18 research outputs found

    Maintenance and broadening of the ocean’s salinity distribution by the water cycle

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    The global water cycle leaves an imprint on ocean salinity through evaporation and precipitation. It has been proposed that observed changes in salinity can be used to infer changes in the water cycle. Here salinity is characterized by the distribution of water masses in salinity coordinates. Only mixing and sources and sinks of freshwater and salt can modify this distribution. Mixing acts to collapse the distribution, making saline waters fresher and fresh waters more saline. Hence, in steady state, there must be net precipitation over fresh waters and net evaporation over saline waters. A simple model is developed to describe the relationship between the breadth of the distribution, the water cycle, and mixing—the latter being characterized by an e-folding time scale. In both observations and a state-of-the-art ocean model, the water cycle maintains a salinity distribution in steady state with a mixing time scale of the order of 50 yr. The same simple model predicts the response of the salinity distribution to a change in the water cycle. This study suggests that observations of changes in ocean salinity could be used to infer changes in the hydrological cycle

    Changes in ocean vertical heat transport with global warming

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    Heat transport between the surface and deep ocean strongly influences transient climate change. Mechanisms setting this transport are investigated using coupled climate models and by projecting ocean circulation into the temperature-depth diagram. In this diagram, a “cold cell” cools the deep ocean through the downwelling of Antarctic waters and upwelling of warmer waters and is balanced by warming due to a “warm cell,” coincident with the interhemispheric overturning and previously linked to wind and haline forcing. With anthropogenic warming, the cold cell collapses while the warm cell continues to warm the deep ocean. Simulations with increasingly strong warm cells, set by their mean Southern Hemisphere winds, exhibit increasing deep-ocean warming in response to the same anthropogenic forcing. It is argued that the partition between components of the circulation which cool and warm the deep ocean in the preindustrial climate is a key determinant of ocean vertical heat transport with global warming

    The representation of ocean circulation and variability in thermodynamic coordinates

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    The ocean’s circulation is analyzed in Absolute Salinity SA and Conservative Temperature ? coordinates. It is separated into 1) an advective component related to geographical displacements in the direction normal to SA and ? isosurfaces and 2) into a local component, related to local changes in SA–? values, without a geographical displacement. In this decomposition, the sum of the advective and local components of the circulation is equivalent to the material derivative of SA and ?. The sum is directly related to sources and sinks of salt and heat. The advective component is represented by the advective thermohaline streamfunction . After removing a trend, the local component can be represented by the local thermohaline streamfunction . Here, can be diagnosed using a monthly averaged time series of SA and ? from an observational dataset. In addition, and are determined from a coupled climate model. The diathermohaline streamfunction is the sum of and and represents the nondivergent diathermohaline circulation in SA–? coordinates. The diathermohaline trend, resulting from the trend in the local changes of SA and ?, quantifies the redistribution of the ocean’s volume in SA–? coordinates over time. It is argued that the diathermohaline streamfunction provides a powerful tool for the analysis of and comparison among ocean models and observation-based gridded climatologies

    The Atmospheric General Circulation in Thermodynamical Coordinates

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    The zonal and meridional components of the atmospheric general circulation are used to define a global thermodynamic streamfunction in dry static energy versus latent heat coordinates. Diabatic motions in the tropical circulations and fluxes driven by midlatitude eddies are found to form a single, global thermodynamic cycle. Calculations based on the Interim European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) dataset indicate that the cycle has a peak transport of 428 Sv (Sv ? 109 kg s?1). The thermodynamic cycle encapsulates a globally interconnected heat and water cycle comprising ascent of moist air where latent heat is converted into dry static energy, radiative cooling where dry air loses dry static energy, and a moistening branch where air is warmed and moistened. It approximately follows a tropical moist adiabat and is bounded by the Clausius–Clapeyron relationship for near-surface air. The variability of the atmospheric general circulation is related to ENSO events using reanalysis data from recent years (1979–2009) and historical simulations from the EC-Earth Consortium (EC-Earth) coupled climate model (1850–2005). The thermodynamic cycle in both EC-Earth and ERA-Interim widens and weakens with positive ENSO phases and narrows and strengthens during negative ENSO phases with a high correlation coefficient. Weakening in amplitude suggests a weakening of the large-scale circulation, while widening suggests an increase in mean tropical near-surface moist static energy


