3,174 research outputs found

    Do chief sustainability officers impact firm value

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    Due to increasing pressure from stakeholders on companies to operate in a socially and environmentally responsible manner, more and more companies recently appointed chief sustainability officers (CSO) to their top management team (TMT). In this paper, I examine the implications of CSO appointments for firm value and how this impact varies under certain characteristics of the appointment. For this research, I examine the stock market reaction to the CSO appointments of 30 companies listed in European stock indices using an event approach. Subsequently, I investigate how certain characteristics of the appointee influence this reaction. The results find positive but not significant mean abnormal returns on the event day of 0.18%. However, the influence of the characteristic female and the characteristic relevant experience in corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the abnormal returns is positive and significan

    Estrategia didáctica para un aprendizaje significativo en la enseñanza de los números enteros en los séptimos grados, del Instituto Nacional Juan XIII en el Municipio de San Marcos, Carazo

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    Este trabajo final presenta una estrategia didáctica aplicada para la enseñanza de los números enteros en los séptimos grados, realizado en el Instituto Nacional Juan XIII, en la Ciudad de San Marcos, Carazo. Se utilizó estrategia didáctica a modo de juegos y actividades, en el que se puede aprender a realizar operaciones básicas con números enteros. Las experiencias en el aula de clase muestran que los números enteros, es un eje muy importante en el conocimiento de la matemática, es por esto que esta propuesta de trabajo busca apoyar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de los estudiantes de los séptimos grados, para ello se toma el constructivismo como una forma de apoyar este trabajo. Para cumplir con este objetivo se inicia con la elaboración de diferentes instrumentos que permitan al docente ver la concepción que tiene el estudiante de los conceptos de los números positivos, negativos y solución de ejercicios, luego se propone iniciar una transcripción del lenguaje cotidiano al simbolismo matemático. Se compararon los resultados obtenidos del grupo seleccionado al azar de estudiantes al cual se le aplicó una estrategia didácticas basadas en actividades sencillas como juegos y resolución de problemas. Los resultados muestran un alto grado de motivación hacia el aprendizaje en los estudiantes que participaron en la estrategia didáctica aplicada

    The pleiotropic transcriptional regulator NlpR contributes to the modulation of nitrogen metabolism, lipogenesis and triacylglycerol accumulation in oleaginous rhodococci

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    The regulatory mechanisms involved in lipogenesis and triacylglycerol (TAG) accumulation are largely unknown in oleaginous rhodococci. In this study a regulatory protein (here called NlpR: Nitrogen lipid Regulator), which contributes to the modulation of nitrogen metabolism, lipogenesis and triacylglycerol accumulation in oleaginous rhodococci was identified. Under nitrogen deprivation conditions, in which TAG accumulation is stimulated, the nlpR gene was significantly upregulated, whereas a significant decrease of its expression and TAG accumulation occurred when cerulenin was added. The nlpR disruption negatively affected the nitrate/nitrite reduction as well as lipid biosynthesis under nitrogen-limiting conditions. In contrast, its overexpression increased TAG production during cultivation of cells in nitrogen-rich media. A putative ‘NlpR-binding motif’ upstream of several genes related to nitrogen and lipid metabolisms was found. The nlpR disruption in RHA1 strain led to a reduced transcription of genes involved in nitrate/nitrite assimilation, as well as in fatty acid and TAG biosynthesis. Purified NlpR was able to bind to narK, nirD, fasI, plsC and atf3 promoter regions. It was suggested that NlpR acts as a pleiotropic transcriptional regulator by activating of nitrate/nitrite assimilation genes and others genes involved in fatty acid and TAG biosynthesis, in response to nitrogen deprivation.Fil: Hernández, Martín Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "san Juan Bosco". Instituto de Biociencias de la Patagonia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Biociencias de la Patagonia; ArgentinaFil: Lara, María Julia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Gago, Gabriela Marisa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Gramajo, Hugo Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Hector Manuel. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "san Juan Bosco". Instituto de Biociencias de la Patagonia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto de Biociencias de la Patagonia; Argentin

    O papel do ambiente e do espaço na estruturação das comunidades de anuros em ambientes urbanos

