DGKH et NR3C1); les gĂšnes circadiens (l'expression de PPARGC1A Ă©tait significativement affectĂ©e chez les patients avec antĂ©cĂ©dent de trauma, et en particulier PA), et la voie du BDNF (EA modifiant significativement l'expression relative de NGFR et SA, celles de SORT1 et NGFRAP1). L'ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats s'inscrit dans la perspective d'une meilleure comprĂ©hension des effets Ă long terme des TE, Ă la fois sur le plan clinique et molĂ©culaire, chez les patients atteints de TB. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient participer au dĂ©veloppement d'une mĂ©decine personnalisĂ©e permettant des stratĂ©gies de prise en charge plus intensives et/ou une surveillance accrue de ces patients exposĂ©s aux TE, notamment via la prĂ©vention d'un risque augmentĂ© de rechute et la prise en charge de leurs comorbiditĂ©s psychiatriques.Bipolar disorder (BD) is a frequent (1 to 3% of the general population), chronic, recurrent and disabling disease. In individuals with BD, even when treated, mood episodes occur on average every 18 months. Childhood affective traumas (CT) are frequent in the general population, and can be assessed using the CTQ (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire), which identifies and rates the intensity of 5 CT subtypes: emotional abuse (EA), physical abuse (PA) and sexual abuse (SA) ; emotional neglect (EN) and physical neglect (PN). CT are frequently reported in adults with BD and are also associated with more complex and severe clinical forms, and with a poorer prognosis. This suggests that CT participate in the development of the disease. CT are also suggested to alter the functions and regulation of numerous biological systems, notably by affecting expression levels of certain genes. These altered systems are mostly the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) involved in stress response; the neurotrophic pathway including BDNF; circadian genes involved in the biological clock; the neurotransmission and the immuno-inflammatory systems. In this work, we prospectively explored the association between CT and mood relapse in BD within a cohort of 2000 adult individuals with a median time of follow-up of 22.3 months. Univariate analyses show that CT, notably all subtypes of abuses (EA, PA and SA), were significantly associated to an earlier relapse (all p-values <0.001). When including potential confounding factors, the association between PA and the time before relapse remained significant (HR=1.05 [1.02-1.09]; p=0.0045). The confounding factors also leading to an earlier relapse were lifetime number of episodes, residual depressive or hypomanic symptoms and current use of antidepressants or second-generation antipsychotics. We have also studied the link between CT and psychiatric comorbidities in a retrospective cohort of 3000 individuals with BD. The six most frequent comorbidities were suicidal attempt (39%), alcohol misuse (25%), cannabis misuse (19%), eating disorders (18%), generalized anxiety disorder (15%) and social phobia (14%). Most of the assessed comorbidities (mainly anxious and addictive) were more frequent and more currently active in the individuals with a severe exposure to CT (highest quartile of CTQ). At the molecular level, we used gene network analyses to study the regulation of expression of candidate genes involved in biological processes whose functioning has been suggested to be altered by CT. These analyses confirmed that CT significantly affects the three tested biological pathways and highlighted the genes of interest in each pathway: HPA axis (with an association between EA and the decreased expression of DGKH and NR3C1); circadian genes (the expression of PPARGC1A was significantly affected in patients with a history of CT, in particular PA); and the neurotrophic pathway of BDNF (with EA affecting significantly the relative expression of NGFR, and SA those of SORT1 and NGFRAP1). Taken together, these findings are part of a better understanding of the long-lasting consequences of CT in individuals with BD, both on clinic and molecular perspectives. This might lead to the development of a personalized medicine offering strategies of care that could be more intensive and/or an increased monitoring of these patients with a history of CT, including carefully treating their psychiatric comorbidities and effectively preventing mood relapses
