30 research outputs found

    Towards a standard style for bibliographic references

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    This paper discusses the need for a standard style for bibliographic references (BRs) or citations given usually at the end of a journal article or a chapter of a book. It also suggests to authors, editors and publishers some ways in which standardization in the preparation of BRs can be achieved

    Electronic document delivery systems

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    Discusses need of document delivery systems and its important functions. What is the importance of Electronic document delivery system.What all are the major steps involved in EDDS.Various kinds of EDDS

    Of references and intellectual debts

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    A reference is a formal description of a document source with a set of elements in a standardised sequence.It is an integral part of a research paper and plays an important role in its life. It enables the readers to identify, locate, understand and decide whether the cited paper should be consulted or not

    The role of DESIDOC in science .communication

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    information is a vital resource for research and development Scientists need information on the work being done or already done elsewhere to avoid repetition aid to corroborate their work. Such information made available at the right time , in the right form would results in more efficient and fruitful R&D programme

    towards a change

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    During the past forty two years, the Journal has firmly established itself as one of the premier research publications (and only one of its kind) in India. It is also covered by many international secondary journals, such as INSPEC Science Abstracts (Parts A, B&C); Mathematical Reviews, Chemical Abstracts, Engineering Index and COMPENDEX, BIOSIS, Indian Science Abstracts, etc

    Library Automation in lndia

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    This paper discusses about the Library automation movement in India. It discusses the growth of computers in the country when it came in to the libraries, development of library automation software in India. It also gives a list of library software packages available in India and its features also. It tells about what all are the advantages of the library Automation

    Copyright and Electronic Information

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    The maic objectives of copyright law arc promoting the access and the use of information md protecting the works from the infringement for encouraging the authors in pursuit of knowledge. The technological dcvelopmcnts, the increasing number of electronic publications and digital libraries pose challenges to the right holders as well as law enforcing agencies. This paper briefly discusses thc Indian Copyright Law. I957 and its amendments. The nature oi electronic information including computer software is also discussed. The authors mention about some of the worldwide projects to protect copyright of electronic information. The authors conclude that the library professronals should negotiate few electrocopying privileges for legitimale non-commercial usage of electronic information similar to the kind of fair dealing arrangement as in the case of printed books. Intellectual Property Rights 'Intellectual property rights' (IPR) is a general term which covers copyright, patents. registered designs and trade marks. It also covers layout designs of integrated circuits, geographical indicators and anti-competitive policies in contractual licenses (Intellectual Property Rights, 1995). As a lot of money is involved in R&D work, &y research, innovation or invention leading to a product, process, design, method, literary and artistic work etc which may, in the view of authors or creators, result in financial gains are registered under one or the other of the various heads of IPR. Developing countries have evolved and setup benchmarks of IPR. The developing countries are slowly catching up as the value of PR is increasingly felt. Copyright Copyright stands for the legal rights exclusively given for a definite period of time to the originators (authors or creators) of intellectual work such as a publication, or an artistic or a literary work for sale or any othe

    The relevance of intellectual property rights in the digital millanium

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    The paper briefly touches about the concerns of digital technologies and the contribution of copyright-related industries to the nation’s economy. The issues and concerns of librarians in the face of the intellectual property laws like perpetual dependency; societal rights, pricing, access and ownership are highlighted. The adverse impact of IPRs acts on knowledge society and open source initiatives are discussed. Suggestions like the enactment of Consumer Rights Act and fair dealing rights in the case of digital resources, are made for the benefit of and to safeguard the interests of librarians

    Online access to DRDO periodicals using open source software

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    Defence Scientific Information and Documentation Centre (DESIDOC) is a nodal centre for information communication and dissemination in the Defence Research & Development Organization (DRDO). As the publication wing of DRDO, DESIDOC brings out regular publications including Defence Science Journal, DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology, DRDO Newsletter, DRDO Samachar and Technology Focus. These periodicals cover a wide variety of topics in various subject areas targeting different user communities situated all over India. A pilot project was undertaken with an aim to provide online desktop access to the full text of these periodicals to the users including R&D scientists of more than 50 laboratories and establishments. The project also aimed at facilitating the Publications Division to directly upload the contents to the system. The open source software EPrints is used and customized according to the user requirements particularly on Intranet. Upon successful testing and evaluation, these periodicals will be hosted on Internet allowing subscription, access and downloading by users across the globe. This paper discusses the experience in using EPrints and customization at various levels for DRDO publications and explains various features of the model

    Internet and its impact on library and information centres

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    The paper briefly discusses about some of the various facilities available over Internet. The usefulness of Internet in the library environment is also described. Accessing the Web-based information, electronic journals and scholarly publishing on the Internet and also the status of Internet and other library networks in India are dealt briefly. The concept of electronic commerce and the role of Internet are also deal