42 research outputs found


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    Menikah di usia dini bukan hal asing bagi warga RT 007 RW 008 Bulak Banteng Bhineka Surabaya yang mayoritas keturunan suku Madura. Pernikahan dini di wilayah tersebut merupakan tradisi yang tidak dapat dicegah, namun demikian banyak pasangan yang menyadari dampak yang ditimbulkan apabila terjadi kehamilan di usia dini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran tingkat pengetahuan tentang dampak pernikahan usia dini pada wanita di RT 007 RW 008 Bulak Banteng Bhineka Surabaya. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptive. Populasi semua wanita yang telah menikah usia dini pada Oktober 2013 sampai Maret 2014 sebesar 17 orang. Sampel penelitian adalah sebagian wanita menikah di usia dini pada Oktober 2013 sampai Maret 2014 sebesar 17 orang, diambil dengan tehnik non probability sampling dengan total sampling. Variabel penelitian ini adalah tingkat pengetahuan tentang dampak fisik pernikahan usia dini pada wanita. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Pengolahan data dalam bentuk editing, scoring, coding, tabulating. Analisis statistik deskriptif yang disajikan dalam bentuk persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar (52,92%) responden mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan kurang. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah wanita yang menikah di usia dini memiliki tingkat pengetahuan kurang tentang dampak fisik pernikahan diusia dini pada wanita, oleh karena itu diharapkan wanita yang telah menikah di usia dini dapat pro aktif mencari informasi tentang dampak fisik pernikahan usia dini


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    Objective: The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of hyperhomocysteinemia (Hhcy) induced by feeding rats high methionine diet on the colon wall. Colonic damages caused by Hhcy were compared with those induced by acetic –acid induced colitis.Methods: Sprague-Dawley rats (200-250g) were divided into four groups: group C (control), group M (received 1 g/kg methionine p. o. during 15 d), group A (colitis was induced by transrectal administration of acetic acid 4% on 8th day) and group MA (received methionine and acetic acid). At the end of the study, plasma homocysteine, C-reactive protein (CRP) and leukocytes (WBC) count were evaluated, all rats were sacrificed and distal 8 cm of the colon was dissected. Colon was weighed for disease activity index (DAI) and injuries were assessed macroscopically and histologically.Results: High methionine diet induced significant (P<0.001) increase of homocysteine (hcy), CRP levels and WBC count compared to control. Acetic acid rats showed a significant decrease of WBC count. Mixed treatment caused a significant increase of hcy, CRP and a significant decrease of WBC count. Our results showed that Hhcy causes significant damages and immune cells infiltration in all layers of the colonic wall.Conclusion: The present investigation demonstrated that Hhcy increased the major inflammatory markers as CRP and leukocytes count and produced transmural colitis in rats. Effect of Hhcy is more toxic on the colonic wall than acetic acid indeed while acetic acid lesions are localized in mucosa and submucosa the lesions of hcy extend to the all layers (mucosa, submucosa and muscularis propria). Acetic acid induced colitis in hyperhomocysteinemic rats increased the severity of colitis


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    Objective: The present study evaluates the effects of methionine supplementation on the thymus histology and the peripheral blood in albino Wistar rats.Methods: The animals were divided into two groups. The experimental group (Met)(500mg/Kg /day, orally) and the control (C). Blood was collected for C reactive protein (CRP), total protein, Malondialdehyde (MDA) and blood smear tests, then thymuses were harvested for Histology and immune histochemistry.Results: Methionine intake caused an increase in CRP (P<0, 01), total protein (P<0,001) and MDA levels (P<0, 01) in addition to several hematological changes expressed by crenation of red blood cell membranes and irregular leucocyte nuclei. Histological investigation of experimental thymus gave dramatic involution of lobules and presented of apoptotic zones especially in the medulla. Immuno histochemical expression of VEGF- A were positive in septa and blood vessels at the corticomedullary junction. Conclusion: Methionine supplementation produces hematological changes, a thymic involution, and seemed to promote the angiogenesis process in the thymus of adult rats.Keywords: Methionine, Thymus, Blood cells, VEGF-A, Histopathology, Involution, Angiogenesis


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    Objective; Increased levels of physiological amino acid homocysteine (Hcy) in plasma is associated with the development of cardiovascular, neuronal, and liver diseases.[1] Damage of the vascular wall of aorta develops by exposure of vessel to the not yet degraded, toxically acting hcy, as occurs in the beginning of arteriosclerosis.[2]Methods; Our investigation was performed in two parts on 12 male wistar rats, 3-4 months old in both. First we investigated the relation between homocysteine and other plasma biochemical parameters which is related with cardiovascular events: Total cholesterol (CT), HDL cholesterol (HDL-C), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), triglyceride (TG). We employed 3 groups: (C) control. (Met) rats received methionine in high doses (200mg/Kg/day), (Met-C) in order to potentiate the atherogenic effect cholesterol was administred (1500mg/Kg/day). Lipid parameters were measured, and structural damage to an aorta was analyzed by histology.In the second part, we used 3 groups: (C) control. (M) methionine (1g/Kg/day), (H) Hcy (20mg/day) to compare the effects of both methionine and homocysteine on aortic MMPs expression.Results & Conclusion: The results show that elevated plasma homocysteine increase cholesterol synthesis, exerts an angiotoxic action direct to aorta (loss of endothelium, degeneration partly with dissolution of media cells), and induce expression of MMP-2, while MMP-9 was not expressed


