4,194 research outputs found

    Photovoltaic array for Martian surface power

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    Missions to Mars will require electric power. A leading candidate for providing power is solar power produced by photovoltaic arrays. To design such a power system, detailed information on solar-radiation availability on the Martian surface is necessary. The variation of the solar radiation on the Martian surface is governed by three factors: (1) variation in Mars-Sun distance; (2) variation in solar zenith angle due to Martian season and time of day; and (3) dust in the Martian atmosphere. A major concern is the dust storms, which occur on both local and global scales. However, there is still appreciable diffuse sunlight available even at high opacity, so that solar array operation is still possible. Typical results for tracking solar collectors are also shown and compared to the fixed collectors. During the Northern Hemisphere spring and summer the isolation is relatively high, 2-5 kW-hr/sq m-day, due to the low optical depth of the Martian atmosphere. These seasons, totalling a full terrestrial year, are the likely ones during which manned mission will be carried out

    Chemical etching and organometallic chemical vapor deposition on varied geometries of GaAs

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    Results of micron-spaced geometries produced by wet chemical etching and subsequent OMCVD growth on various GaAs surfaces are presented. The polar lattice increases the complexity of the process. The slow-etch planes defined by anisotropic etching are not always the same as the growth facets produced during MOCVD deposition, especially for deposition on higher-order planes produced by the hex groove etching

    Texturing of InP surfaces for device applications

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    A unique process for texturing InP (100) wafers by anisotropic etching was developed. The process produces irregular V-grooves on the surface, which reduce the surface reflectivity. The process does not require photolithography or masking. The etching characteristics depend on doping, with etching tending to proceed more rapidly on the more heavily doped samples. Reduced reflectivity surfaces formed using this process can be applied to solar cells, photodetectors, and other optoelectronic devices

    Advances in thin-film solar cells for lightweight space photovoltaic power

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    The present stature and current research directions of photovoltaic arrays as primary power systems for space are reviewed. There have recently been great advances in the technology of thin-film solar cells for terrestrial applications. In a thin-film solar cell the thickness of the active element is only a few microns; transfer of this technology to space arrays could result in ultralow-weight solar arrays with potentially large gains in specific power. Recent advances in thin-film solar cells are reviewed, including polycrystalline copper-indium selenide (CuInSe2) and related I-III-VI2 compounds, polycrystalline cadmium telluride and related II-VI compounds, and amorphous silicon:hydrogen and alloys. The best experimental efficiency on thin-film solar cells to date is 12 percent AMO for CuIn Se2. This efficiency is likely to be increased in the next few years. The radiation tolerance of thin-film materials is far greater than that of single-crystal materials. CuIn Se2 shows no degradation when exposed to 1 MeV electrons. Experimental evidence also suggests that most of all of the radiation damage on thin-films can be removed by a low temperature anneal. The possibility of thin-film multibandgap cascade solar cells is discussed, including the tradeoffs between monolithic and mechanically stacked cells. The best current efficiency for a cascade is 12.5 percent AMO for an amorphous silicon on CuInSe2 multibandgap combination. Higher efficiencies are expected in the future. For several missions, including solar-electric propulsion, a manned Mars mission, and lunar exploration and manufacturing, thin-film photovolatic arrays may be a mission-enabling technology

    Enhancing optical absorption in InP and GaAs utilizing profile etching

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    The current state of profile etching in GaAs and InP is summarized, including data on novel geometries attainable as a function of etchant temperature, composition, and rate; substrate orientation; carrier concentration; and oxide thickness between substrate and photoresist. V-grooved solar cells were manufactured with both GaAs and InP, and the improved optical absorption was demonstrated. Preferred parameters for various applications are listed and discussed

    Integral glass encapsulation for solar arrays

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    Electrostatic bonding technology, an encapsulation technique for terrestrial solar array was developed. The process produces full integral, hermetic bonds with no adhesives or pottants. Panels of six solar cells on a simple glass superstrate were produced. Electrostatic bonding for making the cell front contact was also developed. A metal mesh is trapped into contact with the cell front during the bonding process. Six cell panels using the bonded mesh as the only cell front contact were produced. The possibility of using lower cost glass, with a higher thermal expansion mismatch to silicon, by making lower temperature bonds is developed. However, this requires a planar surface cell

    A V-grooved GaAs solar cell

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    V-grooved GaAs solar cells promise the benefits of improved optical coupling, higher short-circuit current, and increased tolerance to particle radiation compared to planar cells. A GaAs homojunction cell was fabricated by etching a V-groove pattern into an n epilayer (2.1 x 10 to the 17th power per cu cm) grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) on an n+ substrate (2.8 x 10 to the 18th power per cu cm) and then depositing and MOCVD p epilayer (4.2 x 10 to the 18th power per cu cm). Reflectivity measurements on cells with and without an antireflective coating confirm the expected decrease in reluctance of the microgrooved cell compared to the planar structure. The short circuit current of the V-grooved solar cell was 13 percent higher than that of the planar control

    The GaAs solar cells with V-grooved emitters

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    Geometrically structured surfaces have become increasingly important to solar cell efficiency improvements and radiation tolerance. Gallium arsenide solar cells with a V-grooved front surface which demonstrate improved optical coupling and higher short-circuit current compared to planar cells were fabricated. GaAs homojunction cells were fabricated by organometallic chemical vapor deposition (OMCVD) on an n+ substrate. The V-grooves were formed on the surface with an anisotropic etch, and an n-type buffer and p-type emitter were grown by OMCVD, followed by ohmic contacts. Reflectivity measurements show significantly lower reflectance for the microgrooved cell compared to the planar structure. The short circuit current of the V-grooved solar cell is consistently higher than that of the planar controls

    Use of Advanced Solar Cells for Commercial Communication Satellites

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    The current generation of communications satellites are located primarily in geosynchronous Earth orbit (GEO). Over the next decade, however, a new generation of communications satellites will be built and launched, designed to provide a world-wide interconnection of portable telephones. For this mission, the satellites must be positioned in lower polar and near-polar orbits. To provide complete coverage, large numbers of satellites will be required. Because the required number of satellites decreases as the orbital altitude is increased, fewer satellites would be required if the orbit chosen were raised from low to intermediate orbit. However, in intermediate orbits, satellites encounter significant radiation due to trapped electrons and protons. Radiation tolerant solar cells may be necessary to make such satellites feasible. We analyze the amount of radiation encountered in low and intermediate polar orbits at altitudes of interest to next-generation communication satellites, calculate the expected degradation for silicon, GaAs, and InP solar cells, and show that the lifetimes can be significantly increased by use of advanced solar cells

    Solar lunar power

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    Current and projected technology is assessed for photovoltaic power for a lunar base. The following topics are discussed: requirements for power during the lunar day and night; solar cell efficiencies, specific power, temperature sensitivity, and availability; storage options for the lunar night; array and system integration; the potential for in situ production of photovoltaic arrays and storage medium
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