629 research outputs found

    Il problema mente-corpo in Henri Bergson e l’esternalismo in filosofia della mente. Spunti per un modello ontologico.

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    Riassunto: Questo articolo propone un confronto tra la teoria mente-corpo di Henri Bergson e gli ultimi sviluppi della filosofia della mente e, più specificamente, con il cosiddetto “esternalismo”. Lo scopo è duplice. In primo luogo, si vuole sostenere che l’opera del filosofo francese ha anticipato i principali punti teorici dell’esternalismo: la teoria della percezione di Bergson, infatti, ha molti e rilevanti tratti in comune con la cosiddetta 4E Cognition (embodied, embedded, enactive, extended), che finora non sono stati adeguatamente riconosciuti. In secondo luogo, l’articolo intende anche mostrare come il quadro ontologico in cui Bergson colloca la propria interpretazione dell’esperienza cosciente, possa fungere da utile riferimento per il modello esternalista, al fine di sistematizzare i dati sperimentali entro un orizzonte teorico coerente. La teoria della "percezione pura" di Bergson, infatti, supera il modello correlazionista dell’esperienza, rilevando come quest’ultima, allo stato puro, si collochi nelle cose stesse, a un livello di realtà che precede la divaricazione dell’esperienza tra soggetto e oggetto, livello che deve essere pensato come l’origine impersonale della coscienza soggettiva.Parole chiave: Esternalismo; Percezione; Azione; Problema mente/corpoThe mind/body problem in Henri Bergson e the externalism in philosophy of mind. Towards an ontological modelAbstract: In this article we contrast Henri Bergson’s mind-body theory with the latest developments in Philosophy of Mind, more specifically, in so-called “Externalism”. This paper has two specific aims. First, we argue that the work of this French philosopher anticipated the main theoretical concepts of Externalism. Indeed, Bergson’s theory of perception shares many important features, which have not been adequately recognized until now, with so-called 4E Cognition (embodied, embedded, enactive, extended). Second, we show how Bergson’s basic ontology, which frames his interpretation of conscious experience, could offer a coherent theoretical framework to systematize experimental data in an externalist model. Bergson’s theory of “pure perception” goes beyond correlation, showing that our experience, in its purest state, takes place within things themselves, at a level of reality that precedes the bifurcation of experience into a subject and an object. This undivided level of reality can be considered the impersonal origin of subjective consciousness.Keywords: Externalism; Perception; Action; Mind/Body Proble

    Providence College Library+Commons Promotional Branding Material: Library+Commons Graphics

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    A PDF file containing Library+Commons images and grapics used at Providence College

    Formação, obediência e humanismo : considerações sobre a educação infantil medieval nas Monodies do abade Guiberto de Nogent (séc. XII)

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    Em 1115, o abade beneditino Guiberto de Nogent (1055-1125) concluiu a sua obra de memórias, comumente chamada De vita sua pelos autores modernos. Dividida em três livros, essa obra chama atenção pelo caráter absolutamente pessoal de sua primeira parte. Nela, Guiberto escreveu detidamente sobre vários acontecimentos que se estenderam de sua infância até parte de sua vida adulta. Dentre eles, analisaremos nesse artigo aqueles nos quais o abade relembrou os detalhes da educação que recebera quando criança e nos primeiros anos em que vivera em um mosteiro. Uma educação marcada pelo rigor, mas também pela preocupação com a formação moral e acadêmica do indivíduo, traços marcantes da pedagogia monástica beneditina medievalIn 1115, the benedictine abbot Guibert of Nogent (1055-1125) concluded his book of personal memories, usually called De vita sua by modern authors. Shared in three parts, this book calls attention because the absolutely personal aspect of its first part. In it, Guibert wrote very much about the several events that happened in his infancy and part of his adulthood. Among some of then, we will analyze in this article those in which the abbot remembered the details about the education that he received when he was a boy and in the early years in which he lived in a monastery. An education signed by the hardness, but also the worring with the moral and academic formation of the individual too, important marks of the medieval benedictine pedagogy monastic

    Formation, obedience and humanism : considerations about the Middle Ages child education in the Monodies of abbot Guibert of Nogent (XII century)

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    In 1115, the benedictine abbot Guibert of Nogent (1055-1125) concluded his book of personal memories, usually called De vita sua by modern authors. Shared in three parts, this book calls attention because the absolutely personal aspect of its first part. In it, Guibert wrote very much about the several events that happened in his infancy and part of his adulthood. Among some of then, we will analyze in this article those in which the abbot remembered the details about the education that he received when he was a boy and in the early years in which he lived in a monastery. An education signed by the hardness, but also the worring with the moral and academic formation of the individual too, important marks of the medieval benedictine pedagogy monastic

    Enhancement/depletion PHEMT device

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    An embodiment of the present invention concerns a layered epitaxial structure for enhancement/ depletion PHEMT devices, an enhancement/depletion PHEMT device and a method for manufacturing an enhancement/ depletion PHEMT device that finds advantageous, but not exclusive, application in the manufacturing of integrated circuits operating at millimeter-Wave and microWave frequencies

    Enhancement-/depletion-PHEMT device and manufacturing method thereof

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    The present invention relates, in general, to enhancement/ depletion Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistors (PHEMTs) and, in particular, to an enhancement/depletion PHEMT device and a method for manufacturing enhancement/depletion PHEMT devices that finds advantageous, but not exclusive, application in the production of integrated circuits operating at millimetre-wave and microwave frequencies

    American Diagnostic Radiology Moves Offshore: Surfing the Internet Wave to Worldwide Access and Quality Perspectives: American Diagnostic Radiology Moves Offshore: Where Is the Internet Wave Taking This Field

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    International reading of medical imaging studies, or offshore teleradiology, has been a successful, though limited, practice benefiting patients and physicians for over a decade. Domestic and international market forces will continue to expand the demand for teleradiology as an important complement to United States based diagnostic radiology, though a full exodus of diagnostic reading to offshore sites is unlikely and inappropriate. Considerable obstacles remain to taking the teleradiology market to scale; however, barriers related to licensure, liability, quality assurance, and reimbursement will likely yield to market forces to be resolved in recognition of the significant benefits teleradiology offers to consumers and providers. As in other aspects of the economy, the world of medicine is becoming flat as the necessity of physical proximity is becoming less essential in the doctor-patient relationship. Telemedicine, which is the use of electronic information and communication technologies to diagnose and manage medical care from a distance, is realistic, successful, and even preferred in several instances. Telemedicine has existed for decades with telephone and fax, but with the Internet and the ability to view large amounts of audio and visual data at increasingly faster and cheaper rates, the practices of telemedicine is rapidly expanding
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