Association entre les traumatismes dans l'enfance et les rechutes thymiques dans les troubles bipolaires : médiateurs cliniques et moléculaires
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a frequent (1 to 3% of the general population), chronic, recurrent and disabling disease. In individuals with BD, even when treated, mood episodes occur on average every 18 months. Childhood affective traumas (CT) are frequent in the general population, and can be assessed using the CTQ (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire), which identifies and rates the intensity of 5 CT subtypes: emotional abuse (EA), physical abuse (PA) and sexual abuse (SA) ; emotional neglect (EN) and physical neglect (PN). CT are frequently reported in adults with BD and are also associated with more complex and severe clinical forms, and with a poorer prognosis. This suggests that CT participate in the development of the disease. CT are also suggested to alter the functions and regulation of numerous biological systems, notably by affecting expression levels of certain genes. These altered systems are mostly the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) involved in stress response; the neurotrophic pathway including BDNF; circadian genes involved in the biological clock; the neurotransmission and the immuno-inflammatory systems. In this work, we prospectively explored the association between CT and mood relapse in BD within a cohort of 2000 adult individuals with a median time of follow-up of 22.3 months. Univariate analyses show that CT, notably all subtypes of abuses (EA, PA and SA), were significantly associated to an earlier relapse (all p-values <0.001). When including potential confounding factors, the association between PA and the time before relapse remained significant (HR=1.05 [1.02-1.09]; p=0.0045). The confounding factors also leading to an earlier relapse were lifetime number of episodes, residual depressive or hypomanic symptoms and current use of antidepressants or second-generation antipsychotics. We have also studied the link between CT and psychiatric comorbidities in a retrospective cohort of 3000 individuals with BD. The six most frequent comorbidities were suicidal attempt (39%), alcohol misuse (25%), cannabis misuse (19%), eating disorders (18%), generalized anxiety disorder (15%) and social phobia (14%). Most of the assessed comorbidities (mainly anxious and addictive) were more frequent and more currently active in the individuals with a severe exposure to CT (highest quartile of CTQ). At the molecular level, we used gene network analyses to study the regulation of expression of candidate genes involved in biological processes whose functioning has been suggested to be altered by CT. These analyses confirmed that CT significantly affects the three tested biological pathways and highlighted the genes of interest in each pathway: HPA axis (with an association between EA and the decreased expression of DGKH and NR3C1); circadian genes (the expression of PPARGC1A was significantly affected in patients with a history of CT, in particular PA); and the neurotrophic pathway of BDNF (with EA affecting significantly the relative expression of NGFR, and SA those of SORT1 and NGFRAP1). Taken together, these findings are part of a better understanding of the long-lasting consequences of CT in individuals with BD, both on clinic and molecular perspectives. This might lead to the development of a personalized medicine offering strategies of care that could be more intensive and/or an increased monitoring of these patients with a history of CT, including carefully treating their psychiatric comorbidities and effectively preventing mood relapses.Le trouble bipolaire (TB) est une pathologie