328 research outputs found

    Perspectivas metodológicas en la medición de los efectos de un programa de intervención con adolescentes: la evaluación pretest-postest y los cuestionarios de evaluación del programa

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    El trabajo tiene tres objetivos: 1) exponer las características de un programa llevado a cabo con adolescentes; 2) analizar los efectos de la intervención en factores del desarrollo socio-emocional a través de los cuestionarios de evaluación del programa; y 3) comparar los resultados obtenidos al evaluar el programa con dos metodologías de evaluación (evaluación experimental pretest-postest y cuestionarios de evaluación del programa). La muestra está constituida por 174 adolescentes de 12 a 14 años, 125 experimentales y 49 de control. El estudio emplea un diseño experimental multigrupo de medidas repetidas pretest-postest con grupos de control. Los resultados sugieren que la evaluación pretest-postest es más adecuada cuando el objetivo sea validar la intervención, mientras que los cuestionarios son útiles como instrumentos de screening. Los resultados obtenidos en los cuestionarios cumplimentados por adolescentes y adultos han sido muy coherentes. Además, se confirma una alta convergencia entre los resultados de la evaluación pretest-postest y de los cuestionarios. Con ambas metodologías se constatan los positivos efectos del programa en diversos factores del desarrollo socio-emocional: comunicación, conductas sociales positivas, cooperación, empatía, autoconcepto, concepto de los compañeros, conductas sociales negativas y prejuicios.The purpose of this study is three-fold: 1) to show the characteristics of a program carried out with adolescents; 2) to analyze the effects of the intervention in factors of socio-emotional development by means of the questionnaires to evaluate the program; and 3) to compare the results obtained when evaluating the program with two assessment methodologies (pre-posttest experimental assessment and questionnaires to evaluate the program). The sample is made up of 174 adolescents from 12 to 14 years of age, 125 in the experimental group and 49 controls. The study uses an experimental multi-group pre-posttest design with repeated measures and control groups. The results suggest that pre-posttest assessment is more suitable when the goal is to validate the intervention, whereas the questionnaires are useful as screening instruments. The results obtained in the questionnaires completed by adolescents and adults were very coherent. Moreover, high convergence was confirmed between the results of the pre-posttest assessment and those of the questionnaires. The positive effects of the program on diverse factors of socioemotional development are observed with both methodologies: communication, positive social behaviors, cooperation, empathy, self-concept, concept of companions, negative social behaviors, and prejudices

    Intrapersonal Emotional Intelligence during Adolescence: Sex Differences, Connection with other Variables, and Predictors

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    This study explores Intrapersonal Emotional Intelligence (IEI) with the objectives of: (1) analyzing possible differences due to sex and age, and the request for psychological assistance for behavioral and emotional problems; (2) finding evidence of personality traits, social behaviors, and parental socialization styles that are characteristic of adolescents with low IEI; and (3) identifying variables that predict high IEI. The sample comprised 2283 participants aged 12–17 years from the Basque Country (northern Spain). Results: (1) Females had greater emotional attention capacity but there were no sex differences in emotional comprehension and emotion regulation; (2) adolescents aged 12–14 showed higher scores in comprehension and emotion regulation than those aged 15–17; (3) adolescents who consulted a psychologist for problems (anxiety, depression, violence, etc.) had lower emotion regulation; (4) adolescents with low IEI had less empathy, self-esteem, extroversion, openness, agreeableness, and responsibility, and lower use of cooperative and passive conflict-resolution strategies, and their parents had a low level of acceptance-affection towards their children. They also engaged in more bullying/cyberbullying and antisocial behaviors. (5) High IEI predictor variables were: using cooperative conflict-resolution strategies; traits such as extroversion, responsibility, openness, and empathy; and a high level of maternal acceptance-affection. The work identifies relevant variables for designing intervention programs and shows the importance of promoting IEI and interpersonal emotional intelligence as a factor in the development and prevention of bullying/cyberbullying

