4 research outputs found

    Animal Models with Metabolic Syndrome Markers Induced by High Fat Diet and Fructose

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    Metabolic syndrome is lipid and non-lipid metabolism disorder due to the association of several factors such as physiological, clinical, biochemical, and interrelated factors. People with metabolic syndrome can be diagnosed by fulfilling 3 of 5 criteria, including obesity and increased waist circumference, increased TG levels, increased blood pressure, hyperglycemia, and increased High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) serum. The high-fat diet disrupts tissue lipid metabolism, so insulin resistance occurs due to lipotoxicity. Besides, some studies use a combination of mixtures (fructose, sucrose) and fat-rich food components to build metabolic characteristics in mice that affect human characteristics. The purpose of this study was to make an animal model with a metabolic syndrome marker induced by the High Fat Diet (HFD) consisting of pork oil and chicken egg yolk, as well as fructose from simple and economical ingredients. This study was an experimental study using experimental animals of male Rattus norvegicus strain wistar, which were grouped into three random treatment groups, namely the control group, HFD group, and High Fat Diet Fructose (HFDF) group. The number of samples used was 27 rats, with nine rats in each group. The animal was induced for four weeks, then measured levels of FPG, HD, and TG. From the research that has been done, it is found that there are significant differences in levels of Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG), High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), and Triglycerides (TG) (

    Efektivitas ekstrak buah senduduk (Melastoma malabathricum l.) sebagai pewarna apusan darah tepi

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    Blood comes from the Greek words hemato, hemo, and haima. Blood has an important role in human life. One of the examinations for diagnosing disease is a peripheral blood smear. The smear method is a microtechnical method used to make preparations. Guaranteeing the quality of the examination of blood smears is the quality of the coloring of peripheral blood smears. Giemsa dye is the most commonly used for peripheral blood smears. Giemsa contains chemicals including methylene blue, azur, and eosin. Methylene azur and eosin provide color in the cell nucleus, as does methylene blue, a cytoplasmic dye. Giemsa is not environmentally friendly and has quite high prices. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of senduduk fruit extract with concentrations of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% as an alternative to Giemsa staining in peripheral blood smears. The research method is descriptive-qualitative with a true experimental research design. The extract was made using the maceration extraction method, using a rotary evaporator as a means of concentrating the senduduk extract. In research that has been carried out at each concentration used, the morphology of erythrocytes is very clear. At a concentration of 100%, platelets are clearly visible. The single extract at concentrations of 40%, 60%, and 80% of the cytoplasm still appeared colored. Meanwhile, leukocyte granules were not stained at all concentrations. The most optimal coloring for senduduk fruit extract is coloring at a concentration of 80%, which is quite good at coloring red blood cells and platelets. A concentration of 100% has a clear morphology of blood cells and platelets that can be differentiated from the othersDarah berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu hemato, hemo dan haima. Darah memiliki peranan penting dalam kehidupan manusia. Salah satu pemeriksaan diagnosis penyakit yaitu dengan pembuatan apusan darah. Metode apus merupakan metode mikroteknik yang digunakan untuk pembuatan sediaan. Jaminan mutu pemeriksaan dari sediaan apusan darah adalah kualitas dari pewarnaan sediaan apus darah tipis. Pewarna Giemsa merupakan pewarna yang paling umum digunakan. Giemsa memiliki kandungan zat kimia antara lain, methylene blue, azur dan eosin. Methylen azur serta eosin member warna di inti sel, methylen blue, zat pewarna sitoplasma. Giemsa tidak ramah di lingkungan dan memiki harga yang cukup tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas ekstrak buah senduduk dengan konsentrasi 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% dan 100% sebagai alternatif pewarnaan giemsa pada sediaan apus darah tepi. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan desain penelitian berupa true eksperimental. Pembuatan ekstrak menggunakan metode ektraksi maserasi, menggunakan rotary evaporator sebagai alat pemekatan ekstrak senduduk. Pada penelitian yang telah dilakukan di setiap konsentrasi yang digunakan, morfologi eritrosit terlihat sangat jelas. Pada konsentrasi 100% terlihat jelas trombosit. Ekstrak senduduk pada konsentrasi 40%, 60%, 80% sitoplasma masih tampak terwarnai. Sedangkan granula leukosit tidak terwarnai pada semua konsentrasi. Pewarna ekstrak buah senduduk paling optimal mewarnai pada konsentrasi 80% cukup baik mewarnai sel darah merah dan trombosit, konsentrasi 100% dengan morfologi sel darah dan trombosit yang jelas dan dapat dibedakan dengan yang lain

    Sensitivity and Specificity of Atypical Lymphocyte for Diagnosis of Dengue Virus Infection at Mataram Hospital, West Nusa Tenggara

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    Background: Diagnosis of dengue infection (DI) is done by anamnesis and physical examination, confirmed by laboratory examination. Currently, laboratory tests to deter-mine DI infection are isolation and identification of virus, antigen detection, and serological test. In human, dengue virus stimulates body to produce immunoglobulin M (IgM). The stimulation pathway is carried out through stimulation of lymphocytes B. Transitional forms between lymphocytes and plasma cells are seen in the blood of patients with viral infections. These cells are variously known as atypical lymphocyte. This study aimed to examine the sensitivity and specificity of atypical lymphocyte for diagnosis of dengue virus infection. Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sectional study carried out at Mataram hospital, West Nusa Tenggara. A total of 26 blood samples was selected for this study, consisting of: 13 samples of DI positive and 13 samples of DI negative. The study variables of interest were sensitivity and specificity of atypical lymphocyte. The data were analyzed descriptively. Results: Out of 13 samples with DI positive, 10 samples were atypical lymphocyte positive. Therefore, the sensitivity= 76.92%. Out of 13 samples with DI negative, 11 samples were atypical lymphocyte negative. Therefore, the specificity= 84.61%. Conclusion: The sensitivity and specificity of atypical lymphocyte are 76.92% and 84.61%, respectively, indicating atypical lymphocyte has relatively weak sensitivity and specificity for diagnoses of dengue virus infection. Keywords: atypical lymphocyte, sensitivity, specificity, dengue infectio