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    Proses pembubutan pada material benda kerja yang diperlukan tingkat kepresisisan tinggi dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya seperti menentukan sudut potong pahat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sudut potong pahat paling optimal dan perbandingan penggunaan sudut potong pahat yang berbeda pada proses bubut baja AISI 4340. Setiap benda kerja yang telah mengalami proses pemesinan akan mengalami tingkat kekasaran yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang membandingkan tingkat kepresisian pada material benda kerja baja AISI 4340. Eksperimen ini memiliki variabel sudut potong pahat 3 macam dan setiap sudut potong pahat dilakukan proses pembubutan sebanyak 3 kali di spesimen yang berbeda-beda. Alat uji tingkat kepresisian benda kerja menggunakan profil projector PJ-300 mitutoyo. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan sudut potong pahat 450 pada spesimen ke 1 merupakan sudut potong pahat paling optimal terhadap tingkat kepresisian dengan menghasilkan nilai penyimpangan 0,664 mm. Sedangkan sudut potong pahat 600 pada spesimen ke 1 menghasilkan nilai penyimpangan 1,354 mm. Kata kunci : Proses Pembubutan, Sudut Potong Pahat, Kepresisia

    Quality of care, loss to follow-up and mortality among paediatric and adolescent HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy in Abuja, Nigeria: a 15-year retrospective review

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    Background: Loss to follow up, and mortality still remains very high among HIV positive children and adolescents in many under privileged settings, in spite of massive scale up of anti-retroviral treatment. We assessed the quality of care using 7-point indicators, loss to follow up, and mortality among HIV positive children and adolescents in our health institution.Method: A 15-year (2006 to 2020) retrospective review was conducted among HIV positive children who assessed care in paediatric out-patient special treatment clinic of our tertiary health institution in Nigeria for above objective.Results: Of the 563 subjects initiated on antiretroviral therapy, 349 (62.0%) still remained on treatment. There were 285 (50.6%) males, highest enrollment 280 (49.7%) was at 2006-2010, most 192 (34.1%) were 0-24 months of age, 244 (43.3%) were under-weight, and 176 (31.3%) had severe immune suppression at enrollment. Sixty-eight (12.1%) were lost to follow-up, mortality was 14 (2.5%), 103 (18.3.1%), and 25 (4.4%) were transferred to adult clinic, and to other centers. While over 85% had a high-quality indicator score of 458 (81.4%), with significant difference between the male and female (x2=8.56, p=0.003,), only 231 (66.2%) had adequate viral suppression of 0.001 with multivariate analysis.Conclusions: Though the study recorded high quality score services to HIV positive children and adolescents in our center, loss to follow-up, and mortality was however high. More is needed to be done to improve the viral load suppression among our clients

    Recreating the Amoeba Violin Using Physical Modeling and Augmented Reality

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    The Amoeba violin is a bowed string instrument present at the Danish Music Museum in Copenhagen. The instrument is not played anymore due to its unpleasant sonorities and uncomfortable shape. In this paper we recreate the Amoeba violin using extended reality technologies and sound synthesis by physical models. We design and evaluate two applications that can be used either at the museum (augmented reality version) or at home (desktop version) to learn about the history of the instrument and its sonorities. The app was created for the Danish Music Museum, Musikmuseet, located in Copenhagen, in response to the demand for reduced contact of shared surfaces and official calls to stay indoors that followed the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020. User testing on both versions shows that they both are considered easy-to-access and educative, however the AR version was more favoured overall

    Konstruksi Identitas Komunitas Hijabers Kelas Menengah Solo dalam Media Sosial Instagram

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    Instagram social media is the highest social media by providing photo sharing services to its users. Social Media allowing users to actively participate in producing and devoting their activities as well as consuming simultaneously or what is called prosumer.As Muslim women in Indonesia or commonly called hijabers who begin to shape themselves through photos or videos that they share on social media to present a modernity lifestyle in religion. Instagram provides a place to mediate users playing games to form identity through images or visuals. This study used a qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using interviews, observation and documentation at each informant upload. The subjects in this study were four members of the Solo Muslim beauty community with a purposive sampling technique. The results of the study show that informants as middle class Muslim women use social media Instagram as a means of producing definitions of symbols of the identity they want to show. The uploaded posts depict the consumptive middle-class lifestyle patterns that are instilled through activities based on background, clothing and make-up, supporting their identity, placing informants in the visual middle class hijabers