10 research outputs found

    The development of a European elearning cultural competence education project and the creation of it’s underpinning literature based theoretical and organising framework

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    The EU have set standards in relation to cultural competence, and findings from previously funded EU commission projects have illuminated an extensively developed body of knowledge in this area in relation to healthcare. Evidence from contemporary literature shows that education interventions have a positive impact on the cultural competence of health care professionals. Nonetheless, short accessible resources that can be used flexibly to support teaching and learning around cultural competence are not available across many European countries. The aim of the TransCoCon (2017-2020) project has been to develop innovative accessible multi-media learning resources to enable undergraduate nursing students and registered nurses in five countries to develop their cultural self-efficacy and cultural competence for nursing. The purpose of this paper is to describe and discuss this European ERASMUS + funded strategic partnership project (TransCoCon 2017-2020) and the creation of its underpinning theoretical and organising framework. The rationale for this guiding framework will be discussed within the context of supporting literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Meer taal, meer steun : taalbarrièrres in de zorg overwinnen

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    Dat heldere communicatie tussen zorgverleners en patiënten van levensbelang is, staat buiten kijf. Toch blijkt dat allesbehalve vanzelfsprekend. Onderzoek heeft uitgewezen dat 28% van de Vlamingen over een beperkte gezondheidskennis beschikt en 10% van hen is ook effectief onvoldoende gezondheidswijs. De problematiek doet zich in het bijzonder voor bij anders talige nieuwkomers. Het onderzoeksproject MATCHeN werd in 2019 opgericht om die pro blematiek te onderzoeken en oplossingen aan te bieden

    Praten over seks met anderstaligen

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    In deze bijdrage gaan we in op een e-learningmodule die ontwikkeld werd binnen het MATCHeN-project. De e-learningmodule ondersteunt zorgprofessionals bij de communicatie met anderstaligen over seksuele gezondheid en speelt in op de nood aan digitale vaardigheidstraining. Aan de hand van een kwantitatief onderzoek en een vragenlijst verwerkt in een 2x2-designenquête (pre- en posttest, controlegroep en experimentele groep) peilden we naar het effect van de e-learningmodule. We schetsen eerst een beeld van de communicatie van zorgprofessionals met anderstaligen over seksuele gezondheid. Nadien gaan we na wat de impact is van de e-learningmodule op de communicatievaardigheden van de zorgprofessionals, waarbij de thema’s conversatietechnieken en taalgebruik in gesprekken met anderstalige zorgvragers onder de loep worden genomen. Onze participanten spreken vaak met anderstaligen; driekwart doet het dagelijks. Meer dan de helft gebruikt daarbij communicatieondersteunende hulpmiddelen zoals een andere persoon, infowebsites, vertaalhulpmiddelen of visuele ondersteuning. De taal, de aard van het gesprek en de persoonlijke kenmerken van de patiënt spelen een rol bij het al dan niet inzetten van deze hulpmiddelen. De combinatie van communiceren over seksuele gezondheid en communiceren met anderstaligen ervaren onze deelnemers als iets moeilijks, hoewel ze het belangrijk vinden om in te zetten op deze communicatie. Dankzij het doorlopen van de e-learningmodule gaan de informanten dit belang nog meer inzien en voelen ze zich bekwamer om de communicatie aan te gaan

    Will the implementation process for goal-oriented primary care succeed? A qualitative study investigating five perceived attributes of goal-oriented care

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    Throughout the western world, goal oriented care (GOC) is increasingly promoted as a strategy towards more person-centered, integrated care. The implementation of goal-oriented care not only takes place at the microlevel with individual primary care providers (PCPs) changing their approach, but also requires meso- and macro-level investment. In this study, we zoom in on experiences and actions of various meso- and macro-level actors that are actively engaged with implementing GOC, both within their organization or at the policy level. Indepth interviews were conducted with n = 23 actors from a variety of different organizations (governmental institutions, provider organizations, patient organizations, health/social care organizations, primary care zones/ care councils, etc.), using a semi- interview guide inspired by realist interviewing. Three main drivers for implementation were identified: recognition, commitment and coordination. On top of that, results were interpreted through Rogers' Diffusion of Innovations (Dol) theory in which five attributes are discussed that contribute to or hinder implementation success. Our findings can help define actions to support and facilitate the implementation process of an innovation such as GOC

    Self-management support in Flemish primary care practice : the development of a preliminary conceptual model using a qualitative approach

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    Background Coping with a chronic disease can be really challenging. Self-management represents a promising strategy to improve daily life experiences. The role of primary healthcare professionals cannot be underestimated in supporting self-management. Due to a shortage of theory, implementation of self-management support is hindered in primary care practice. The aim of this study is to create a conceptual model for self-management support by analysing patients' care experiences towards self-management support. Methods An explorative-descriptive qualitative study was conducted in Flanders, Belgium. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 16 patients and their informal caregiver (dyads) using a purposive sampling strategy and processed by an inductive content analysis, according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results Interviews revealed in-depth insights into patients' care experiences. A conceptual model was developed for primary care practice, including five fundamental tasks for healthcare professionals - Supporting, Involving, Listening, Coordinating and Questioning (SILCQ) - contributing to the support of self-management of chronic patients. Conclusions This qualitative paper emphasises the use of the SILCQ-model to develop optimal roadmaps and hands-on toolkits for healthcare professionals to support self-management. The model needs to be further explored by all stakeholders to support the development of self-management interventions in primary care practice

    Self-management support in Flemish primary care practice : the development of a preliminary conceptual model using a qualitative approach

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    Background Coping with a chronic disease can be really challenging. Self-management represents a promising strategy to improve daily life experiences. The role of primary healthcare professionals cannot be underestimated in supporting self-management. Due to a shortage of theory, implementation of self-management support is hindered in primary care practice. The aim of this study is to create a conceptual model for self-management support by analysing patients' care experiences towards self-management support. Methods An explorative-descriptive qualitative study was conducted in Flanders, Belgium. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 16 patients and their informal caregiver (dyads) using a purposive sampling strategy and processed by an inductive content analysis, according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results Interviews revealed in-depth insights into patients' care experiences. A conceptual model was developed for primary care practice, including five fundamental tasks for healthcare professionals - Supporting, Involving, Listening, Coordinating and Questioning (SILCQ) - contributing to the support of self-management of chronic patients. Conclusions This qualitative paper emphasises the use of the SILCQ-model to develop optimal roadmaps and hands-on toolkits for healthcare professionals to support self-management. The model needs to be further explored by all stakeholders to support the development of self-management interventions in primary care practice