11 research outputs found

    Advancing Radiation-Detected Resonance Ionization towards Heavier Elements and More Exotic Nuclides

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    RAdiation-Detected Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RADRIS) is a versatile method for highly sensitive laser spectroscopy studies of the heaviest actinides. Most of these nuclides need to be produced at accelerator facilities in fusion-evaporation reactions and are studied immediately after their production and separation from the primary beam due to their short half-lives and low production rates of only a few atoms per second or less. Only recently, the first laser spectroscopic investigation of nobelium (Z=102) was performed by applying the RADRIS technique in a buffer-gas-filled stopping cell at the GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. To expand this technique to other nobelium isotopes and for the search for atomic levels in the heaviest actinide element, lawrencium (Z=103), the sensitivity of the RADRIS setup needed to be further improved. Therefore, a new movable double-detector setup was developed, which enhances the overall efficiency by approximately 65% compared to the previously used single-detector setup. Further development work was performed to enable the study of longer-lived (t₁/₂>1 h) and shorter-lived nuclides (t₁/₂<1 s) with the RADRIS method. With a new rotatable multi-detector design, the long-lived isotope 254Fm (t₁/₂=3.2 h) becomes within reach for laser spectroscopy. Upcoming experiments will also tackle the short-lived isotope 251No (t₁/₂=0.8 s) by applying a newly implemented short RADRIS measurement cycle

    Resolution Characterizations of JetRIS in Mainz Using 164Dy

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    Laser spectroscopic studies of elements in the heavy actinide and transactinide region help understand the nuclear ground state properties of these heavy systems. Pioneering experiments at GSI, Darmstadt identified the first atomic transitions in the element nobelium. For the purpose of determining nuclear properties in nobelium isotopes with higher precision, a new apparatus for high-resolution laser spectroscopy in a gas-jet called JetRIS is under development. To determine the spectral resolution and the homogeneity of the gas-jet, the laser-induced fluorescence of 164Dy atoms seeded in the jet was studied. Different hypersonic nozzles were investigated for their performance in spectral resolution and efficiency. Under optimal conditions, a spectral linewidth of about 200&ndash;250 MHz full width at half maximum and a Mach number of about 7 was achieved, which was evaluated in context of the density profile of the atoms in the gas-jet

    Surprising charge-radius kink in the Sc isotopes at N=20

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    Charge radii of neutron deficient 40Sc and 41Sc nuclei were determined using collinear laser spectroscopy. With the new data, the chain of Sc charge radii extends below the neutron magic number N=20 and shows a pronounced kink, generally taken as a signature of a shell closure, but one notably absent in the neighboring Ca, K and Ar isotopic chains. Theoretical models that explain the trend at N=20 for the Ca isotopes cannot reproduce this puzzling behavior

    Advancing Radiation-Detected Resonance Ionization towards Heavier Elements and More Exotic Nuclides

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    RAdiation-Detected Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (RADRIS) is a versatile method for highly sensitive laser spectroscopy studies of the heaviest actinides. Most of these nuclides need to be produced at accelerator facilities in fusion-evaporation reactions and are studied immediately after their production and separation from the primary beam due to their short half-lives and low production rates of only a few atoms per second or less. Only recently, the first laser spectroscopic investigation of nobelium (Z=102) was performed by applying the RADRIS technique in a buffer-gas-filled stopping cell at the GSI in Darmstadt, Germany. To expand this technique to other nobelium isotopes and for the search for atomic levels in the heaviest actinide element, lawrencium (Z=103), the sensitivity of the RADRIS setup needed to be further improved. Therefore, a new movable double-detector setup was developed, which enhances the overall efficiency by approximately 65% compared to the previously used single-detector setup. Further development work was performed to enable the study of longer-lived (t1/2>1 h) and shorter-lived nuclides (t1/2<1 s) with the RADRIS method. With a new rotatable multi-detector design, the long-lived isotope 254Fm (t1/2=3.2 h) becomes within reach for laser spectroscopy. Upcoming experiments will also tackle the short-lived isotope 251No (t1/2=0.8 s) by applying a newly implemented short RADRIS measurement cycle

    Charge Radii of 55,56Ni Reveal a Surprisingly Similar Behavior at N=28 in Ca and Ni Isotopes

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    Nuclear charge radii of 55,56Ni were measured by collinear laser spectroscopy. The obtained information completes the behavior of the charge radii at the shell closure of the doubly magic nucleus 56Ni. The trend of charge radii across the shell closures in calcium and nickel is surprisingly similar despite the fact that the 56Ni core is supposed to be much softer than the 48Ca core. The very low magnetic moment ÎŒ(55Ni)=−1.108(20) ÎŒN indicates the impact of M1 excitations between spin-orbit partners across the N,Z=28 shell gaps. Our charge-radii results are compared to ab initio and nuclear density functional theory calculations, showing good agreement within theoretical uncertainties.peerReviewe

    Nuclear moments and isotope shifts of the actinide isotopes <math><mmultiscripts><mi>Cf</mi><mprescripts/><none/><mrow><mn>249</mn><mtext>–</mtext><mn>253</mn></mrow></mmultiscripts></math> probed by laser spectroscopy

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    International audienceWe report on high-resolution laser spectroscopy studies on Cf249–253 with spectral linewidths in the order of 100 MHz carried out at the RISIKO mass separator at Mainz University. In total three atomic ground-state transitions were investigated and the hyperfine parameters for the odd-A isotopes and isotope shift for all examined isotopes have been determined from the measured spectra. The isotope shift measurements allowed tracking of changes in mean-squared charge radii across the deformed nuclear shell closure at N=152, whereby shape discontinuities were not observed. Experimental hyperfine coupling constants of the atomic ground state were combined with relativistic many-body atomic calculations to extract the nuclear magnetic-dipole moment of Cf249 with improved precision to ÎŒI(249Cf)=−0.395(17)ÎŒN, whereas ÎŒI(251Cf)=−0.571(24)ÎŒN and ÎŒI(253Cf)=−0.731(35)ÎŒN were derived for the first time. Additionally, the spectroscopic quadrupole moments QS(249Cf)=6.27(33)eb and QS(253Cf)=5.53(51)eb were extracted

    Opportunities and limitations of in-gas-cell laser spectroscopy of the heaviest elements with RADRIS

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    International audienceThe radiation detection resonance ionization spectroscopy (RADRIS) technique enables laser spectroscopic investigations of the heaviest elements which are produced in atom-at-a-time quantities from fusion-evaporation reactions. To achieve a high efficiency, laser spectroscopy is performed in a buffer-gas environment used to thermalize and stop the high-energy evaporation residues behind the velocity filter SHIP. The required cyclic measurement procedure in combination with the applied filament collection for neutralization as well as confinement of the stopped ions and subsequent pulse-heat desorption constrains the applicability of the technique. Here, some of these limitations and also opportunities that arise from this unique measurement setup will be evaluated