frĂ©quente (1 Ă 3% de la population gĂ©nĂ©rale), chronique, rĂ©currente et handicapante. Les patients, mĂȘme sous traitement, prĂ©sentent en moyenne un Ă©pisode tous les 18 mois. Les traumatismes affectifs dans l'enfance (TE) sont frĂ©quents en population gĂ©nĂ©rale et peuvent ĂȘtre Ă©valuĂ©s par le CTQ (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire) qui recense et cote l'intensitĂ© de 5 sous-types : abus Ă©motionnel (EA), physique (PA), et sexuel (SA) ; et nĂ©gligences Ă©motionnelle (EN) et physique (PN). Les TE sont retrouvĂ©s plus frĂ©quemment chez les adultes avec TB, ce qui suggĂšre qu'ils participent au dĂ©veloppement du TB, et ils sont Ă©galement associĂ©s Ă des formes cliniques plus sĂ©vĂšres et complexes, et Ă un pronostic moins favorable. Les TE sont susceptibles de perturber de nombreux systĂšmes biologiques, dans leur fonctionnement et leur rĂ©gulation, avec notamment des altĂ©rations de leurs niveaux d'expression. Les systĂšmes potentiellement altĂ©rĂ©s sont principalement ceux de l'axe HPA (axe hypothalamo-hypophyso-surrĂ©nalien) de rĂ©ponse au stress, la voie des neurotrophines dont le BDNF, les gĂšnes circadiens impliquĂ©s dans l'horloge biologique, les systĂšmes de la neurotransmission et de l'immuno-inflammation. Ce travail a explorĂ© de maniĂšre prospective l'association entre les TE et la rechute thymique dans le TB au sein d'une cohorte de 2000 patients avec une durĂ©e mĂ©diane de suivi de 22.3 mois. Les analyses univariĂ©es montrent que les TE, notamment tous les sous-types d'abus (EA, PA et SA), Ă©taient significativement associĂ©s Ă une rechute plus prĂ©coce (tous les p<0.001). En incluant les potentiels facteurs confondants, l'association entre l'abus physique et le dĂ©lai avant la rechute restait significative (HR=1.05 [1.02-1.09] ; p=0.0045). Les facteurs confondants contribuant Ă©galement Ă une rechute thymique plus prĂ©coce Ă©taient le nombre d'Ă©pisodes thymiques antĂ©rieurs, les symptĂŽmes rĂ©siduels dĂ©pressifs ou hypomaniaques, un traitement actuel par antidĂ©presseurs ou antipsychotiques atypiques. Nous avons Ă©galement Ă©tudiĂ© le lien entre comorbiditĂ©s psychiatriques et TE dans une cohorte de 3000 patients avec TB. Dans cette cohorte, les 6 comorbiditĂ©s les plus frĂ©quemment retrouvĂ©es Ă©taient les suivantes: tentative de suicide (39%), mĂ©susage d'alcool (25%), de cannabis (19%), troubles du comportement alimentaire (18%), trouble anxieux gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ© (15%) et phobie sociale (14%). La plupart des 11 comorbiditĂ©s recensĂ©es (essentiellement anxieuses et addictives) Ă©taient plus frĂ©quentes et plus actives chez les patients prĂ©sentant un TE sĂ©vĂšre (quartile le plus Ă©levĂ© au CTQ). Sur le plan molĂ©culaire, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ©, grĂące Ă des analyses de rĂ©seau de co-expression, plusieurs gĂšnes candidats impliquĂ©s dans les processus biologiques dont le fonctionnement est suggĂ©rĂ© comme altĂ©rĂ© par les TE. Ces analyses ont montrĂ© que l'exposition aux TE modifie significativement l'expression relative des transcrits de 3 voies biologiques d'intĂ©rĂȘt : l'axe HPA (EA Ă©tant associĂ© Ă la diminution d'expression de DGKH et NR3C1); les gĂšnes circadiens (l'expression de PPARGC1A Ă©tait significativement affectĂ©e chez les patients avec antĂ©cĂ©dent de trauma, et en particulier PA), et la voie du BDNF (EA modifiant significativement l'expression relative de NGFR et SA, celles de SORT1 et NGFRAP1). L'ensemble de ces rĂ©sultats s'inscrit dans la perspective d'une meilleure comprĂ©hension des effets Ă long terme des TE, Ă la fois sur le plan clinique et molĂ©culaire, chez les patients atteints de TB. Ces rĂ©sultats pourraient participer au dĂ©veloppement d'une mĂ©decine personnalisĂ©e permettant des stratĂ©gies de prise en charge plus intensives et/ou une surveillance accrue de ces patients exposĂ©s aux TE, notamment via la prĂ©vention d'un risque augmentĂ© de rechute et la prise en charge de leurs comorbiditĂ©s psychiatriques
La proximité dans la communication de l'Union européenne : réalité ou illusion ?
