84 research outputs found

    The development of food portion sizes suitable for 4–18‐year‐old children used in a theoretical meal plan meeting energy and nutrient requirements

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    Background: Healthy eating guidelines for school‐aged children are available but without advice on portion sizes. This is a concern because consuming large portions is associated with an increased risk of overweight/obesity. The present study aimed to calculate recommended portion sizes for school‐aged children based on weight for age and use them to develop a meal plan to meet nutritional needs within energy requirements. / Methods: Portion size data on foods consumed by school‐aged children (4–18 years) were extracted from two sources: (i) British National Diet and Nutrition Survey (1997) and (ii) Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (1997–2006). Foods were allocated to groups based on the UK Eatwell Guide and the US My Plate Model. Portion sizes were developed for a variety of foods. A meal plan that included portion size guidance and met healthy eating guidelines was developed based on the number of portions of each food group needed to meet dietary requirements. / Results: Portion sizes were developed for 131 foods that were commonly eaten by children in age groups 4–6, 7–10, 11–14 and 15–18 years. The meal plan met requirements for energy and nutrients as specified by UK dietary reference values, except for vitamin D for which there are few dietary sources. / Conclusions: Food portion sizes informed by usual intake in UK children can help inform dietary advice for a range of childhood settings and for parents. The meal plan included a wide variety of foods to encourage dietary diversity and meet energy and nutrient needs for school‐aged children

    Diet and endothelial function in healthy young people

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most common cause of death globally; yet, its pathogenesis and early development are poorly understood. Atherosclerosis begins early in life and is associated with CVD risk factors including diet. This thesis investigated associations between diet and atherosclerosis development. Participants in an RCT investigating effects of supplementation with DHA – an n- 3 fatty acid – provided a convenience sample for this epidemiological dietary study. The primary RCT outcome was brachial artery endothelial function measured using vascular ultrasound (FMD). Secondary outcomes were conventional CVD risk factors. A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was used to derive dietary patterns and relationships between dietary patterns and outcomes were investigated. A FFQ for assessment of n-3 LC PUFA was designed. Red cell fatty acids were used to validate the FFQ and investigate relationships of n-3 fatty acids with atherosclerosis development. A healthy dietary pattern was associated with lower carotid artery intima media thickness in women in the highest compared with the lowest quintile for this dietary pattern score (mean difference: -0.07mm, 95% CI: 07 -0.1, -0.03, P = 0.002). This pattern was also associated with lower CVD risk. Dietary patterns were not directly related to FMD. Higher DHA status was associated with lower FMD in women (mean difference in absolute amounts: -0.08 mm, 95% CI: -0.1, 0.03; P = 0.001). FMD was lower in DHA supplemented compared to control groups (mean difference in absolute amounts: -0.03 mm; 95% CI: -0.005 to -0.06 mm; P = 0.02). In secondary analysis this effect was confined to men. Triglyceride (mean difference: -28%, 95% CI: -40% to -15%; P<0.0001) and VLDL concentration were significantly lower in DHA supplemented individuals compared to controls. Findings suggest that diet protects against atherosclerosis development via reductions in conventional CVD risk factors

    A practical approach to vitamin and mineral supplementation in food allergic children

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    The management of food allergy in children requires elimination of the offending allergens, which significantly contribute to micronutrient intake. Vitamin and mineral supplementation are commonly suggested as part of dietary management. However a targeted supplementation regime requires a complete nutritional assessment, which includes food diaries. Ideally these should be analysed using a computerised program, but are very time consuming. We therefore set out to evaluate current practice of vitamin and mineral supplementation in a cohort of children with non-Immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated food allergies

    Canadian infants' nutrient intakes from complementary foods during the first year of life

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complementary feeding is currently recommended after six months of age, when the nutrients in breast milk alone are no longer adequate to support growth. Few studies have examined macro- and micro-nutrient intakes from complementary foods (CF) only. Our purpose was to assess the sources and nutritional contribution of CF over the first year of life.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In July 2003, a cross-sectional survey was conducted on a nationally representative sample of mothers with infants aged three to 12 months. The survey was administered evenly across all regions of the country and included a four-day dietary record to assess infants' CF intakes in household (tablespoon) measures (breast milk and formula intakes excluded). Records from 2,663 infants were analyzed for nutrient and CF food intake according to 12 categories. Mean daily intakes for infants at each month of age from CF were pooled and compared to the Dietary Reference Intakes for the respective age range.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>At three months of age, 83% of infants were already consuming infant cereals. Fruits and vegetables were among the most common foods consumed by infants at all ages, while meats were least common at all ages except 12 months. Macro- and micro-nutrient intakes from CF generally increased with age. All mean nutrient intakes, except vitamin D and iron, met CF recommendations at seven to 12 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Complementary foods were introduced earlier than recommended. Although mean nutrient intakes from CF at six to 12 months appear to be adequate among Canadian infants, further attention to iron and vitamin D intakes and sources may be warranted.</p

    Transcriptome Analysis of Epithelial and Stromal Contributions to Mammogenesis in Three Week Prepartum Cows

