831 research outputs found

    Sex-dependent role of CD300f immune receptor in generalized anxiety disorder.

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    Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) presents a high prevalence in the population, leading to distress and disability. Immune system alterations have been associated with anxiety-related behaviors in rodents and GAD patients. CD300f immune receptors are highly expressed in microglia and participate not only in the modulation of immune responses but also in pruning and reshaping synapses. It was recently demonstrated that CD300f might be influential in the pathogenesis of depression in a sex-dependent manner. Here, we evaluated the role of CD300f immune receptor in anxiety, using CD300f knockout mice (CD300f-/-) and patients with GAD. We observed that male CD300f-/- mice had numerous behavioral changes associated with a low-anxiety phenotype, including increased open field central locomotion and rearing behaviors, more exploration in the open arms of the elevated plus-maze test, and decreased latency to eat in the novelty suppressed feeding test. In a cross-sectional population-based study, including 1111 subjects, we evaluated a common single-nucleotide polymorphism rs2034310 (C/T) in the cytoplasmatic tail of CD300f gene in individuals with GAD. Notably, we observed that the T allele of the rs2034310 polymorphism conferred protection against GAD in men, even after adjusting for confounding variables. Overall, our data demonstrate that CD300f immune receptors are involved in the modulation of pathological anxiety behaviors in a sex-dependent manner. The biological basis of these sex differences is still poorly understood, but it may provide significant clues regarding the neuropathophysiological mechanisms of GAD and can pave the way for future specific pharmacological interventions

    Disfunção temporomandibular segundo o nível de ansiedade em adolescentes

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    The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorder(TMD), according to the level of anxiety in adolescents in the city of São Roque-SP. The Fonseca Index was used to determinethe presence and severity of TMD. To assess the level of anxiety the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory it was used. The participantswere 3,538 adolescents with ages varying between 10 and 19 years. The results revealed that 73.3% of the adolescents hadTMD, and that a “slight” degree of TMD was the most prevalent category. Anxiety was present in 72.7% of the adolescents. Theanalysis showed the existence of a significant association among female students between the presence of TMD and anxiety.A significant positive correlation was observed between the degree of TMD and the level of anxiety. The results indicate thatfemale adolescents have a higher chance of developing TMD than male adolescents, and that the chance of developing TMDaugments with the level of anxiety.O objetivo do presente estudo foi determinar a prevalência de sinais e sintomas de disfunção temporomandibular (DTM), segundo o grau de ansiedade em adolescentes na cidade de São Roque-SP. A avaliação de sinais e sintomas de DTM foi obtida pelo Questionário De Fonseca determinando a presença e grau de severidade da desordem. Para avaliar o nível de ansiedade dos estudantes, foi utilizado o questionário auto-aplicável Inventário de Ansiedade Traço-Estado (IDATE). Foram avaliados 3538 adolescentes entre 10 e 19 anos. Para analisar a associação entre DTM e ansiedade utilizou-se o teste qui-quadrado e para correlação entre elas o coeficiente de Spearman, adotando o nível de significância 0,05. Os dados revelaram que 73,2% (n= 2590) possuíam algum grau de disfunção temporomandibular, sendo o grau “leve” o mais prevalente (50%, n=2051). Apresentavam-se ansiosos 72,7% (n=2572). A análise estatística mostrou haver associação estatisticamente significante entre a presença de DTM e ansiedade com o sexo feminino (p<0,001) e uma correlação positiva (0,401) estatisticamente significante (p<0,001) entre o grau de DTM e os níveis de ansiedade


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    A gestão dos resíduos sólidos é um dos fatores de grande relevânciasócioambiental, impondo ao poder público e a coletividade uma maior atenção, com vistas à manutenção da qualidade de vida. Segundo a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), cabe aos municípios a gestão integrada dos resíduos gerados em seu território, sendo responsabilidade também de seus geradores. Nesta perspectiva, o trabalho tem por finalidade, realizar uma avaliação dos pontos irregulares de disposição de resíduos sólidos no município de Santo Augusto/RS. Foram realizadas três saídas a campo, identificando locais de disposição com mais de 1m2, caracterizando-os como fixos ou móveis e determinando visualmente quais tipos de resíduos haviadispostos.Atravésde vistorias, foram identificados, 68 pontos de disposição irregular de resíduos, estando presentes: resíduos sólidos urbanos, da construção civil, de podas, volumosos e resíduos pertencentes à logística reversa. Uma particularidade em relação aos locais verificados é que grande parte dos depósitos se encontram próximos a vias públicas, em terrenos baldios e em Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs).A ausência de um sistema de recolhimento de resíduos da construção civil e alternativas para os resíduos de poda, juntamente com a falta de um sistema de coleta seletiva e cumprimento das etapas propostas no Plano de Gerenciamento Integrado de Resíduos Sólidos, podem ter influência direta na situação constatada. Estas disposições evidenciam algumas lacunas da gestão municipal dos resíduos sólidos


