1,166 research outputs found

    Asynchronous Multi-Context Systems

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    In this work, we present asynchronous multi-context systems (aMCSs), which provide a framework for loosely coupling different knowledge representation formalisms that allows for online reasoning in a dynamic environment. Systems of this kind may interact with the outside world via input and output streams and may therefore react to a continuous flow of external information. In contrast to recent proposals, contexts in an aMCS communicate with each other in an asynchronous way which fits the needs of many application domains and is beneficial for scalability. The federal semantics of aMCSs renders our framework an integration approach rather than a knowledge representation formalism itself. We illustrate the introduced concepts by means of an example scenario dealing with rescue services. In addition, we compare aMCSs to reactive multi-context systems and describe how to simulate the latter with our novel approach.Comment: International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation (ReactKnow 2014), co-located with the 21st European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2014). Proceedings of the International Workshop on Reactive Concepts in Knowledge Representation (ReactKnow 2014), pages 31-37, technical report, ISSN 1430-3701, Leipzig University, 2014. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:15-qucosa-15056

    Electronic transport and vibrational modes in the smallest molecular bridge: H2 in Pt nanocontacts

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    We present a state-of-the-art first-principles analysis of electronic transport in a Pt nanocontact in the presence of H2 which has been recently reported by Smit et al. in Nature 419, 906 (2002). Our results indicate that at the last stages of the breaking of the Pt nanocontact two basic forms of bridge involving H can appear. Our claim is, in contrast to Smit et al.'s, that the main conductance histogram peak at G approx 2e^2/h is not due to molecular H2, but to a complex Pt2H2 where the H2 molecule dissociates. A first-principles vibrational analysis that compares favorably with the experimental one also supports our claim .Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Feasibility of Electrified Propulsion for Ultra-Efficient Commercial Aircraft Final Report

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    MIT, Aurora Flight Sciences, and USC have collaborated to assess the feasibility of electric, hybridelectric, and turbo-electric propulsion for ultra-efficient commercial transportation. The work has drawn on the team expertise in disciplines related to aircraft design, propulsion-airframe integration, electric machines and systems, engineering system design, and optimization. A parametric trade space analysis has been carried out to assess vehicle performance across a range of transport missions and propulsion architectures to establish how electrified propulsion systems scale. An optimization approach to vehicle conceptual design modeling was taken to enable rapid multidisciplinary design space exploration and sensitivity analysis. The results of the analysis indicate vehicle aero-propulsive integration benefits enabled by electrification are required to offset the increased weight and loss associated with the electric system and achieve enhanced performance; the report describes the conceptual configurations than can offer such enhancements. The main contribution of the present work is the definition of electric vehicle design attributes for potential efficiency improvements at different scales. Based on these results, key areas for future research are identified, and extensions to the trade space analysis suitable for higher fidelity electrified commercial aircraft design and analysis have been developed

    Noise-free scattering of the quantized electromagnetic field from a dispersive linear dielectric

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    We study the scattering of the quantized electromagnetic field from a linear, dispersive dielectric using the scattering formalism for quantum fields. The medium is modeled as a collection of harmonic oscillators with a number of distinct resonance frequencies. This model corresponds to the Sellmeir expansion, which is widely used to describe experimental data for real dispersive media. The integral equation for the interpolating field in terms of the in field is solved and the solution used to find the out field. The relation between the in and out creation and annihilation operators is found which allows one to calculate the S-matrix for this system. In this model, we find that there are absorption bands, but the input-output relations are completely unitary. No additional quantum noise terms are required.Comment: Revtex, submitted to Physical Review

    The Puzzling Stability of Monatomic Gold Wires

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    We have examined theoretically the spontaneous thinning process of tip-suspended nanowires, and subsequently studied the structure and stability of the monatomic gold wires recently observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The methods used include thermodynamics, classical many-body force simulations, Local Density (LDA) and Generalized Gradient (GGA) electronic structure calculations as well as ab-initio simulations including the two tips. The wire thinning is well explained in terms of a thermodynamic tip suction driving migration of surface atoms from the wire to the tips. For the same reason the monatomic wire becomes progressively stretched. Surprisingly, however, all calculations so far indicate that the stretched monatomic gold wire should be unstable against breaking, contrary to the apparent experimental stability. The possible reasons for the observed stability are discussed.Comment: 4 figure

    Studying Precipitation Processes in WRF with Goddard Bulk Microphysics in Comparison with Other Microphysical Schemes