    Risk reduction in military aqueducts

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    En éste artículo se investiga un modelo de estandarización de los procesos que pueda ser aplicado en el sistema de acueducto de las unidades militares, se encuentra que las directrices y principios de gestión del riesgo expuestos por la NTC ISO 31000:2009 conllevan al cumplimiento de las políticas públicas nacionales, las metas mundiales y el acatamiento de la legislación en el tema de agua potable y gestión del riesgo. Esta norma voluntaria integra el desarrollo de los procesos a la mejora continua con especial énfasis en la identificación y reducción de los riesgos que se podrían presentar y que llevarían al sistema a un colapso parcial o total afectando de manera directa la población de la unidad militar por la ausencia del líquido.In this article we are going to investigate a standardization Modell process that can be applied to water systems on military facilities, we found the guidelines and the principles of risk management presented by the NTC ISO 31000:2009 lead an accomplishment of the national public policies, global goals and the compliance legislation for drinkable water issues and risk management. This voluntary standard integrates a development process for the continuous improvement with special emphasis on the identification and reduction of risks that could be present in the future in case of partial or total collapse, creating a water deficiency impacting military population directly

    Parenting Styles and Self-Esteem in Adolescent Cybervictims and Cyberaggressors: Self-Esteem as a Mediator Variable

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    Background: Family relationships and self-esteem are relevant variables into the understanding of cyberbullying. However, little is known about the mediating role of self-esteem in the connections between cyberbullying and parenting. The study had two goals: (1) to analyze the relation between being a cybervictim and/or cyberaggressor and self-esteem, parents’ acceptance/coercion, and parenting styles and (2) to explore whether self-esteem is a mediator in the relationship between parents’ acceptance/coercion and being a cybervictim/cyberaggressor. Method: The sample comprises 3026 Spanish adolescents (51.5% girls and 48.5% boys) aged 12–18 years (Mage = 14.39; SD = 1.69). The study has a cross-sectional design, retrospective ex-post with multiple measurements. Results: (1) cybervictims and cyberaggressors have low self-esteem, and their parents have a low level of involvement/acceptance and a high level of coercion/imposition towards their sons/daughters, (2) participants whose parents were authoritarian obtained significantly lower scores in self-esteem and higher scores in cybervictimization/cyberaggression, whereas those whose parents were indulgent obtained significantly higher scores in self-esteem and lower scores in cybervictimization/cyberaggression, and (3) it was found a mediation of self-esteem in the relationship between the involvement/acceptance of both parents and being a cybervictim, as well as between the father’s coercion/imposition and being a cyberaggressor. Conclusion: An adequate level of self-esteem, high parental acceptance/involvement, and a reasonably low level of coercion/discipline as the parenting style can have very positive effects on the prevention of cyberbullying.This study was financed by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (PPG17/31) and by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PSI2017-90650-RED)

    Conducta antisocial en adolescentes y jóvenes: prevalencia en el País Vasco y diferencias en función de variables socio-demográficas

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    The goals of this study were to analyze the prevalence of antisocial behavior and to explore differences as a function of socio-demographic variables (gender, age, socioeconomic level, parents' educational level). The sample comprised 3,026 participants from the Basque country, aged 12 to 18 years Using a descriptive and comparative design, two instruments to assess antisocial behavior (self-report and parent assessment) were administered. The results showed that 16.6 % of the sample had a high level of antisocial behavior (percentile 85-99), 10 % had a high-risk profile (percentile 85-94), and 6.6 % presented an antisocial profile (percentile 95-99). Sex differences varied depending on the informant. In the self-assessment, females reported significantly less antisocial behavior, but the effect size was small. In the parents' assessment, no sex differences were found. Therefore, the differences between males and females tend to be very small. Regarding age, a significant increase of antisocial behavior between 12 and 18 years was confirmed, both in self-reports and in parents' evaluation. Moreover, the sex differences increased significantly with age, with the largest increases observed in males aged 16-18 years. There were no differences in antisocial behavior as a function of the parents' educational level, but the differences as a function of socio-economic level were contradictory. The discussion revolves around the importance of prevention and intervention in antisocial behavior from childhood.El estudio tuvo como objetivos analizar la prevalencia de la conducta antisocial y explorar diferencias en función de variables socio-demográficas (sexo, edad, nivel socioeconómico, nivel de estudios de los padres/madres). La muestra fue de 3026 participantes de 12 a 18 años del País Vasco. Con un diseño descriptivo y comparativo se administraron dos instrumentos de evaluación de la conducta antisocial (autoinforme y evaluación de padres/madres). Los resultados evidenciaron que el 16.6 % de la muestra tenía un nivel alto de conductas antisociales (percentil 85-99), el 10 % se inscribe en el perfil de alto riesgo (percentil 85-94) y el 6.6 % en el perfil antisocial (percentil 95-99). Las diferencias entre sexos variaron en función del informante. En la autoevaluación, las mujeres tenían significativamente menos conducta antisocial, pero el tamaño del efecto fue pequeño. En la evaluación de lospadres no se hallaron diferencias entre sexos. Por consiguiente, las diferencias entre varones y mujeres tienden a ser muy pequeñas. En relación a la edad se confirmó un incremento significativo de la conducta antisocial de 12 a 18 años, tanto en el autoinforme como en la evaluación de los padres. Además, las diferencias entre sexos aumentaban significativamente con la edad, observándose mayores incrementos en los varones de 16-18 años. No se encontraron diferencias en la conducta antisocial en función del nivel educativo de los padres/madres, sin embargo, las diferencias en función del nivel socio-económico fueron contradictorias. La discusión gira en torno a la importancia de la prevención e intervención de la conducta antisocial desde la infancia