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    A gestão correta dos resíduos sólidos é um fator de grande relevância socioambiental, impondo ao poder público e a coletividade uma maior atenção, com vistas à manutenção da qualidade de vida da população. Neste sentido, o estudo objetivou avaliar os pontos de disposição irregular de resíduos sólidos no município de Soledade/RS como orientação para a análise da gestão municipal. Alinhado a esta temática, propõem-se o desenvolvimento de um aplicativo para ser usado em smartphone como uma ferramenta para gestão dos resíduos. Além disto, o projeto visa o despertar da população soledadense uma visão crítica sobre a proteção do meio ambiente, usando um meio tecnológico comum e acessível por muitas pessoas como os smartphone. Nesta perspectiva, a metodologia foi pesquisa-ação. Através do desenvolvimento do aplicativo observou-se 37 pontos de descarte irregular de materiais. As denúncias foram computadas no aplicativo e observou-se que os principais materiais gerados foram resíduos de construção civil, resíduos verdes, resíduos volumosos, resíduos domiciliares e resíduos de serviços de saúde. Os bairros que mais possuíam descartes irregulares foram o Centro com 10 pontos, bairro Fontes com 8 pontos, bairro Missões com 6 pontos, bairro Expedicionário com 4 pontos e, empatados com 3 pontos, os bairros Ipiranga, Farroupilha e Botucaraí. Com o desenvolvimento e a execução deste projeto, concedeu o sentido de uma universidade junto as ações de inovação, de pesquisa e do desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias, atendendo as demandas locais e regionais, de forma a apoiar e assessorar as potenciais transformações sociais, econômicas e culturais do município onde está inserida


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    Accurate assessment of clinical atherosclerotic diseases is essential to guide effective therapeutic interventions, and atherogenic indices have emerged as valuable methods in this setting. The complexity of these pathologies demands approaches that go beyond the simple measurement of total cholesterol, requiring tools that consider the interaction between different lipoproteins and other risk factors. In this context, the use of atherogenic indices appears as a promising approach, providing a more comprehensive and refined assessment of atherosclerotic conditions. Objective: To comprehensively analyze scientific studies published in the last 10 years that investigated the use of atherogenic indices as methods of evaluating clinical atherosclerotic diseases. The review seeks to consolidate the available evidence by examining the effectiveness of these indices in early identification, risk stratification and monitoring the progress of atherosclerotic diseases. Methodology: The systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines. The PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases were consulted to identify relevant studies published in the last 10 years. The descriptors used were "atherogenic indices", "atherosclerotic diseases", "clinical assessment", "lipoproteins" and "cardiovascular risk factors". Inclusion criteria considered original studies that investigated the use of atherogenic indices in clinical populations, while exclusion criteria involved studies with unrepresentative samples and inadequate atherosclerotic assessment methods. Results: The results of the review highlight the diversity of available atherogenic indices and their usefulness in evaluating different aspects of atherosclerotic diseases, including prediction of cardiovascular events, risk stratification and treatment monitoring. The analysis identified indices that proved to be particularly sensitive and specific in different clinical contexts. Conclusion: In summary, the systematic review highlights the relevance of atherogenic indices as valuable tools in the assessment of clinical atherosclerotic diseases. The diversity of these indices and their ability to provide comprehensive information highlights their importance in clinical practice, contributing to a more refined and personalized approach to the management of these conditions.Accurate assessment of clinical atherosclerotic diseases is essential to guide effective therapeutic interventions, and atherogenic indices have emerged as valuable methods in this setting. The complexity of these pathologies demands approaches that go beyond the simple measurement of total cholesterol, requiring tools that consider the interaction between different lipoproteins and other risk factors. In this context, the use of atherogenic indices appears as a promising approach, providing a more comprehensive and refined assessment of atherosclerotic conditions. Objective: To comprehensively analyze scientific studies published in the last 10 years that investigated the use of atherogenic indices as methods of evaluating clinical atherosclerotic diseases. The review seeks to consolidate the available evidence by examining the effectiveness of these indices in early identification, risk stratification and monitoring the progress of atherosclerotic diseases. Methodology: The systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines. The PubMed, Scielo and Web of Science databases were consulted to identify relevant studies published in the last 10 years. The descriptors used were "atherogenic indices", "atherosclerotic diseases", "clinical assessment", "lipoproteins" and "cardiovascular risk factors". Inclusion criteria considered original studies that investigated the use of atherogenic indices in clinical populations, while exclusion criteria involved studies with unrepresentative samples and inadequate atherosclerotic assessment methods. Results: The results of the review highlight the diversity of available atherogenic indices and their usefulness in evaluating different aspects of atherosclerotic diseases, including prediction of cardiovascular events, risk stratification and treatment monitoring. The analysis identified indices that proved to be particularly sensitive and specific in different clinical contexts. Conclusion: In summary, the systematic review highlights the relevance of atherogenic indices as valuable tools in the assessment of clinical atherosclerotic diseases. The diversity of these indices and their ability to provide comprehensive information highlights their importance in clinical practice, contributing to a more refined and personalized approach to the management of these conditions

    Composting of Pig Effluent as a Proposal for the Treatment of Veterinary Drugs

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    Pig farming currently occupies a prominent place in the southern states of the Brazil, owning approximately 50% of the national squad, estimated at 42 million pig heads. However, the swine activity contributes significantly to the generation of environmental impacts on the environment. Recently, the greatest need for animal protein has exerted pressures on the current animal production system and one of the alternatives has been to the use of veterinary medicines, which have several uses ranging from therapeutic use, preventive in the treatment of various diseases and as growth promoters. Its indiscriminate and uncontrolled use is currently endangering the environmental balance of producing sites through effluent contamination. Many producers have been using contaminated slurry as a biofertilizer. In this sense, further studies on techniques and processes of treatment of organic effluents contaminated by veterinary drugs are necessary. Alternative low-cost and environmentally viable treatment systems are needs to minimize the entry into the environment of these contaminants. Therefore, the composting process that can defined as a process of aerobic microbial decomposition of organic matter and nutrient recycling can be an alternative for the treatment of effluents contaminated by veterinary drugs