223 research outputs found

    Substrate controls on valley formation by groundwater on Earth and Mars

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    Valleys with amphitheater-shaped headwalls on Mars have been used to constrain early martian hydrology and, importantly, have been interpreted as eroded from groundwater-fed springs, which might have constituted hospitable environments for life on ancient Mars. Groundwater-fed springs have carved valleys in rare examples on Earth; however, these valleys are in loose sandy sediments and weakly cemented sandstones, and it is unclear whether groundwater is also an effective erosion agent in the basaltic bedrock and boulders within martian valleys. Here we develop a theoretical model for the efficiency of valley formation by groundwater-seepage erosion, and we show that valley formation by groundwater is limited to narrow ranges in aquifer permeabilities and sediment sizes that are characteristic of loose or weakly consolidated sand. The model is validated against groundwater-carved valleys in loose sand in physical experiments and natural valleys on Earth. Applied to valleys near Echus Chasma, Mars, our model precludes a formation by seepage erosion due to the inferred basaltic bedrock; instead, the model implies that surface flows of water were required to form the valleys, with significant implications for the hydrology, climate, and habitability of ancient Mars

    Hydraulics of floods upstream of horseshoe canyons and waterfalls

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    Horseshoe waterfalls are ubiquitous in natural streams, bedrock canyons, and engineering structures. Nevertheless, water flow patterns upstream of horseshoe waterfalls are poorly known and likely differ from the better studied case of a one-dimensional linear step because of flow focusing into the horseshoe. This is a significant knowledge gap because the hydraulics at waterfalls controls sediment transport and bedrock incision, which can compromise the integrity of engineered structures and influence the evolution of river canyons on Earth and Mars. Here we develop new semiempirical theory for the spatial acceleration of water upstream of, and the cumulative discharge into, horseshoe canyons and waterfalls. To this end, we performed 110 numerical experiments by solving the 2-D depth-averaged shallow-water equations for a wide range of flood depths, widths and discharges, and canyon lengths, widths and bed gradients. We show that the upstream, normal flow Froude number is the dominant control on lateral flow focusing and acceleration into the canyon head and that focusing is limited when the flood width is small compared to a cross-stream backwater length scale. In addition, for sheet floods much wider than the canyon, flow focusing into the canyon head leads to reduced discharge (and drying in cases) across the canyon sidewalls, which is especially pronounced for canyons that are much longer than they are wide. Our results provide new expectations for morphodynamic feedbacks between floods and topography, and thus canyon formation

    HardBlare: an efficient hardware-assisted DIFC for non-modified embedded processors

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    International audienceInformation Flow Control is a security mechanisms that provides security guarantees about information propagation. Other security mechanisms such as access control or cryptography can be used to limit the dissemination of confidential information and the modification of high integrity contents. However, they do not enforce end-to-end properties. They cannot control the dissemination of information once file access is allowed or the data is decrypted. In this context, HardBlare proposes a software/hardware codesign methodology to ensure that security properties are preserved all allong the execution of the system but also during files storage. The general context of HardBlare is to address Dynamic Information Flow Control (DIFC) that generally consists in attaching marks (also known as tags) to denote the type of information that are saved or generated within the system

    Curiosity's Investigation of the Bagnold Dunes, Gale Crater: Overview of a Two-Phase Scientific Campaign

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    The Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Curiosity rover landed at Gale crater in August 2012 with the goal of unravelling the climate and habitability history of ancient Mars. On its way to higher stratigraphic levels of Aeolis Mons, the crater's central mound, Curiosity crossed an active dune field informally named the Bagnold Dune Field. Curiosity's traverse through the Bagnold Dunes between December 2015 and April 2017 constituted the first in situ investigation of an active dune field on another planet. The scientific campaign at the dunes enabled a detailed study of martian eolian processes at scales that are unachievable from orbiter-based imagery, from the scale of compound bedforms down to those of individual sand grains. The eolian-science campaign was broadly divided into two main phases - a first-phase investigation near two barchan dunes along the northern trailing edge of the dune field, Namib and High Dunes, and a second-phase investigation farther south near a linear dune, the Nathan Bridges Dune, named after our beloved colleague and friend Nathan Bridges. In addition to these two phases, the Bagnold Dunes campaign included punctual investigations of isolated ripples and ripple fields further along the rover traverse away from the Bagnold Dune Field. The main goals of the scientific investigation at the Bagnold Dunes were two-fold: (I) developing a mechanistic understanding of martian eolian processes and rates from direct in situ observations of eolian structures and their dynamics, and (II) characterizing the physical properties and the chemical and mineral composition of eolian sands and dust on Mars. Significant advances in martian eolian science resulted from Curiosity's ground investigation of the active Bagnold Dunes. Altogether, results from the Bagnold Dunes campaign are key to understanding how the martian environment affects eolian processes, and will thus prove most useful to deciphering paleoenvironments from the martian eolian sedimentary record