    The cooperative identity is a key competitive advantage

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    The cooperative identity is a key competitive advantage

    Technological Resources to Prevent Cyberbullying During Adolescence: the Cyberprogram 2.0 Program and the Cooperative Cybereduca 2.0 Videogame

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    Bullying and cyberbullying have serious consequences for all those involved, especially the victims, and its prevalence is high throughout all the years of schooling, which emphasizes the importance of prevention. This article describes an intervention proposal, made up of a program (Cyberprogram 2.0 Garaigordobil and Martinez-Valderrey, 2014a) and a videogame (Cooperative Cybereduca 2.0 Garaigordobil and Martinez-Valderrey, 2016b) which aims to prevent and reduce cyberbullying during adolescence and which has been validated experimentally. The proposal has four objectives: (1) To know what bullying and cyberbullying are, to reflect on the people involved in these situations; (2) to become aware of the harm caused by such behaviors and the severe consequences for all involved; (3) to learn guidelines to prevent and deal with these situations: know what to do when one suffers this kind of violence or when observing that someone else is suffering it; and (4) to foster the development of social and emotional factors that inhibit violent behavior (e.g., communication, ethical-moral values, empathy, cooperation.). The proposal is structured around 25 activities to fulfill these goals and it ends with the videogame. The activities are carried out in the classroom, and the online video is the last activity, which represents the end of the intervention program. The videogame (www. cybereduca. com) is a trivial pursuit game with questions and answers related to bullying/cyberbullying. This cybernetic trivial pursuit is organized around a fantasy story, a comic that guides the game. The videogame contains 120 questions about 5 topics: cyberphenomena, computer technology and safety, cybersexuality, consequences of bullying/cyberbullying, and coping with bullying/cyberbullying. To evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention, a quasi-experimental design, with repeated pretest-posttestmeasures and control groups, was used. During the pretest and posttest stages, 8 assessment instruments were administered. The experimental group randomly received the intervention proposal, which consisted of one weekly 1-h session during the entire school year. The results obtained with the analyses of variance of the data collected before and after the intervention in the experimental and control groups showed that the proposal significantly promoted the following aspects in the experimental group: (1) a decrease in face-to-face bullying and cyberbullying behaviors, in different types of school violence, premeditated and impulsive aggressiveness, and in the use of aggressive conflict-resolution strategies; and (2) an increase of positive social behaviors, self-esteem, cooperative conflict-resolution strategies, and the capacity for empathy. The results provide empirical evidence for the proposal. The importance of implementing programs to prevent bullying in all its forms, from the beginning of schooling and throughout formal education, is discussed.Study financed by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (PPG17/31), and by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (PSI2017-90650-REDT)

    Relaciones de la socialización con inteligencia, autoconcepto y otros rasgos de la personalidad en niños de 6 años