LâUnion europĂ©enne a poursuivi pendant des annĂ©es sa construction sans rencontrer de vĂ©ritable obstacle sur sa route. Dans un tel contexte, la communication se rĂ©duisait plus ou moins Ă informer aprĂšs coup de chaque avancĂ©e. Il semblerait que son modĂšle ne soit plus en adĂ©quation avec le monde dans lequel elle se construit aujourdâhui. A cĂŽtĂ© de lâeuroscepticisme, se dresse un ennemi tout aussi gĂȘnant qui grossit et enfle de jour en jour : le dĂ©sintĂ©rĂȘt. Pendant les annĂ©es 1990, la Commission a Ă©laborĂ© plusieurs stratĂ©gies de communication pour tenter dâinverser la tendance, composĂ©es de deux volets : dâune part sĂ©duire le citoyen, dâautre part informer le public des enjeux et autres dĂ©cisions. Depuis, lâUnion sâest aperçue que cette communication ne suffisait pas Ă compenser les sĂ©rieux handicaps dont souffre lâEurope. Car celle-ci accumule les contradictions, les manques, les « câest un peu ça mais pas tout Ă fait ». LâEurope nâest pas une dĂ©mocratie. Encore moins une nation. Est-elle un Etat ? Certains le pensent, mais ils sont peu nombreux. Sans oublier les autres contraintes : la barriĂšre de la langue, mais aussi des reprĂ©sentations, des cultures propres Ă chaque pays, etc. Dans un tel contexte, la communication, lâinformation et la discussion apparaissent comme un moyen pour crĂ©er une identitĂ© europĂ©enne. Mais, pour atteindre cet objectif, encore faudrait-il que la circulation de lâinformation ne pose pas de problĂšme. Et, pour le moment, ce nâest pas le cas. Pour rĂ©pondre aux attaques et combler les manques, les institutions construisent un discours autour des valeurs attendues par le public. Et aujourdâhui ce que ce dernier souhaite, câest que lâEurope devienne plus dĂ©mocratique, plus proche, plus comprĂ©hensible. Les institutions europĂ©ennes ont bien compris ces nouvelles attentes et les ont progressivement intĂ©grĂ©es dans leur discours et leur action au fil des annĂ©es. Elles se sont emparĂ©es de la notion quâil faut absolument dĂ©cliner : la proximitĂ©. Une notion polysĂ©mique qui justifie aujourdâhui toute action publique et la contraint fortement. On ne dit plus intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral, mais intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral local, on ne dit plus citoyen mais habitant. Il est impossible Ă prĂ©sent de gouverner dâen haut, de ne pas aller sur le terrain. Mais comment lâEurope hier si lointaine, peut-elle reprendre Ă son compte cette notion sans ĂȘtre « dĂ©calĂ©e » ? Quels peuvent ĂȘtre les bĂ©nĂ©fices ? Depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000, et mĂȘme avant si on nây prĂȘte attention, pas un jour ne passe, pas une stratĂ©gie ne sâĂ©labore, sans en toile de fond ce fameux rapprochement avec le citoyen europĂ©en. LâUnion personnalise les enjeux, rapproche, Ă©coute, prend en compte les opinions. Bref, utilise une communication de proximitĂ©. Et lâimpĂ©ratif dâaccorder communication et rĂ©alitĂ© conduit petit Ă petit lâEurope Ă bouleverser son fonctionnement et son modĂšle. Mais les institutions se heurtent Ă dâĂ©ternels problĂšmes quâelles ne peuvent rĂ©soudre seules. Leurs moyens financiers dĂ©risoires les empĂȘchent dâassurer une diffusion minimale qui garantirait un minimum de rĂ©ception. Le discours a changĂ©, l'action aussi, mais pas la frĂ©quence. Or, on ne peut se rapprocher qu'Ă plein temps, pas par intermittenceFor years, the European Union went on with its construction without encountering any real obstacle on its way. In such a context, communication somewhat consisted in providing information after any positive evolution. It seems that now, the fashion in which we design communication is no longer in accordance with nowadaysâ world. Apart from euroscepticism, another enemy is appearing. It is equally important and becomes more serious everyday: disinterest. In the 1990âs, the Commission devised several strategies of communication to try and reverse the tendency. Those strategies were made up of two parts: on the one hand, they consist in seducing citizens, and on the other, to inform the public of challenges and other decisions. Since then, the European Union has noticed that its communication wasnât enough to make up for serious handicaps which Europe suffers from. Because contradictions are piling up, lacks, as well as what we could call approximations or rough guesses: âitâs something like that, but not quite so, in factâ. Europe isnât a democracy, let alone a nation. Is it a State? Some people think it is, but there arenât many to think so. Without forgetting other constraints: language barriers, as well as representations and cultures specific to each country⊠In such a context, communication, information and discussion appear to be means to create a European identity. However, in order to reach this goal, information should circulate without problems. But for the moment this is not the case. So that they can face attacks and fill in gaps, institutions deliver speeches about values expected by the public. And today, what the public wishes for is a more democratic and comprehensible Europe, where people feel closer to each other. European institutions are well aware of new expectations and progressively built them in their speeches and actions over the years. They made theirs a notion with several versions: proximity. A polysemous notion which justifies all public actions today and strongly restrains them. You shouldnât say general interest anylonger, but rather local general interest; you shouldnât say citizen anylonger but rather inhabitant. It is impossible today to govern from high up without doing fieldwork. But how can Europe, so far-distant yesterday, take back this notion without any discrepancy? What advantages can there be? Since the beginning of the 2000âs, and even before that if we pay attention, not a day is spent, not a single strategy is devised without this very connection with the European citizen in the background. The Union individualizes issues, brings together, listens, takes into account different views. Altogether, Europe uses a communication of proximity. And the imperative to make communication and reality match slowly leads Europe to disrupt its mechanisms and model. But institutions clash against everlasting problems which they cannot resolve by themselves. Their ridiculous financial means prevent them from guaranteeing even a minimum circulation which could secure a minimum of reception. Speeches have changed, actions too, but not their frequency. And yet, you can only come closer full-time, not part-tim
La proximité dans la communication de l'Union européenne (réalité ou illusion ?)
