506 research outputs found

    mRNA interactome capture in mammalian cells

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    Throughout their entire life cycle, mRNAs are associated with RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), forming ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes with highly dynamic compositions. Their interplay is one key to control gene regulatory mechanisms from mRNA synthesis to decay. To assay the global scope of RNA-protein interactions, we and others have published a method combining crosslinking with highly stringent oligo(dT) affinity purification to enrich proteins associated with polyadenylated RNA (poly(A)+ RNA). Identification of the poly(A)+ RNA-bound proteome (also: mRNA interactome capture) has by now been applied to a diversity of cell lines and model organisms, uncovering comprehensive repertoires of RBPs and hundreds of novel RBP candidates. In addition to determining the RBP catalog in a given biological system, mRNA interactome capture allows the examination of changes in protein-mRNA interactions in response to internal and external stimuli, altered cellular programs and disease

    High-resolution profiling of protein occupancy on polyadenylated RNA transcripts

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    A key prerequisite to understand how gene regulatory processes are controlled by the interplay of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and ribonucleoprotein complexes with RNAs is the generation of comprehensive high-resolution maps of protein-RNA interactions. Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technology accelerated the development of various crosslinking and immunoprecipitation (CLIP) approaches to broadly identify RNA regions contacted by RNA-binding proteins. However these methods only consider single RNA-binding proteins and their contact sites, irrespective of the overall cis-regulatory sequence space contacted by other RNA interacting factors. Here we describe the application of protein occupancy profiling, a novel approach that globally displays the RNA contact sites of the poly(A)+ RNA-bound proteome. Protein occupancy profiling enables the generation of transcriptome-wide maps of protein-RNA interactions on polyadenylated transcripts and narrows the sequence search space for transcript regions involved in cis-regulation of gene expression in response to internal or external stimuli, altered cellular programs or disease

    Transcriptome-wide analysis of regulatory interactions of the RNA-binding protein HuR

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    Posttranscriptional gene regulation relies on hundreds of RNA binding proteins (RBPs) but the function of most RBPs is unknown. The human RBP HuR/ELAVL1 is a conserved mRNA stability regulator. We used PAR-CLIP, a recently developed method based on RNA-protein crosslinking, to identify transcriptome-wide ~26,000 HuR binding sites. These sites were on average highly conserved, enriched for HuR binding motifs and mainly located in 3' untranslated regions. Surprisingly, many sites were intronic, implicating HuR in mRNA processing. Upon HuR knockdown, mRNA levels and protein synthesis of thousands of target genes were downregulated, validating functionality. HuR and miRNA binding sites tended to reside nearby but generally did not overlap. Additionally, HuR knockdown triggered strong and specific upregulation of miR-7. In summary, we identified thousands of direct and functional HuR targets, found a human miRNA controlled by HuR, and propose a role for HuR in splicing

    Comprehensive protein interactome analysis of a key RNA helicase: detection of novel stress granule proteins

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    DDX6 (p54/RCK) is a human RNA helicase with central roles in mRNA decay and translation repression. To help our understanding of how DDX6 performs these multiple functions, we conducted the first unbiased, large-scale study to map the DDX6-centric protein-protein interactome using immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry. Using DDX6 as bait, we identify a high-confidence and high-quality set of protein interaction partners which are enriched for functions in RNA metabolism and ribosomal proteins. The screen is highly specific, maximizing the number of true positives, as demonstrated by the validation of 81% (47/58) of the RNA-independent interactors through known functions and interactions. Importantly, we minimize the number of indirect interaction partners through use of a nuclease-based digestion to eliminate RNA. We describe eleven new interactors, including proteins involved in splicing which is an as-yet unknown role for DDX6. We validated and characterized in more detail the interaction of DDX6 with Nuclear fragile X mental retardation-interacting protein 2 (NUFIP2) and with two previously uncharacterized proteins, FAM195A and FAM195B (here referred to as granulin-1 and granulin-2, or GRAN1 and GRAN2). We show that NUFIP2, GRAN1, and GRAN2 are not P-body components, but re-localize to stress granules upon exposure to stress, suggesting a function in translation repression in the cellular stress response. Using a complementary analysis that resolved DDX6's multiple complex memberships, we further validated these interaction partners and the presence of splicing factors. As DDX6 also interacts with the E3 SUMO ligase TIF1β, we tested for and observed a significant enrichment of sumoylation amongst DDX6's interaction partners. Our results represent the most comprehensive screen for direct interaction partners of a key regulator of RNA life cycle and localization, highlighting new stress granule components and possible DDX6 functions-many of which are likely conserved across eukaryotes

    Cold-induced RNA-binding proteins regulate circadian gene expression by controlling alternative polyadenylation

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    The body temperature is considered a universal cue by which the master clock synchronizes the peripheral clocks in mammals, but the mechanism is not fully understood. Here we identified two cold-induced RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), Cirbp and Rbm3, as important regulators for the temperature entrained circadian gene expression. The depletion of Cirbp or Rbm3 significantly reduced the amplitudes of core circadian genes. PAR-CLIP analyses showed that the 3'UTR binding sites of Cirbp and Rbm3 were significantly enriched near the polyadenylation sites (PASs). Furthermore, the depletion of Cirbp or Rbm3 shortened 3'UTR, whereas low temperature (upregulating Cirbp and Rbm3) lengthened 3'UTR. Remarkably, we found that they repressed the usage of proximal PASs by binding to the common 3'UTR, and many cases of proximal/distal PAS selection regulated by them showed strong circadian oscillations. Our results suggested that Cirbp and Rbm3 regulated the circadian gene expression by controlling alternative polyadenylation (APA)

    The mRNA-bound proteome of the early fly embryo

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    Early embryogenesis is characterized by the maternal to zygotic transition (MZT), in which maternally deposited messenger RNAs are degraded while zygotic transcription begins. Before the MZT, post-transcriptional gene regulation by RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) is the dominant force in embryo patterning. We used two mRNA interactome capture methods to identify RBPs bound to polyadenylated transcripts within the first two hours of D. melanogaster embryogenesis. We identified a high-confidence set of 476 putative RBPs and confirmed RNA-binding activities for most of 24 tested candidates. Most proteins in the interactome are known RBPs or harbor canonical RBP features, but 99 exhibited previously uncharacterized RNA-binding activity. mRNA-bound RBPs and TFs exhibit distinct expression dynamics, in which the newly identified RBPs dominate the first two hours of embryonic development. Integrating our resource with in situ hybridization data from existing databases showed that mRNAs encoding RBPs are enriched in posterior regions of the early embryo, suggesting their general importance in posterior patterning and germ cell maturation

    An immediate-late gene expression module decodes ERK signal duration

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    The RAF-MEK-ERK signalling pathway controls fundamental, often opposing cellular processes such as proliferation and apoptosis. Signal duration has been identified to play a decisive role in these cell fate decisions. However, it remains unclear how the different early and late responding gene expression modules can discriminate short and long signals. We obtained both protein phosphorylation and gene expression time course data from HEK293 cells carrying an inducible construct of the proto-oncogene RAF By mathematical modelling, we identified a new gene expression module of immediate-late genes (ILGs) distinct in gene expression dynamics and function. We find that mRNA longevity enables these ILGs to respond late and thus translate ERK signal duration into response amplitude. Despite their late response, their GC-rich promoter structure suggested and metabolic labelling with 4SU confirmed that transcription of ILGs is induced immediately. A comparative analysis shows that the principle of duration decoding is conserved in PC12 cells and MCF7 cells, two paradigm cell systems for ERK signal duration. Altogether, our findings suggest that ILGs function as a gene expression module to decode ERK signal duration