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    Transcriptome analysis of bovine mammary development has provided insight into regulation of mammogenesis. However, previous studies primarily examined expression of epithelial and stromal tissues combined, and consequently did not account for tissue specific contribution to mammary development. Our objective was to identify differences in gene expression in epithelial and intralobular stromal compartments. Tissue was biopsied from non-lactating dairy cows 3 weeks prepartum, cut into explants and incubated for 2 hr with insulin and hydrocortisone. Epithelial and intralobular stromal tissues were isolated with laser capture microdissection. Global gene expression was measured with Bovine Affymetrix GeneChips, and data were preprocessed using RMA method. Moderated t-tests from gene-specific linear model analysis with cell type as a fixed effect showed more than 3,000 genes were differentially expressed between tissues (P<0.05; FDR<0.17). Analysis of epithelial and stromal transcriptomes using Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) and Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) showed that epithelial and stromal cells contributed distinct molecular signatures. Epithelial signatures were enriched with gene sets for protein synthesis, metabolism and secretion. Stromal signatures were enriched with genes that encoded molecules important to signaling, extracellular matrix composition and remodeling. Transcriptome differences also showed evidence for paracrine interactions between tissues in stimulation of IGF1 signaling pathway, stromal reaction, angiogenesis, neurogenesis, and immune response. Molecular signatures point to the dynamic role the stroma plays in prepartum mammogenesis and highlight the importance of examining the roles of cell types within the mammary gland when targeting therapies and studying mechanisms that affect milk production

    Lgl2 Executes Its Function as a Tumor Suppressor by Regulating ErbB Signaling in the Zebrafish Epidermis

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    Changes in tissue homeostasis, acquisition of invasive cell characteristics, and tumor formation can often be linked to the loss of epithelial cell polarity. In carcinogenesis, the grade of neoplasia correlates with impaired cell polarity. In Drosophila, lethal giant larvae (lgl), discs large (dlg), and scribble, which are components of the epithelial apico-basal cell polarity machinery, act as tumor suppressors, and orthologs of this evolutionary conserved pathway are lost in human carcinoma with high frequency. However, a mechanistic link between neoplasia and vertebrate orthologs of these tumor-suppressor genes remains to be fully explored at the organismal level. Here, we show that the pen/lgl2 mutant phenotype shares two key cellular and molecular features of mammalian malignancy: cell autonomous epidermal neoplasia and epithelial-to-mesenchymal-transition (EMT) of basal epidermal cells including the differential expression of several regulators of EMT. Further, we found that epidermal neoplasia and EMT in pen/lgl2 mutant epidermal cells is promoted by ErbB signalling, a pathway of high significance in human carcinomas. Intriguingly, EMT in the pen/lgl2 mutant is facilitated specifically by ErbB2 mediated E-cadherin mislocalization and not via canonical snail–dependent down-regulation of E-cadherin expression. Our data reveal that pen/lgl2 functions as a tumor suppressor gene in vertebrates, establishing zebrafish pen/lgl2 mutants as a valuable cancer model

    Macrophages in Breast Cancer: Do Involution Macrophages Account for the Poor Prognosis of Pregnancy-Associated Breast Cancer?

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    Macrophage influx is associated with negative outcomes for women with breast cancer and has been demonstrated to be required for metastasis of mammary tumors in mouse models. Pregnancy-associated breast cancer is characterized by particularly poor outcomes, however the reasons remain obscure. Recently, post-pregnancy mammary involution has been characterized as having a wound healing signature. We have proposed the involution-hypothesis, which states that the wound healing microenvironment of the involuting gland is tumor promotional. Macrophage influx is one of the prominent features of the involuting gland, identifying the macrophage a potential instigator of tumor progression and a novel target for breast cancer treatment and prevention

    Translating it into real life: a qualitative study of the cognitions, barriers and supports for key obesogenic behaviors of parents of preschoolers

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    BACKGROUND: Little is known about preschool parents' cognitions, barriers, supports and modeling of key obesogenic behaviors, including breakfast, fruit and vegetable consumption, sugary beverage intake, feeding practices, portion sizes, active playtime, reduced screen-time, sleep and selection of child-care centers with characteristics that promote healthy behaviors. METHODS: Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine these factors via survey and focus groups among 139 parents of 2- to 5-year-old children. Standard content analysis procedures were used to identify trends and themes in the focus group data, and Analysis of Variance was used to test for differences between groups in the survey data. RESULTS: Results showed 80% of parents ate breakfast daily, consumed sugary beverages 2.7 Β± 2.5SD days per week, and had at least two different vegetables and fruits an average of 5.2 Β± 1.8SD and 4.6 Β± 2.0SD days per week. Older parents and those with greater education drank significantly fewer sugary drinks. Parents played actively a mean 4.2 Β± 2.2 hours/week with their preschoolers, who watched television a mean 2.4 Β± 1.7 hours/day. Many parents reported having a bedtime routine for their preschooler and choosing childcare centers that replaced screen-time with active play and nutrition education. Common barriers to choosing healthful behaviors included lack of time; neighborhood safety; limited knowledge of portion size, cooking methods, and ways to prepare healthy foods or play active indoor games; the perceived cost of healthy options, and family members who were picky eaters. Supports for performing healthful behaviors included planning ahead, introducing new foods and behaviors often and in tandem with existing preferred foods and behaviors, and learning strategies from other parents. CONCLUSIONS: Future education programs with preschool parents should emphasize supports and encourage parents to share helpful strategies with each other.This item is part of the UA Faculty Publications collection. For more information this item or other items in the UA Campus Repository, contact the University of Arizona Libraries at [email protected]
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