    A Probabilistic Approach to Remote Compositional Analysis of Planetary Surfaces

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    Reflected light from planetary surfaces provides information, including mineral/ice compositions and grain sizes, by study of albedo and absorption features as a function of wavelength. However, deconvolving the compositional signal in spectra is complicated by the nonuniqueness of the inverse problem. Trade-offs between mineral abundances and grain sizes in setting reflectance, instrument noise, and systematic errors in the forward model are potential sources of uncertainty, which are often unquantified. Here we adopt a Bayesian implementation of the Hapke model to determine sets of acceptable-fit mineral assemblages, as opposed to single best fit solutions. We quantify errors and uncertainties in mineral abundances and grain sizes that arise from instrument noise, compositional end members, optical constants, and systematic forward model errors for two suites of ternary mixtures (olivine-enstatite-anorthite and olivine-nontronite-basaltic glass) in a series of six experiments in the visible-shortwave infrared (VSWIR) wavelength range. We show that grain sizes are generally poorly constrained from VSWIR spectroscopy. Abundance and grain size trade-offs lead to typical abundance errors of ≀1 wt % (occasionally up to ~5 wt %), while ~3% noise in the data increases errors by up to ~2 wt %. Systematic errors further increase inaccuracies by a factor of 4. Finally, phases with low spectral contrast or inaccurate optical constants can further increase errors. Overall, typical errors in abundance are <10%, but sometimes significantly increase for specific mixtures, prone to abundance/grain-size trade-offs that lead to high unmixing uncertainties. These results highlight the need for probabilistic approaches to remote determination of planetary surface composition

    Canyon formation constraints on the discharge of catastrophic outburst floods of Earth and Mars

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    Catastrophic outburst floods carved amphitheater-headed canyons on Earth and Mars, and the steep headwalls of these canyons suggest that some formed by upstream headwall propagation through waterfall erosion processes. Because topography evolves in concert with water flow during canyon erosion, we suggest that bedrock canyon morphology preserves hydraulic information about canyon-forming floods. In particular, we propose that for a canyon to form with a roughly uniform width by upstream headwall retreat, erosion must occur around the canyon head, but not along the sidewalls, such that canyon width is related to flood discharge. We develop a new theory for bedrock canyon formation by megafloods based on flow convergence of large outburst floods toward a horseshoe-shaped waterfall. The model is developed for waterfall erosion by rock toppling, a candidate erosion mechanism in well fractured rock, like columnar basalt. We apply the model to 14 terrestrial (Channeled Scablands, Washington; Snake River Plain, Idaho; and Ásbyrgi canyon, Iceland) and nine Martian (near Ares Vallis and Echus Chasma) bedrock canyons and show that predicted flood discharges are nearly 3 orders of magnitude less than previously estimated, and predicted flood durations are longer than previously estimated, from less than a day to a few months. Results also show a positive correlation between flood discharge per unit width and canyon width, which supports our hypothesis that canyon width is set in part by flood discharge. Despite lower discharges than previously estimated, the flood volumes remain large enough for individual outburst floods to have perturbed the global hydrology of Mars

    Management of reconfigurable multi-standards ASIP-based receiver

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    International audienceThe emergence of multiple wireless standards is introducing the need of flexible platforms which are able to self-adapt to various environments depending on the application requirements. Our work lies in the domain of self-adaptive heterogeneous multiprocessor architectures. In this paper, we present our ideas about the management of an ASIP-based multi-standards iterative receiver, which includes the support for turbo-decoding. In this context, the management of a multi-standards receiver provides the services for the self-adaptation mechanisms based on a collect and an analysis of information, a decision making process and a fast reconfiguration of the platform

    A trace-driven approach for fast and accurate simulation of manycore architectures

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    International audienceThe evolution of manycore sytems, forecasted to feature hundreds of cores by the end of the decade calls for efficient solutions for design space exploration and debugging. Among the relevant existing solutions the well-known gem5 simu-lator provides a rich architecture description framework. However , these features come at the price of prohibitive simulation time that limits the scope of possible explorations to configurations made of tens of cores. To address this limitation, this paper proposes a novel trace-driven simulation approach for efficient exploration of manycore architectures

    Substrate controls on valley formation by groundwater on Earth and Mars

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    Valleys with amphitheater-shaped headwalls on Mars have been used to constrain early martian hydrology and, importantly, have been interpreted as eroded from groundwater-fed springs, which might have constituted hospitable environments for life on ancient Mars. Groundwater-fed springs have carved valleys in rare examples on Earth; however, these valleys are in loose sandy sediments and weakly cemented sandstones, and it is unclear whether groundwater is also an effective erosion agent in the basaltic bedrock and boulders within martian valleys. Here we develop a theoretical model for the efficiency of valley formation by groundwater-seepage erosion, and we show that valley formation by groundwater is limited to narrow ranges in aquifer permeabilities and sediment sizes that are characteristic of loose or weakly consolidated sand. The model is validated against groundwater-carved valleys in loose sand in physical experiments and natural valleys on Earth. Applied to valleys near Echus Chasma, Mars, our model precludes a formation by seepage erosion due to the inferred basaltic bedrock; instead, the model implies that surface flows of water were required to form the valleys, with significant implications for the hydrology, climate, and habitability of ancient Mars
