5,756 research outputs found

    Competition Law and Regulation Law From an EC Perspective

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    These comments look at the subject from a legal viewpoint, in contrast to the Essay by Professor Dr. Günter Knieps, which uses an economic approach. His Essay raises several issues concerning access: (1) who should be obliged to give it; (2) to whom; (3) in what circumstances; and (4) on what terms? In practice, the precise answers will depend on whether European Community (“Community” or “EC”) competition law, national competition law, or national telecommunications law based on Community directives, are being applied. As far as possible, the same answer should be given in all cases

    Competition Law and Regulation Law From an EC Perspective

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    These comments look at the subject from a legal viewpoint, in contrast to the Essay by Professor Dr. Günter Knieps, which uses an economic approach. His Essay raises several issues concerning access: (1) who should be obliged to give it; (2) to whom; (3) in what circumstances; and (4) on what terms? In practice, the precise answers will depend on whether European Community (“Community” or “EC”) competition law, national competition law, or national telecommunications law based on Community directives, are being applied. As far as possible, the same answer should be given in all cases

    The Commission: The Key to the Constitutional Treaty for Europe

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    Political inventions are so rare that when they do arise they are not recognized--we try to fit them into traditional classifications, or criticize them for not being something that they were never intended to be. The European Commission (“Commission”) was a genuinely new political invention, created to solve a problem. The problem was that the European Community (“EC”) had to have majority voting. That meant that from time to time minorities would be out-voted. Majority voting--an old idea, but never before used in an international organization--had to be made acceptable

    Three Possibilities for Reform of the Procedure of the European Commission in Competition Cases under Regulation 1/2003. CEPS Special Report, 18 November 2011

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    Following an examination of the present procedures of the European Commission in competition cases under Regulation 1/2003, this paper finds that the existing safeguards for due process are not sufficient and explains why reform is urgently needed. Three possible radical solutions are outlined: 1) setting up a decision-making body within the Commission, 2) setting up a separate European competition authority and 3) making the Commission a “prosecutor” bringing competition cases before the General Court, which would adopt the first legally binding decisions

    Article 82 EC – The Problems and The Solution

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    The Commission's Guidance paper on exclusionary abuse under Article 82 EC is open to three fundamental criticisms. First, it leads to less legal certainty, because the rules suggested are vague and imprecise, because dominant companies will not have the information needed to apply them, and because the Commission is trying to change the law, which it has no power to do. Second, it would lead to some anticompetitive effects, because in practice it discourages price competition, by discouraging individualised price negotiations and retroactive rebates, and by suggesting that the Commission will protect not-yet-as-efficient competitors from price competition. Third, it leads to too many "false positives", i.e., findings of exclusionary abuse that are not justified in economics or law. The solution is to return to the test in the Treaty as interpreted by the Court of Justice: an exclusionary abuse must involve limiting the production, marketing or technical development of competitors of the dominant company, if harm is caused to consumers.Article 82EC, Competition, Abuse

    The Commission, the Community Method, and the Smaller Member States

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    This Article discusses several developments concerning the position of the Commission in the institutional structures of the European Union ( EU ) that have occurred since then. It does not touch on the many other matters that influenced the debate on the draft Constitutional Treaty, leading to its failure at referendum in France and the Netherlands; these matters include the scope of the draft Treaty, questions concerning its economic, social, and political benefits or disadvantages, the working of the Stability Pact in the Eurozone and the ongoing debate on freedom of services legislation, the purposes for which the EU was originally created and their modification, further enlargement of the EU, and so on. These subjects require separate treatment

    Intracavity Dye-Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (IDLAS) for application to planetary molecules

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    Time-resolved, quasi-continuous wave, intracavity dye-laser absorption spectroscopy is applied to the investigation of absolute absorption coefficients for vibrational-rotational overtone bands of water at visible wavelengths. Emphasis is placed on critical factors affecting detection sensitivity and data analysis. Typical generation-time dependent absorption spectra are given

    The influence of societal individualism on a century of tobacco use: modelling the prevalence of smoking

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    Smoking of tobacco is predicted to cause approximately six million deaths worldwide in 2014. Responding effectively to this epidemic requires a thorough understanding of how smoking behaviour is transmitted and modified. Here, we present a new mathematical model of the social dynamics that cause cigarette smoking to spread in a population. Our model predicts that more individualistic societies will show faster adoption and cessation of smoking. Evidence from a new century-long composite data set on smoking prevalence in 25 countries supports the model, with direct implications for public health interventions around the world. Our results suggest that differences in culture between societies can measurably affect the temporal dynamics of a social spreading process, and that these effects can be understood via a quantitative mathematical model matched to observations
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