438 research outputs found

    Composite Laminates under Dynamic Extreme Conditions

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    AbstractGlass fibre laminates were subjected to experimental low velocity impact tests at three different temperatures, room, T = -25°C, T = -50°C, and the results were compared to investigate the impact behaviour in extreme conditions of composites applied in naval field. The experiments were carried out, first, at complete penetration of the specimens and then, at different energy values to investigate on the damage initiation and propagation. The indentation depths and the delaminated areas were measured and analyzed to validate existing semiempirical models for the prediction of the response of these materials in dynamic shock conditions, at the aim to help the navigation in the Artic Ocean in safety conditions

    Natural zeolites and white wines from Campania region (Southern Italy): a new contribution for solving some oenological problems

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    The purpose of this research is to provide a new mixture of Campanian zeolitized tuffs for solving two specific problems in the production of white wines: the protein and tartaric stability. In fact, a very frequent cause of turbidity and formation of organic deposits in white wines is the occurrence of thermolabile and thermostable proteins colloidal suspensions which precipitate in time, especially in summertime and during the storage and transport. Normally, to mitigate this risk wine producers use organic and inorganic stabilizers and clarifiers. The best known treatment, recognized also by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) foresees the use of bentonite with a montmorillonite content not lower than 80%. The present paper aims at evaluating the use of two high zeolite grade Italian volcanoclastites such as the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) and the Yellow Facies of the Campanian Ignimbrite (YFCI), in the treatment of three peculiar white wines of the Campanian region (Southern Italy): Falanghina, Fiano di Avellino and Greco di Tufo. Granulates were produced starting from tuff blocks as provided by quarries. Some grain size fractions have been prepared to investigate the zeolite content (phillipsite + chabazite + analcime) by X-ray diffraction (XRD). A 2-5 mm grain size fraction was chosen for NYT and a 5-10 mm for YFCI. Three Campanian monocultivar white wines were used for the test: the Falanghina 2006 vintage, the Fiano di Avellino DOCG 2007 vintage, and the Greco di Tufo DOCG 2008 vintage. 48 samples with mixture of the zeolitized tuffs, 1 sample with mixture of a synthetic zeolite A and 1 sample with mixture of a commercial sodium activated bentonite were prepared. ICP-OES analysis for the determination of ECEC, Ion Chromatography (IC) analyses for the determination of some major cations and Turbidimetric tests for the definition of the protein stabilization process before and after treatments were also carried out. It was evidenced that high zeolitized tuff/wine ratios enable the protein stabilization whereas a significant decrease of potassium ion after the treatment with a zeolite-rich powder improves the tartaric stability, a serious problem in all the wine productions. The results of these tests refer to a laboratory scale research. A transfer of the experiment to a pilot plant scale is in progress

    Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (NOS I) in the buffalo epididymis

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    The localization of neuronal nitric oxide (NOS I) in the buffalo epididymis have been investigated by nicotinamide adenite dinucleotide phosphatase-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemichemistry to the light microscope (LM) and NOS immunoistochemistry to the scanning electron microscope (SEM), respectively. Histochemistry: examination of epididymis specimens revealed an intense NADPH-d staining in the basal cell epithelium and endothelium cells of blood vessel. The NADPH diaphorase staining was diffuse and granular only along the caput epididymal epithelium. NADPH diaphorase staining was less intense or absent in the corpus and in the cauda of epididymis. Dense NADPH diaphorase is labeling in the endothelium of blood vessels along the whole buffalo epididymis. Immunoistochemistry: intense NOS I immunoreactivity was detected in the caput epididymis specimen by immuno-SEM. The basal epithelium showed intense and wide-spread immunoreactivity. In the corpus and in the cauda of the epididymis not observed NOS I immunoreactivity. The specific localization of NOS I in buffalo epididymis suggest that nitric oxide may be involved to explain epididymal function: maturation and storage

    Advanced Image Analysis of Two-Phase Flow inside a Centrifugal Pump

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    The analysis two-phase flow inside centrifugal pumps is a fundamental issue in several engineering applications. This often represents a bad working condition with respect to single phase one, causing head reduction, efficiency decrease, and higher operational costs in terms of energy and money. The paper reports a numerical analysis of bubbles behavior inside centrifugal pumps. Equations regulating the air bubble motion within the rotor of a centrifugal pump have been solved considering the effects of all forces acting. Coalescence phenomena have been investigated too, in order to identify how gas zone presence in the rotor can lead to anomalous working condition. Results are reported in graphs and diagrams varying bubble dimension and water flow rate. An experimental approach to visualize the two-phase flow field inside the impeller is presented too. Images have been acquired, elaborated, compared with numerical results, and discussed in order to understand the interaction between gas phase and liquid phase and to correlate this behavior with the energy dissipation phenomena for a centrifugal pump