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    VII Seminário de Extensão Universitária da UNILA (SEUNI); VIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e IV Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EICTI 2019) e Seminário de Atividades Formativas da UNILA (SAFOR)A urbanização é uma das mais severas mudanças na paisagem ocasionada pelos humanos, a qual altera drasticamente as propriedades do sistema biótico e abiótico em diferentes escalas. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do grau de urbanização, das características estruturais dos corpos d’água e da distância entre corpos d ́água na distribuição espacial da riqueza de anfíbios anuros que utilizam ambientes lênticos para a reprodução. Para tanto, foram amostrados 24 corpos d’água na região urbana e periurbana de Foz do Iguaçu, sendo registradas 17 espécies de anuros, pertencentes a cinco famílias. A variação espacial na riqueza foi associada apenas às características da paisagem num raio de 300m ao redor do corpo d’água. Corpos d’água imersos numa matriz com baixo grau de urbanização e com menor quantidade de relictos florestais abriga uma maior riqueza de espécies. A urbanização é caracterizada por mudanças abruptas nos ecossistemas, e quanto maior o grau de urbanização menor foi a riqueza de anuros. Apesar de estudos na área urbana de Foz do Iguaçu demonstrarem a importância dos relictos florestais para a composição de espécies, locais próximos a esses relictos são utilizados por um menor número de espécies para a reprodução, mas que tendem a ser espécies diferentes das encontradas em poças distantes dos relictos florestaisAgradeço à Fundação Araucária pela bolsa de iniciação científica. A UNILA pelo apoio logístico e financeiro. A equipe do LEMet por todo o apoio. Ao ICMBio pela licença de colet

    Desenvolvimento de uma coleção de estampas como forma de propagação de mensagens positivas através do vestuário

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    Tendo em vista o presente momento em que este Trabalho de Conclusão foi redigido, logo após dois anos de pandemia da COVID-19, e os aumentos de casos referentes à saúde mental, pesquisou-se sobre o uso do design como propagador de mensagens positivas e a influência dessas mensagens no cotidiano, a fim de desenvolver uma coleção de estampas para serem aplicadas em peças de roupa, com o propósito de transmitir essas mensagens a quem tiver contato com elas. Para tanto, foi necessário identificar estratégias visuais de influência ao bem-estar, pesquisar e conhecer histórias, mensagens, textos, citações, que tragam em seus temas palavras positivas, entender o conceito e aplicação do design emocional e estudar sobre tecidos, design de superfície e estamparia. Realizou-se, então, um projeto guiado por uma metodologia desenvolvida e adaptada com base na metodologia de Munari e nos trabalhos do autor Seivewright e das professoras Cardoso e Picoli, que aplicaram a metologia de Munari a uma disciplina de Design de Superfície. A partir desses autores gerou-se uma metodologia de 12 etapas. Dentre elas, estão a definição do problema, coleta e análise de dados, criatividade, materiais e tecnologia, e o desenvolvimento da solução final. A partir disso, gerou-se uma coleção composta de três estampas com diferentes temáticas, sendo elas: boas novas, identidade e paz. As estampas foram desenvolvidas com o auxílio da pesquisa teórica, na qual se analisou a situação presente, teorias do design emocional e psicologia das cores, coleta e análise de dados com o usuário, análise de similares e busca de referências. Por fim, ao final do projeto, foi possível aplicar essas estampas em modelos físicos através de peças da marca Zo3, a qual aplicará o projeto em sua coleção futura.Considering the current moment in which this Undergraduate Thesis was written, just after two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increases in cases related to mental health, research was carried out on the use of design as a positive messanger propagator and the influence of these messages in everyday life, in order to develop a collection of prints to be applied to clothing, with the purpose of transmitting these messages to those who have contact with the pieces. Therefore, it was necessary to identify visual strategies to influence well-being, research and learn about stories, messages, texts, quotes that bring positive words in their themes, understand the concept and application of emotional design and study about fabrics, surface design and stamping. A project was then carried out guided by a methodology developed and adapted based on Munari's methodology and on the work of the author Seivewright and professors Cardoso and Picoli, who applied Munari's methodology to a Surface Design discipline. Based on these authors, a 12-step methodology was generated. Among them are the definition of the problem, collection and analysis of data, creativity, materials and technology, and the development of the final solution. From this, a collection was generated composed of three prints with different themes, namely: good news, identity and peace. The prints were developed with the help of theoretical research, which analyzed the present situation, theories of emotional design and color psychology, data collection and analysis with the user, analysis of similar ones and search for references. Finally, at the end of the project, it was possible to apply these prints in physical models through pieces of the Zo3 brand, which will apply the project in its future collection

    Quality by Design basierte Prozessintegration der Präzipitation von Monoklonalen Antikörpern und Antikörperfragmenten sowie die Entwicklung eines Digitalen Zwillings zur Unterstützung der PAT-gestützten autonomen Prozessführung