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    A Goddard bulk microphysical parameterization is implemented into the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. This bulk microphysical scheme has three different options, 2ICE (cloud ice & snow), 3ICE-graupel (cloud ice, snow & graupel) and 3ICE-hail (cloud ice, snow & hail). High-resolution model simulations are conducted to examine the impact of microphysical schemes on different weather events: a midlatitude linear convective system and an Atlantic hurricane. The results suggest that microphysics has a major impact on the organization and precipitation processes associated with a summer midlatitude convective line system. The Goddard 3ICE scheme with the cloud ice-snow-hail configuration agreed better with observations ill of rainfall intensity and having a narrow convective line than did simulations with the cloud ice-snow-graupel and cloud ice-snow (i.e., 2ICE) configurations. This is because the Goddard 3ICE-hail configuration has denser precipitating ice particles (hail) with very fast fall speeds (over 10 m/s) For an Atlantic hurricane case, the Goddard microphysical scheme (with 3ICE-hail, 3ICE-graupel and 2ICE configurations) had no significant impact on the track forecast but did affect the intensity slightly. The Goddard scheme is also compared with WRF's three other 3ICE bulk microphysical schemes: WSM6, Purdue-Lin and Thompson. For the summer midlatitude convective line system, all of the schemes resulted in simulated precipitation events that were elongated in southwest-northeast direction in qualitative agreement with the observed feature. However, the Goddard 3ICE-hail and Thompson schemes were closest to the observed rainfall intensities although the Goddard scheme simulated more heavy rainfall (over 48 mm/h). For the Atlantic hurricane case, none of the schemes had a significant impact on the track forecast; however, the simulated intensity using the Purdue-Lin scheme was much stronger than the other schemes. The vertical distributions of model-simulated cloud species (e.g., snow) are quite sensitive to the microphysical schemes, which is an issue for future verification against satellite retrievals. Both the Purdue-Lin and WSM6 schemes simulated very little snow compared to the other schemes for both the midlatitude convective line and hurricane case. Sensitivity tests with these two schemes showed that increasing the snow intercept, turning off the auto-conversion from snow to graupel, eliminating dry growth, and reducing the transfer processes from cloud-sized particles to precipitation-sized ice collectively resulted in a net increase in those schemes' snow amounts

    Neuromuscular synaptic function in mice lacking major subsets of gangliosides

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    Gangliosides are a family of sialylated glycosphingolipids enriched in the outer leaflet of neuronal membranes, in particular at synapses. Therefore, they have been hypothesized to play a functional role in synaptic transmission. We have measured in detail the electrophysiological parameters of synaptic transmission at the neuromuscular junction (NMJ) ex vivo of a GD3-synthase knockout mouse, expressing only the O- and a-series gangliosides, as well as of a GM2/GD2-synthase*GD3-synthase double-knockout (dKO) mouse, lacking all gangliosides except GM3. No major synaptic deficits were found in either null-mutant. However, some extra degree of rundown of acetylcholine release at high intensity use was present at the dKO NMJ and a temperature-specific increase in acetylcholine release at 35 °C was observed in GD3-synthase knockout NMJs, compared with wild-type. These results indicate that synaptic transmission at the NMJ is not crucially dependent on the particular presence of most ganglioside family members and remains largely intact in the sole presence of GM3 ganglioside. Rather, presynaptic gangliosides appear to play a modulating role in temperature- and use-dependent fine-tuning of transmitter output

    MMM Duet System: New accessible musical technology for people living with dementia

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    Music offers a meaningful way for people living with dementia to interact with others and can provide health and wellbeing benefits. Enjoying shared activities helps couples affected by dementia retain a sense of couplehood and can support a spousal caregiver’s mental health. This paper describes the development of the Music Memory Makers (MMM) Duet System, a prototype that has been developed as part of a qualitative, multi-phase, iterative research study to test its feasibility for use with people living with dementia and their spousal caregivers. Through the iterative process, the diverse individual needs of the participants directly led to the adding, adjusting, or removal of features and components to better fit their needs and to make the system require as little technical experience from the users as possible for quick and easy engagement. In line with our work of developing system hardware and software to meet users’ needs, including 3D printed cases, coordination facilitation processes, a visual interface, and source separation tools to create familiar duets, participants found the duet system offered them an opportunity to enjoyably interact with one another by playing meaningful songs together

    The 20-22 January 2007 Snow Events over Canada: Microphysical Properties

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    One of the grand challenges of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is to improve precipitation measurements in mid- and high-latitudes during cold seasons through the use of high-frequency passive microwave radiometry. Toward this end, the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with the Goddard microphysics scheme is coupled with a Satellite Data Simulation Unit (WRF-SDSU) that has been developed to facilitate over-land snowfall retrieval algorithms by providing a virtual cloud library and microwave brightness temperature (Tb) measurements consistent with the GPM Microwave Imager (GMI). This study tested the Goddard cloud microphysics scheme in WRF for snowstorm events (January 20-22, 2007) that took place over the Canadian CloudSAT/CALIPSO Validation Project (C3VP) ground site (Centre for Atmospheric Research Experiments - CARE) in Ontario, Canada. In this paper, the performance of the Goddard cloud microphysics scheme both with 2ice (ice and snow) and 3ice (ice, snow and graupel) as well as other WRF microphysics schemes will be presented. The results are compared with data from the Environment Canada (EC) King Radar, an operational C-band radar located near the CARE site. In addition, the WRF model output is used to drive the Goddard SDSU to calculate radiances and backscattering signals consistent with direct satellite observations for evaluating the model results

    Predicted modulated differential rates for direct WIMP searches at low energy transfers

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    The differential event rate for direct detection of dark matter, both the time averaged and the modulated one due to the motion of the Earth, are discussed. The calculations focus on relatively light cold dark matter candidates (WIMP) and low energy transfers. It is shown that for sufficiently light WIMPs the extraction of relatively large nucleon cross sections is possible. Furthermore for some WIMP masses the modulation amplitude may change sign, meaning that, in such a case, the maximum rate may occur six months later than naively expected. This effect can be exploited to yield information about the mass of the dark matter candidate, if and when the observation of the modulation of the event rate is established.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures; references adde
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