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    Le langage, l’espace public, la mĂ©thode, thĂšmes prĂ©gnants de ce numĂ©ro varia. La comparaison des classiques confucĂ©ens et des cosmogonies pĂ©riphĂ©riques, telle celle des Hani dans la province du Yunnan, soulĂšve d’abord la question des influences rĂ©ciproques entre diffĂ©rentes constructions mythologiques que l’Empire du Milieu a mises en contact. L’analyse rhĂ©torique vient ensuite Ă©clairer les enjeux de la concurrence au salut des Ăąmes que se livrent les voix catholiques, protestantes et musulmanes dans la Haute-Volta coloniale (aujourd’hui Burkina Faso). Les mots mĂȘmes sont des ĂȘtres qui font agir au-delĂ  du sens qu’ils vĂ©hiculent comme le rappelle l’examen d’un dĂ©bat scolastique dans la chrĂ©tientĂ© mĂ©diĂ©vale. Enfin, l’attention portĂ©e aux gestes, comme c’est le cas pour l’étude de certaines salutations cĂ©rĂ©monielles au BrĂ©sil, met Ă  jour leur force de lien. Dans une perspective de science politique, sont ensuite dĂ©crits le rĂŽle jouĂ© par la philanthropie bouddhiste dans l’action sociale de la Chine contemporaine ainsi qu’en Italie l’émergence d’un islam national s’ancrant dans les collectivitĂ©s locales. Deux rĂ©flexions de nature mĂ©thodologique et Ă©pistĂ©mologique ferment la marche : l’une sur la mesure quantitative des pratiques religieuses en Suisse; l’autre sur les limites de l’analogie religieuse dans l’approche de la cĂ©lĂ©britĂ© publique. Un petit dossier thĂ©matique s’adjoint Ă  cette livraison par un retour sur ThĂ©rĂšse de Lisieux comme figure littĂ©raire (Theresiana). La jeune sainte carmĂ©lite fut-elle en effet une Ă©crivaine, progressivement enfouie par le procĂšs de sa sanctification ? Cette forte hypothĂšse, dĂ©veloppĂ©e par Claude Langlois dans de nombreux ouvrages, est ici prĂ©sentĂ©e, discutĂ©e et accompagnĂ©e par d’autres approches d’une expĂ©rience d’écriture fĂ©minine conventuelle Ă  l’époque du Modernisme catholique

    Les archives de la mise en scĂšne

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    Longtemps mĂ©prisĂ©s, les spectacles populaires sont abordĂ©s ici sous l'angle d’une culture mĂ©diatique dont on suit l’essor Ă  travers diffĂ©rentes formes de spectacles visuels et sonores, thĂ©Ăątre, cinĂ©ma, music-hall ou cafĂ©-concert. Ce volume, Spectacles populaires et culture mĂ©diatique, s’inscrit dans la continuitĂ© du prĂ©cĂ©dent ouvrage publiĂ© dans la mĂȘme collection, HypermĂ©dialitĂ©s du thĂ©Ăątre. Les dix-neuf contributions que renferme le prĂ©sent volume poursuivent l’analyse des archives du fonds de l’Association de la RĂ©gie ThĂ©Ăątrale (ART), dĂ©posĂ© Ă  la BibliothĂšque Historique de la Ville de Paris. Peu Ă©tudiĂ©e jusqu’ici, cette riche collection rassemble les documents – prĂšs de 6 500 pour la pĂ©riode choisie – dĂ©posĂ©s par les rĂ©gisseurs, metteurs en scĂšne et directeurs de thĂ©Ăątre de la rĂ©gion parisienne : relevĂ©s de mise en scĂšne, photographies, partitions, articles de presse
 Une grande partie de ce fonds concerne des Ɠuvres traditionnellement rangĂ©es dans la catĂ©gorie des spectacles populaires.Long despised by the critics, popular shows are studied in this book as a media culture evolving through different forms of aural and visual representations, theatre, cinema, music-hall and others, often with a hypermediatic dimension