L Union europĂ©enne a poursuivi pendant des annĂ©es sa construction sans rencontrer de vĂ©ritable obstacle sur sa route. Dans un tel contexte, la communication se rĂ©duisait plus ou moins Ă informer aprĂšs coup de chaque avancĂ©e. Il semblerait que son modĂšle ne soit plus en adĂ©quation avec le monde dans lequel elle se construit aujourd hui. A cĂŽtĂ© de l euroscepticisme, se dresse un ennemi tout aussi gĂȘnant qui grossit et enfle de jour en jour : le dĂ©sintĂ©rĂȘt. Pendant les annĂ©es 1990, la Commission a Ă©laborĂ© plusieurs stratĂ©gies de communication pour tenter d inverser la tendance, composĂ©es de deux volets : d une part sĂ©duire le citoyen, d autre part informer le public des enjeux et autres dĂ©cisions. Depuis, l Union s est aperçue que cette communication ne suffisait pas Ă compenser les sĂ©rieux handicaps dont souffre l Europe. Car celle-ci accumule les contradictions, les manques, les c est un peu ça mais pas tout Ă fait . L Europe n est pas une dĂ©mocratie. Encore moins une nation. Est-elle un Etat ? Certains le pensent, mais ils sont peu nombreux. Sans oublier les autres contraintes : la barriĂšre de la langue, mais aussi des reprĂ©sentations, des cultures propres Ă chaque pays, etc. Dans un tel contexte, la communication, l information et la discussion apparaissent comme un moyen pour crĂ©er une identitĂ© europĂ©enne. Mais, pour atteindre cet objectif, encore faudrait-il que la circulation de l information ne pose pas de problĂšme. Et, pour le moment, ce n est pas le cas. Pour rĂ©pondre aux attaques et combler les manques, les institutions construisent un discours autour des valeurs attendues par le public. Et aujourd hui ce que ce dernier souhaite, c est que l Europe devienne plus dĂ©mocratique, plus proche, plus comprĂ©hensible. Les institutions europĂ©ennes ont bien compris ces nouvelles attentes et les ont progressivement intĂ©grĂ©es dans leur discours et leur action au fil des annĂ©es. Elles se sont emparĂ©es de la notion qu il faut absolument dĂ©cliner : la proximitĂ©. Une notion polysĂ©mique qui justifie aujourd hui toute action publique et la contraint fortement. On ne dit plus intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral, mais intĂ©rĂȘt gĂ©nĂ©ral local, on ne dit plus citoyen mais habitant. Il est impossible Ă prĂ©sent de gouverner d en haut, de ne pas aller sur le terrain. Mais comment l Europe hier si lointaine, peut-elle reprendre Ă son compte cette notion sans ĂȘtre dĂ©calĂ©e ? Quels peuvent ĂȘtre les bĂ©nĂ©fices ? Depuis le dĂ©but des annĂ©es 2000, et mĂȘme avant si on n y prĂȘte attention, pas un jour ne passe, pas une stratĂ©gie ne s Ă©labore, sans en toile de fond ce fameux rapprochement avec le citoyen europĂ©en. L Union personnalise les enjeux, rapproche, Ă©coute, prend en compte les opinions. Bref, utilise une communication de proximitĂ©. Et l impĂ©ratif d accorder communication et rĂ©alitĂ© conduit petit Ă petit l Europe Ă bouleverser son fonctionnement et son modĂšle. Mais les institutions se heurtent Ă d Ă©ternels problĂšmes qu elles ne peuvent rĂ©soudre seules. Leurs moyens financiers dĂ©risoires les empĂȘchent d assurer une diffusion minimale qui garantirait un minimum de rĂ©ception. Le discours a changĂ©, l'action aussi, mais pas la frĂ©quence. Or, on ne peut se rapprocher qu'Ă plein temps, pas par intermittenceFor years, the European Union went on with its construction without encountering any real obstacle on its way. In such a context, communication somewhat consisted in providing information after any positive evolution. It seems that now, the fashion in which we design communication is no longer in accordance with nowadays world. Apart from euroscepticism, another enemy is appearing. It is equally important and becomes more serious everyday: disinterest. In the 1990 s, the Commission devised several strategies of communication to try and reverse the tendency. Those