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    Este estudio, en primer lugar, analiza las relaciones de la conducta social con iguales en contextos educativos con una serie de variables del desarrollo, tales como madurez intelectual, autoconcepto y otras dimensiones de la personalidad infantil. En segundo lugar el trabajo identifi ca variables predictoras de la adaptación social del niño en dicho ámbito. La muestra se encuentra constituida por 135 niños de 6 años, 59 varones y 76 mujeres, de nivel socioeconómico y cultural medio, procedentes de cinco centros públicos y privados. La evaluación incluye 4 instrumentos que permiten medir diversos aspectos positivos y negativos de la conducta social con los iguales (BAS-1), inteligencia verbal y no verbal (BADYG), autoconcepto (PAI), y otras 13 dimensiones de la personalidad infantil, tales como estabilidad emocional, excitabilidad, dominancia, sensibilidad... (ESPQ). Los análisis correlacionales (Pearson) evidencian que los sujetos con buena adaptación social muestran puntuaciones signifi cativamente altas en madurez intelectual global, verbal y no verbal, elevados niveles de autoconcepto, y tienden signifi cativamente a caracterizarse por ser emocionalmente estables, perseverantes y respetuosos con las normas, poco excitables, confi ados y seguros de sí mismos, tranquilos y relajados. El análisis de regresión múltiple permite identifi car como variables predictoras de buena adaptación social alta inteligencia no verbal y un carácter tranquilo y relajado.The main aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between social behaviour in the classroom with other developmental variables such as intelligence, self-concept and other traits of child personality. In addition, it also attempts to identify predictive variables of children’s social adaptation in scholar settings. The sample consists of 135 6-year-old subjects, 59 male and 76 female, proceeding from fi ve public and private schools. The variables evaluated with the 4 administered instruments are: positive and negative social behaviours with peers (BAS-1), verbal and non-verbal intelligence (BADYG), self-concept (PAI), and other 13 traits of child personality such as emotional stability, excitability, ascendancy, sensitivity… (ESPQ). Results of correlational analyses (Pearson) suggest that well adapted children have signifi cant high levels of overall intelligence, verbal and non-verbal intelligence, and self-concept. Moreover, they show a signifi cant tendency towards emotional stability, perseverance and subjection to the rules, low excitability, self-confi dence, calm and relax. Multiple regression analyses allow to identify as predicting variables of good social adaptation high level of non-verbal intelligence and a calm and relaxed temperament

    Construcción de una pila galvánica de vinagre como alternativa de enseñanza del concepto de potencial eléctrico

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    We present results of implementing a didactic proposal for teaching the concept of electric potential through the construction of galvanic vinegar batteries. We started by analysing several articles related to the construction of galvanic cells using different elements; we found that the electrochemical cell contains a large number of concepts both physical and chemical, so it can be used in teaching chemistry and physics. With this work a proposal of innovation in the teaching of physical concepts is developed.Presentamos los resultados de implementar una propuesta didáctica para la enseñanza del concepto de potencial eléctrico mediante la construcción de pilas galvánicas de vinagre. Iniciamos realizando un analisis de varios artículos relacionados con la construcción de pilas galvánicas usando diferentes elementos, constatamos que la pila galvánica como sistema electroquímico encierra una gran cantidad de conceptos tanto físicos como químicos, por lo tanto puede ser utilizada en la enseñanza de la química y la física. Con este trabajo se desarrolla una propuesta de  innovación en la enseñanza de conceptos físicos

    Developing Children’s Creativity and Social-Emotional Competencies through Play: Summary of Twenty Years of Findings of the Evidence-Based Interventions “Game Program”

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    This work presents the results of four cooperative-creative game programs (Game Programs). In all four studies, experimental designs with repeated pretest-posttest measures and control groups were used. Validation samples ranged from 86 to 178 participants, randomly assigning participants to the experimental and control conditions. Before and after each program, a battery of assessment instruments was applied to measure the variables under study. The intervention consists of conducting a weekly game session during the school year. The results of the posttest covariance analyses confirmed a significant impact: (1) in social development, by increasing various positive social behaviors and decreasing many negative social behaviors; by increasing assertive cognitive strategies and prosocial resolution of interpersonal problems; and by enhancing relationships and positive communication among group members; (2) in emotional development, by improving self-concept, peer image, and emotional stability; and (3) in cognitive development, by increasing verbal intelligence, verbal and graphic-figurative creativity, as well as creative personality behaviors and traits. This work provides empirical evidence of the relevance of cooperative-creative play in child development.The research of the Game program 10–12 years was funded by the Research Vicerectorate of the University of the Basque Country (1/UPV 00006.231-H-13945/2001) and the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture (BOE 1-1-2004. First National Prize for Educational Research, 2003). The research of the Game program 8–10 years was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (BOE 25-5-1995; First National Prize for Educational Research, 1994). The research of the Game program 4–6 years was funded by the Training and Research Unit of the University of the Basque Country (UFI PSIXXI 11/04)