29 research outputs found

    Traces on non-commutative homogeneous spaces

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    We study properties of C*-algebraic deformations of homogeneous spaces G/ΓG/\Gamma which are equivariant in the sense that they preserve the natural action of GG by left translation. The center is shown to be isomorphic to C(G/Gρ0)C(G/G_\rho^0) for a certain subgroup Gρ0G_\rho^0 of GG, and there is a 1-1 correspondence between normalised traces and probability measures on G/Gρ0G/G_\rho^0. This makes it possible to represent the deformed algebra as operators over L2(G/Γ)L^2(G/\Gamma). Applications to K-theory are also mentioned.Comment: 12 pages, an error in the first version has been corrected. To appear in J. Funct. Ana

    Groups with compact open subgroups and multiplier Hopf ^*-algebras

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    For a locally compact group GG we look at the group algebras C0(G)C_0(G) and Cr(G)C_r^*(G), and we let fC0(G)f\in C_0(G) act on L2(G)L^2(G) by the multiplication operator M(f)M(f). We show among other things that the following properties are equivalent: 1. GG has a compact open subgroup. 2. One of the CC^*-algebras has a dense multiplier Hopf ^*-subalgebra (which turns out to be unique). 3. There are non-zero elements aCr(G)a\in C_r^*(G) and fC0(G)f\in C_0(G) such that aM(f)aM(f) has finite rank. 4. There are non-zero elements aCr(G)a\in C_r^*(G) and fC0(G)f\in C_0(G) such that aM(f)=M(f)aaM(f)=M(f)a. If GG is abelian, these properties are equivalent to: 5. There is a non-zero continuous function with the property that both ff and f^\hat f have compact support.Comment: 23 pages. Section 1 has been shortened and improved. To appear in Expositiones Mathematica

    Exact large ideals of B(G) are downward directed

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    We prove that if E and F are large ideals of B(G) for which the associated coaction functors are exact, then the same is true for the intersection of E and F. We also give an example of a coaction functor whose restriction to the maximal coactions does not come from any large ideal.Comment: minor revisio

    Exotic coactions

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    If a locally compact group G acts on a C*-algebra B, we have both full and reduced crossed products, and each has a coaction of G. We investigate "exotic" coactions in between, that are determined by certain ideals E of the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra B(G) -- an approach that is inspired by recent work of Brown and Guentner on new C*-group algebra completions. We actually carry out the bulk of our investigation in the general context of coactions on a C*-algebra A. Buss and Echterhoff have shown that not every coaction comes from one of these ideals, but nevertheless the ideals do generate a wide array of exotic coactions. Coactions determined by these ideals E satisfy a certain "E-crossed product duality", intermediate between full and reduced duality. We give partial results concerning exotic coactions, with the ultimate goal being a classification of which coactions are determined by ideals of B(G).Comment: corrected and shortene

    Tensor-product coaction functors

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    For a discrete group GG, we develop a `GG-balanced tensor product' of two coactions (A,δ)(A,\delta) and (B,ϵ)(B,\epsilon), which takes place on a certain subalgebra of the maximal tensor product AmaxBA\otimes_{\max} B. Our motivation for this is that we are able to prove that given two actions of GG, the dual coaction on the crossed product of the maximal-tensor-product action is isomorphic to the GG-balanced tensor product of the dual coactions. In turn, our motivation for this is to give an analogue, for coaction functors, of a crossed-product functor originated by Baum, Guentner, and Willett, and further developed by Buss, Echterhoff, and Willett, that involves tensoring an action with a fixed action (C,γ)(C,\gamma), then forming the image inside the crossed product of the maximal-tensor-product action. We prove that composing our tensor-product coaction functor with the full crossed product of an action reproduces the tensor-crossed-product functor of Baum, Guentner, and Willett. We prove that every such tensor-product coaction functor is exact, thereby recovering the analogous result for the tensor-crossed-product functors of Baum, Guentner, and Willett. When (C,γ)(C,\gamma) is the action by translation on (G)\ell^\infty(G), we prove that the associated tensor-product coaction functor is minimal, generalizing the analogous result of Buss, Echterhoff, and Willett for tensor-crossed-product functors.Comment: Minor revisio

    Ola Bratteli and his diagrams

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    This article discusses the life and work of Professor Ola Bratteli (1946--2015). Family, fellow students, his advisor, colleagues and coworkers review aspects of his life and his outstanding mathematical accomplishments.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    On the Bohr compactification of a transformation group

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