137 research outputs found

    Determinants of Dividend with Industry wise Effect: Evidence from KSE 100 Index.

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    This research have identified the industry-wise effect of dividend policy among non-financial listed companies of KSE – 100 Index. For this purpose data from 2006 to 2011 for 53 companies of different industries i.e. Fuel and Energy Sector, Chemicals Sector, Cement Sector, Engineering Sector, Textiles Sector and Transport and Communication Sector have been taken. Multiple Regression Analysis has been used to identify the prominent determinant of Dividend and Industry effect was captured through incorporating six dummy variables for said industries. Results highlighted that apart from profitability most powerful determinant of dividend there are other factors of life cycle, tangibility of assets are prominent whereas capital structure, size of firm and cash flows per share is not significant determinant of dividend. Apart from these variable, Industry-wise effect shows that all the above significant determinants remains significant within industry except textile sector

    Short run and Long run Dynamics of Macroeconomic Variables and Stock prices: Case Study of Karachi Stock Exchange.

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    The prime object of the study is to find the long run relationship between macroeconomic variables and prices of shares in Karachi stock exchange in Pakistan context. For this purpose the study considers the monthly data of several macroeconomic variables such as real foreign exchange rate, foreign exchange reserve, industrial production index, whole sale price index, gross fixed capital formation, and broad money M2 , these variables are obtain from 1987 to 2008 period. For the purpose of finding long run relationship among the variables Johansen co-integration test is applied. The results show that after the reforms in 1991 the influence of foreign exchanges rate and foreign exchange reserve effects significantly to stock market. The result also shows that there was positive relationship between GFCF and M2 while WPI is negative relationship with stock price. The result also highlighted that interest rate is insignificant with stock prices in the long run. The results of variance decompositions revealed that out of seven macroeconomic variables inflation showed greater forecast error for KSE 100 Index

    Determinant of Inflation in Pakistan: An Econometrics Analysis, Using Johansen Co Integration Approach

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    The main object behind the study is to explore the long run and short run dynamics of inflation in case of Pakistan. For this purpose study used annual data 1971 to 2012. Johansen co integration approach is used to check long run equilibrium while ECM (Error Correction Model) is used to check short run dynamics. The result highlighted GDP, M2, energy crises, import and current government expenditure, output gap and adaptive expectation create inflation while development expenditure negatively corrected with inflation. The study concluded that in Pakistan demand side and supply side inflation persist. Key Word: Inflation, Long run and Short ru

    The Euro Dollar Exchange Rate & Pakistan Economy.

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    The core idea of the paper is to empirically assess the effect of Euro-Dollar Exchange rate on chosen macroeconomic variables, like, real output, price level, and money supply of Pakistan. We applied VAR based approaches to find the relation among the said variables due to high reliance on United States dollar; the results are apparent that there is no significant impact of Euro and US dollar exchange rate on the selected macroeconomic variables, GDP, CPI and money Supply of Pakistan

    Can Pakistan Raise More External Debt? A Fiscal Reaction Approach

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    This study has assessed the role of existing policies in determining the state of debt sus-tainability for the Pakistan economy (1980- June 2019) through fiscal reaction function. This study adds to the literature in two aspects. First, a policy index has been constructed to formu-late a debt-policy interactive term that implies whether or not existing macroeconomic policies contribute in making external debt sustainable in Pakistan. Second, this study has gauged the potential sustainable external debt through in-sample forecast method. The estimated results obtained by the ARDL method show that Pakistan has just entered into a phase of unsustainable debt burden in the long run as fiscal reaction analysis exhibits the weak significant negative relationship between primary balance and external debt to GDP ratio. Moreover, existing mac-roeconomic policies also show a negative association with the primary balance that implies the ineffectiveness of policies in making external debt sustainable for Pakistan. This study suggests that an increase in foreign inflows through remittances or export earnings may improve the debt sustainability state in Pakista

    Determinant of Return on Assets and Return on Equity and Its Industry Wise Effects: Evidence from KSE (Karachi Stock Exchange)

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    The prime purpose of this research is to find out that from the components of Dupont identity of Return on Equity which component is most consistent or volatile among profit margin, total assets turnover, and equity multiplier in Fuel and Energy Sector, Chemicals Sector, Cement Sector, Engineering Sector, Textiles Sector, and Transport and Communication Sector of KSE 100 index. The purpose of the study was served by taking data from 2004 to 2009 of 51 companies (falling under six mentioned industries) of KSE 100 as Paradigm of Panel Data. The F-Statistics of One Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) show that it is Assets Turnover which significantly varies from industry to industry whereas Equity Multiplier and Profit Margin are not much volatile among indifferent industries. Moreover, Adjusted R Square in Panel OLS Analysis was confirming Industry Effect on Newly established firms that they can have the benefit of profitability if they are from Fuel and Energy Sector, Cement Sector and Transport and Communication Sector whereas others Sectors such as Chemicals Sector, Engineering Sectors, and Textiles Sectors does not have that leverage.

    Exchange rate Volatility and Interest rate Risk: In the case of Pakistan.

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    The study examines the effects of volatility of exchange rate volatility on interest rates and inflation. For this purpose the study used monthly data over the period January 1990 to December 2010. To explore the volatility of exchange rate study used the ARCH (Auto Regressive Conditional Heterosidasticity) and GARCH (Generalized Auto regressive conditional Heterosidasticity). The result shows that positive association between exchange rate risk and interest rate in the form risk premia. The result of the study fulfills the interest parity condition and purchasing power parity

    Determinants of Dividend with Industry-wise Effect – Evidence from KSE 100 Index

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    This research have identified the industry-wise effect of dividend policy among non-financial listed companies of KSE – 100 Index. For this purpose data from 2006 to 2011 for 53 companies of different industries i.e. Fuel and Energy Sector, Chemicals Sector, Cement Sector, Engineering Sector, Textiles Sector and Transport and Communication Sector have been taken. Multiple Regression Analysis has been used to identify the prominent determinant of Dividend and Industry effect was captured through incorporating six dummy variables for said industries. Results highlighted that apart from profitability most powerful determinant of dividend there are other factors of life cycle, tangibility of assets are prominent whereas capital structure, size of firm and cash flows per share is not significant determinant of dividend. Apart from these variable, Industry-wise effect shows that all the above significant determinants remains significant within industry except textile sector

    Determinant of Inflation in Pakistan: An Econometric Analysis, Using Johansen Co Integration Approach.

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    The main object behind the study is to explore the long run and short run dynamics of inflation in case of Pakistan. For this purpose study used annual data 1971 to 2012. Johansen co integration approach is used to check long run equilibrium while ECM (Error Correction Model) is used to check short run dynamics. The result highlighted GDP, M2, energy crises, import and current government expenditure, output gap and adaptive expectation create inflation while development expenditure negatively corrected with inflation. The study concluded that in Pakistan demand side and supply side inflation persist

    Effects of Financial Structure and Financial Development on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan

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    The object behind this study is to explore the long run association between economic growth and financial structure in Pakistan context. For this purpose we have used the data from the period of 1975 to 2008, and applied Johansen cointegration technique to find out the long run association among the selected variables. Weighted sum of structure activity and structure size of the financial sector is used as a proxy of financial structure. The study finds that the proxy of financial structure is positively correlated with economic growth. The result also pointed out that the channel of transmission mechanism of financial development to growth is efficient to the financial sector not the volume of investment
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