1,721 research outputs found

    In edition: artists’ multiples in an academic library

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    The artist's multiple is difficult to define, but could be described as an original artwork produced in an edition of two or more. At Chelsea College of Art and Design, the artists' multiples collection was developed to give students first-hand experience of original work by artists, something that is rarely included in the special collections of art libraries. This article examines the history and development of this unique collection of objects, and how it has enabled the library to play an active part in the life and work of the academic community it serves

    Uniqueness Of Larval Releasing Of Littoraria Scabra L. (Gastropoda: Littorinidae), In Tombariri Mangrove, North Sulawesi,Indonesia

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    Penelitian yang amat langka di alam ini menemukan kebaharuan keunikan strategi reproduksi Littoraria. scabra, di waktu kopulasi jantan berperan seks terbalik menyedot sebagian telur yang dibuahi dan dierami telur-telur yang dibuahi dalam tubuhnya sampai menetas menjadi larva-larva serta melepaskan larva-larva tersebut di bulan penuh dan baru yang mengikuti siklus pasang selama penelitian. Temuan amat langka kedua keunikan strategi reproduksi L. scabra, yang amat langka di alam dengan pasangan jantan-betina lagi kawin melepaskan larva-larva baik jantan maupun betina pada siklus bi-lunar bersamaan dengan siklus pasang selama penelitian

    Foraging behavior of major insect pollinators on pumpkin, Cucurbita moschata (Duch.ex Lam)

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    Foraging activity period of different honey bee species on C. moschata (C-1076) flowers at different day hours during August-September (2013) revealed that A. dorsata, A. mellifera, A. cerana and A. florea initiated their activity early in the morning at 0530, 0615, 0625 and 0630 h, respectively and stopped their activity at 1030, 1020, 1025 and 1030 h of the day, respectively while on C. moschata (C-1106, A. dorsata, A. mellifera, A. cerana and A. florea initiated their activity early in the morning at 0535, 0615, 0620 and 0625 h, respectively and ceased their activity at 1045, 1025, 1015 and 1040 h of the day, respectively. The mean foraging speed (time spent per flower) in seconds on flowers of pumpkin (C-1106) was maximum of A. florea (181.72), followed by A. mellifera (7.15), A. cerana (6.05) and A. dorsata spent least time (5.83) and in pumpkin (C-1076), foraging speed was maximum in case of A. florea (178.71), followed by A. mellifera (7.63), A. cerana (6.24) and A. dorsata spent least time (6.06). The mean foraging rate (flowers visited per minute) on flowers of pumpkin (C-1106) was maximum in case of A. dorsata (5.13), followed by A. cerana (4.30), A. mellifera (4.16) and A. florea visited least flower (0.32) and in pumpkin (C-1076), foraging rate was maximum in case of A. dorsata (4.96), followed by A. cerana (4.19), A. mellifera (4.02) and A. florea visited least flower (0.33). Present study advises the farmers that they should not apply the pesticide when the activityof honey bee is on the peak period because pesticides application at the time of bee activity in the field crop causes mortality of bees

    Unhealthy Eating Habits in the Marshall Islands Result from Deteriorating Reef Systems

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    Small Island nations such as the Marshall Islands (RMI) have limited resources. In order to provide food to its population of about 60,000, the Marshallese have had to replace traditional food with foreign imports. A result of this is the prevalence of obesity and non-communicable diseases (NCDs). The most common NCD is diabetes. Diabetic patients are encouraged to follow strict diets that include mostly traditional, local food such as fish; however, because of environmental factors, fish populations are threatened. The objective of this study was to understand the relationship between healthy reefs, healthy fish populations and the health of communities as a result of high fish consumption and the consumption of imported canned goods. Our methods included consumption surveys from a 2010 report (Marshall Islands Marine Resources Authority – Coastal Fisheries Division), interviews acquired from 10 households per village, information on health and population (RMI Census & RMI Annual Health Report), and data collection from bio sampling done on outer island reef fish. Our preliminary results indicate that families who consume more fish are less likely to have a diabetic member. In conclusion, individuals who consume fish as their main source of protein are overall healthier and less susceptible to diseases like diabetes

    Foraging behavior of major insect pollinators on Pumpkin, Cucurbitamoschata (Duch.ex Lam)

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    Foraging activity period of different honey bee species on C. moschata (C-1076) flowers at different day hours during August-September (2013) revealed that A. dorsata, A. mellifera, A. cerana and A. florea initiated their activity early in the morning at 0530, 0615, 0625 and 0630 h, respectively and stopped their activity at 1030, 1020, 1025 and 1030 h of the day, respectively while on C. moschata (C-1106, A. dorsata, A. mellifera, A. cerana and A. florea initiated their activity early in the morning at 0535, 0615, 0620 and 0625 h, respectively and ceased their activity at 1045, 1025, 1015 and 1040 h of the day, respectively. The mean foraging speed (time spent per flower) in seconds on flowers of pumpkin (C-1106) was maximum of A. florea (181.72), followed by A. mellifera (7.15), A. cerana (6.05) and A. dorsata spent least time (5.83) and in pumpkin (C-1076), foraging speed was maximum in case of A. florea (178.71), followed by A. mellifera (7.63), A. cerana (6.24) and A. dorsata spent least time (6.06). The mean foraging rate (flowers visited per minute) on flowers of pumpkin (C-1106) was maximum in case of A. dorsata (5.13), followed by A. cerana (4.30), A. mellifera (4.16) and A. florea visited least flower (0.32) and in pumpkin (C-1076), foraging rate was maximum in case of A. dorsata (4.96), followed by A. cerana (4.19), A. mellifera (4.02) and A. florea visited least flower (0.33). Present study advises the farmers that they should not apply the pesticide when the activity of honey bee is on the peak period because pesticides application at the time of bee activity in the field crop causes mortality of bees

    A Zebrafish Model of Mycobacterium leprae Granulomatous Infection.

