35 research outputs found

    Development of Vortex Bioreactor Technology for Decentralised Water Treatment

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    The vortex bioreactor (VBR) is a simple decentralised water treatment system (DeWaTS) that sits at the interface between swirl flow, biotechnology and chemical engineering. The device utilises swirl flow and suspended activated beads to achieve downstream water processing and has been tested for applications including centrifugal-driven separation, pathogen neutralisation and metal absorption. The VBR was optimised for the treatment of faecally contaminated effluents in the developing world, and the design features related to the key challenges faced by the wastewater industry are highlighted here. The VBR has two aspects that can be modified to generate different reactor conditions: the impeller, where the swirl flow is modified through alterations of rotation speed, and impeller geometry and the suspended activated beads, which facilitate mixing and alter the reactor surface area. Data from testing for some of the different applications mentioned above are presented here, and future planned developments for the technology are discussed

    Phosphopeptide enrichment for phosphoproteomic analysis - a tutorial and review of novel materials

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    Significant technical advancements in phosphopeptide enrichment have enabled the identification of thousands of p-peptides (mono and multiply phosphorylated) in a single experiment. However, it is still not possible to enrich all p-peptide species in a single step. A range of new techniques and materials has been developed, with the potential to provide a step-change in phosphopeptide enrichment. The first half of this review contains a tutorial for new potential phosphoproteomic researchers; discussing the key steps of a typical phosphoproteomic experiment used to investigate canonical phosphorylation sites (serine, threonine and tyrosine). The latter half then show-cases the latest developments in p-peptide enrichment including: i) Strategies to mitigate non-specific binding in immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography and metal oxide affinity chromatography protocols; ii) Techniques to separate multiply phosphorylated peptides from monophosphorylated peptides (including canonical from non-canonical phosphorylated peptides), or to simultaneously co-enrich other post-translational modifications; iii) New hybrid materials and methods directed towards enhanced selectivity and efficiency of metal-based enrichment; iv) Novel materials that hold promise for enhanced phosphotyrosine enrichment. A combination of well-understood techniques and materials is much more effective than any technique in isolation; but the field of phosphoproteomics currently requires benchmarking of novel materials against current methodologies to fully evaluate their utility in peptide based proteoform analysis

    Engineering The Unicellular Alga Phaeodactylum tricornutum For High-Value Plant Triterpenoid Production

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    Plant triterpenoids constitute a diverse class of organic compounds that play a major role in development, plant defense and environmental interaction. Several triterpenes have demonstrated potential as pharmaceuticals. One example is betulin, which has shown promise as a pharmaceutical precursor for the treatment of certain cancers and HIV. Major challenges for triterpenoid commercialization include their low production levels and their cost‐effective purification from the complex mixtures present in their natural hosts. Therefore, attempts to produce these compounds in industrially relevant microbial systems such as bacteria and yeasts have attracted great interest. Here we report the production of the triterpenes betulin and its precursor lupeol in the photosynthetic diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum, a unicellular eukaryotic alga. This was achieved by introducing three plant enzymes in the microalga: a Lotus japonicus oxidosqualene cyclase and a Medicago truncatula cytochrome P450 along with its native reductase. The introduction of the L. japonicus oxidosqualene cyclase perturbed the mRNA expression levels of the native mevalonate and sterol biosynthesis pathway. The best performing strains were selected and grown in a 550L pilot scale photobioreactor facility. To our knowledge, this is the most extensive pathway engineering undertaken in a diatom and the first time that a sapogenin has been artificially produced in a microalga, demonstrating the feasibility of the photo‐bio‐production of more complex high‐value, metabolites in microalgae

    Analysis of seaweeds from South West England as a biorefinery feedstock

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    Seaweeds contain many varied and commercially valuable components, from individual pigments and metabolites through to whole biomass, and yet they remain an under cultivated and underutilised commodity. Currently, commercial exploitation of seaweeds is predominantly limited to whole biomass consumption or single product extracts for the food industry. The development of a seaweed biorefinery, based around multiple products and services, could provide an important opportunity to exploit new and currently underexplored markets. Here, we assessed the native and invasive seaweeds on the South West coast of the UK to determine their characteristics and potential for exploitation through a biorefinery pipeline, looking at multiple components including pigments, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and other metabolites.</p

    Improving electrocoagulation floatation for harvesting microalgae

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    Electro-coagulation floatation (ECF) is a foam-floatation dewatering method that has been shown to be a highly effective, rapid, and scalable separation methodology. In this manuscript, an in-depth analysis of the gas and flocculant levels observed during the process is provided, with microbubbles observed in the 5–80μm size range at a concentration of 102–103 bubbles mL−1. Electrolysis of microalgae culture was then observed, demonstrating both effective separation using aluminium electrodes (nine microalgal species tested, 1–40μm size range, motile and non-motile, marine and freshwater), and sterilisation of culture through bleaching with inert titanium electrodes. Atomic force microscopy was used to visualise floc formation in the presence and absence of algae, showing nanoscale structures on the magnitude of 40–400nm and entrapped microalgal cells. Improvements to aid industrial biotechnology processing were investigated: protein-doping was found to improve foam stability without inducing cell lysis, and an oxalate buffer wash regime was found to dissolve the flocculant whilst producing no observable difference in the final algal lipid or pigment profiles, leaving the cells viable at the end of the process. ECF separated microalgal culture had an algal biomass loading of 13% and as such wasideal for direct down-stream processing through hydrothermal liquefaction. Highbio-crude yieldswere achieved, though this was reduced slightly on addition of the Al(OH)3 after ECF, with carbon being distributed away to the aqueous and solid residue phases. The amenability and compatibility of ECF to integration with, or replacement of, existing centrifugation and settling processes suggests this process may be of significant interest to the biotechnology industry

    CyanoFactory, a European consortium to develop technologies needed to advance cyanobacteria as chassis for production of chemicals and fuels

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    CyanoFactory, Design, construction and demonstration of solar biofuel production using novel (photo)synthetic cell factories, was an R&D project developed in response to the European Commission FP7-ENERGY-2012-1 call “Future Emerging Technologies” and the need for significant advances in both new science and technologies to convert solar energy into a fuel. CyanoFactory was an example of “purpose driven” research and development with identified scientific goals and creation of new technologies. The present overview highlights significant outcomes of the project, three years after its successful completion. The scientific progress of CyanoFactory involved: (i) development of a ToolBox for cyanobacterial synthetic biology; (ii) construction of DataWarehouse/Bioinformatics web-based capacities and functions; (iii) improvement of chassis growth, functionality and robustness; (iv) introduction of custom designed genetic constructs into cyanobacteria, (v) improvement of photosynthetic efficiency towards hydrogen production; (vi) biosafety mechanisms; (vii) analyses of the designed cyanobacterial cells to identify bottlenecks with suggestions on further improvements; (viii) metabolic modelling of engineered cells; (ix) development of an efficient laboratory scale photobioreactor unit; and (x) the assembly and experimental performance assessment of a larger (1350 L) outdoor flat panel photobioreactor system during two seasons. CyanoFactory - Custom design and purpose construction of microbial cells for the production of desired products using synthetic biology – aimed to go beyond conventional paths to pursue innovative and high impact goals. CyanoFactory brought together ten leading European partners (universities, research organizations and enterprises) with a common goal – to develop the future technologies in Synthetic biology and Advanced photobioreactors