20 research outputs found

    Suicide and no axis I psychopathology

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    BACKGROUND: It is unclear why approximately 10% of suicide completers seem to be psychiatrically normal. To better understand this issue, we studied suicide completers without an axis I diagnosis and compared them, on measures of psychopathology other than axis I, to normal controls and suicide cases with axis I psychopathology. METHODS: 168 suicide cases were examined by way of a psychological autopsy with the best possible informant. Sixteen cases did not meet criteria for an axis I diagnosis; each of these cases was then age and gender matched to 52 suicide completers with an axis I disorder and 110 normal controls. RESULTS: Fourteen of sixteen suicide cases without an axis I diagnosis had detectable abnormalities that were more similar to the axis I diagnosed suicide group than to a living group. Both suicide groups were similar in the total number of past suicide attempts, the total number of individuals with an axis II disorder, and similar scores on measures of impulsive-aggressive behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that most of the individuals who committed suicide and appeared psychiatrically normal after a psychological autopsy may probably have an underlying psychiatric process that the psychological autopsy method, as commonly carried out, failed to detect

    Korelaciona povezanost između tjelesne mase prije klanja i klaničnih randmana trupova brojlerskih pilića različitih provenijenci

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    The aim of this study was to determine the strength of the correlation of phenotypic correlation between body weight before slaughter and meat yield (slaughter yields) chickens two hybrids (Coob 500 and Hubbard) at different ages which is closely related to the current demand in the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina (RS) and the environment and whether consumers are interested in one - portion "chicken" or prefabricated meats. The determined data in this paper are to some extent are reaching the conclusion to which the period reasonably imaginative broiler chickens of Cobb 500, Hubbard or in relation to the fact that the hybrid show more fattening and carcass value.Cilj ovog rada је da se utvrdi jačina fenotipske korelacione povezanosti između tjelesne mase prije klanja i prinosa mesa (klanični randmani) pilića dvije provenijence (Coob 500 i Hubbard) u različitom uzrastu što je usko povezano sa trenutnom potražnjom na tržištu BiH (RS) i okoline, odnosno da li su potrošači zainteresovani za jednoporcijskim „piletom“ ili konfekcionisanim mesom. Utvrđeni pokazatelji u radu su u određenoj mjeri omogućili donošenje zaključka do kog je perioda opravdano toviti brojlerske piliće hibrida Cobb 500, odnosno Hubbard u odnosu na činjenicu koji će hibrid pokazati bolje tovne i klanične vrijednosti

    BLOCK 45 - Unblocking A Sustainable Future for New Belgrade [30th International urban planners' exhibition]

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    У оквиру ЕРАСМУС+ пројекта сарадње између Архитектонског факултета Универзитета у Београду и Факултета за архитектуру и урбано планирање Универзитета у Штутгарту, 2019/2020 је спроведен заједнички студио за планирање урбаног развоја: ,,Блок 45-одрживи урбани развој Новог Беоrрада". Овај вид наставе је омогућио интензивну размену студената и наставника о изазовима локализације глобалних политика и очувања јединственог наслеђа овог подручја, нудећи простор за контролисану денсификацију, одрживи развој и обнову постојећих изграђених и природних вредности. Процесно оријентисано планирање укључује идеје о томе како развијати капацитете за искоракуправе ка партиципативним и одрживим урбаним трансформацијама. Публикација приказује прелиминарне стратегије које су студенти развили током заједничке рэдионице и интервенцijе, које су даље разрађене током зимског семестра 2019/2020 на сваком од матичних факултета. Поређење свих пројеката показало је да су имали различите тематске акценте: 1. Градитељска баштина као катализатор, 2. Јачање партиципације и развијање капацитета, З. Еколошке мере, 4. Културни и економски развој, 5. Образовне активности, 6. Пројекти урбаног дизајна.Within ERASMUS+ cooperation project between the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Belgrade and the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Stuttgart, the joint urban design studio "Block 45-UbЫocking а sustainable future for New Belgrade" took place in 2019/2020. It facilitated an intensive exchange between students and staff on the challenges of localizing global policies and preserving the unique heritage of the area while offering space for a controlled densification and а sustainable development and renewal of existing built and natural structures. The process-oriented design includes ideas how to build organizational capacities enabling governance transition towards more participatory and collaborative sustainable urban transformations. This publication shows the preliminary strategies jointly developed by the students during the common workshop and the interventions elaborated further on during the winter term 2019/2020 back at each home university. А comparison of all projects showed, that they had different thematic emphases: 1. Heritage as а catalyst, 2. Enhancing participation & Capacity development, З. Environmental measures, 4. Cultural & economic development, 5. Educational activities, 6. Urban design projects.Категорија: Публикације / Category: Publication

    Genetic studies of suicidal behaviour : investigation of genes involved in the serotonergic system and cholesterol metabolism