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    Understanding the pathogenesis of leprosy granulomas has been hindered by a paucity of tractable experimental animal models. Mycobacterium leprae, which causes leprosy, grows optimally at approximately 30°C, so we sought to model granulomatous disease in the ectothermic zebrafish. We found that noncaseating granulomas develop rapidly and eventually eradicate infection. rag1 mutant zebrafish, which lack lymphocytes, also form noncaseating granulomas with similar kinetics, but these control infection more slowly. Our findings establish the zebrafish as a facile, genetically tractable model for leprosy and reveal the interplay between innate and adaptive immune determinants mediating leprosy granuloma formation and function

    Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions and Tourist Behaviors: A Review and Conceptual Framework

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    This paper develops a conceptual framework for analyzing tourist behaviors and identifies three categories of behaviors based on the applications of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and the processes underlying these influences. Our findings indicate that tourist behaviors in the Before-Travel, During-Travel, and After-Travel stages differ significantly in terms of the applicability and process through which Hofstede’s cultural dimensions operate. The results of our analysis suggest three categories of behavioral patterns, namely, “Social Interaction Driven Travel Behaviors,” (SID), “Risk Tendencies Driven Travel Behaviors,” (RTD), and “Collectivity Orientation Driven Travel Behaviors,” (COD). SID relates to the evaluation of travel experiences in the after-travel stage. The dominant cultural values associated with SID are Individualism/Collectivism, Masculinity/Femininity, and Power Distance. These three values act either independently or in pairs or all three together. RTD relates to the consumption of travel products in the during-travel stage, and COD relates to the formation of travel preferences in the before-travel stage. Individualism/Collectivism and Uncertainty Avoidance are associated with both RTD and COD. However, the underlying processes differ for these two categories of travel behaviors. In addition to their independent influences on travel behaviors, these two values associated with RTD and COD also have an interactive effect. For RTD, the Uncertainty Avoidance motive determines the Individualism/Collectivism outcome, whereas, for COD, the opposite is true: the Individualism/Collectivism determines the Uncertainty Avoidance outcome. The paper also discusses the application of a fifth cultural dimension, Confucian Dynamism (short-term versus long-term orientation), for the study of tourists’ behaviors.Hofstede’s cultural dimensions; tourist behaviors; traveller’s behaviors; Confucian Dynamism


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan sebuah media pembelajaran pembelajaran berbasis Edu Game dengan RPG Maker XP, dengan standar kompetensi Merakit Perangkat Keras Komputer di SMK Negeri 3 Boyolangu Tulungagung Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti adalah penelitian dan pengemmbangan dengan model Research and Development (R&D). Tahapan yang dilaksanakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Penelitian dan pengumpulan data, (2) Perencanaan, (3) Pengembangan produk, (4) Persiapan uji coba produk, (5) Revisi produk, (6) Uji coba produk, (7) Analisis dan pelaporan. Pada tahap uji coba produk menggunakan desain Static group comparison Untuk membuat suatu game yang memiliki unsur pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi kecenderungan siswa dalam bermain game, menentukan materi pembelajaran, menentukan progam yang akan digunakan untuk membuat game, pengumpulan data materi pembelajaran, menyusun cerita game, menyusun storyboard, dan yang terakhir pembuatan game. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata nilai kelas TEI 1 (kelas eksperimen) adalah 81.83 dan pada kelas konvensonal TEI 2 ( kelas kontrol) adalah 64.1. Selisihnya sebesar 18.03. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kelas yang menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis edu game lebih efektif dibanding kelas konvensonal. Sedangkan dari hasil respon siswa diperoleh hasil yang baik bengan prosentase hasil rating 86.8%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diatas maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu guru dalam menyampaiakan meteri untuk siswa kelas XI TEI SMK Negeri 3 Boyolangu Tulungagung. Kata kunci: Media pembelajaran berbasis edu game, Research and Development (R&D), RPG Maker XP Abstract This research aims to produce an instructional media learning with Edu Game RPG Maker , with standards of competence assemble pheripheral computer for SMK Negeri 3 Boyolangu Tulungagung. The research method used by researchers is the research and pengemmbangan with model Research and Development (R & D). Stages conducted in this study are (1) research and data collection, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) Preparation of test try the product, (5) Revision of products, (6) The test product, (7) analysis and reporting. in the tezt product use static group comparison design. To make an edu game can be done by identify trends in students in playing the game, determining learning materials, determine which program will be used to make games, data collection of learning materials, preparing the game's story, prepare storyboards, and make the edu game The results showed that the average value TEI 1(class of experiments) was 81.83 and the class konvensional (grade control) adalaf 64.1. The difference is 18.3. Then it can  +be concluded that the class using a edu game instructional media is more effective than konvensional class. While the results of students' responses obtained good results-sets the percentage of the 86.8% rating. Based on the above results it can be concluded that the instructional media developed can be used as a tool for teachers to deliver the meteri TEI a class XI student of SMK Negeri 3 Boyolangu Tulungagung. Keywords: media edu game learning, the Research and Development (R & D), RPG Maker X

    God is a Woman: Feminism as a Religion Protected Under the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment

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    In the recent debate over the impact of trade opening on unemployment, it has been argued that openness will lead to an increase in unemployment or a decrease in unemployment. This study examines the impact of trade opening on unemployment by using linear regression model. Using the data from 89 countries in year 1994 and 2005. I found the evidence that trade has negative relationship on unemployment in both year 1994 and 2005. One unit increases in openness leads to decrease around one percent in unemployment. Also, the different time periods did not play the important role on the impact of trade opening on unemployment
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