strategies were made up of two parts: on the one hand, they consist in seducing citizens, and on the other, to inform the public of challenges and other decisions. Since then, the European Union has noticed that its communication wasn t enough to make up for serious handicaps which Europe suffers from. Because contradictions are piling up, lacks, as well as what we could call approximations or rough guesses: it s something like that, but not quite so, in fact . Europe isn t a democracy, let alone a nation. Is it a State? Some people think it is, but there aren t many to think so. Without forgetting other constraints: language barriers, as well as representations and cultures specific to each country In such a context, communication, information and discussion appear to be means to create a European identity. However, in order to reach this goal, information should circulate without problems. But for the moment this is not the case. So that they can face attacks and fill in gaps, institutions deliver speeches about values expected by the public. And today, what the public wishes for is a more democratic and comprehensible Europe, where people feel closer to each other. European institutions are well aware of new expectations and progressively built them in their speeches and actions over the years. They made theirs a notion with several versions: proximity. A polysemous notion which justifies all public actions today and strongly restrains them. You shouldn t say general interest anylonger, but rather local general interest; you shouldn t say citizen anylonger but rather inhabitant. It is impossible today to govern from high up without doing fieldwork. But how can Europe, so far-distant yesterday, take back this notion without any discrepancy? What advantages can there be? Since the beginning of the 2000 s, and even before that if we pay attention, not a day is spent, not a single strategy is devised without this very connection with the European citizen in the background. The Union individualizes issues, brings together, listens, takes into account different views. Altogether, Europe uses a communication of proximity. And the imperative to make communication and reality match slowly leads Europe to disrupt its mechanisms and model. But institutions clash against everlasting problems which they cannot resolve by themselves. Their ridiculous financial means prevent them from guaranteeing even a minimum circulation which could secure a minimum of reception. Speeches have changed, actions too, but not their frequency. And yet, you can only come closer full-time, not part-timePARIS-EST-UniversitĂ© (770839901) / SudocSudocFranceF
Optimisation of culture parameters for exopolysaccharides production by the microalga Rhodella violacea.
International audienceA unicellular Rhodophyte was identified by sequencing of its 18S rRNA encoding gene as belonging to the Rhodella violacea specie. With the objective to optimise the production of biomass and exopolysaccharide by this strain, effects of irradiance, pH and temperature on its photosynthetic activity were investigated. In a second time a stoichiometric study of the well-known f/2 medium led to its supplementation in N and P to increase biomass and then exopolysaccharide yields when the strain was cultivated in photobioreactors. The use of optimal conditions of culture (irradiance of 420 ΌE/m(2)/s, pH of 8.3 and temperature of 24 °C) and f/2 supplemented medium led to significant increases of biomass and exopolysaccharide productions. The structural characterisation of the produced exopolysaccharide revealed that it was sulphated and mainly composed of xylose. The different culture conditions and culture media tested had no significant impact on the structure of produced exopolysaccharides
Selecting reference genes in RT-qPCR based on equivalence tests: a network based approach
International audienc