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    Der biopharmazeutische Sektor steht auf Grund des rasanten Wachstums und der Entwicklung hinzu individualisierter sowie Patientenorientierter Produkte vor fundamentalen Veränderungen. Die bestehenden Prozesse, beispielsweise die Aufreinigung von monoklonalen Antikörpern (mAb), müssen den gestiegenen Anforderungen angepasst werden. Zudem wird das Portfolio auf Biomolekülen, wie zum Beispiel die mRNA, erweitert. Durch Prozessoptimierung im Bereich des Upstreams konnten geringe Produktionstiters optimiert werden, sodass aktuell die Kapazitätsgrenze im Downstream den Produktionsengpass darstellt. In dieser Arbeit wird die Präzipitation als alternativer Capture-Schritt am Beispiel von monoklonalen Antikörpern untersucht. Es werden die geforderten Richtlinien zur Prozessentwicklung (Quality by Design) der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörden FDA & EMA berücksichtigt und ein absatzweiser, halbkontinuierlicher sowie ein kontinuierlicher Prozess entwickelt. Die Ausbeute der unterschiedlichen Prozessführungen liegen bei 80-90% mit einer Reinheit von 65-80%. Im Hinblick auf eine angestrebte autonome Prozessführung wurde ein Digitaler Zwilling basierend auf physiko-chemischen Gleichungen abgeleitet und durch Experimente erfolgreich validiert. Der Digitale Zwilling kann zum einen für die frühe Phase der Prozessentwicklung als auch für die Optimierung genutzt werden. Während der Produktion eignet sich der Digitale Zwilling als Beobachter für eine modellbasierte Regelung, welche anhand von Simulationsstudien belegt wurden. Um dies in der Produktion zu realisieren ist eine Online-Messtechnik essentiell, welche den Ist-Zustand des Prozesses in Echtzeit abbildet kann. Aus diesem Grund sind in einer Machbarkeitsstudie verschiedene spektroskopische Messmethoden wie Raman, FTIR, Fluoreszenz und DAD auf ihre Eignung für den Präzipitationsprozess analysiert worden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass FTIR und Raman sehr gut zur Verfolgung der Qualitätsattribute Ausbeute und Reinheit verwendet werden können. Abschließend wurde die Übertragbarkeit des Digitalen Zwillings auf ein anderes Stoffsystem, die Antikörperfragmenten, erfolgreich demonstriert.The biopharmaceutical sector is facing fundamental changes due to rapid growth and the development of more individualized and patient-oriented medicine. Existing processes, for example the purification of monoclonal antibodies (mAb), have to be adapted to the increased requirements. In addition, the portfolio will be expanded to include biomolecules such as mRNA. Through process optimization in the upstream area, low production titers could be optimized, so that currently the capacity limit in the downstream represents the production bottleneck. In this work, precipitation is investigated as an alternative capture step using monoclonal antibodies as an example. The required guidelines for process development (Quality by Design) of the responsible regulatory authorities FDA & EMA are considered and a batch, semicontinuous and a continuous process are developed. The yields of the different process designs are 80-90% with a purity of 65-80%. In view of the desired autonomous process control, a digital twin based on physico-chemical equations was derived and successfully validated by laboratory experiments. The digital twin can be used for the early phase of process development as well as for optimization. During production, the Digital Twin can be used as an observer for model-based control, which has been proven by simulation studies. In order to realize this in production, an online measurement technology is essential, which can monitor the current process values in real time. For this reason, various spectroscopic measurement methods such as Raman, FTIR, fluorescence and DAD were analyzed in a feasibility study to determine their suitability for the precipitation process. It was shown that FTIR and Raman can be used very well for tracking the quality attributes yield and purity. Finally, the transferability of the digital twin to another material system, single chain antibody fragments, was successfully demonstrated

    Vertebrados amniotas y paleoambiente de la Amazonía peruana durante el mioceno medio (Arco de Fitzcarrald)

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorDescribe y discute acerca de los fósiles de vertebrados amniotas hallados en la Amazonia peruana, entre los departamentos de Ucayali y Madre de Dios, en el área conocida como Arco de Fitzcarrald. Los fósiles del área de Fitzcarrald representan la fauna existente en el Mioceno medio y son equivalentes cronológicamente a la fauna de La Venta (Colombia) datada entre 13.8-11.8 Ma. Esta biocorrelación responde a la presencia de fauna correspondiente al “Miocochilius assemblage zone” (o “Zona de Conjunto Miocochilius”), bioestrato definido por las primeras y últimas apariciones del notoungulado interatérido Miocochilius, el fósil más común de La Venta y también presente en la fauna de Fitzcarrald. La fauna de vertebrados amniotas de Fitzcarrald está compuesta por los órdenes Crocodylia, Testudines, Xenarthra, Rodentia, Litopterna, Notoungulata, Astrapoteria y Cetacea. La composición taxonómica general de la fauna de Fitzcarrald ha sido comparada con otras cinco faunas del Mioceno medio sudamericano: La Venta, Colombia; Quebrada Honda, Bolivia; Acre, Brasil; Urumaco, Venezuela y Collón-Curá; Argentina. De todas las faunas con las que ha sido comparada, la fauna de Fitzcarrald presenta mayor similaridad con la fauna de La Venta con 11 géneros de mamíferos compartidos de los 18 géneros identificados y 6 géneros de reptiles compartidos de los 11 identificados. Los cocodrilos presentes en Fitzcarrald muestran variados morfotipos craneanos que evidencian una gran variedad de ecologías alimenticias y segregación de nichos. En cuanto a los mamíferos sobresalen aquellos de hábitos terrestres y braquiodontes, condición asociada a hábitos ramoneadores. En cuanto a diversidad sobresalen los taxa Xenarthra y Rodentia. El área correspondiente al Arco de Fitzcarrald en el Mioceno medio formaba parte de una extensa cuenca hidrográfica conocida como lago-mar Pebas por sus características mixtas marinas y lacustres. Este enorme cuerpo de agua se extendía al interior de la cuenca amazónica y es considerado como uno de los más grandes en la historia de la Tierra

