336 research outputs found

    One collagen shipment, ready for delivery

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    An ER membrane protein helps load collagen into vesicles

    Peter Pan bone cells undermine skeleton

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    Protein that controls maturation of bone-building cells might be disease culprit

    Soil organic matter widens the range of water contents for tillage

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    The effects of soil organic matter on the water contents for tillage were investigated by sampling soils with a uniform texture, but a range of soil organic carbon (SOC) from two long-term field experiments at Highfield in Rothamsted Research, UK and Askov Experimental Station, Denmark. The treatments studied in Highfield were Bare fallow (BF), Continuous arable rotation (A), Ley-arable (LA) and Grass (G); and in Askov: unfertilized (UNF), Âœ mineral fertilizer (Âœ NPK), 1 mineral fertilizer (1NPK), and 1Âœ animal manure (1ÂœAM). Minimally undisturbed soil cores (100 cm3) were sampled per plot in both locations from 6-10 cm depth to generate water retention data. Soil blocks were also sampled at 6-15 cm depth to determine basic soil properties and to measure soil aggregate strength parameters. The range of soil water contents appropriate for tillage were determined using the water retention and the consistency approaches. SOC content in Highfield was in the order:G>LA=A>BF, and in Askov: 1Âœ AM>1NPK=ÂœNPK>UNF. Results showed that different long-term management of the silt loam Highfield soil, and fertilization of the sandy loam Askov soil affected the mechanical properties of the soils— for Highfield soil, aggregates from the G treatment were stronger in terms of rupture energy when wet (-100 hPa matric potential) than the BF treatment. As the soil dried (-300 and -1000 hPa matric potentials), soil aggregates from the G treatment were relatively weaker and more elastic than the BF soil. Our study showed, for both Highfield and Askov soils, a strong positive linear increase in the range of water contents for tillage with increasing contents of SOC. This suggests that management practices leading to increased SOC can improve soil workability by increasing the range of water contents for tillage. We recommended using the consistency approach over the water retention approach for determining the range of water contents for tillage because it seems to give realistic estimates of the water contents for tillage

    Characterization of a new coronavirus strain of poultry infections bronchitis

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    Un coronavirus a Ă©tĂ© isolĂ© chez des poules pondeuses prĂ©sentant des signes cliniques sĂ©vĂšres Ă©voquant la bronchite infectieuse aviaire, maladie contre laquelle, elles avaient Ă©tĂ© immunisĂ©es avec un vaccin prĂ©parĂ© Ă  partir du sĂ©rotype dominant Massachusetts ; ce virus prĂ©sente des dif fĂ©rences antigĂ©niques avec les sĂ©rotypes Massachusetts et Connecticut ainsi qu’avec les quatre sĂ©rotypes « variants » isolĂ©s par l’Institut de Doom aux Pays-Bas. La maladie a Ă©tĂ© reproduite chez le poulet et la poule : les symptĂŽmes respiratoires ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©vĂšres dans les deux cas et la chute de ponte a Ă©tĂ© intense et persistante chez les pondeuses. Le fait de dĂ©velopper une prophylaxie mĂ©dicale adaptĂ©e est discutĂ©.A coronavirus was isolated in an infectious bronchitis (IB) vaccinated (Massachusetts strain) layers flock showing severe IB-like clinical signs. The isolate is antigenically different from the Massachusetts and the Connecticut serotypes and from the four « variant » serotypes isolated by the Doom Institute in Holland. The disease was reproduced in chickens and layers. Respiratory signs were severe in both groups. In layers, egg drop was intense and long-lasting. The eventual need for a suitable medical prophylaxy is discussed

    Diagnosis and aetiology of congenital muscular dystrophy: we are halfway there

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    OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the diagnostic outcomes in a large cohort of congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD) patients using traditional and Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies. METHODS: 123 CMD patients were investigated using the traditional approaches of histology, immunohistochemical analysis of muscle biopsy and candidate gene sequencing. Undiagnosed patients available for further testing were investigated using NGS. RESULTS: Muscle biopsy and immunohistochemical analysis found deficiencies of laminin α2, α-dystroglycan or collagen VI in 50% of patients. Candidate gene sequencing and chromosomal microarray established a genetic diagnosis in 32% (39/123). Of 85 patients presenting in the last 20 years, 28 of 51 who lacked a confirmed genetic diagnosis (55%) consented to NGS studies, leading to confirmed diagnoses in a further 11 patients. Using the combination of approaches, a confirmed genetic diagnosis was achieved in 51% (43/85). The diagnoses within the cohort were heterogeneous. 45/59 probands with confirmed or probable diagnoses had variants in genes known to cause CMD (76%), and 11/59 (19%) had variants in genes associated with congenital myopathies, reflecting overlapping features of these conditions. One patient had a congenital myasthenic syndrome and two had microdeletions. Within the cohort, five patients had variants in novel (PIGY and GMPPB) or recently published genes (GFPT1 and MICU1) and seven had variants in TTN or RYR1; large genes that are technically difficult to Sanger sequence. INTERPRETATION: These data support NGS as a first-line tool for genetic evaluation of patients with a clinical phenotype suggestive of CMD, with muscle biopsy reserved as a second-tier investigation. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    The early intestinal immune response in experimental neonatal ovine cryptosporidiosis is characterized by an increased frequency of perforin expressing NCR1(+) NK cells and by NCR1(-) CD8(+) cell recruitment

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    Cryptosporidium parvum, a zoonotic protozoan parasite, causes important losses in neonatal ruminants. Innate immunity plays a key role in controlling the acute phase of this infection. The participation of NCR1+ Natural Killer (NK) cells in the early intestinal innate immune response to the parasite was investigated in neonatal lambs inoculated at birth. The observed increase in the lymphocyte infiltration was further studied by immunohistology and flow cytometry with focus on distribution, density, cellular phenotype related to cytotoxic function and activation status. The frequency of NCR1+ cells did not change with infection, while their absolute number slightly increased in the jejunum and the CD8+/NCR1- T cell density increased markedly. The frequency of perforin+ cells increased significantly with infection in the NCR1+ population (in both NCR1+/CD16+ and NCR1+/CD16- populations) but not in the NCR1-/CD8+ population. The proportion of NCR1+ cells co-expressing CD16+ also increased. The fraction of cells expressing IL2 receptor (CD25), higher in the NCR1+/CD8+ population than among the CD8+/NCR1- cells in jejunal Peyer's patches, remained unchanged during infection. However, contrary to CD8+/NCR1- lymphocytes, the intensity of CD25 expressed by NCR1+ lymphocytes increased in infected lambs. Altogether, the data demonstrating that NK cells are highly activated and possess a high cytotoxic potential very early during infection, concomitant with an up-regulation of the interferon gamma gene in the gut segments, support the hypothesis that they are involved in the innate immune response against C. parvum. The early significant recruitment of CD8+/NCR1- T cells in the small intestine suggests that they could rapidly drive the establishment of the acquired immune response