    Numerical, Experimental and Analytical Correlation for Predicting the Structural Behavior of Composite Structures under Impact

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    Abstract In the present work, numerical, experimental and analytical results regarding impact events on composite structure are presented. The test case consists in a classic 24 plies CAI specimen (100×150 mm) subjected to 10 J impact. The work can be divided into two phases. The first phase is finalized to the definition of a procedure able to provide a robust numerical model, which can simulate accurately the structural response of composite plates subjected to impact events. At this phase, the numerical results are compared with analytical ones. In the second phase, both inter- and intra-lamina failure are considered. Regarding the inter-laminar failure, an experimental-numerical procedure is defined in order to set the right parameters related to cohesive behaviour. For both phases, trade-off analyses on the main numerical parameters are performed. All numerical results are compared with experimental ones in terms of both energy balance and damaged area

    Drilling polymeric matrix composites

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    This chapter presents the basics of drilling of polymeric matrix composites (PMCs). PMCs are becoming widely used in the manufacturing of products where a high mechanical strength must be accompanied by a low weight. However, the machining of PMCs implies coping with problems that are not encountered when machining other materials. Drilling is a particularly critical operation for PMCs laminates because the large concentrated forces generated can lead to widespread damage. This damage causes aesthetic problems but, more importantly, may compromise the mechanical properties of the finished part

    conventional orthogonal cutting machining on unidirectional fibre reinforced plastics

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    Abstract The results of orthogonal cutting tests on unidirectional carbon and glass fibre reinforced plastics are presented. The specimens were under shape of rectangular plates, circular disks and cylinders with different fibre architectures and a milling machine, a lathe machine and a five-axis high-speed vertical machining centre, were used for the experimental tests. The cutting speed was varied. During the tests, performed at low cutting speed, avoiding thermal effects, and high speed, to investigate about the effect of the cutting velocity on the cut quality, the fibre orientation respect to the cutting direction, the tool rake angle and the depth of cut were varied to investigate their influence on the phenomenon. A high speed steel tool in different geometries, was used. The mechanisms of chip formation and the cutting quality were investigated. A tentative to correlate the mechanisms of chip formation and cutting forces signals was done. Since the anisotropy, the mechanisms of chip formation consists of different failure modes occurring simultaneously and their identification, on the basis of the cutting force evolution, is very complex. Only in particular conditions, the features of cutting forces allow a precise identification of the chip development and detachment. The results indicated that the fibre orientation respect to the cutting direction determines the mechanisms of chip formation and influences the cutting quality. It was noted that for fibre orientation higher than 60°, the quality of the surface was revealed unacceptable. These conclusions were obtained independently of the particular shape of specimen tested and of the speed adopted

    The influence of national culture on business students\u27 career attitudes - An analysis of eight countries | Der einfluss nationaler kulturen auf die karriere-einstellungen von wirtschaftsstudenten - Eine analyse aus acht landern

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    Despite the fact that career attitudes and their influence on career outcomes is widely researched in the field of occupations and careers, little is known about the influence of cultural norms and values on career attitudes. We propose that national cultural dimensions influence students\u27 career planning, career adaptability, career optimism, and career-related knowledge. We test these relations using an eight country sample with more than 1,800 students. The results show that national culture has significant effect on all four career attitudes and in particular on career planning and career optimism. We discuss theoretical and practical implications and provide future research directions

    A tool for evaluating geothermal power exploitability and its application to Ischia, Southern Italy

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    The paper proposes a method to evaluate the potential for electric power production at any site of possible geothermal interest. Accounting for geological data of the reservoirs, the method allows the computation of the available electrical power of the investigated site. Electrical energy production from geothermal sources is realized through different techniques, such as single flash and double flash, dry steam, and binary ORC plants. The technique chosen to be the most productive is determined by analyzing a specific range of geofluid properties, mainly temperature and pressure. Moreover, each plant typology has a global efficiency that may be correlated to geofluid enthalpy by empiric relations available in literature. The proposed evaluation method brings together all these correlations, yielding the power availability from a geosource, once its temperature and pressure are known. The method takes as input the geofluid available flow rate, its pressure, temperature and non-condensable gas content. It defines the best plant option from these parameters, calculates its global efficiency and finally returns the actual available power. For sites of geothermic interest, such as the volcanic island of Ischia in Southern Italy, the results of the application of this new method clearly highlight the most suitable zones for power plants installations
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