    La relación entre el Estado y el Tercer Sector : Un estudio de caso sobre AFSCA La Plata y su contexto

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    Abstrak Bagi manusia, air adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk mendukung aktivitas manusia setiap hari. Tanpa adanya udara, tidak mungkin manusia bisa bertahan dalam menjalani kehidupan. AMDK yang ada di Pekanbaru saat ini sudah bermacam-macam serta adanya yang terkontaminasi oleh udara kotor yang ada. Hal ini sejalan dengan kota Pekanbaru yang cukup padat penduduk dan juga secepatnya kendaraan yang meningkat. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya kandungan ion Ag, Hg, Pb, Al (III), dan Ba dalam sampel air sumur dan air minum dalam kemasan (AMDK) di Pekanbaru. Untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya kandungan ion Ag, Hg, Pb, Al dan Ba dalam sampel air ini menggunakan reaksi pengenalan kation. Sampel yang digunakan berupa air sumur, air le mineral, sprite. Sampel diberi perlakuan dengan menambahkan indikator pada masing-masing reaksi pengenalan. Indikator yang digunakan yaitu HCl. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini adalah kation golongan I terdiri dari argentum(Ag+), merkuri( Hg2+), dan timbel hitam (Pb2+) dalam reaksi dengan masing-masing regensianya terdapat endapan, namun untuk timbel tak pernah mengendap sempurna dan endapannya dapat larut. Sehingga dengan demikian air sumur dan AMDK di Pekanbaru tidak mengandung logam berat Ag, Pb, Ba dan Hg maupun Al. Hal ini ditandai dengan tidak adanya endapan putih di dasar tabung. namun untuk timbel tak pernah mengendap sempurna dan depositnya dapat larut. Sehingga dengan demikian air sumur dan AMDK di Pekanbaru tidak mengandung logam berat Ag, Pb, Ba dan Hg maupun Al. Hal ini ditandai dengan tidak adanya endapan putih di dasar tabung. namun untuk timbel tak pernah mengendap sempurna dan depositnya dapat larut. Sehingga dengan demikian air sumur dan AMDK di Pekanbaru tidak mengandung logam berat Ag, Pb, Ba dan Hg maupun Al. Hal ini ditandai dengan tidak adanya endapan putih di dasar tabung.Kata Kunci: Logam berat Ag, Al (III), Hg, Pb, Ba, AMD

    Personal Transparency in Perspective: The Impact of Social Networking Sites on the Recruitment Process

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    The “transparency trend” is hot for the summer of 2011. At least that is what they said in the fashion capitals of Milan, Paris, and London. In the new summer collections, sheer seethrough dresses reveal the beauties of the human body and leave little to the imagination. Architects too are attracted by the intriguing properties of transparent materials to create a new perception of space and boundaries, which challenges some traditional understandings of private living and daily work life. Whereas in the past, it was a Puritan statement to live without curtains at the windows, to show you had nothing to hide, today, the transparent way of life is often used to enable the owner to display their wealth and luxury. Institutions have increasingly followed this transparency trend in fashion and architecture by using glass for their buildings. Transparency is not only a fashion trend, but also a political challenge. Fashion and politics meet in the huge glass buildings of the European Union in Brussels and Strasbourg, which reflect the Union’s strategy to improve its democratic legitimacy; one of the main aims of the Lisbon Treaty (2009). In terms of adaption to this see-through trend, institutions are not only voluntarily moving towards greater transparency, they are being ambushed by those who believe that information is a public good, which should not be guarded by a few. By revealing “suppressed and censored injustices” (WikiLeaks, n.d.), WikiLeaks practices what some call “guerrilla transparency” (The Economist, 2010). When people think of transparency, the recent commotion caused by WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of documents on nationally and internationally sensitive issues is at the forefront of their minds. This event has triggered a worldwide debate on the balance between state security and citizens’ right to know