1,966 research outputs found

    Effective Nurse Recruitment Methods for Long-Term Care Facilities

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    Nurse recruitment is a challenge for long-term care (LTC) leaders. Some owners of LTC businesses lack knowledge of how to attract, market, and hire qualified nurses to help ensure success. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the methods and strategies LTC leaders used to recruit nurses. The target population consisted of leaders of 3 LTC facilities who were responsible for recruiting nurses. This selection was based on findings that organization leaders experienced a downsizing of more than 20% of their personnel. The conceptual framework was the motivation-hygiene theory. Working conditions were influenced by Herzberg\u27s 2-factor principles of job dissatisfaction. I focused on analyzing the participant data, public documents, and performance outcomes that demonstrated the effectiveness of participant recruitment strategies. Data were collected from semistructured interviews. I compared the motivational hygiene theory factors that influenced employee job satisfaction and dissatisfaction identified with the conceptual framework and any new studies published since beginning my study. Results of data coding and analysis revealed 3 major themes: communicating job descriptions to new LTC recruits, hiring for nurseâposition fit to address turnover, and making the position attractive by offering competitive wages and benefits. Successful recruiting strategies included ensuring nurse position fit, contacting qualified candidates, and work conditions designed to meet candidates\u27 needs, expectations, and requirements. Results of this study might contribute to social change by providing recruitment strategies to ensure quality nursing services in LTC and strategies necessary to sustain business operations

    The Effect of Auditory Distractions on Working Memory in People Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

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    This study compared the effect of an auditory distractor on working memory in participants with and without ADHD. Undergraduate students (N-65) were asked to complete a memory task for 25 words in which a pulsating beep sounded from the computer during the middle 5 words. The results indicated that students with ADHD performed significantly worse in the presence of a distraction than those without ADHD. However, the present study also examined the effect of ADHD medication, taken the same day, on working memory. The results indicated that participants with ADHD who had taken medication performed better than those who did not

    S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine protects the probiotic yest, \u3cem\u3eSaccharomyces boulardii\u3c/em\u3e, from acid-induced cell death

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    Background Saccharomyces boulardii is a probiotic yeast routinely used to prevent and to treat gastrointestinal disorders, including the antibiotic-associated diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile infections. However, only 1-3% of the yeast administered orally is recovered alive in the feces suggesting that this yeast is unable to survive the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract. Results We provide evidence that suggests that S. boulardii undergoes programmed cell death (PCD) in acidic environments, which is accompanied by the generation of reactive oxygen species and the appearance of caspase-like activity. To better understand the mechanism of cell death at the molecular level, we generated microarray gene expression profiles of S. boulardii cells cultured in an acidic environment. Significantly, functional annotation revealed that the up-regulated genes were significantly over-represented in cell death pathways Finally, we show that S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet), a commercially available, FDA-approved dietary supplement, enhances the viability of S. boulardii in acidic environments, most likely by preventing programmed cell death. Conclusions In toto, given the observation that many of the proven health benefits of S. boulardii are dependent on cell viability, our data suggests that taking S. boulardii and AdoMet together may be a more effective treatment for gastrointestinal disorders than taking the probiotic yeast alone

    Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave: Cyberbullying, Anxiety, Depression, And Loneliness

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    Cyberbullying can be defined as any intentionally aggressive act occurring through electronic forms of communication. Drawing on literature examining traditional, face-to-face bullying, it is likely that this relatively contemporary form of victimization is associated with emotional distress. This has yet to be examined with any empirical rigor, however, as there are few studies of the construct. The present research assessed prevalence rates of cyberbullying in youth in North Mississippi using a psychometrically sound measure. These rates were found to be towards the higher end of previous studies (67.6% with exposure to cyberbullying and 6.3% with clinically elevated levels of cyberbullying). Additionally, the relationship between cyberbullying and several form of emotional distress (i.e., anxiety, depression, and loneliness) were examined. Cyberbullying was significantly, positively associated with levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness. Furthermore, three hierarchal regressions demonstrated that cyberbullying remained a significant predictor of each form of emotional distress after controlling for overt and relational bullying accounting for 2.3% to 6.5% of the unique variance. Therefore, this study demonstrates that cyberbullying is a more significant problem facing youth than previous studies have indicated. This study also indicates that cyberbullying is significantly related to increases in emotional distress. Furthermore, statistical analyses suggest that cyberbullying is a distinct construct from traditional bullying and warrants further individualized research