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    Substantial evidence has accumulated indicating that a genetic predisposition underlies suicidal behaviour, and that the mediating mechanism may involve decreased serotonergic activity and/or low serum cholesterol level. Most association studies have focused on genes involved in the serotonergic tophan hydroxylase (TPH) gene has been extensively examined and conflicting findings have been reported. The meta-analysis presented here was conducted to clarify the role of the TPH gene in suicidal behaviour. No overall association between the TPH gene and suicidal behaviour was found. A shift in focus to genes related to regulation of cholesterol level may provide useful clues. Thus, five genes encoding proteins involved in cholesterol biosynthesis and metabolism were investigated for a role in suicidal behaviour. No association was detected between any of the genes examined and suicide, suggesting that none of the genes investigated plays a major role in the etiology of suicide. Further studies in a larger sample are necessary to exclude possible small genetic effects

    The relationship between lipid metabolism and suicidal behaviour : clinical and molecular studies

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    Suicide continues to claim hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide each year, in spite of the significant progress of research efforts aimed at understanding the complexity of this tragic behaviour. Data accumulated over the last decades suggest a certain biological predisposition to suicidal behaviour. Among the possible biological risk factors, cholesterol has frequently been cited. Several lines of evidence support the relationship between altered lipid metabolism, particularly low levels of serum cholesterol, and suicidal behaviour, yet the possible mechanisms governing the relationship remain to be elucidated. Three separate strategies were employed in order to explore the link between lipid metabolism and suicidal behaviour, each one from a novel perspective on this issue. The first approach aimed to substantiate the existing evidence of an association between low serum cholesterol and suicidality by examining psychiatric data, suicidality and related behavioural characteristics in a sample of Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome heterozygotes---a clinically normal population with altered cholesterol metabolism due to an inherited partial deficiency in the 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase enzyme---compared with controls. The second approach consisted in measuring the lipid profile in brain tissue from suicide completers, in order to address whether there are alterations in cholesterol and/or fatty acids in the brain. The final approach involved the use of exploratory gene expression studies to identify novel candidate genes and proteins that may be involved in mediating the link between lipid metabolism and suicidality. The results of these studies will be presented and discussed

    Suicide and no axis I psychopathology

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    Abstract Background It is unclear why approximately 10% of suicide completers seem to be psychiatrically normal. To better understand this issue, we studied suicide completers without an axis I diagnosis and compared them, on measures of psychopathology other than axis I, to normal controls and suicide cases with axis I psychopathology. Methods 168 suicide cases were examined by way of a psychological autopsy with the best possible informant. Sixteen cases did not meet criteria for an axis I diagnosis; each of these cases was then age and gender matched to 52 suicide completers with an axis I disorder and 110 normal controls. Results Fourteen of sixteen suicide cases without an axis I diagnosis had detectable abnormalities that were more similar to the axis I diagnosed suicide group than to a living group. Both suicide groups were similar in the total number of past suicide attempts, the total number of individuals with an axis II disorder, and similar scores on measures of impulsive-aggressive behaviors. Conclusions These findings suggest that most of the individuals who committed suicide and appeared psychiatrically normal after a psychological autopsy may probably have an underlying psychiatric process that the psychological autopsy method, as commonly carried out, failed to detect.</p

    Age and Haplotype Variations within FADS1 Interact and Associate with Alterations in Fatty Acid Composition in Human Male Cortical Brain Tissue

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    <div><p>Fatty acids (FA) play an integral role in brain function and alterations have been implicated in a variety of complex neurological disorders. Several recent genomic studies have highlighted genetic variability in the fatty acid desaturase (FADS1/2/3) gene cluster as an important contributor to FA alterations in serum lipids as well as measures of FA desaturase index estimated by ratios of relevant FAs. The contribution to alterations of FAs within the brain by local synthesis is still a matter of debate. Thus, the impact of genetic variants in FADS genes on gene expression and brain FA levels is an important avenue to investigate.</p> <h3>Methods</h3><p>Analyses were performed on brain tissue from prefrontal cortex Brodmann area 47 (BA47) of 61 male subjects of French Canadian ancestry ranging in age from young adulthood to middle age (18–58 years old), with the exception of one teenager (15 years old). Haplotype tagging SNPs were selected using the publicly available HapMap genotyping dataset in conjunction with Haploview. DNA sequencing was performed by the Sanger method and gene expression was measured by quantitative real-time PCR. FAs in brain tissue were analysed by gas chromatography. Variants in the FADS1 gene region were sequenced and analyzed for their influence on both FADS gene expression and FAs in brain tissue.</p> <h3>Results</h3><p>Our results suggest an association of the minor haplotype with alteration in estimated fatty acid desaturase activity. Analysis of the impact of DNA variants on expression and alternative transcripts of FADS1 and FADS2, however, showed no differences. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction between haplotype and age on certain brain FA levels.</p> <h3>Discussion</h3><p>This study suggests that genetic variability in the FADS genes cluster, previously shown to be implicated in alterations in peripheral FA levels, may also affect FA composition in brain tissue, but not likely by local synthesis.</p> </div

    Characteristics of SNPs analysed in this study.

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    <p>Minor allele frequencies were comparable to those specified in the CEU HapMap dataset and did not violate Hardy Weinberg equilibrium (HW p-value).</p