    Youtube: Theater for Gen Z’s Hyperreality

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    This project analyzes how Generation Z and their penchant for authenticity has transformed the entertainment industry to create new economies and systems which reward only simulations of everyday life. Youtube, Gen Z’s preferred social media site, has been home to many of today’s untraditional and self-made celebrity figures. Because the video platform is a host for primarily amateur creators who upload personal found footage, the unposed and candid nature of content on the site caters to Gen Z. And so in their distrust for corporate media, homemade DIY aesthetics have mistakenly been confused with authenticity. This essay will focus on two young and highly accomplished Youtube vloggers, David Dobrik and Jake Paul, and how they use the mundane, everyday world as the base material for their performed spectacle. As the Youtuber Dan Olson has suggested, their vlogs have created what many have called a “hyperreality.” A hyperreality can be understood as an augmented and ideal version of one’s self and life. It is achieved through a carefully calculated performance despite its primary goal of persuading viewers to believe otherwise. And although the performance straddles the boundary between the authentic and the artificial, it has become the archetypal model for success in the new, burgeoning influencer economy. And so in such pursuit of the authentic, we have only created a system that rewards those who simulate it

    A Call to Arms: Rescuing Universities and Small Businesses from Fully Loaded Patents

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    Many children and youth experience emotional and/or behavioral health difficulties and lack appropriate access to care. Access to care limitations are particularly relevant to rural populations such as Mississippi. Integrated care models could serve as an innovative solution to increasing access to care for children and youth. In particular, the Three World View model of integrated care asserts that attention should be given to the clinical world (i.e., provision of evidence based services), operational world (i.e., charting, scheduling, referrals, etc.), and the financial world (i.e., funding and reimbursement). The current study utilized program evaluation tools to develop and evaluate a new integrated care model with particular attention process related factors across all three worlds. One pediatric primary care clinic in rural Mississippi participated in the study, which included hiring a half-time psychology doctoral practicum student. The development phase resulted in an organized logic model showing program components and measurement plan. Additionally, a modular manual for single-session interventions in integrated care was created during this phase. Evaluation results suggested that this model was successful in many clinical, operational, and financial characteristics. The emphasis on process variables contributes not only to the literature in integrated care but could also greatly assist practices that are interested in implementing an integrated care program

    But We Didn’t Agree to That!: Why Class Proceedings Should Not Be Implied from Silent or Ambiguous Arbitration Clauses After Lamps Plus, Inc. v. Varela

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    The application of class arbitrability when a contract is silent on the matter remains a mystery. The Supreme Court has not clarified its stance on class arbitrability and preemptive effects of the Federal Arbitration Act on state law when applied to determine if class arbitrability is available. The purpose of this Paper is to address how the Lamps Plus v. Varela decision created more confusion about the question of class arbitrability. It argues that the failure to address the particulars of the availability of class arbitration will perpetuate litigation on this issue. This Paper suggests that the FAA’s purpose supports the Court’s presumption against class arbitration if the parties do not agree to it during the contracting process and that the use of contra proferentem to create class arbitration is therefore contrary to the FAA’s purpose


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    Patient satisfaction has become increasingly important to medical facilities as a result of reimbursement rates being tied to patient satisfaction scores. Music therapy’s potential to enhance patient satisfaction scores has been explored and several studies exist examining its impact in the medical setting. No studies exist, however, examining how music therapy contributes to patient satisfaction scores in the behavioral health setting. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare overall patient satisfaction scores of inpatient psychiatric patients who received group music therapy services with those at the same facility who did not receive group music therapy services. Participants who attended music therapy group (n=14) received an anonymous, voluntary survey with 10 questions based on the facility’s satisfaction survey and the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) survey. Participants who did not attend music therapy group (n=15) received the same survey. Results showed that patients who attended music therapy group reported overall satisfaction scores that were on average 3.02 points higher than participants who did not attend music therapy group. Age correlation and gender differences which may affect patient satisfaction scores are described. The implications for future research and current clinical practice are also discussed
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